My Super God QQ

Chapter 209: Shameless and angry

They seemed to have forgotten the protagonist here, diligently, splattered, excited, and even grudgingly talking to Zhu Lao about the conditions.

Li Qing was ignored!


This made Li Qing's anger more and more intense, almost exceeding the limit he had never had.

Li Qing understands that this is how they did not see themselves in their eyes. They are more likely to think that Li Qing is a small bug that can be squeezed to death as long as he deals with Mr. Zhu.

"Brother, restraint, don't be impulsive! You said, be steady!"

Xia Mo Can Yue felt the violent anger blooming in Li Qing's body and quickly whispered in his ear.

Li Qing was so angry that he was speechless!

I watched as they were discussing the ownership of the suspension technology, but this suspension technology is what is in his pocket after all! This thing is still in their pockets, how dare they, how can they think of who got this thing?

Where are they confident?

"Huh--" Li Qing exhaled heavily, and even the turbidity seemed to be flamed.

Perhaps it was hearing the sound, perhaps realizing something, that the three old men turned their heads and looked at Li Qing with a smile, full of playfulness.


Master Zhu also noticed something was wrong, he coughed twice, stopped the discussion, and looked at Li Qing with embarrassment: "Now, the creator and owner of the suspension technology are here, let's ask him for his opinion!"

His words showed respect for Li Qing. Even if Li Qing was a Maotou, he still showed respect to Li Qing, because, because he created this technology, then Mr. Zhu felt that he should be respected.

He is respected, however, all the seven old people around him looked at Li Qing with indifferent, disdainful eyes. In that way, as if in ancient times, the seven senior officials and nobles faced an ordinary grass-roots. It is very high-end.

"Li Qing, right? Now our military department needs your cooperation. Please give your suspension technology to our military department! This kind of thing that makes our country more powerful also requires us to protect development. "The old man in the military department spoke first.

"No, no, Li Qing, I am presenting to you on behalf of the Academy of Sciences of the technical department. Please cooperate with our Academy of Sciences to hand over the suspension technology to us. We will use the greatest physical resources to develop it more fully. The developer's signature right of the technology will also have you." Another old man in white clothes said.

"I am from the Ministry of Commerce, Li Qing, now we need your suspension technology, if you cooperate, we will give you two million as a reward to the country..." The oldest man is the most shameless, he actually said Such a sentence.

Immediately, Li Qing stunned, dumbfounded.

These words reminded Li Qing that many people in the private sector dug up treasures. Then, after the government received the news, they exchanged the treasures with pennants and a prize of 200 yuan. Isn't it, what he meant, like this, would you like to kill yourself with two million?

How can he have such a thick skin, how can he have such a big courage? Li Qing really took it, his uncle did not, and his aunt refused to take it. He was so thick-skinned that he was surprised at the thickness of his face. Li Qing was stunned and his head crashed.

Next, the elderly in several other departments also spoke one after another.

Unfortunately, Li Qing was completely immersed in surprise and did not hear clearly.

It was only a minute later that Li Qing reacted and smiled angrily.


Not to mention that he was angry, even the Xia Mo Can Yue on the edge was so full of anger that he kept rising and falling, Xingmei's eyebrows were upright, and his beautiful eyes were like shooting a knife, sharp and amazing.

Grandpa Zhu shook his head, his old face was red, he was ashamed and indifferent for the shamelessness of these people.

"Boy, what are you laughing at?"

The old man with a military temperament is now displeased, and his face is slightly black.

"I'm laughing at you, why are you so thick-skinned, why are your hearts so big, and how naive are your thoughts... Hahahaha, they're all seventy and eighty, aren't you just like others say, the older you are Child, old child, so even thoughts have become naive?" Li Qing laughed, decibels were very high, and anger was released in coordination with the tone.

As soon as this remark came out, various expressions appeared on the faces of the seven elderly people, which was very wonderful.

Some are irritated, some are unbelievable, some are dull, and some are lost in thought...

At most, they seemed to feel unbelievable, thinking that Li Qing actually said them so, and said so unpleasantly, so after all kinds of expressions changed, their expressions belonged to the last one, which was anger.

At the moment, the seven old people all coincided, scolding at Li Qing.

"Boy, what nonsense are you talking about? Don't think you are young, but you are now liable for legal responsibility. Believe it or not, I will arrest you!"

"Dare to call me thick-skinned? My old Feng Du hasn't dared to scold me for decades, you are brave enough!"

"Lengtou Qingxiao, do you know who we are? If you don't know, just call your parents and we will let him understand and let him educate you well!"

"Speaking of my thick-skinned, are you really talking about me? I will give you a chance, don't blame me for bullying, and give you another chance to reorganize the language..."

"Fuck, you are a younger boy, and you want to turn the world upside down, dare to scold Lao Tzu!"


They either scolded or threatened, spraying all kinds of words to Li Qing.

Li Qing lost his thoughts of nonsense with them.

If these people still have to be cheeky, Li Qing may still have a good talk with them, but now, I don’t want to, I can’t control Laozi!

So he smiled coldly, his eyes sullen, extremely cold, and he said firmly: "Want my suspension technology? Impossible! Big deal, one shot twice, I completely ruined this technology, no one else I want to get it!"


Li Qing really dared to ruin, ruined without fear!

Even if it was destroyed, he would not give this thing to these shameless guys who are even shameless than the clients who came out of the kiln. The prostitutes have a good time playing, for example, if two big white worms vent, they will still leave money. But the politicians in front of them are even worse than their clients and disgusting.

If you really want to describe them, then they are the kind of people who have **** you, not only don't give money, but also let you go to accompany them for a few days.

"Boy, dare you!"

The old man of the military department roared, exuding a **** smell, which may be the momentum of the superior who had accumulated in the army all the year round.

If you are an ordinary person, you really want to be intimidated by this official.

Li Qing didn't feel anything at all. Instead, he straightened his waist and raised his face. He also screamed coldly: "Can you see me dare?"

Xia Mo Can Yue was on the side, so scared that Jiao body was trembling.

She didn't know at all how the things developed and how quickly they entered this awful situation.

Also, how dare his younger brother?

Did he not know that these people in front of him could not afford them?

Xia Mo Canyue's eyes were dark, almost turning around, didn't faint on the spot.

She was afraid, these big men in front of them, it was really easy to kill them, even if she had a provincial uncle, they could not stop the hegemonic power of these people!

She held Li Qing's arm and pulled it hard so that he would stop talking.

However, Li Qing was fearless, his eyes widened, and he stood up with them.

"You're lawless, ah! Boy, you're arrogant! Come on, guard, take him down. I want to imprison him for three days, let him know who the old man he is scolding me, who it is!" The old man in the army roared.

Other old men were blowing their beards and staring, their lips trembling with anger.


Someone outside answered, and now, two middle-aged men in green uniforms walked in with their heads upright.

They did not bring a gun. In this yard, only the security guards arranged in the yard can bring a gun, but without a gun, they exude a strong **** smell all over the body, and they should all be powerful masters in the army.

"Lao Feng, you are just fooling around!"

Grandpa Zhu tweeted.

"Oh, my name is nonsense, this kid is like the ones in my family. If you don't hit it, it's not a good idea. You don't know what to do. If you hit it again," he said, and he made an eye-catching look at the two soldiers.

One of the soldiers reached out and grabbed Li Qing.

When he wanted to come and catch such a young man, it was almost at hand.

His head boss, the old man, thought so too, so he did not object to them.

In response, Li Qing slammed into his hand with a punch.

Today, he has to work hard and fight hard. Why can't he see the situation clearly, what kind of **** is he who has been bullied to this end, can he not be desperate?

Didn't see some people set up the stalls, the city management will take their goods, they all dare to desperately, Li Qing could not compare with them?



Seeing Li Qing slamming, the soldier smiled, he had to use his catcher, hold his wrist in reverse, and lift it hard. This is a routine used by soldiers.

But Li Qing's fist was slow at first, and then suddenly accelerated.

The soldier only felt that the fist in front of him was constantly zooming in, so fast that he didn't react, and the fist had hit him in the hand.

"Click-" A burst of crispy sounds like fried beans, endless.

Looking at the soldier again, he snarled in pain, his right hand had broken his bones, he sagged softly, and swayed a few times.

Not only He also stepped back several steps at once and sat down on the ground.

In an instant, the whole scene became quiet and the needle drop was heard.

Everyone was stunned. The seven old men and soldiers, even Xia Mo, were the same. Their mouths opened slightly, and they were very tempted.


The uninjured soldier first recovered, screamed and rushed to Li Qing.

But this time, he was even more miserable. No one had touched Li Qing yet. The kick that had already been made first was kicked and flew directly three meters before he fell heavily to the ground.

Quick, too fast!

Fierce, too fierce!

Others are not clear, but this old Feng Feng clearly knows that these two guards are the strongest of his troops.

As far as these two are concerned, they are not even one enemy. Is he dreaming?

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