My Super God QQ

Chapter 198: Sword repair

"Wow, is this a secret room that rich people will open up?"

In the basement of Jieyu's villa, Wang Lin whispered in surprise when he saw a bookcase disassembled from it and moved to both sides.

The bookcase opened, and a room of 30 square meters appeared.

There are only two large objects in the room, which are two black cabinets that appear in a triangle in their view.

The cabinet is full of thirty or forty swords from top to bottom.


The weapon of the king!

One of the ancient weapons belongs to the "short soldier", known as "the king of a hundred soldiers".

The swords here are not comparable to the handicrafts on the street.

Some have sheaths, which are covered with gorgeous and delicate lines, and even every thin line is very neat and clear.

Some came out of the sheath and were placed on the shelf, showing the sharp edge of the outside, the cold light shining.

Each one is beautiful.

Each one does not look like an ordinary product.

He Jieyu introduced that these swords were purchased by her from various auctions over the years. Occasionally, three or four swords were purchased in the country or in antique shops.

Bold hair and broken hair don't dare to say, but cutting gold and jade is not a problem.

"Choose one yourself!"

Jie Yu looked at Wang Lin and Xiao Guoguo surprised, shocked look, a little satisfied.

After all, these swords look really handsome.

However, except for a little surprise in Li Qing's eyes, there was no more waves, which made her a little frustrated.

In fact, if Li Qing didn’t reach the third floor of qq book city, he might be surprised to see these swords again. However, after seeing his legendary sword tire, he only thought that these swords were beautiful and beautiful. Your own fetus is good.

how to say?

He felt that the swords in front of him were beautiful, mortal, dead, and some dead bodies.

In his eyes, the legendary sword tire is a living object, held in his hand, and even Li Qing has a sense of consternation and can feel it breathing.

"Sister, I just choose an iron sword casually~" Li Qing looked at the cabinet and held out his hand towards the most common sword.

"This is the first time my sister gave you a gift, how could it be so shabby!" Jie Yu was unhappy, forcibly took his hand, and pulled it toward the best-looking sword in the cabinet.

"This sword is named "Hanjue"! I bought it from an antique shop. I heard that it was obtained by a knight from the Three Kingdoms. This knight is a master of the hidden world. The two sides of the "Vietnamese War" were tied. I don't know if the three kingdoms have been corroded like bronze, and they are all green and ugly. I threw it, leaving only the sword, which is still very sharp."

"Really, waste~"

Li Qing smiled bitterly.

Swords handed down from the Three Kingdoms are still somewhat of a collectible value, but they are always wasteful for practicing hands.

"Anyway, we are not antique lovers anymore. Take it, don't talk nonsense!" Jie Yu glared and said strongly.

Li Qing had to take it.

The scabbard of this sword was obviously custom-made in the post-modern era. The three kingdoms should not have such a good skill and made so many patterns, but the sword itself was very simple.

Withdrawing the sword, there was no dragon chanting sound, only a sharp "zheng" sound.

"Come on, you can try sharp or not, we have a sword stone here!"

Jie Yu took out two black stones from the bottom of the cabinet. Li Qing noticed that there were still black stones underneath.


The sword stabs on the stone, leaving a three-centimeter-long sword hole, and then the sword itself is unharmed.

This is Li Qing's tenacity.

For this, Li Qing is also very satisfied, this sword is absolutely good.

"It's okay~" Jie Yu also has this attitude. Obviously, he doesn't have much preference for these swords: "I will call Kendo, and when he comes back, you have to learn the sword and tell him to let him teach you!"

"Sister, I don't need it!"

"No need to say more!"

Li Qing looked at her overbearing behavior and smiled bitterly.

He wondered whether women older than himself would express this domineering temperament.

Jie Yu is, Xia Mo Can Yue is, and so is Miss Sister.

"Oh, sister, do you have a big sword, similar to the big sword used by Western knights?"

"What do you want that sword for?"

Li Qing simply told the truth: "I want to practice swordsmanship."

"Yes, where did you learn swordsmanship? You know how to lift weights? You can..." Jie Yu's eyes flashed with a look of surprise: "Although I don't know if your master taught you, but the word taught you is definitely a People who can use swords."

Did you know you will use a sword?

Li Qing said it, I was really scared to scare her, but they were the first masters of swordsmanship in the self-cultivation world and had never tasted a defeat.

"Sword, yes, I will make a call later and let someone make one. It should be able to be delivered the next day. Do you think it will be multiple?"

"It is ten times heavier than this sword."


After a while, at the call of Jie Yu, Lu Jiandao returned with sweat, and behind him was a sword.

"Hello, Brother Li Qing..."

He saw Li Qing, his eyes lit up, he said hello, and looked around again.

"Are you looking for Atan? I don't know where it went..." Li Qing smiled.

Jie Yuzheng teased Xiao Guoguo, turned his head, and told Lu Jiandao about Li Qing's need to practice his sword.


Lu Jiandao was a bit stunned. He remembered that his sister did not say that he should not show his sword.

"It's alright, Li Qing is limited."

Jie Yu finished speaking and gave him a comprehension.

Lu Jiandao nodded and said, "Brother Li Qing, if you have time, will you practice sword with me tomorrow morning?"

"Don't call me Brother Li Qing, my sister Jie Yu is also her brother, you just call me brother! As for saying, practice together tomorrow morning, it's OK!" Li Qing nodded and agreed to come down.

After playing with Jie Yu for one night, Li Qing and they went back.

Li Qing arranged a room for Xiao Guoguo. Fortunately, Wei Huang hurried back and asked a nanny of about thirty years old.

The person is very handsome and gentle, and comes from a remote rural area. After spending three years in a training institution, he is a very experienced nanny.

For coming here, her monthly salary is 30,000 a month, and she is very enthusiastic and sincere, saying that she will work hard.

Finally, persuading Xiao Guoguo to let her go to bed with the nanny, Li Qing returned to the room.

"Do you practice yourself? Or do you want to see Lu Jiandao practice?"

Late at night, Li Qing pondered this question.

"Forget it, just go and see!"

Li Qingsi decided this.

The next day...

Converging with Lu Jiandao, Li Qing followed him to a small forest.

Unexpectedly, there is still such a small forest in the community, Li Qing is not aware of it~

There is a clean small pool in the grove. The water may be dry. Lu Jiandao usually practiced his sword here.

"Brother, do you know everything about swords?"

"Okay!" Li Qing answered him.

"Then do you practice the sword for fun, or do you intend to go further and further on the sword?"

"Want to go further!" Li Qing said.

"Okay, let me tell you about the sword first! The sword is composed of two parts: the blade body and the hilt. The blade body includes the tip, tip, blade, and spine. The hilt includes the sword grid and the stem. Most swords also have a sword head, which can be used as a sword spike. The sword spike is called "Wen Jian" and is often worn on ancient literati. This kind of sword is often used for decoration; the sword that is not tied to Jian spike is called "Wu Jian". Swords are used for martial arts, and some swords have a sword hoop. The sword body is called a sword when it is mounted on the hilt. It is usually equipped with a scabbard, which can be put on the sword body to protect the sword body and convenient. The role of carrying."

Li Qing listened slowly to him.

Originally, he was also impatient with this knowledge and thought it was useless, but listening to it, he was a little fascinated.

From morning to noon, they stopped to go back to dinner. Lu Jiandao seemed to be addicted to being a teacher, and went to pull him over again in the afternoon.

"If you want to go further and further on this sword, you must learn to communicate with the sword and feel the sword with your heart. In this way, as the time goes on, the closer your heart is to the sword, there will be a kind of spiritual Familiarity makes the sword come like the arm..."

Lv Jiandao took out a small With the words, he manipulated the sword with one hand, which could actually make this 30 cm small sword fly back and forth between his fingers.

Between five fingers, the sword flew back and forth, I really don't know how he used it.

"In addition to the connection between the sword and the sword, your eyes should also be trained, because only the sword works, and the line of sight does not work, it is completely impossible to practice kendo. The sword can be used to cut, but the most powerful one is still a thorn! Now, Brother, let's practice stab first, 10,000 times a day! Listening to my sister, you have a sense of confidence. Should you do 10,000 times?"

Li Qing nodded.

Ten thousand times is definitely not a problem, but he feels that it is definitely a waste of time to practice sword here.

So, he explained that he would go home to practice and take a wooden sword.

Hearing that beginners would use wooden swords, Lu Jiandao thought about it and nodded immediately.

Li Qing arrived home and entered the third floor of the qq book city. When his thoughts moved, Mu Jian appeared in his hand and he practiced the sword.

Straight, fast and accurate!

Every time Li Qing thrust the sword straight, as fast as possible, and controlled it at a point in the void.

Continue to stab out and withdraw!

Speed ​​up constantly!

Adjust the hitting point of the sword tip unpleasantly!

Li Qing immersed himself wholeheartedly in this kind of cultivation, unaware of the rotation of the sun and the moon, the stars replaced.


Li Qing's next door...

"Sister, brother Li Qing, does he have any masters? It seems that he is also familiar with swords."

"Well, your elder brother, I can’t even see through the truth and reality. The most important thing is that the strength is rising so fast, but it is a genius of the rare world! It was originally an acquired master. A few days later, it has become innate. , I still can't notice it, his master is not easy!" Speaking of which, Jie Yu couldn't help but exclaim.

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