My Super God QQ

Chapter 161: Arguments and ridiculous

"A Qing, how did you talk to A Qing in the end?" The old man finally spoke. It was about the interests of the family. He sat at the head of the house and had to take the initiative to speak.

"Grandpa, it was me who talked with A Qing!" Lin Chengxing said this, it was a bit embarrassing, it seemed that some words were difficult to say, but after struggling for a while, he still said: "Originally, I told him that the score of two points was good... …"

"Two of us, eight of us?"

Jiecheng's mother stood up excitedly, her eyes shining.

This made the old man glance at her unpleasantly and motioned her to sit down.

"No, it's us two, he eight. Because according to my estimation, this business is epoch-making. As long as he speaks out, all commercial companies in the whole world will definitely squeeze their heads to grab a partnership with him, so this share is divided into It is the most reasonable." Lin Chengxing said seriously.


Jie Cheng suddenly yelled and clapped the table: "Cousin, I thought you were so clever! I didn't expect to be so stupid! Yes, his business was very good, and when it came out, there must be a lot of people grabbing a partnership But, the premise also requires that he can make a sound! How much energy can he find a company bigger than us as a student? It’s good not to be swallowed up!"

He was very excited, just like a quarrel.

"Yes! How powerful he can be as a student, don’t forget, this mall is full of frauds, and all kinds of methods are emerging, just a patent. I think he can’t get anything from other companies, and he’s put under house arrest directly. , Let him help spit out all the technology?" Jie Cheng's mother is also on the side, helping.

The fact is that as they say, this society has a light side and naturally has a dark side.

To go bigger, it is often said in the news that some technical talents have gone abroad, and they will never come back. There are even those who used some power abroad to directly house them.

This is the rule of the whole world!

The supremacy of interests, some powerful means, so what!

"But, but he is my brother I worship! How can we do such a thing?" Lin Chengxing was stunned, his entire face was white, and they didn't expect them to think of it.

"About this, I also want to express my opinion. I first declare that it has nothing to do with my personal position. I don't help my son to speak, only from the family perspective!" Jie Cheng's father, the son of the old man, stood up and smiled: "Oh , Chengxing, uncle wants to say a few words to you, don’t get angry."

"Uncle, you say!"

"Well, it's awful, Li Qing, his surname is Qing, just your brother, not all of us, so we businessmen don't need to consider this... Chengxing, you are still too Young! In this family, you should think about the whole family, you are still too tender!"

Isn't this talking to his son?

Shameless, it’s naked to help him talk!

Lin Chengxing was suddenly there, unable to speak for a long time.

He would like to say that even if you are businessmen, you should also have the principles and limits of businessmen! Even if the bottom limit is gone, then the business is completed, but the personality is lost, is it still a human!

But remembering that he is his elder, Lin Chengxing still secretly suppressed this tone, hesitating for a long time, did not speak.

Lin Chengxing did not speak and looked at the old man quietly.

He wanted to hear what the old man said. If the old man was really like them, then Lin Chengxing had already made a decision, that is, to return all the shares to Li Qing.

He, Lin Chengxing is an upright blood boy, this kind of business, he will not do it, nor disdain, without that face to do!


Lin Chengxing secretly clenched his fists, squeezing tightly, his eyes glared round.

"Axing! Actually, as a member of the family, we need to do things based on the prosperity of the family. Otherwise, how can our family survive for so long, fearing that they will disappear in the long river of time. "" The old man spoke, and said the benefits as soon as he spoke.

This caused Lin Chengxing's face to sink.

The old man took it again: "However, A Qing is a good kid and has great potential. I think you are right! The methods we can use against strangers are definitely not suitable for him!"

"Grandpa, didn't you say that, you didn't say it..." Jie Cheng protested in a low voice.

His mother also secretly eyed his father.

"Dad, what do you think? This thing? I think it’s okay to give Axing 10%. After all, good business is also drawn by him, and the name he got is justified, but our company only has 20% of human and financial resources. This It's a bit too much!" Jie Cheng's father sighed and said sorry.

The old man leaned his back on his back and touched his forehead, as if thinking seriously.

The atmosphere on the whole table is so condensed...

Finally, the old man sighed and said, "Forget it, just make more money, don't be too greedy!"

"Dad, you! No, you think about it again..." Jie Cheng's father was anxious, 20%, he really felt less: "If not, let me talk to him personally, how, then Come back for more?

"I made a decision!"

The old man clapped.

Lin Chengxing was overjoyed because his grandfather was still human.

In fact, he didn't think about it in the dark, is it really because of human touch? No, because he is optimistic about Li Qing!

Can it be simple to create a magic medicine that attracts all the elite circles in Zhangzhou to be crazy? There is no limit to potential, this baby, the future is boundless!


The next afternoon, Li Qing returned to Zhangzhou City and went straight to the factory as soon as he came to it, preparing to continue to invest in the project of developing suspension motorcycles.

After seeing the core disc, let alone engineers in the factory, even the technicians are coming!

This is a technological product across the ages!

If they are involved in R&D, they may be famous for their long history!

At the moment, all of them are like chicken blood, full of motivation, they didn't even go back to sleep last night, they were studying and manufacturing.

"Li Gong is coming?"

"Good afternoon, Li Gong!"

"Li Gong is good!"

As soon as Li Qing came to the factory, all the technicians looked at him with admiration and awe, and greeted him.

At this time, Li Qing is a top scientist in their minds, who should be worshipped like a god!

" about the production schedule? Has the research direction all progressed?"

Li Qing asked casually.

In this question, the technical staff, even the old engineer was stunned, and his face was ashamed and embarrassed, and none of them could speak.

What a shame!

Li Qingdu has given them some ideas, but they didn’t research long before yesterday, and they stopped. In general, the relevant technology is not brain is not flexible.


Li Qing smiled and entered the studio without saying anything.

As he walked to the studio, he was thinking, would he have to spend time teaching them?


How much time do you have to waste!

You can’t do it without teaching, so it’s impossible to produce by yourself!

Only when they are taught to them, and then they gradually teach the workers underneath, let them divide the work and cooperate, can work efficiency be mentioned.

Of course, some core technologies cannot be transmitted. Only when they have signed certain legal documents can they be transmitted to them. The security work is done by the company.

After all, if this technology is passed on, let alone a company, maybe other countries will send agents to steal it.

While thinking about related issues, Li Qing continued to take them to speed up the progress...

However, an hour later, the progress was interrupted again.

Jie Cheng brought his father, Jie An came, and went straight to the studio.

"Hello there!"

"it is good!"

Li Qing doesn't understand why they are here?

But as soon as they said, Li Qing was stunned and smiled angrily: "What, you have to get 10% more shares, otherwise don't do it? Hahahaha..."

He was really ridiculed, as Lin Chengxing said, his technology is taken out, which company does not grab the head and fight to cooperate with himself? They still have to bargain?

The most ridiculous thing is that they actually confidently determined that if they did not accept the proposal, Li Qing could not find a better partner than them. Li Qing is also reminded that some unspoken rules of some industries, don't let people catch it, go to house arrest, the technology is hollowed out and can't go home!

Is this a threat? !

Li Qing laughed with anger, and his anger was also burning fiercely, rushing straight over his head.

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