"Ah? It's almost there!" Both Li Chen and Wang Baoqiang were full of helplessness.

The red team has not passed this round, so it's time for the blue team. This time, the blue team is the baby and Lin Feng.

"Wow, baby is amazing!" Deng Chao said, clapping his palms.

Lin Feng and baby got on the roller coaster, put on the headphones, the roller coaster started, and the "Red Sun" by Keqin Li came from the headphones!

"Destiny is upside down

Even if fate is twisted and bizarre



Chapter 219 Running Man's Trash Can Battle

On the roller coaster, Lin Feng and the baby held their hands tightly, and the baby felt a strong sense of security in his heart, so after this round, he didn't shout much, and the song "Red Sun" was very easy to sing.


After listening to the roller coaster, Lin Feng took the baby's hand and said softly, "Be careful." The baby got off the roller coaster with Lin Feng's support.

"Director, how many points did we get this round?" Deng Chao said to director Chen Hao.

"Congratulations to the blue team, the score is 70! Passed the test of the voice of nature!" said director Chen Hao.


The blue team members were excited for a while and hugged each other. This victory is really hard-won. It is really difficult to sing in such an exciting event as a roller coaster.

"This round, the blue team passed the sound of the sound of nature, then in the next tear-off link, they will get a tear-free gold medal, which can be used by all team members, but only once!"

"Okay, let's go to the next location!"

"Run, brother!" Everyone made a running gesture, and then everyone rushed to the next location. The last task location will be the central square in Happy Valley, which is a very open square.

At this time, there is a circle in the middle of the square, and at the same time there are nine brand new trash cans.

At this time, there were many spectators around the square. When Lin Feng and others came, the spectators were excited for a while.


Wang Zulan looked at the nine trash cans and was amazed. What tricks is the director going to play this time? Even the trash can is used.

"Director, what are you going to make a fuss about?" Lin Feng asked, dumbfounded.

Everyone looked at the brand-new trash cans, and then waited for the director to arrange tasks.

"Hello, all super soldiers!" Chen Hao said: "Now it's the last link to tear off the famous brand!"

"At the end, you will get the reward of childhood happiness in the tearing of the famous brand!" Chen Hao said: "The tearing of the famous brand in the last stage is very simple. Each team sends one person to sit in the trash can!"

ah? Sitting in the trash can?

That's what this trash can does!

Everyone stared at the director, Chen Hao.

"Director, the mouth of this trash can is so small, how can you sit down? It will get stuck!" Lin Feng said.

"Yes, it will get stuck!" Director Chen Hao said: "The person who sits in will be in a V shape!"

Oh. It turned out to be so.

Everyone understood.

"After sending one team member to sit in the trash can, the remaining team members selected two team members to push the trash can, and let the person on the trash can tear the name tag of the other person sitting on the trash, other team members can't tear the name tag! The players who are torn off will be out! And the two people involved in pushing the trash can will not be involved in tearing the name tag."

ah? Sitting on the trash can and tearing name tags, how exciting!

Everyone is looking forward to this part of the game.

"Okay, now the last game session begins!" Director Chen Hao said: "The unprecedented battle of sitting in a trash can and tearing up famous brands has officially begun."

After a brief discussion between the two teams, the blue team first sent Zeng Xiaoxian to sit in the trash can, while Deng Chao and Lin Feng pushed the trash can.

The red team sent Wang Baoqiang in the first battle, while Zheng Kai and Li Chen pushed the trash can.

"Director, no way! I won't be able to see anyone if I keep doing it!" Wang Baoqiang was almost at the bottom of the trash can because of his small stature.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Seeing Wang Baoqiang sitting in the trash with only one head left, everyone burst into laughter.

"Baoqiang, have you made a profit?" Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile: "You are sitting in the trash can, and I can't tear up your famous brand. How wonderful!"

"What's good?" Wang Baoqiang said depressedly: "You can't tear my brand name, and I can't tear yours!"

Two hands only reach the mouth of the trash can, how to tear it off?

"Haha!" Everyone burst out laughing.

"Baoqiang, there is a trash can for you!" Director Chen Hao said, pointing to another trash can.

Li Chen and Zheng Kai pulled Wang Baoqiang from the trash can and walked to another trash can. This trash can is really different. The trash can is relatively small and the opening is also small. Wang Baoqiang just sits in it.

"Okay, the first round begins!"

Lin Feng and Deng Chao were busy pushing the trash can to compete with Wang Baoqiang. The two who pushed the trash can were on the left and right, not in front or behind, otherwise they would block it.

"Come on!"

Zeng Xiaoxian from the trash can shouted.

"Come on blue team, come on blue team!" The baby jumped next to him and shouted again and again.

Since both of them were sitting in the trash can, they could only attack from behind if they wanted to tear off each other's brand names.

At the beginning, Lin Feng and Deng Chao pushed and pulled Zeng Xiaoxian around to the back of Wang Baoqiang, and the red team also noticed.


"Big black bull, pull away and protect the strong!"

Liu Yifei and Wang Zulan shouted at the side.

Because Li Chen and Zheng Kai responded quickly, Lin Feng's first sneak attack was unsuccessful, and the next round of attacks followed.

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