My Return to Life

Chapter 84: "Certificate", "Written Casually"

   The first day of November, early in the morning, with a small fog.

   Fangnian, Fang Zhengguo and his son each carried a bucket of water to the patio to fetch water.

   People who came to the patio early in the morning to get water lined up by the two-meter-square well.

   are mostly neighbors in the village, laughing and talking about two gossips, hello.

  The well is shallow, but the water has never been lacking. The gurgling overflows, passing by the small ditch paved with cement and flowing to the nearby reservoir.

   In the early years, some people came with a washbasin, towel, toothbrush and mouthwash.

   Fang Zhengguo put down the bucket, greeted everyone, and took the initiative to disperse cigarettes.

   "Lao San, you are back after a fortune, and the cigarettes have been replaced by golden white sand."

   "Who makes the third brother give birth to a good son? Fang Nian gets up early in the morning to carry water. Nahabao in my family can't afford it as long as it is a holiday before ten o'clock."


   Fangnian had a smile on his face. Some elders looked at him to speak, and he nodded cooperatively, not speaking much.

   Watching Fang Zhengguo scatter cigarettes back and forth, Fang Nian had an urge to laugh at the sky.

  How many so-called monstrous events are not as simple as this simple scene in Fang Nian's eyes.

  Fang Nian once heard Lin Feng say that Fang Zhengguo most often is--

   "I just can't bear to let out a cigarette!"

   As long as it's a visitor to the house during the New Year's Day, or if it's going out, this sentence will definitely be there.

   Because in the next few years, Fang Zhengguo gradually picked up the search habit and was reluctant to smoke.

   The current Founder Kingdom is still in its prime, and there has not been a deeper pressure afterwards.

   "It should be that Ms. Lin Feng has been'education' these days."

   Fangnian felt ‘happy’.

   This little bit of truth makes him occasionally miss the good life of his previous life. Fang Nian floating in the air feels the root.

   Fang Nian was not shy at all, and directly attributed the credit to himself.

  ... After Danshui arrived home, Lin Feng was already preparing breakfast.

  I rarely use rice noodles as a staple food in cooking at home. It is not that I don’t like to eat, but it is more troublesome than cooking.

   The reason why Xiangchu is more specific is that some people eat rice noodles for three meals a day.

  The reason is very simple. When dealing with a bite outside, rice noodles are actually the simplest, cheap and affordable, and don’t have to wait too long.

   When it was more than seven o'clock to eat, Lin Feng was the first to carry the bowl and walked out of the door, leaning against the doorpost.

   Upon seeing this, Fang Nian smiled heartily, and walked out with the bowl.

   Although it has been counted as winter, most people in the countryside have already left their homes and are busy everywhere.

   "Sansao, what good food to eat..."


  Someone crossed the street and asked, Lin Feng smiled and said something.

Fang Nian beside    knows that Ms. Lin Feng is waiting for some wishers to get the bait.

   For example, that one will definitely come. Until now, Fang Nian didn't know what his name was. He would not take the initiative to say hello when he came across on the idle road, but it should be the person who called Auntie.

   The geographical attributes of the countryside are very interesting.

   For example, it’s like a villager group. Because you can’t see when you look down, you will greet you wherever you meet, and even if it’s a holiday, it doesn’t affect your younger generation’s greeting.

   As for neighboring villages, if they don’t belong to the same ancestral shrine, younger generations won’t say hello to elders.

   People in the same ancestral shrine call uncle, grandpa, or elder brother according to generation.

   But this sense of belonging to the ancestral temple, etc., is completely inferior to the Guangfu coastal area...

  ...Sure enough, as Fang Nian expected, he didn't finish a bowl of rice, and the middle-aged Murakami woman walked over.

   "Yeah, Lin Feng is eating, did your family come back from a monthly vacation?"

   Fang Nian smiled and nodded in response.

   Leave the rest to Ms. Lin Feng: "Well, your second treasure is also back from the holiday."


   The two women had almost the same thoughts, and after a few words exchanged back and forth.

  The middle-aged woman couldn't help it, and said with a smile: "I heard from my Er Habao that the city organized a unified examination for the third year of high school two days ago, and it ranked the top 500 in liberal arts and science."

   "There are many on the list."

   Lin Feng grilled a mouthful of rice: "I also listened to our Nian Habao, saying that even the midterm exams were cancelled in the Eighth Middle School."

   "Your second treasure is on the list this time, right?"

   The middle-aged woman hurriedly waved her hand, and said in a modest manner: "Well, I can't study at Erhabao."

   "That is, it is a bit less than the 500th in science, this book is getting better as you read it!"

   Lin Feng smiled and echoed: "Oh yo! Furious, your family will be born in the college entrance examination next year!"

   "It won't work, it won't work." He said so, but the middle-aged women had to smile.

   Her second habao’s academic performance has always been better than that of the boss.

   The second child, the second child, say it is a scenery!

   Then he said indifferently: "Your family should have made a lot of progress in this exam, right?"

   Lin Feng bowed his head and grilled rice: "It's okay, that's it."

   "The eighth middle school really can't do it. My second habao scored more than 520 points this time, which is probably not as good as yours." The middle-aged woman looked a little proud.

   At this time, Fang Nian finished his meal just right, and walked into the house and said, "I'm finished."

   attracted the eyes of middle-aged women and followed him into the house.

   At first glance, I saw the two new certificates posted in the most prominent place on the living room wall.

   Thank you for your hurry. The most important words on the certificate are written with a brush.

   "Hey, the Eighth Middle School is still giving out certificates, too stingy? First place? Best progress award?"

   Lin Feng replied: "I don't know, Nian Habao brought it back this time."

   The middle-aged woman quickly asked: "Fang Nian got the first place in the eighth middle school this time, and there is a progress award. That's not bad, I got a few points in the test.

   "Not much, five hundred and sixty, it's about to be ranked three hundred in the city." Lin Feng said nonchalantly.

  Middle-aged woman: "Ah, oh."

   There are five hundred and sixty, three hundred names, two words that have a lot to do with numbers.

   "Your family just knows how to study, Peking University and Tsinghua University!"

   The middle-aged woman smiled and sneered.

   Lin Feng waved his hand and said decisively: "That's impossible!"

   "It's impossible in this life!"

  The middle-aged woman asked why, but today was a complete failure, so she said perfunctory: "Yes."

   "Yes, I can't control him, he is not studying, he still writes." Lin Feng said casually.

   The middle-aged woman said ‘ah’: "Write a book?"

   "Oh, just that, novel, it's useless, Fang Nian, show me your book."

   Lin Feng called out.

   Fangnian took out the book.

   "This Habao doesn't understand anything, just write it casually, it's hard for the publishing house to look at it." Lin Feng said self-consciously.

   Middle-aged woman: "Oh."

   flipped through and exclaimed: "This price is 30 yuan!"

   After seeing the pricing, the middle-aged woman no longer cared about the book she was holding, and hurriedly left with a few words.

   This morning, Ms. Lin Feng's smile never stopped.

   This time is more beautiful than last time, because -

   there are real things...

  ...After the meal, after a little bit of cleaning, Fang Zhengguo followed Fang Nian to Tongfeng.

   It was still more than ten o'clock. After getting off the bus in the central square of Tongfeng, Fang Nian suggested: "Go and see the suit in the Marriott?"

   "You want to wear it?" Fang Zhengguo was taken aback.

   Fang Nian shook his head: "I said I bought it for you last night, otherwise I won't come to Tongfeng."

   "You have this suit on you for several years. Buy two new ones."

   Fang Zhengguo: "Don't use it."

   Fang Nian didn't say much, and walked in immediately.

   Fang Zhengguo reluctantly followed behind.

   There are no big brands in this big shopping mall, but they are more expensive.

   Fang Nian walked around, and finally delineated a few shops, took Fang Zhengguo to choose one by one, and finally bought two suits.

   Such things as checkout are naturally not the turn of Founder Kingdom.

   When Fang Zhengguo wanted to ask the price several times, Fang Nian interrupted him intentionally.

When    settled, the two suits cost a total of three thousand eighteen.

   After coming out of Marriott, the smile on Fang Zhengguo's face suddenly became richer.

   It's true that I'm not willing to spend money, but it's also true that I am happy with the money my son makes.

Fang Nian bought several sets of autumn clothes in the pedestrian street opposite. When trying on clothes in front of the dressing mirror, he saw that his hair was a bit long and scratched, and Fang Zhengguo’s hair was not short, so he simply pulled Fang Zhengguo together. Go to the hair.

   did not leave Tongfeng to go home until two o'clock in the afternoon...

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