My Private Planet

Chapter 94: Racial nature

   Wang Yan nodded.

   Little Medusa blinked her beautiful big eyes and stubbornly stretched out her hands, repeating: "Please God Father give me knowledge!"


   Wang Yan was taken aback, and immediately laughed, no matter how mature a child is, he is a child!

   He smiled and shook his head: "Medusa, I can't give you the knowledge directly. You need to learn it yourself. After you finish it, you can teach it to your people! "

   Little Medusa understood. She looked at Wang Yan: "Father God. Does it take a long time to learn knowledge?"

   Wang Yan said: "Yes, it's longer than the time you have grown up since you were young, and I need to take you away."

   After a moment of silence, Little Medusa raised her head and said, "Father, please wait a moment. I will explain some things to the people, and I will leave as you to learn knowledge."

   "Okay." Wang Yan nodded.

   Little Medusa looked around the beautiful valley, and told the guards around him: "Dabai, summon the people, I have something to make arrangements!"


   Wang Yan's eyebrows beat, and he subconsciously glanced at the snake girl who responded. Her lower body is completely white, which is probably the origin of her name!

  What an arbitrary name!

   However, he didn't interfere with Little Medusa. How to name her tribe is her freedom. There are still many primitive people called Shishi!

   When they have a cultural heritage, their names will naturally be corrected!

   In the future, it is not impossible to have a snake girl named Bai Suzhen.


  A moment of effort.

   accompanied by a rustling sound.

   All the snake monsters in the valley gathered.

When    enters the eye, there are densely packed little vipers dancing.

   But with a more eye-catching white and plump upper body, Little Medusa resolutely implemented the aesthetics that Wang Yan taught her at the time. The snake girls who were shaped are almost all **** without any cover.

   looks spectacular.

   Fortunately, the model of Wang Yan used by Little Medusa to portray the male snake monster, if they follow her, it will be more than spectacular!

   That's spicy eyes!

   The coolness in the valley can't suppress Wang Yan's rising anger.

   His nasal cavity was a little hot, and he quietly looked away from the waterfall in the distance, thinking about Xie Yufei in his mind to divert his attention.

   He is afraid that after watching for a long time, he will fall into Xu Xian's hobby!

   That's not a good thing!

"... Clan people, I will leave with God Father for a period of time to learn the knowledge that helps our ethnic group to be strong. When I am away, the ethnic group is led by Dabai, and every ethnic group must practice archery hard to protect the young people from Hurt, when I leave, everyone still has to work harder to have children to ensure the number of ethnic groups... I hope that when I come back, what I see is a big ethnic group..."

  The cute loli voice echoed in the valley, but the words spoken were impassioned, and the things ordered were orderly.

  Wang Yan was stunned when he heard it. Is this a natural king? Compared with her, the little primitive people in the Academy of Gods are weak!

   comes with a powerful force, a clever mind, and a king's heart. As expected, it is a perfect creature made by himself.


   Little Medusa confessed everything, so she took her bow and arrow on her back, resolutely followed Wang Yan and left Snake Valley.

The second stop.

   is Catwoman Selena.

   When Wang Yan took Medusa to find Selena, the catwoman was curled up in the thatch and slept lazily, with two pointed cat ears standing outside the hay, monitoring the surrounding movement.


   Wang Yan scanned the surroundings, and couldn't help but frown if he couldn't find her clansman.

   "Father God!"

Catwoman woke up with a spirit of excitement and saw Wang Yan's surprise on her face. She jumped out of the grass and hugged Wang Yan. Her soft chest was close to his arm, and her long tail was excited. Unable to shake behind him.

   "Selena, where's your clothes?" Wang Yan took his arms out of her arms with a calm expression, swallowed and closed his eyes and asked.

   "After it rained once, I got wet!" Selena said nonchalantly, "It's very uncomfortable to wear on my body, so I threw it away!"


   Wang Yan coughed dryly: "You two wait for me."

After    said, the flash disappeared.

When    appeared again, there were already two more sets of school uniforms from the seminaries.

   brought Catwoman and Medusa and forced them to wear clothes.

   There is no way, every earth nerd has a few two-dimensional cute girls in his heart, but Wang Yan has the ability to make them out.

   Their body images are basically set according to the image that best suits Wang Yan's preferences. It is too easy to stir Wang Yan's fragile nerves.

   must cover them up!

   Otherwise, it would be too easy for God Father, Cat Demon, Snake Girl and so on!

   Besides, the influence is not good!

  In the history of the gods in the future, if the indecent love between the Father God and the orc queen created by him is recorded.

   He will have no face to meet people!

   still find Xie Yufei to play role-playing games, I feel more secure!

   is good for reputation!


  Wang Yan's restless mood subsided a lot after Catwoman put on her clothes to cover her attractive figure. He asked, "Selena, where is your tribe?"

"Scattered!" Selena said naturally, "I gather together every day and don’t know what to do. It’s better for everyone to find their own territory, but I have to explain them to exercise their abilities. And the breeding of races."

   "..." Wang Yan was taken aback.

  Compared with the dedicated Medusa, the cat demon clan is completely abolished rhythm!

   It may have been a mistake to make them.

   "Selena, you are acting irresponsibly like this." Medusa frowned and accused, "Father God wants you to lead the race to grow and grow, but you are so lazy, how can your race be strong?"

" Father God told me that a strong individual can also grow a race, and it does not have to be in number." Catwoman Selena retorted, "I am not lazy. I am already Much stronger than before, a little snake girl like you, I can scratch you to death with one claw!"


   Little Medusa's alert bow was wound, but before she could draw the bow, Catwoman was already at her side, her sharp nails resting on her neck.


   hasn't waited for Catwoman to be proud.

   Medusa has bitten her arm with a small poisonous snake.

   "You..." Catwoman Selena turned pale, she suddenly covered her heart, and collapsed softly on the ground.

   Wang Yan was shocked, and quickly used the immortal body on Catwoman, and rescued her who was dying in time.

   The catwoman who woke up again screamed and hid behind Wang Yan!

   Medusa was immediately proud: "Selena, can't you just scratch me to death with just one paw? If the Father didn't save you, you would have been poisoned by me!"

   Selena glared at her, not to be outdone: "If I really want to kill you, the poisonous snake on your head has no chance to bite me."

Wang Yan had a headache and scolded: "You two are enough! I brought you together, not for you to kill each other, whoever has his own way of living, when you grow up, do whatever you like, now Be honest with me!"

   "Father, I was wrong!" Selena first apologized and then filed a complaint, "You should punish Medusa. I just want to scare Medusa, but she really wants to kill me!"

   "Father, I didn't mean it." Medusa was even more aggrieved. "At the time, her paws were on my neck, and I couldn't control my hair at all..."

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