My Pet is a Snapping Turtle

Chapter 548 The news brought back by Jin Wenshu

"In this meeting, we mainly discuss the planning and construction of the southwest transmission line. Everyone can express their opinions, speak freely, and talk about their own opinions."

As soon as the voice fell, the meeting room was not quiet, and buzzing voices rang out.

"Sure enough, we are still discussing the transmission line!"

"Chairman Liang held such a big meeting in person, it seems that he is very determined, and he wants to settle this matter today."

"The opinions of the big guys are not unified, so we only come to the meeting with our ears and eyes, and try not to talk."


The key middle-level and key technicians who participated in the meeting were talking quietly, but all the high-level people seldom spoke, and seemed to be thinking about it.

After about two or three minutes, when he felt that it was almost done, Liang Ping raised his hand and pressed down, and the conference room, which was originally buzzing with discussions, fell silent.

Liang Ping said, "Vice President Sun, why don't you say a few words first."

Sun Jin is the number one vice president and one of the top executives who strongly advocates the construction of UHV transmission lines.

"Since Chairman Liang wants me to say a few words, then I will not be polite. My point of view has not changed. The best solution for this transmission line is to use UHV transmission lines."

They talked eloquently for at least ten minutes. During the whole process, many people quietly took a look at Jin Wenshu from time to time.

Of course, Jin Wenshu was not the only one who opposed the UHV transmission line. There were other people too. That was a relatively low-ranking vice president.

"I don't agree with Vice President Sun's point of view. We must fully consider the actual situation in the southwest region. It is too difficult to use UHV transmission lines. It is obviously more appropriate to use sub-high voltage transmission lines."

The point of view was clear, almost tit-for-tat, and he talked for several minutes.

As soon as the meeting started, there seemed to be a smell of gunpowder.

There are also some people who support UHV transmission lines, such as a middle-level backbone who said loudly, "Since Director Liang said that he can speak freely, then I will say a few words."

"I support Vice President Sun's plan. UHV transmission lines must be used. Although the project is more difficult, the advantage is that the power loss during the transmission process is small. Once this line is completed, it will last for a long time. In the next few decades, it will save The power loss that comes down is not a small amount.”

"No, I don't think so, I don't think UHV transmission lines are suitable."

Except for some wait-and-see factions, others are divided into two factions, with clear views and tit-for-tat!

Surprisingly, as the chief engineer, Jin Wenshu should have the most say, but he has never spoken, and he looks calm.

Liang Ping obviously noticed this, and asked, "Old Jin, what about you, do you have anything to say?"

Seeing everyone looking at him, Jin Wenshu said, "Then I'll talk about it."

He actually stood up and seemed to take it very seriously, "I don't support UHV transmission lines, nor sub-high voltage transmission lines."


This is how the same thing?

Hasn't Mr. Jin always been more supportive of sub-high voltage transmission lines? How could he say such a thing? Is there a better solution?

However, apart from these two options, there should be no other better options!

Jin Wenshu continued, "I suggest adopting the super-capacity transmission line scheme, which is the most appropriate."

No way!

Overcapacity transmission lines! ! !

That's just theory. Is President Jin confused? How could he come up with such an unreliable plan?

Even Liang Ping couldn't sit still, "Old Jin"

However, he was interrupted by Jin Wenshu, and he continued, "Why do you recommend the use of super-capacity transmission lines? It is because room-temperature superconducting materials have already been produced in Universal Enterprise Group!"

As soon as the voice fell, the whole conference room exploded and became lively all of a sudden.

At the beginning of the meeting, there were only buzzing discussions, but now it is different. The meeting room is extremely lively, and no one can calm down.

"No way, room temperature superconducting material!"

"It's unbelievable. If Mr. Jin didn't say this, I wouldn't believe it even if I was killed!"

"If it is really a room temperature superconducting material, then it is not too difficult to build a super-capacity transmission line."

"This is the world's first super-capacity transmission line. I don't know what the designed transmission capacity is. Will it exceed 10,000MVA?"


Everyone was discussing and chatting, and some high-level officials were still looking at Jin Wenshu, and they really doubted the authenticity of this matter. After all, the news was too shocking.

A high-level person said loudly, "Old Jin, I just logged on the official website of Universal Enterprise Group, and there is no news related to normal temperature superconductivity."

Jin Wenshu smiled slightly. He was obviously very well prepared. He took out a stack of materials and distributed a copy to each of them.

"Everyone, this is a detailed report on room-temperature superconducting materials. Everyone, please take a look. Remember, this matter is kept secret for the time being, and the information should not be circulated."

After getting this report, everyone looked through it immediately, and there were exclamations of surprise.

"It's actually a silver-white metal material!"

"Did you see that the report says that this metal has low density and excellent ductility."

"This is not the key. The key is that below 300 degrees Celsius, it is in a superconducting state and the resistance value is zero."

"Everyone noticed that this kind of metal has no electric capacity, but it is so large, it is really an eye-opener."


Liang Pingping and the others each had a report and read it carefully. They didn't talk, but just looked at Jin Wenshu from time to time.

It seems to be saying, Lao Jin, is this thing true, but you must not make trouble!

Jin Wenshu obviously understood what everyone meant, and said confidently, "Chairman, everyone can rest assured that this kind of room-temperature superconductivity is real, and there is no fraud. I have a sample here, and I can show you."

After speaking, he took out that piece of silver metal wire and showed it in front of everyone.

Almost no one continued to read the report in their hands, and all their eyes were focused on this silver metal wire.

"Looks like silver."

"Boss Jin, you took a piece of silver metal wire, didn't you?"

"I can't see it at all. This is a room temperature superconducting material."

Seeing everyone like this, Jin Wenshu suggested, "Director Liang, why don't we temporarily suspend the meeting and go to the laboratory first to take a look at the measurement results of a room temperature superconducting material."

Liang Ping also took a look at the measurement results of the resistance value and current flow with his own eyes, stood up and agreed, "I think it's ok, let's go to the laboratory now."

"Yes, if you go to the laboratory, if you don't see it with your own eyes, you really don't believe it."

"Hopefully, as Mr. Jin said, this is a real room temperature superconducting material."

Everyone got up one after another, and dozens of people went to the laboratory together.

The first one is delivered!

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