My Pet is a Snapping Turtle

Chapter 544 You Didn't Lie To Me, Did You

Hu Jianguo was very fast.

In about twenty minutes, he entered Liu Yong's office excitedly, with excitement on his face.

"Mr. Liu, the silver metal you sent over is actually a room-temperature superconducting material. Once this news is announced, the entire scientific community will be shocked."

"Here is its detailed report, please take a look." After speaking, Hu Jianguo reported to Liu Yong.

After receiving the report, Liu Yong looked through it, and after reading it, he felt even happier. This is really a huge surprise, it is actually a room temperature superconducting material.

"Mr. Hu, it is still the old rule to declare to the outside world that this room temperature superconducting material is the result of your research, how about it!"

This is one big pie!

Typical pie in the sky!

Hu Jianguo felt like he had been hit by a pie. It would be a great honor to announce that this was their research achievement, and it would instantly raise Hu Jianguo's status in the international academic circle to another level.

The last time the gray-black metal was claimed to be the research result of Hu Jianguo's team, which won him a great reputation. It would be unimaginable if it was the same this time.

Hu Jianguo calmed down despite his excitement, "President Liu, the matter is very important, let me think about it before answering you."

Liu Yong said, "No problem, this matter is not urgent."

After chatting for a while, Hu Jianguo got up to say goodbye, and Liu Yong also went out to pick up Li Changle from school.

Let's talk about Hu Jianguo.

After leaving Universal Building, I was still thinking about that matter in my mind. Should I agree to Mr. Liu and declare that room temperature superconducting materials are their research results?

His phone rang.

Jin Wenshu called, "Old Hu, are you done with your work? Let's have dinner together tonight."

Immediately, Hu Jianguo realized that in the morning, he hurriedly left Jin Wenshu in the office and asked him to wait there.

Hu Jianguo actually forgot about this incident.

I have room temperature superconducting materials in my mind, and other things have been completely put aside.

"Old Jin, I'm really sorry. I've been busy and left you aside. I'll treat you to this meal as an apology."

"Old Hu, why do we bother so much? I'll invite you. I've already chosen the place."

"Okay, you treat me, I'll pay the bill." Hu Jianguo insisted.

After talking on the phone for a few words, Hu Jianguo drove to the place Jin Wenshu mentioned. It was a good restaurant, and the box Jin Wenshu booked was on the third floor.

Walking into the box with his assistant, Hu Jianguo apologized, "Old Jin, I'm really sorry."

Jin Wenshu really didn't seem to care about it at all, and said with a smile, "Old Hu, why are you so obsessed with this matter? Come, let me introduce it to you."

Besides Jin Wenshu, there were three men and two women in the box, all of whom came from Shenyan Electric Power Group with Jin Wenshu, and they were all middle-level managers.

After the introduction, everyone stood together and shook hands with Hu Jianguo. Then, the dishes and drinks were served, and the atmosphere was good. They chatted while eating and drinking.

He even talked about tomorrow's itinerary, Jin Wenshu said, "Old Hu, tomorrow morning we will focus on visiting the Universal Building, and I especially want to see the four big golden bulls in the lobby on the first floor of the Universal Building."

A middle-level executive interjected, "Those four big golden bulls are not ordinary. Each one is made of 98 tons of gold. I have long wanted to take a look."

"Me too, tomorrow you guys will help me take a few more photos, especially the photos with every big golden bull."


Speaking of the four big golden bulls, the atmosphere became warmer and more conversations started.

Unfortunately, Jin Wenshu's phone rang, breaking the warm and relaxed atmosphere.

After answering the call, Jin Wenshu's expression changed obviously, and it seemed that he was not so relaxed.

Hu Jianguo asked, "Lao Jin, what's the matter, is there something?"

Facing the old friend's concern and inquiries, Jin Wenshu did not hide anything, and sighed softly, "I originally wanted to relax in Huahai City for a few days, but it seems that I can't do it. The group called and asked us to return to the unit the day after tomorrow. , a high-level meeting will be held to discuss the construction of that transmission line again."

It turned out to be such a thing!

Hu Jianguo said, "Old Jin, have you considered it, using UHV to sub-high voltage power transmission?"

Jin Wenshu said, "I haven't thought about it yet. Considering the mountains in the southwest region and the difficulty in building transmission lines, I prefer sub-high voltage transmission lines, but in this case, the loss of power will be greater."

The same transmission distance, the same transmission energy, UHV is more energy-saving, and the loss of electric energy during the transmission process is relatively small, but the technical requirements are high, the construction is difficult, and the construction cost is relatively high.

Hu Jianguo suggested, "Lao Jin, have you considered the super-capacity transmission scheme? I heard that this transmission method can reach and exceed 10,000 MVA, and the prospect is very promising."

Jin Wenshu shook his head and smiled wryly, "Old Hu, the super-capacity power transmission scheme is only theoretical. The premise must be that there are room-temperature superconducting materials. Without superconducting materials, how can we talk about super-capacity power transmission schemes."

Hu Jianguo said, "Normal temperature superconducting materials may not be a problem. Today I am busy all day, and even left you in my office. Do you know why?"

Jin Wenshu looked at Hu Jianguo and shook his head slightly. Well, he really doesn't know.

Hu Jianguo said, "I'm busy with room-temperature superconducting materials. Global Enterprise Group has room-temperature superconducting materials. Maybe you can use this room-temperature superconducting material to build the world's first ultra-large-capacity power transmission line."


Universal Enterprise Group has room temperature superconducting materials!

Jin Wenshu said in disbelief, "It's true, you didn't lie to me!"

Hu Jianguo said, "Of course I didn't lie to you. Aren't you going to visit Universal Building tomorrow? You can visit Mr. Liu and have a talk with Mr. Liu."

In an instant, Jin Wenshu became a little excited!

Normal temperature superconducting material!

There really is a room temperature superconducting material, which is the most ideal material for large-capacity transmission lines.

Ultra-large-capacity transmission lines are not technically difficult. The premise is that there are room-temperature superconducting materials. As long as there are such materials, Jin Wenshu has full confidence in building an ultra-large-capacity transmission line, which can exceed 10,000 MVA.

Jin Wenshu's reaction was a little big.

The people next to him reacted even more, they were collectively stunned, and it took a long time before they came back to their senses.

"My God, I'm not dreaming. The room-temperature superconducting material is actually produced in the Universal Enterprise Group."

"The emergence of this material will rewrite many industries!"

"In addition to being used to make cables, this material can also be used in motors, particle colliders, magnetic levitation, controlled thermonuclear reactions, energy storage, etc."

After everyone reacted, they discussed enthusiastically, and the atmosphere suddenly became lively again, because the application prospects of room temperature superconducting materials are too broad.


The first one is delivered!

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