"Is not it?"

Qin Xi shook his head calmly, "This is a symptom of spleen deficiency. If Grandpa Liu treats it according to spleen deficiency, within three days, Grandpa Liu can eat whatever he wants."

Liu Dequan was stunned, "So that's the case. Miss Qin, are you really good at medicine? But, I don't remember you taking my pulse?"

"Grandpa Liu, medical skills are all about looking, hearing, and asking. I see that your eyes are dark red, which means that your illness is not serious, and I also know a little bit of qi.

Qi Wangshu can also be called metaphysics. It is to determine your identity and health through the "qi" around you. In terms of identity, it mainly plays a role in Qi, wealth, fate, etc., which is relatively partial.

In terms of health, the main purpose of Qi Wang is to infer the patient's illness through the pulse, breath, heartbeat, respiration, and the surrounding magnetic field. "

The bad luck that Han Shi saw on the first day of his rebirth was the qi-watching technique.

Qin Xi said a lot, leaving Liu Dequan dumbstruck, and stood up excitedly, "Girl Qin, you are so amazing, you even know the art of qi-watching?"

He once heard from his master that the qi-watching technique is a very advanced medical skill, which generally only exists in legends, and even ancient imperial doctors may not have this ability.

Nowadays, Chinese medicine is in decline, not to mention qi-watching skills. It is difficult for ordinary Chinese medicine to do even the most basic observation, listening, and asking. In addition, Western medicine is rampant, and Chinese medicine is forgotten, and even the mention of Chinese medicine is subconsciously rejected.

However, Qin Xi said these words today and pointed out his misdiagnosis, which made him very excited.

He was about to speak when suddenly someone cried outside the door, "Doctor Liu, is Doctor Liu at home? Come and save my son, Doctor Liu..."

Liu Dequan ran out quickly, and saw a large group of people coming in the yard. In fact, a woman was holding a 5-6-year-old boy, crying for help.

The child's eyes were wide open, his face was reddish purple, his expression was painful, and he was making weird noises. Even his body was soaked in sweat, his body was stiff, and his condition looked extremely pervasive.

"Doctor Liu, save my son, he doesn't know what's wrong with my son, he's fine this morning... woo woo woo woo..."

This is Li Fugui's family. The woman holding the child is Li Fugui's wife. The child's name is Li Gang, nicknamed Gouwa.

Liu Dequan's face was solemn, and he hurriedly greeted her, "Hurry up, put the child on the kang inside the house."

In fact, seeing the child's symptoms, Liu Dequan's heart sank. He couldn't see any symptoms of the child, let alone rescue him.

However, the doctors are benevolent, and everyone is from the same village, so we must try our best no matter what.

Just as he passed Qin Xi, Qin Xi's voice came, "Grandpa Liu, this child has severe food poisoning, and he can only be treated by acupuncture to induce vomiting."

Food poisoning?

Liu Dequan shuddered, and immediately asked Li Fugui, "What did the child eat this morning?"

Li Fugui was so panicked that he snotted and burst into tears, "I just ate a big bowl of meat sauce and a boiled egg. Doctor Liu, I beg you to save the dog boy!"

Liu Dequan subconsciously looked at Qin Xi, who nodded slightly to him with a very confident expression, which gave him a glimmer of hope.

"Grandpa Liu, please get everyone out, I'll give the needle..."

Liu Dequan gritted his teeth, as if he was going all out, and said to Li Fugui's family, "You all go out, I will treat the child, too many of you will affect my acupuncture."

Qin Xi whispered to Han Shi, "Little Shitou, go to the door and wait, don't let anyone in."

Han Shi nodded obediently and walked out.

"Grandpa Liu, do you have any silver needles?"


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