My Medical Skills Give Me Experiences

Chapter 406: Richie at the helm, few like-minded people

【My medical skills can add experience points】【】

"Hello, Uncle Cao!"

"Girl Qingning, I have a young man here who wants to meet you, can you come here?"

"Ah... When did you become a Yuelao? My parents must have found you, right?"

"Haha, if you are a male college, you should get married, and if you are a female college, you should think about lifelong affairs. The young man and I are waiting for you in my tea room. Come here quickly!"

After finishing speaking, Cao Zhengguo hung up the phone directly.

It can be seen that Cao Zhengguo is not only acquainted with the person in charge of Rui's Enterprise, but also has a good friendship with her parents.

The other party is a woman, Zhou Can has already found out.

It's just that the person in charge of Rui's Enterprise is still single, and this is the first time I've heard of it. Probably not too old.

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"Your words can easily make her misunderstand me as a blind date!"

Zhou Can smiled wryly.

Today, when I came to ask someone to do something, I could only protest a little.

"Hehe, don't worry, I have my own sense of propriety. I watched Qingning grow up since I was a child. Her father and I were comrades-in-arms back then, and the relationship between the two families was very close. This girl is good at everything except her eyesight. She's too picky, she's twenty-eight and hasn't found a partner yet. Her parents are very anxious about this matter. Just take this opportunity today to find out about her. As long as she can accept the blind date, this matter will be easy."

Cao Zhengguo explained to Zhou Can with a smile.

"You have to help me put on a play later. First of all, don't tell her that you are looking for medicine, but pretend to be a blind date."

After hearing this, Zhou Can felt that it was ridiculous.

He shook his head repeatedly and refused, "This is absolutely impossible. I have a girlfriend, and I love my girlfriend very much. It is impossible to move on. Besides, let her know that she has been teased. If you want to ask her for medicine, you can only It will be more difficult."

It was related to whether his girlfriend's kidney disease could be cured, Zhou Can never dared to joke about it.

The person in charge of Rui's Enterprise was hard to get a date with, and after teasing her, it would definitely make her angry.

You can think of the consequences with your toes.

"Uh... that's fine, just sit down and don't say anything. Just do me a favor, the old man, and the matter of helping you get married today will be evened out, how about it?"

Zhou Can couldn't refuse the conditions proposed by Cao Zhengguo.

I had no choice but to nod in agreement.

After more than ten minutes, Cao Zhengguo smiled and said, "Here she is!" Regardless of his seventy years old, he was using an advanced smartphone.

You can control the opening and closing of the gate of the villa through your mobile phone, and you can also view the monitoring screen outside the gate.

Full of high technology.

"The entrance door is not closed, the young man and I are in the tea room, you can just come in by yourself."

Cao Zhengguo didn't have the slightest intention of getting up to greet him.

Think about it, even if Cao Zhengguo retires, his status is still honorable. He knew Rui Qingning well, and he was an elder, so he really didn't have to stand up to greet him.

Soon, the sound of high-heeled shoes rattling sounded, getting closer and closer.

A young woman in a small white suit walked quickly into the tea room area of ​​the living room.

White cropped trousers with black high heels, long legs, and a very punctual figure. He was wearing a light yellow shirt on one side and a short white coat on the outside. Wearing a watch with a brown leather **** her hand, with shawl hair, she is a proper image of a female executive in the workplace.

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【My medical skills can add experience points】【】

And her aura is very strong.

The delicate pretty face was lightly made up, and a pair of black and bright red phoenix eyes glanced around, revealing the edge.

"Uncle Cao, it's so late, do you still have to call me over?"

The woman complained as soon as she met.

"Haha, this young man has to work during the day and is very busy. It was hard to find time to visit me. The marriage is destined and the opportunity cannot be missed. I am your father's old comrade-in-arms. I was entrusted by him, so naturally I will let this matter go. In my heart."

Cao Zhengguo laughed.

"The tea is ready, try the newly arrived oolong."

This is to invite her to sit down.


At this time, Zhou Can could only bite the bullet and stand up to greet the woman.

"It's you!"

After seeing Zhou Can's face clearly, Rui Qingning couldn't help but exclaimed.

But after all, it is a person who has seen the big scene, and the surprise on his face is fleeting.

Zhou Can also felt that this woman looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he saw her.

Being recognized by the other party shows that he has a deep impression on the other party's heart.

"We seem to have met somewhere!"

Zhou Can said with some embarrassment.

"Haha, so you guys know each other! I don't need any more introductions."

After Cao Zhengguo found out that the two knew each other, he laughed heartily again.

"It was that time by the river, you saved a person, and my mother helped you carry the clothes. Later, my mother wanted to go home to take care of my dad, so she called me over to help you carry the clothes, do you remember?"

As soon as she reminded her, Zhou Can immediately remembered.

No wonder this woman looks familiar.

At that time, he was still wondering if he was a playboy, and he felt familiar when he saw a beautiful woman.

Only now did I realize that it was her.

When he retrieved the clothes that time, this woman was very rigorous and left a deep impression on him.

"So it was you, I remembered. Miss Rui, hello!"

Zhou Can must be more polite if he wants to ask someone for medicine.

She shook hands with Zhou Can politely, the expression on her face was a little more human, not as cold as before.

"It's surprising that you know Uncle Cao. Is your blind date tonight?"

She is direct enough.

"Uh... First of all, I want to apologize to you. I'm not here for a blind date, but I'm looking for a match with Mr. Cao, and I want to meet the person in charge of Rui's Enterprise. Because you are so difficult to date, I have visited your company many times, the security guard You kept me out every time. Twice I asked you to get in and was blocked by your secretary."

Zhou Can didn't make a fuss, and honestly told the whole story.

The misunderstanding must not be allowed to deepen, lest she become angry from embarrassment.

"Uncle Cao, it turns out that you are testing others, and you don't believe you anymore!" After hearing this, she was stunned, and then looked at Cao Zhengguo with some shame.

This is also a normal reaction of a girl.

"Ahaha, don't be upset, don't be upset, I'm just helping your parents find out your bottom. Now I know what's going on."

Cao Zhengguo didn't feel embarrassed at all, but smiled happily.

"What's the matter? Don't worry about my affairs anymore!" In front of Zhou Can, she was so embarrassed to have such an elder like an old urchin.

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【My medical skills can add experience points】【】

"I saw just now that you didn't feel disgusted when you found out that your blind date was Xiao Zhou. This shows that you don't object to marriage. If you arrange a blind date for you in the future, you just need to follow Xiao Zhou's standard to find you."

Cao Zhengguo's eyes were shrewd.

It turned out that Cao Zhengguo could see all the slight changes in her expression.

"Not at all!"

She stamped her feet angrily, half ashamed.

"Haha, you girl has always been strong. Uncle doesn't need to say anything. Xiao Zhou is indeed very good. He not only has profound medical skills at a young age, but also has a benevolent heart. The older generation in the hospital treats him very well. He has a very good reputation. This time, he wanted to ask for blind medicine in order to help his girlfriend treat her illness, so he tried everything possible to get online with you. It is rare to see a young man who is so dedicated, infatuated and responsible for his relationship these days."

Cao Zhengguo really knew something about Zhou Can's behavior in the hospital.

He should have paid some attention secretly.

At this moment, Zhou Can's evaluation was extremely high.

Zhou Can was a little embarrassed by the praise.

"You came to me for medicine?"

Rui Qingning stared at Zhou Can after hearing this.

"Yes! My girlfriend unfortunately suffered from kidney failure. This disease is like Pandora's box. Once it happens, it is difficult to reverse and the disease will continue to progress. Fortunately, my girlfriend's condition is special, and I found a famous doctor. After taking traditional Chinese medicine for a long time, it has improved. But if you want to be cured, you must find the two extinct main medicines and combine them into a prescription."

Zhou Can didn't hide anything, and explained everything.

"My secretary mentioned this to me, saying that there was a very wealthy young boss who wanted to buy our company's purple-backed star anise lotus. I thought it was some suitor who wanted to contact me in this way, so I Ignored."

Her explanation made Zhou Can depressed for a while.

Why is this female entrepreneur so afraid of love?

Fear it like a tiger, and talk about it.

"Miss Rui, the misunderstanding has been clarified now. Do you think you can sell me a purple-backed star anise? Not too many, just one that is more than three years old."

Zhou Can asked very sincerely.

"Unfortunately, I also want to help you with this. Unfortunately, our company has not made much progress in the research on the purple-backed star anise. The only wild purple-backed star anise has long since died. Now the new products are cultivated from Rhizome tissue from the time it was alive."

Her answer made Zhou Can's heart go cold for a moment.

the more you hope, the harder you fall.

I thought Rui's Enterprise would have at least one or two original purple-backed star anise.

Only now do I know that the only original strain is dead.

"Mr. Zhou's loyalty and infatuation for love are very touching. Our company's research in the field of common star anise lotus is fairly basic. Although the cultivation requirements of purple back star anise lotus are more stringent, there are still some seedlings in some laboratories. It's a pity They don't live very long, and they die pretty quickly when they're out of a lab dish."

The seedlings cultured through some tissue cells are called cultured seedlings, which are cultivated in a sterile environment.

But it is impossible for any plant to stay in a sterile petri dish for a lifetime.

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【My medical skills can add experience points】【】

It definitely needs to be transplanted into the dirt before it can really grow.

"Perhaps when we make some breakthroughs in the transplanting technology, we will be able to truly grow purple-backed star anise."

She may have seen Zhou Can's disappointed expression, so she expressed her relief.

Originally, these things belonged to the company secrets of Ruishi Enterprises, and they would never be easily disclosed to outsiders.

"Your company's ordinary star anise lotus has been mass-produced. Why is it so difficult to cultivate purple-backed star anise lotus? Logically speaking, the two plants should be similar!"

Zhou Can didn't know much about forestry and grass science, he was just curious.

He also knows that many wild plants will die soon after leaving their original living environment. For the specific reasons, technicians need to investigate step by step, and finally achieve a breakthrough in planting technology, in order to successfully realize artificial planting.

"Ordinary star anise and purple-backed star anise seem to have some differences in color, but in fact, after our multiple tests, we found that there are certain differences in the elements contained in them. Purple-backed star anise is a mutant strain, and its internal There are several more special elements. As for why the method of planting ordinary star anise lotus fails to grow it, it may also be related to the special elements inside it."

When Rui Qingning talked about these technical difficulties in artificial planting, he seemed very helpless.

"Okay! It seems that I can only wait patiently for now. I will try to obtain purple-backed star anise through other channels. If your company has achieved success in artificial cultivation, please let me know as soon as possible, okay?"

Zhou Can secretly sighed.

Another channel is broken.

If you want to wait until Ruishi Enterprises makes a breakthrough in artificial planting technology, you don't know the year of the monkey.

Su Qianqian couldn't afford to wait for her illness.

"No problem, you leave me a call, when there is a major progress, I will tell you as soon as possible."

Rui Qingning had a good impression of him, a kind and responsible man.

That time by the river, Zhou Can jumped into the river to save others, which in itself gave her a good impression.

Seeing Zhou Can's infatuated and responsible side this time, she had a better impression of Zhou Can.

The two sides left each other on the phone.

"Mr. Zhou, I heard that you are the boss of an entertainment company. Is this true?"

she asked casually.

"Why is Miss Rui interested in this matter?"

Zhou Can found that there was no way to hide some hidden identities.

That female reporter, Mu Bi, also knew that he was the boss of Jinyu Interactive, and now Rui Qingning, who had just met, also knew about him.

There really is no impenetrable wall in the world.

"Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm just curious. When Uncle Cao introduced you, he said that you are a doctor. But what I learned is that you are one of the major shareholders of Jinyu Interactive. You are young and worth over 100 million. To be honest, even looking at the whole province, there are only a handful of them.”

She is a real female entrepreneur, and she should have a deep understanding of the rich businessmen, dignitaries, and top elites in the provincial capital.

It is really rare for a grassroots like Zhou Can to be worth over 100 million at such a young age.

After Cao Zhengguo heard this, he also looked at Zhou Can in a little surprise.

"It was a coincidence at the beginning! Thanks to the trust and love of another shareholder of Jinyu Interactive, he insisted on dragging me to found this company together. I am usually an idler, and I hardly care about the company's affairs~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Doctor is my main job.”

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【My medical skills can add experience points】【】

Zhou Can hesitated for a few seconds before telling the truth.

These things can't be concealed, and people will definitely find out.

On the contrary, it will make people look down upon.

"Hehe, you should be the most enviable doctor. Other clinicians are working hard to make a living, but you are a fool with a blessing. You just lay down and become a billionaire. And listen to you He has no interest in being a boss, but is willing to be a hard-working front-line doctor."

She covered her mouth and giggled.

"Being a doctor is my hobby, and it is also a career I pursue for life. Money is actually just a number when there is too much."

Zhou Can has his own ideas.

"Wow, your level of thinking is really high! The world is sober, just four words, and some people need a lifetime to comprehend. I am very happy to meet a friend like you today. I will officially introduce you. For a moment, my name is Rui Qingning. After graduating from Cambridge University, I was called back by my family to take over Rui's Enterprise after working in the UK for less than two years. I like to make friends like you."

She stretched out her slender hand to Zhou Can again.

"Miss Rui is over the award. I just love medicine. I'm not as advanced as you said."

Zhou Can shook hands with her.

This time, she didn't give it a courtesy, but held it enthusiastically and shook it.

Like to make friends, eager to make like-minded friends, is the voice of everyone. Perhaps, she felt that Zhou Can and her were of the same kind.

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