My Medical Skills Give Me Experiences

Chapter 315: Unaccustomed to win the house

【My medical skills can add experience points】【】

"My husband often visits your hospitals for work checks!" Seeing that Zhou Can didn't seem to buy it, the woman was suddenly added next to her.

People with a bit of power tend to have this tune.

Maybe he has restrained himself, but his family and employees are hard to say.

So many patients and family members are queuing up, and countless pairs of eyes are watching.

Zhou Can has encountered a non-medical problem since his consultation. If you refuse, you will definitely offend people.

Many seniors have taught him that no matter how good a doctor's medical skills are, he must always tell himself that he is just an ordinary doctor. Never offend those who cannot afford to offend.

Some talented and gifted medical students offended their leaders because of unreasonable accidents, and were eventually put on little shoes. It is not uncommon to see mediocre life.

His parents also taught him that he can be upright and full of justice in his heart, and he must not be dead-headed.

If Zhou Can accepts the queue jumping from Ju Yang's family, it will be tantamount to self-destructing the rules. In full view, the order of queuing will be trampled on.

Really big people often pay attention to their image.

It's really rare to jump in line so grandiosely.

After all, self-media is now highly developed, and it is easy to be videotaped and photographed by others, and posted on the Internet, so as to spread widely. In the end, it will cause public opinion to ferment, and small things will become major events with bad influence.

Get out of class easily.

If it is serious, he will be suspended and investigated.

"May I ask who you are as a child?"

Zhou Can looked at the aggressive middle-aged man. Listening to this person's words, I knew that he and the middle-aged woman were definitely not husband and wife.

But he took the child to see a doctor again, working harder than his biological father.

"I'm Bureau Yang's driver!"

The man replied vigorously.

This is really 'the dog's power', even if it's just a sweeper, in a better unit, he always speaks with a rough voice when talking to others. A superior face.

After making trouble for a long time, he was just a driver, and those who didn't know the situation thought he was Bureau Yang's deputy.

At least it has to be a secretary or something.

Zhou Can quickly calculated in his mind that to have a full-time driver, the power must be high.

I heard from this woman just now that her husband often comes here for checkups.

The status of the hospital is actually quite low. Basically, as long as the unit is nearby, they can come to check.

The National Health and Medical Commission, the Medical Insurance Bureau, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Food and Drug Administration... even the fire department and the environmental protection department can come to check.

"First of all, I have to tell you clearly that jumping in line is definitely wrong. It is very easy to set a bad example for children. A sprained ankle is not a serious trauma. If you are in a hurry to see a doctor, you can call an orthopedic surgeon. Because of your trust and support for me, if you want to see a doctor here, I'm afraid you have to go to the back to queue up."

Zhou Can persuaded the two of them in a tactful tone.

Do not offend the other party as much as possible, civilized persuasion is the most ideal ending.

"Don't tell us these big truths. The child is in such pain now. What's the matter with you first? Don't your doctors be anxious for the patient? I saw on TV that you reconnected the child's broken arm in less than a minute. Go up. If you have such a long time, help us see the disease. Hurry up! Otherwise, we will waste more time."

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【My medical skills can add experience points】【】

The driver gives full play to his eagle-dog image.

The tone was stronger than before.

And with the taste of scolding his subordinates.

After Zhou Can heard this, the anger in his heart rose up slowly. A small driver, showing off his power and domineering in front of him, is really a great official authority.

With Zhou Can's strength, let alone a small driver, even if the one behind him comes, he may not be afraid.

"I'm very sorry, many things can indeed be accommodated and accommodated, but I can't accommodate you for this kind of principled issue. Otherwise, it would be unfair to the patients who waited in line for a long time. Your children are in unbearable pain. Among the patients waiting in line, which one is not suffering from pain?"

As soon as Zhou Can's words fell, the patients in the queue felt that the words had reached their hearts.

Moreover, Zhou Can is not afraid of power, stands on the side of their vulnerable groups, and speaks out for them, which makes them admire and move.

I don't know who took the lead, and there was warm applause at the scene.

"You don't know how to flatter, do you?" The driver's face turned green, and he pointed at Zhou Can angrily.

"Xiao Xu, let's go, let's find another doctor to treat the child! This arrogant man surnamed Zhou, who can't be a man, will have his good fruit to eat." The woman tugged on the driver's clothes, half-covered her face, ashamed Slippery away.

It is estimated that there are too many people watching, and the influence will be bad.

Zhou Can naturally wouldn't take this kind of episode to heart.

Continue to see other patients.

"Doctor Zhou, my daughter accidentally sprained her waist, can you please take a look?"

The slightly gray man at the temples looked at his daughter distressedly.

This is a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl, her body has begun to develop, her purse is just out, she is in the Mood for Love like a flower bone.

She sat there with a pained face.

The upper body is also slanted at an unnatural angle.

"Which side hurts?"


The little girl pointed at her right waist in pain.

Zhou Can gently pressed her waist and performed a preliminary physical examination and palpation.

"Ouch... it hurts, it hurts..."

She cried out in pain immediately.

At the same time, because the waist was touched by a stranger, it was a little itchy, so he dodged subconsciously. It exacerbated the pain in the waist injury.

"Go and take a film first. According to experience, as long as there is no fracture, it should be possible to reset it manually."

Zhou Can applied for an inspection for her, and the child's father took her there for the inspection.

Nearly an hour later, the girl came back from the inspection.

Zhou Can carefully studied the film and found that the patient's injury was only caused by a slight displacement of the lumbar spine and the spinous process was skewed, which caused the patient to feel severe pain in the waist.

The lumbar spine is composed of lumbar intervertebral discs.

It has certain mobility.

It can be bent to a certain extent and twisted to a certain extent. If you exercise too vigorously, or use too much force, or you are too old, misalignment is prone to occur.

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In many cases, conservative treatment and bed rest can be used.

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【My medical skills can add experience points】【】

When encountering a better orthopedic surgeon, if conditions permit, manual reduction can also be performed.

After Zhou Can finished researching the girl's injury, he already had a bottom line in his mind.

"Ji You, push a flat bed over here, it's better to be firmer."

Soon, a flat bed rolled over.

Zhou Can locked the wheel, and then said to the patient, "Come on, lie down."

With the support of Ji You and Zhou Can, the girl lay sideways on the flat bed.

"Let me explain in advance that her lumbar spine dislocation is serious, and I can't guarantee the success of the manual reduction. But I am willing to try my best, because she is so young, and surgery is not only extremely risky, but also expensive."

Zhou Can really cares about patients.

"Doctor Zhou, you can do whatever you want. We must believe in your medical skills, so we came to see you." The girl's father gave him a high degree of trust, which also gave Zhou Can the confidence to try it.

In addition to the on-site publicity of performing the bone-setting reset technique for the girl in public, it is also considered that the venue here is spacious and convenient to perform.

For four weeks, many family members, patients, and even medical staff were watching this extraordinary treatment.

Zhou Can let the girl lie down first, and then began to press her hip joint with one hand and her waist with the other. Slowly lock the joints that need to be reset.

"Relax, relax!"

When he waited for the girl to relax, he suddenly pressed down hard.


A relatively dull sound of bone groan came out, and the girl let out a scream, which made everyone present tense.

Zhou Can, on the other hand, had a relaxed and happy smile on his face.

[Osteopathic experience +1. It is the first time for you to complete the difficult lumbar disc bone setting reduction, and the bone setting experience value +100 will be rewarded.]

[Congratulations on your successful promotion to the fourth level of bone setting, the current experience value is 1/10000, and the attending physician is at the lower level. 】

What a double blessing.

Not to mention the first time he received such a high bone setting experience value reward, this medical skill was even promoted to the fourth level in one fell swoop.

This is the real indication level.

It is really not easy to be promoted to the fourth level of osteopathy. Many orthopedic surgeons may die at the level of residents in their lifetime.

This is really no exaggeration.

There are not many patients with bone setting, and they are basically joint displacement and dislocation. For an ordinary orthopedic surgeon, it is considered very good to be able to reset 20 patients a year.

To reach the fourth level, at least more than 1,100 bone setting patients are required.

One can imagine how difficult it is.

Zhou Can is an exception. In addition to the bonuses and rewards of the experience point system, he also has the opportunity to practice medicine alone because of his special status. Coupled with news reports, family members and patients trust him, so he has more opportunities to exercise.

In addition, during the regular training of orthopedic surgery, because of his excellent performance, he was appreciated by the superior doctors and gained a lot of opportunities to exercise. Physician Fu Zhi'an taught him almost hand in hand and taught him everything, coupled with Zhou Can's strong learning ability, he was able to quickly learn and practice bone setting.

Zhou Can's success is not replicable.

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【My medical skills can add experience points】【】

It would be impossible for any doctor to advance to the fourth level of bone setting so quickly.

After being promoted, he found that he had a new and deeper understanding of the structure and connection of bone joints and bones. For example, the connection and structure between the upper articular process, lamina, spinous process, pedicle, vertebral body, and intervertebral disc of the lumbar spine, as well as the specific coordination of these parts during the movement of the human waist, all became in his mind. clear.

This can help him diagnose lumbar cases more quickly and accurately in the future.

Needless to say, the bone-setting method is used for reduction.

He now has the ability to challenge some difficult joint resets.

For example, the wrist and ankle joints are recognized as very complicated.

When joint displacement occurs in these two parts, in many cases, doctors can only choose to perform surgery because of their limited skills. And there is no way to reset it.

Zhou Can's bone setting has been promoted to the fourth level, and he is now confident in completing this complicated joint reset operation.

"Girl, come on, stand up and try!"

Zhou Can smiled confidently and said to the little girl who was still lying down.

The girl's father watched nervously.

To be honest, Zhou Can used the reset technique just now, and suddenly used the weight of his whole body to press down on her waist, almost scaring the souls of the family members.

This is the lumbar spine of the human body, if it is broken or injured, the consequences will be unimaginable.

In particular, there was a muffled clicking sound, which sounded like a bone being crushed.

"I... can sit up by myself now?" The little girl was only over twelve years old after all, and she was too frightened just now, and still hasn't recovered.

She desperately wants the doctor or her father to lift her out of bed now.

"You can do it, be brave!" Zhou Can looked at her with encouraging eyes.

Feeling the encouraging eyes of the doctor, the girl felt a little more confident in her heart. Gritting her teeth, she tried to get up slowly.

Under the expectant eyes of everyone, she actually sat up by herself.

Then get out of bed and try to walk on the ground.

"Okay, it's really good! The upper body is no longer crooked, and I no longer need help when walking."

The girl's father shouted happily, but he didn't know when his eyes were red.

For a father, he is the saddest person when he sees his daughter's lumbar spine injury seriously. He is more anxious than anyone else.

Now seeing that Zhou Can is more powerful than the news propaganda, just pressing and pushing like this, her daughter's injured lumbar spine was healed. His hands were shaking slightly with excitement.

"A miracle doctor! What a miracle doctor! This trip is the right one!"

The girl's father muttered to himself, his face flushed red from being too happy.

"I'll give you two boxes of calcium tablets to strengthen your bones." After Zhou Can finished speaking, he turned to look at the girl's father. "It's time to grow your body. Normally, you should pay more attention to your child's nutritional balance. Give your child more calcium-enriched food. In addition to stewed pork rib soup, milk, goat's milk, beans, fish and shrimp are all very good. "

Zhou Can believes that calcium supplementation should be based on food supplements and physical exercise, and calcium tablets are only suitable for some people to take during special periods of time.

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【My medical skills can add experience points】【】

It is not advisable to rely solely on taking calcium tablets to achieve long-term calcium supplementation.

The onlookers cast admiring glances at Zhou Can one after another. They could be seen as witnessing Dr. Zhou's bone-setting skills.

Some people took small videos on the spot, which will probably be posted online.

At that time, Zhou Can's influence will be further expanded.

But Zhou Can didn't know that the official's wife who wanted to jump in line because her husband was an official, happened to take her child to the blood draw window to line up for blood draw, and she saw the whole process of Zhou Can's healing of the little girl's lumbar spine dislocation. inside.

She couldn't help but recognize Zhou Can's medical skills in her heart.

"No wonder it's on the news, it really has real skills."

She thought again that her son had just sprained his ankle, and after the pediatric orthopedic surgeon warmly received them, he ordered a number of examinations.

I don't think there is anything more than that.

Compared with this, she felt that Zhou Can's medical skills were superior.

The girl only had one X-ray examination in the whole process, and now she has been cured and left. And her son is still waiting in line here to have blood drawn for a biochemical test.

"Xiao Xu, you said that my son sprained his ankle. Why did he have blood tests, CT scans, X-rays, and various examinations. No matter how you look at it, it seems like an over-examination, which is a waste of time."

She complained to the driver.

"At least the doctor who received us was very enthusiastic and had a very good attitude~ The doctor may have his own purpose for doing these checks! I think he knows that our identities are special, so he won't randomly prescribe check items. I It can be seen that this doctor is very respectful to you when he sees you."

The driver Xiao Xu tried his best to smooth things over.

In fact, Xiao Xu also saw Zhou Can's whole process of treating that patient just now.

It's just that he had a falling out with Zhou Can in public, and Zhou Can didn't buy into him, and now there is no way for him to say good things about Zhou Can.

"We brought Xiaobao to see a doctor, and we didn't want to be complimented. I don't think it's going to work, so I'd better go back and see that doctor Zhou. He is an expert in Tuya Hospital, and he really has nothing to say about his medical skills."

After weighing it over, Mrs. Guan somewhat regretted her impulsiveness.

At that time, we shouldn't have blatantly jumped the queue and made things so rigid.

The safer way is for her to line up behind with her child, and then let the driver Xiao Xu go to the front for an interview to get in touch with Dr. Zhou, the effect may be better.

She is used to privileges, and there are indeed very few people who don't buy it, which is why she has developed a bad habit.

No matter what you do, you must take priority and enjoy privileges.

So much so that she didn't think there was anything wrong with jumping in line to see a doctor in a domineering way.

Even if she backed down later, it was because she didn't want to be exposed in full view.

"I think it's just a minor ailment of a sprained ankle. Any doctor should be the same! Xinxiang Maternity and Children's Hospital is a third-class hospital anyway, so it's not bad. There's no need for us to go back and suffer from the idleness of that surnamed Zhou."

The driver Xiao Xu has his own opinion.

He has to be tough to the end, face is more important than anything else.


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