My Life Simulator

Chapter 609: Facing the Abyss

Facing the abyss is a very dangerous thing.

It's like walking a tightrope over an abyss.

Originally, Lu Li was still thinking of analysing the principle of abyss erosion in the virtual laboratory, and then finding the safest way to get in touch with the abyss.

Now... the virtual laboratory has been unable to virtualize the origin of the abyss, and Lu Li can only directly resist, which is somewhat beyond Lu Li's expectations.

The only good thing is that in the low sequence stage, the abyss erosion is not strong. With Lu Li's mental will strength, he is not worried about his will being distorted for the time being.

The problem is... Abyssal erosion, just like that, only the difference between zero and countless.

If you often walk by the river, you can never get your shoes wet. Since your shoes are wet, why not wash your feet, and since you have washed your feet, why not take a bath...

What worries Lu Li even more is that after the plot ends, when he returns to reality, will he bring back the power of the abyss?

If the abyss is brought back to reality, resulting in a "resurrection of demonic energy" in reality, then the game will collapse!

Last time in the zombie plot, I didn't bring back the zombie virus when I returned, so I shouldn't bring back the abyss this time, right?

He let out a long sigh, but Lu Xin's head was still unsteady.

As a scientist, Lu Li is accustomed to researching the essence of things in advance, finding out the basic laws, and then operating according to the laws of nature.

Now this kind of crossing the river where even the stones can't be touched makes Lu Li very uncomfortable.

The virtual laboratory cannot virtualize the origin of the abyss, so it can only virtualize some superficial phenomena!

Lu Li sighed, and with a thought, he virtualized all the comrades-in-arms in the boot camp, insurance sellers, cowboys, monks, fortune-tellers, and readers.

"Virtualize the situation when they were promoted to extraordinary."

With a single order, the five people's promotion to extraordinary situation was all virtualized.

This is not the origin of the virtual abyss, it is just equivalent to a "replay". Compared to Lu Li's previous virtual promotion sequence, the difficulty was reduced from "making a movie" to "watching a movie".

Lu Li also virtualized various testing equipment to conduct a detailed inspection of the five people who were promoted to extraordinary.

Through inspection, Lu Li found that when they were promoted to extraordinary, the hormone secretion in these people changed significantly.

Seeing this, Lu Li has already determined part of the mechanism of abyss erosion.

From the material level, the interference of the abyss force on the human body is to stimulate the secretion of various hormones.

Hormones, which are the material causes that govern human emotions, desires, and behavior. Human love and hatred, all kinds of desires, are all due to the effect of hormone stimulation.

For example, aminophenols, which make you feel happy. Dopamine can make you addicted. Hormones will make you… ahem, you know.

Do you think "only the last one", and then another all-nighter, do you want to fight? No, it's all about dopamine.

Humans are slaves to genes! Human emotions and desires are all controlled by genes and are all produced by hormone secretion.

Do you think you have a soul? Do not! you have not! Your consciousness is just a tiny electrical signal passing through your neurons.

Any change in hormones will cause corresponding changes in brain waves, causing you to have various emotions such as happiness, anger, sadness, and joy.

Of course, there is also a subjective willpower that is producing "inhibition".

Because acquired morality, law, knowledge and other factors make you show the corresponding rules of behavior, thereby inhibiting the instinct of genes. This suppression rule is called a "meme".

So... although you have a bold idea, the country also has a complete criminal law. This makes many behaviors dominated by genetic instincts suppressed by subjective consciousness.

Because of the different "memes", the ability to inhibit gene instinct is different, resulting in various "characters"!

Now, through the testing of the virtual laboratory, Lu Li has determined the material cause of the erosion of the abyss.

The power of the abyss will interfere with the human body's hormone secretion, produce powerful genetic instincts, and give birth to various emotions and desires, thus governing people's behavior.

But...that's just one aspect of it.

The erosion of the abyss not only stimulates the hormone secretion of the human body, but also directly interferes with the spiritual consciousness of human beings.

Once again, human consciousness is just electrical signals flowing through neurons.

The TV may be connected to the channel, the same principle, the brain waves will also be connected to the channel, and will be directly interfered.

But... in the virtual laboratory, Lu Li couldn't directly detect the "interference of the abyss on spiritual consciousness".

Because the origin of the abyss could not be virtualized, he could only "watch the replay" and could not experience it himself in the virtual laboratory. Lu Li could not judge what the "interference of the abyss on spiritual consciousness" was.

However, Lu Li was sure that with his current state, he would not be eroded by the abyss in the low-sequence stage.

After waving his hand to close the virtual lab, Lu Li let out a long sigh.

Or only in person!

If you don't enter a tiger's den, you can't get a tiger's son. Without personal contact with the erosion of the abyss, it is all guesswork, and it is impossible to judge the mechanism of the erosion of the abyss on the spiritual consciousness.

Promote the martial artist's Sequence Nine "Martial Arts Apprentice" first and see the effect!

Lu Li stood up and walked out of the martial arts room.

According to the promotion ceremony of "Martial Arts Apprentice", Lu Li needs to let at least 50 people know that he "knows martial arts", and also needs to be taught a boxing method.

This requirement is relatively easy to meet.

Lu Li walked out of the indoor training ground and came to the training ground of the boot camp.

At this moment, on the training ground of the recruit battalion, a group of soldiers are lined up in a neat square formation, doing queue training.

The soldiers in front of them, at least a few hundred people, fully meet the requirements.

Lu Li walked to the lawn outside the training ground, opened his posture, and played a set of Tai Chi Neijia Boxing. The figure moved and flickered, with every move and style, with an air of arrogance.

Performing a set of boxing techniques in front of hundreds of people naturally met the requirement of "at least fifty people know that you know martial arts".

After a set of punches, Lu Li turned around and left.

After finding the squad leader Lin Haiwen in the barracks, Lu Li said directly, "Squad leader, I want to learn Xingyi Quan, can you teach me?"

"Want to learn shape and meaning? Good!"

Lin Haiwen smiled and walked out of the office to the floor outside.

"Okay! I'll demonstrate all the Xingyiquan frame, you just go back and practice it yourself!"

Having said that, Lin Haiwen opened his posture, practiced the various boxing styles of Xingyi Quan one by one, and explained the tricks of running Jin Dao in detail.

So...the ceremony is complete!

Lu Li only felt an invisible force that kept drilling into his body.

It was inconvenient to advance now, so Lu Li hurriedly activated his infuriating energy to block the force that was invading his body.

"Squad leader, thank you!"

Lu Li quickly thanked Lin Haiwen, "I'm going back to practice boxing!"

Lin Haiwen smiled and waved his hand, "Okay, go down and think about it slowly!"

After saying goodbye to Lin Haiwen, Lu Li hurried back to the dormitory.

Sitting down on the floor of the dormitory, Lu Li let go of the real pressure control and began to personally experience the promotion of the extraordinary sequence in this world.

After releasing the real pressure control, a fiery force poured into the body instantly, burning like a blazing flame.

Lu Li entered the state of inner vision and carefully observed the effect of this force on the body.

Through inner vision observation, Lu Li found that after this force entered his body, it immediately stimulated Lu Li's massive secretion of hormones and norepinephrine.

The role of hormones will not only make people want to, but also make people impulsive, irritable, and aggressive.

Coupled with "norepinephrine" to fan the flames on the side, it is like a panic of desire and dissatisfaction, which will make people more irritable and impulsive, just like a powder keg that explodes at one point.

It's means nothing to Lu Li!

After becoming the Yang God, Lu Li's spirit has been materialized and can exist without the body.

The instinct of genes and the influence of hormones have no effect on Lu Li at all!

In the next instant, there was a loud bang in Lu Li's mind, and a chaotic and twisted force appeared in Lu Li's soul perception.

This is... the origin of the abyss!

The endless babble seemed to be a combination of hundreds of millions of various noises, and turned on the super loudspeaker with a hundred decibels, which kept playing in Lu Li's ears.

There were crazy laughter, mournful howls, and joyous moans... It was endless and mixed.

Loud noises echoed in his ears, but all kinds of strange and distorted scenes appeared in front of him.

It seems to be playing thousands of movies at the same time with a fun mirror, and the various pictures are also mixed and distorted.

Indescribable form, indescribably strange!

Is this the origin of the abyss?

The so-called "abyss erosion" is to make some noise, play a movie, and it's over?

Lu Li suddenly had a feeling... that's it? Are you so patient?

At least in Sequence Nine's "Martial Arts Apprentice" rank, this abyss erosion made Lu Li feel no threat at all.

Well, one is that the sequence is too low, and the other is that Lu Li is too strong. This influence has absolutely no effect on Lu Li.

So... Lu Li not only did not block these sounds and images, but observed them carefully.

This is a kind of temptation, crazy temptation on the edge of 404!

Abyss did not respond to Lu Li's probe. Whether you like it or hate it, welcome it or boycott it, it's there.

"In a preliminary judgment, the abyss should not have self-awareness, and it is likely to be just an 'objective phenomenon' or an information complex."

From the perspective of scientific research, Lu Li made a preliminary judgment on the origin of the abyss.

However, this judgment is still very rudimentary, it is only a guess, and there is insufficient evidence to prove this judgment.

"If the abyss is an information complex, or an energy aggregate, then... from astrophysics, there is actually a similar conjecture, that is a black hole!"

Lu Li remembered the conjecture about black holes.

There is a conjecture about black holes that goes like this. When a black hole devours all matter, all energy, and all time and space, everything it devours will turn into a form of information, just like turning everything into a movie.

If the essence of the abyss is a huge black hole that devoured a universe, then... the noisy noise and distorted images that I encountered just now are likely to be the information state left after the black hole engulfed a universe!

Of course, this is just a guess, and it's not very reliable!

If the black hole is approaching to this extent, the entire earth, the entire solar system, and even the entire galaxy should be gone, right?

When Lu Li was observing the origin of the abyss and conducting scientific research, the power of the abyss pouring into Lu Li's body was changing.

An abyss force poured into Lu Li's muscles, stimulating Lu Li's muscle density to increase slightly.

Lu Li's soul consciousness immediately came into contact with a message, "Skill: Strong!"

Oh, is this abyss feedback power?

Lu Li smiled and didn't care. Such a little feedback didn't improve him at all.

The next moment, another abyss force poured into Lu Li's skin, and he gained a slight improvement again, giving birth to a new skill "Toughness".

It's not over yet.

Next, Lu Li kept generating various skills in his body, and kept getting feedback from the abyss.

After being strong and tenacious, Lu Li gained a total of nine skills: dexterity, flexibility, seeing six directions, listening to all directions, abundant physical strength, vigorous blood, and fast healing.

This is... gone?

Some more! Although the improvement is not large, I still do not dislike it!

However... Abyss doesn't want to talk to you!

When the last skill was condensed, the whispers in his ears and the strange scene in front of him all dissipated.

Gently, the abyss is gone, leaving only a bunch of skills!

" much skill feedback a sequence promotion gets depends entirely on whether you can handle it?"

The abyss is like a vast ocean, as long as you can drink it, even if you drink it up, you can do whatever you want!

The only problem is that this vast ocean is poisonous. If you can handle it, you can do whatever you want, and if you can't handle it, it's over!

After personally experiencing a sequence promotion and facing the origin of the abyss, Lu Li's feelings towards the abyss became much more objective.

The abyss has nothing to do with evil!

It itself is only an "objective phenomenon", it has no self-consciousness, and it has no subjective idea of ​​destroying the world at all.

Just like the mass extinctions that the earth has experienced time and time again, they are all objective phenomena, and no one deliberately caused the mass extinction of these creatures.

So...the world can't be saved at all?

It's no wonder that on the story mission, the option "Will you save it? Or destroy it?" is given.

Of course, this is only a preliminary interpretation.

Whether the nature of the abyss is an objective phenomenon requires more evidence to prove it.

In addition... even if it is an objective phenomenon, as human beings, isn't it what we should do to conquer nature and defeat nature?

If the arrival of the abyss cannot be changed, and the existence of the abyss cannot be eliminated, then... at least the abyss must no longer be harmful to humans.

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