My Life Simulator

Chapter 353 This is a major breakthrough?

After removing the specimen from the human body, Lu Li walked out of the operating room.

Coming to a test bench next to him, Lu Li sat down and started to do gene editing of T cells.

Gene editing and modification, the technology has long appeared.

Genetic modification by natural means, such as fruit tree grafting technology, and even the well-known hybrid rice technology, these are all genetic modification technologies.

People are also not unfamiliar with gene editing and modification by unnatural means, such as... genetically modified technology.

Even if it is to manipulate human genes, it is not once or twice.

As early as 2016, a guy named He Jiankui manipulated human embryos to create a pair of so-called "AIDS-immune" gene-edited babies, and then... He Jiankui was arrested and imprisoned!

In a situation where the technology is completely immature, a pair of gene-edited babies is actually produced. Is there any conscience and morality of a scientist?

If genetic technology is a road to the sky, human beings have just taken a small step, and they want to play God? How stupid, how arrogant is this?

The more advanced human science and technology are, the more we must maintain awe.

Sitting in front of the test bench, Lu Li carefully took out some cancer cell samples and installed them under the electron microscope.

In the electron microscope images, the internal structure of the cells is clearly displayed on the monitor.

The endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, mitochondria, microsomes, vacuoles, cytoskeleton, cytosol, and even the entangled DNA inside the nucleus are clearly presented.

DNA requires an electron microscope to see, but... if you straighten it, the DNA strands are over two meters long.

Manipulating the instrument and using a gene gun to inject Cas9 transcriptase into cancer cells, Lu Li clearly saw that the transcriptase was close to the DNA chain and copied a piece of DNA information.

Cancer cell gene information is transcribed.

Lu Li started the next experiment. After installing T cells under an electron microscope, Lu Li used a gene gun to inject the genetic information of cancer cells into T cells.

Soon, T cells pick up this genetic information and incorporate it into the immune system's "hostile sequence."

To do this, weapons against cancer cells have been prepared.

But... once injected into the human body, the T cells will divide wildly, which will inevitably bring about the madness of the immune system.

As a result, the immune system kills the body before cancer kills it.

Therefore, Lu Li has to take another step.

This time, Lu Li is going to modify the "information dissemination mechanism" of T cells, so that it will not call for "air support" or "call friendly forces" everywhere, and only let it fight alone.

Perhaps, that way it might not trigger the immune system to go crazy.

This in turn involves another gene-editing technology, CRISPR-Cas9.

This gene editing technology is derived from the mutation mechanism of bacteria against phages.

When bacteria resist phage attack, they mutate a special protein that cuts the gene chain that the phage injects into the nucleus.

I have to mention here that bacteriophages are the most terrifying killers in the world.

Every moment, in every corner of the world, a war that has lasted for countless years is breaking out. The scale of the war has reached a terrifying scale of trillions of magnitudes.

This is the phage attack on the bacteria.

A bacteriophage is a virus with a regular shape. Its head is a twenty-sided dice, and it has a small stick-like torso with a few spider legs below it, like a nano-robot.

Bacteriophages are harmless to the human body, they are just frantically attacking bacteria. They inject their own DNA into the bacteria and divide into countless phages inside the cell, killing the bacteria and spreading.

In the face of phage attack, bacteria have also evolved a means of resistance, which is a special protein mentioned above. This protein cuts off the DNA injected by the phage.

Humans use this special protein to cut genes, modify genes, and even edit genes.

In the laboratory, Lu Li repeated the experiment of phage attacking bacteria, and obtained the special protein CRISPR that bacteria use to fight phage.

This CRISPR protein, combined with the Cas9 transcriptase, was then injected into the T cells to modify the T cells' genes.

Gene mapping is a problem.

Lu Li has done countless experiments in a row, but he has not been able to obtain accurate genetic modification effects.

Even though transcriptases are genetically matched, however...splicing proteins often cut in the wrong place.

Manipulating genes is not about cutting with scissors. This extremely microscopic operation cannot penetrate into the nucleus of the cell with any tool. This operation can only be achieved by cutting proteins.

Fortunately, the gene match of the transcriptase is still in play.

After repeating the experiment hundreds of times, I finally got it right once.

A gene-edited T cell was finally born.

Lu Li got up quickly and injected the T cell into the virtual human body.

Then there is the wait!

After the gene-edited T cells enter the human body, they immediately detect the existence of "hostile target" cancer cells, instantly activate the stress mechanism, begin to absorb nutrients from the human body, and divide frantically.

Half an hour later, the experimental body began to have a fever, and the heart rate increased sharply.

This is the immune mechanism at work. The symptoms of a fever are the normal mechanism by which the immune system responds to a virus invasion.

And then...the immune system is still going crazy!

Even if T cells do not "call friendly forces", the dispatch of the army of T cells will still cause the body to produce a violent immune response, and the "factor storm" still occurs.

It's doesn't seem that the scale is that serious.

Lu Li hurriedly created a drug to control the madness of the immune system to maintain the vital signs of the experimental body.

Cardiac injections, adrenal hormones, first aid, and various emergency methods have been used in succession.

"Sure enough, my thinking is right!"

Lu Li let out a long breath and grinned, "Eliminating the ability of T cells to call friendly forces can reduce the chance of the immune system going crazy."

Although this little progress has not yet made a key breakthrough in CAR-T cancer treatment technology, but... as a postgraduate thesis, the gold content is absolutely sufficient.

After closing the virtual lab, Lu Li opened his eyes, and another night passed.

After getting up and taking a shower, he went out to eat breakfast. Lu Li returned home, sat in front of the computer, and started writing his thesis.

"CAR-T technology, a preliminary study on the mechanism of shielding T cell information transmission!"

Lu Li sat in front of the computer desk and tapped his hands on the keyboard for a while. A paper with detailed data, clear experimental steps, and a true and reliable paper could be easily written.

One Chinese, one English, all done.

Then, Lu Li called Professor He, "Teacher, my research topic has been..."

"Have you thought about the topic? It's very efficient!"

Before Lu Li could finish speaking, Professor He took over, "Okay, you can send me the subject! I'll report it to you."

"'s not a project, it's a thesis. I wrote a thesis."

Lu Li quickly explained: "Teacher, I wrote a paper and sent it to your mailbox. Please correct me!"


Professor He was stunned for a moment. You didn't even choose a topic, so you wrote your thesis? Is it the kind of irrigation paper with a mixed name?

"I'll take a look!"

Professor He didn't say much, and was going to read it first. If it is really watering the paper, then you should take care of Lu Li and kill this evil spirit.

Sitting back at the desk, Professor He turned on the computer and saw the paper sent by Lu Li in the mailbox.

When he opened the paper and saw the title "CAR-T technology, a preliminary exploration of the mechanism of shielding T cell information transmission", Professor He was taken aback for a moment.

CAR-T technology? This is still a cutting-edge scientific research project in the world!

Screen T cell information dissemination mechanism? New gene editing technology?

Professor He's expression suddenly became solemn, and he quickly and seriously looked at it.

The papers are in duplicate, one in Chinese and one in English. Professor He didn't bother to read the English version, so he picked up the Chinese version of the paper and read it.

There is no moisture in the whole paper, it is all dry goods.

In the paper, Lu Li described the new gene editing direction of T cells in detail. Every step is clear and the experimental data is also very detailed.

Judging from the paper, as long as Lu Li's experimental steps are followed, the gene editing technology that shields the information transmission mechanism of T cells is completely repeatable.

Theoretically, shielding the information transmission mechanism of T cells can indeed effectively reduce the "factor storm" and reduce the probability of the immune system going crazy.

"This kid... Silently, he actually set a thunderbolt for me!"

A bright smile appeared on Professor He's face, "The breakthrough in CAR-T technology is a major scientific research achievement! Not bad! Not bad!"

After reading the paper, Professor He hurriedly downloaded the paper and printed it out. Then, Professor He picked up the thesis materials, turned around and ran out.

All the way to the Oncology Laboratory of Fudan Medical College, I found Professor Guo, who is engaged in the research of tumor medical technology.

"Lao Guo, Lao Guo, take a look at this paper."

Professor He shouted, and raised the information in his hand towards Professor Guo.


Professor Guo of the Oncology Laboratory looked up at Professor He, "Old He, you are so excited, does this paper still have some goods?"

"What's more, it's in stock?"

In front of Professor Guo, Professor He handed over the paper, "You can see for yourself!"

"CAR-T technology, a preliminary study on the mechanism of shielding T cell information transmission? The author... Lu Li?"

Seeing the title and the author, Professor Guo suddenly became serious, "It turned out to be written by Lu Li. This kid, actually researched this? It's amazing!"

Picking up the paper, Professor Guo sat down and read it carefully.

After reading it over and over again, a look of surprise appeared on Professor Guo's face, "From the point of view of the experimental steps and ideas, this new direction of gene editing has actually... succeeded?"

"It looks like this!"

Professor He grinned, "I came to you just to repeat this experiment."


Professor Guo got up quickly, "I also want to verify it. If the experiment can be repeated, then... that's amazing!"

It is amazing that a master's student actually came up with such a highly valuable thesis and made such a breakthrough in a cutting-edge scientific research project.

As a result, Professor Guo gave an order and summoned all the master and doctoral students in the tumor research laboratory, handed out a paper to them, and asked them to repeat Lu Li's experiment.

"Lu Li's paper? CAR-T technology?"

Seeing this paper, the doctoral and master students in the laboratory were all dumbfounded.

This guy, Lu Li, has just been a graduate student for less than a year, right? This has come up with such scientific research results?

Originally, Lu Li's previous "ask for advice" made Professor Guo praise Lu Li all the time, which made everyone feel embarrassed.

Now... how come you actually got results?

Does this keep people alive?

Secretly slandering in their hearts, these "research dogs" can only repeat Lu Li's experiments according to Professor Guo's instructions.

Everyone immediately acted, like an assembly line, constantly preparing shear proteins, preparing transcriptases, and continuously injecting them into T cells.

Compared to Lu Li who could do all the work by himself and complete all the steps by himself, the current assembly line model is much more efficient.

Within an hour, more than 300 T-cell genetically modified samples had been prepared in the laboratory.

Among the more than 300 samples, four T cells that can accurately shield the information transmission mechanism appeared.

The experiment was a success!

"Hahahaha! It really worked!"

Professor He couldn't help laughing out loud, "Lu Li has really achieved results! Hahahaha!"

The surrounding graduate students and doctoral students were silent.

Professor Guo looked at the successfully prepared T cells, and then at Professor He, who was smiling from ear to ear, and sighed inwardly.

How could such an outstanding student fall into the hands of Lao He? What a shit luck!

Afterwards, Professor He sent out Lu Li's paper and submitted it to the core journal "Chinese Medicine", and attached the repeated test records of Fudan University.

After receiving this submission, the editorial department of "Chinese Medicine" was surprised to see the title, and then saw the repeated experimental records of Fudan University attached, and immediately transferred it to the reviewers without saying a word. .

Fudan University has already verified it once, which is clearly a scientific research result that has been tested by practice.

There are several reviewers, some are professors of medicine at Yanjing University, and some are academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

After receiving the manuscript, the reviewers looked at it seriously.

After reading Lu Li's paper and seeing the repeated test records of Fudan University, the reviewers were amazed again.

Is the author a graduate student?

A master's student, actually came up with such scientific research results?

How powerful is Fudan's scientific research strength?

With a sigh, the reviewer arranged for someone to conduct a repeated test as well. The result... once again proved that Lu Li's thesis is absolutely correct.

Soon after, the journal "Chinese Medicine" officially published Lu Li's paper.

Once the paper came out, it caused a huge shock in the scientific community, and also caused a huge response in the society.

"Conquering cancer is no longer a dream. Chinese scientist Lu Li has made a major breakthrough in CAR-T anti-cancer technology!"

Lu Li: Is this a major breakthrough?

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