My Life Simulator

Chapter 185 Not the craziest, only crazier

"The Legend of Detective Leon Ruhr!"

"Chapter 1: Road Hunting."

At dawn, the four fields were dark. The poisonous-tongued reporter Emilia, who stayed up all night, still sat in front of the computer and wrote the legendary story of "Detective Leon Ruhr".

Ever since she saw Lu Li's case with her own eyes, such as God's wisdom and invincible fighting power, Emilia has become an admirer of Lu Li.

With the convenience of being a reporter, Emilia unearthed all the stories of Lu Li.

From the small town patrol police to solve the case, to the investigation of the murderer on Highway 3, and then to the Tucson crime team to solve the suspected case. The more she learned, the stronger Emilia's admiration and admiration for Lu Li became.

Handsome and handsome, smart and witty, and also outstanding in combat. Such a detective is simply a perfect idol!

Passionate and inspirational. Emilia's fingers were flying, and she typed lines of text on the keyboard. The words are filled with praise and admiration for Lu Li.

She was so devoted to her creation that... Emilia didn't even notice that there were several men in black in the room at some point in time.


A man in black asked aloud.

"Shut up! Don't disturb my creation!"

Emilia roared, without raising her head, and continued typing in front of the computer.


The few men in black next to them looked stunned.


The leading man in black shrugged his shoulders, took out a sedative gun, and pulled the trigger at Emilia, who was burying the code.

With a "boom", the anesthesia needle plunged into Emilia's neck.

"Oh... no... I still have a chapter to finish..."

Emilia flicked her fingers on the keyboard a few times, her neck crooked, and she fell down.

"I'm not worried about my own safety, but I'm worried that I haven't finished coding? Is this a neuropathy?"

A man in black has a dull face, always feeling a little weird.

"Have respect for a writer."

The man in black walked up, stretched out his hand and pulled out the anesthesia needle, and sighed, "I used to be a writer, but it wasn't until I couldn't pay the rent and was kicked out by the landlord that I became a killer."


The man in black next to him was confused and didn't know what the leader was talking about.

"So, writing a novel is a dead end!"

The leader sighed and waved at the crowd, "Take it away."


Tucson Police Department.

After destroying a poisonous weed factory, confiscating processing equipment, imprisoning the persons involved, and checking various materials, the entire police station was busy.

Lu Li did not participate in the follow-up work, but... went to the equipment depot to receive a full set of equipment, guns and ammunition, looking like he was going to fight.

In addition to Lu Li, there are many people in the police station dressed in this outfit, and even the anti-terrorist SWAT team is already on guard.

There has been such a big case, and there have been twenty-five militants before, and even the self-exploding device installed in the poisonous weed factory. As long as they are not fools, everyone knows that the big man's counterattack has just begun.

Before the big man is brought to justice, this matter is not over yet, and the danger has just begun.

"Leon, do you think the big man will attack the police station directly?"

Allen was also fully armed and guarded the roof of the police station with Lu Li.

"Under the dog's rush, he can do anything."

Lu Li wouldn't believe the integrity of big men. People like them have no bottom line when it comes to doing things.

"I mean, they might do something else."

Allen's face became a little dignified, "I have already reported to the FBI headquarters. However, it will take time for the staff from the headquarters to come over."

"I know what you're talking about."

Lu Li sighed, "Tucson city is so big, we don't have enough manpower, it's impossible to guard every place. We can only guard at the police station and prevent them from killing people."

Looking up at the city shrouded in the pre-dawn darkness, Lu Li sighed, "I hope... the situation is not so bad..."


Before Lu Li's words were finished, he saw a loud bang in the distance, raging flames shot up into the sky, and the red light illuminated the sky.

"The gas company! The gas company exploded!"

Alan was horrified and covered his face with his hands, "This is definitely not an accident! It must have been them. My God! How could they do such a thing?"

In the next instant, there was a continuous explosion of loud noises in many places in Tucson City, and raging flames rose up.

At this moment, the whole sky of Tucson was bright red, and the firelight reflected half of the sky.

"Oh, God!"

Allen was stunned.

"God can't save this city!"

Lu Li's eyes turned cold, he reached out and grabbed the rifle, "But, I can!"

"Go! Kill them!"

With a wave to Allen, Lu Li turned around and went downstairs.

"Wow wow... wow wow..."

At this time, a shrill siren sounded over the police station.

"Emergency! Emergency!"

"Attention all police officers. There have been multiple bombings in Tucson, suspected terrorist attacks!"

"All police officers are in a state of combat readiness! All police officers shall obey the command of the command center."

"The SWAT team will leave immediately."

"Patrols were dispatched immediately to evacuate the crowd."

"The serious crime team immediately went to the explosion sites everywhere."

"Kill all the gangsters found! Repeat, all the gangsters found are shot and killed!"

"Aid from the National Guard! Aid from the State Police! Aid from the FBI!"

"Everyone, I'm Chief Conn, and it's an honor to work with you. Today, our Tucson Police Department faces the most severe test. Sacrifice will be inevitable! But victory will be ours. Please stand your ground!"

"May the glory always be with you, and may the justice be forever!"


As Chief Conn roared loudly, the entire police station spun up in an instant.

A police car roared out of the police station and rushed in all directions.

"This is the enemy's plan! The police are all dispatched, the defense is empty, and the enemy will definitely attack!"

Alan jumped in a hurry when he saw this situation.

"So, you're making us watch Tucson get bombed? You're making us watch the citizens of Tucson at war and do nothing?"

Chief Conn roared, "We are the police! We are the Tucson County Sheriff! It is our duty to protect the people of Tucson! Your FBI caused this incident! What you have to do now is to let your FBI come Hurry up! Otherwise, just wait and collect the corpses for us!"

After speaking, Director Conn turned to open the closet, took out a full set of armored combat uniforms, fully armed, carrying a heavy sniper rifle, and climbed to the roof.

"Before the chief, I was a sniper!"

Pull down the bolt, push the bullet to load, Director Dunn lay on the roof.

My belly is a bit big, and my physical strength is not as good as before. I don't know if the craft is still good! With a long sigh, Director Kang's eyes were icy cold.


"Ah... help! Help!"

"Ambulance! Where's the ambulance?"

Lu left a police motorcycle and rushed out of the police station with Tina, with chaos in front of him.

The flames caused by the explosion swept across all directions, setting houses on fire. Even though the firefighters were working hard to put out the fire, they were still unable to put out the blaze that was spreading everywhere.

Panicked people rushed to the streets, and some robbers were smashing shops and looting property. The scene was chaotic.

Even though the patrolmen were guiding and evacuating the people, it was still difficult to maintain effective order control.

The roads were so crowded with people and vehicles that even motorcycles could not drive.

Lu Li could only leave his motorcycle behind and move forward on foot.

The serious crime team and the SWAT team have gone deep into the city, searching for possible gangsters. A group of Lu Li and Tina moved towards the gas company that exploded at first.

The scene is so chaotic!

In such a chaotic situation, it is difficult to find the gangsters hidden in the crowd.

Lu Li didn't have any hope of finding the culprits. He knew very well that when the bandits made these noises, they just wanted to get rid of the tiger and leave the Tucson police station empty.

The enemy's target has always been the police station. They just want to kill people, just to get back that piece of evidence.

"Help! Help!"

While walking, Lu Li suddenly heard a cry for help from the alley next to him.

Lu Li gestured to Tina, and the two formed a fighting formation, staggered forward, and rushed into the alley.

Under the flashlight equipped with the rifle, Lu Li saw that a black state man was violent to a white woman.

"Police! Hands up!"

Lu Li roared and pointed his gun at the thug. However... I don't know if this thug had been drinking too much, but he even took out a gun at Lu Li.


Without hesitation, Lu Li shot and killed the thug on the spot.

When this happened, Lu Li knew very well that the terrorist's goal had been achieved. The chaotic situation and the endless variety of thugs will greatly constrain the strength of the police.

Even if there is an attack on the police station next, the police scattered all over the city will not be able to shrink their strength in a short period of time.

"If I were the mastermind, what would be the next step?"

Lu Li launched a "role substitution" to think about the problem from the perspective of a terrorist attack planner.

Taking into account the current situation, in order to ensure that there is no accident, we must also prepare a back-up.

A glint of light flashed in Lu Li's eyes, he turned his head and said to Tina, "Tina, go to the poisonous reporter's house, let's go!"

After speaking, Lu Li took Tina and took a shortcut to the house of the poisonous reporter.

After a while, Lu Li turned out from an alley and came to the door of the poisonous reporter.

The door was open, and one of the windows next to it had been removed. Sure enough, the poisonous reporter has been arrested.

Lu Li launched "Insight" at the door of the room, and all kinds of residual information poured into his mind.

Four gangsters... captured Emilia...

Leave in an off-road vehicle, direction...left.

Lu Li turned his head and looked to the left. The end of the road was right in front of the police station.

Found you!

In that direction, there is a gas station, and a water tower. This water tower supplies the police station with tap water.

Gas station, water tower, tap water... Lu Li suddenly thought of a possibility!

The enemy never thought of attacking the police station directly.

The gasoline from the gas station is poured into the police station through the water tower, and then... the taps in the police station are full of gasoline.

As long as there is a fire, the entire police station will be burnt to the ground, and both witnesses and evidence will be burned to ashes, and nothing will be left.

"Call the command center! Call the command center!"

Lu Li quickly pressed the communicator to call the command center.

"This is the command center."

"I'm Leon Ruhl, transfer me to Director Conn immediately, I have a major situation report."


"Leon, what's the matter with you?" Director Conn's voice sounded in the communicator.

"Chief. I suspect terrorists are hiding near the gas station and water tower opposite the police station. They want to put gasoline into the police station's water mains. Shut the water gate now! Shut the water gate now!"


When Director Kang En heard the news, he shivered and his face turned pale with fright.

Once the water pipes in the police station are full of gasoline, the consequences... Fortunately, Leon Ruhr discovered it, God bless!

"Received! I ordered the floodgates to be closed immediately!"

Chief Conn hung up the communicator and hurriedly ordered: "Attention to the police officers left behind, close the water gate immediately! Shut down all the water pipes in the police station! Immediately, now, immediately!"

This mindless order was still strictly enforced by the police officers. The officers shut down all the water valves at the police station. Not only closed the main gate, but also all the pipes on each floor were closed.

"Director, I'm going to attack the gas station and the water tower."

Lu Li took Tina towards the gas station, ready to give these terrorists a good look.

"Received! I will arrange manpower to cooperate with your actions."

Director Conn replied, paused, and then said: "Lyon, pay attention to safety, be careful!"

"Glory always accompanies, justice lasts forever!"

Lu Li read out the famous words of Director Kang En, and the pace of progress was even faster.

"Glory always accompanies, justice lasts forever!"

Director Conn also read a sentence, turned his gun, and aimed in the direction of the gas station and the water tower.

"Attention to those left behind, be prepared for battle. Team one is on standby at the front door. Team two is on standby at the side gate."


The police officers who stayed behind quickly took orders.

"Anti-terrorist SWAT team, return to the police station immediately." Chief Conn gave another order.


The SWAT team was ordered to return immediately.


On the other side, Lu Li had come to the gas station and hid in a corner of the street.

Lu Li estimated that the enemy had already controlled the gas station and water tower, and had even arranged for snipers.

The gas station and the water tower are in a position corresponding to each other. Attack the water tower and you will be attacked by enemies at the gas station. Attack the gas station and you will be attacked by the enemies of the water tower.

At this time, you need to be very careful.

Lu Li took off the sniper rifle on his back, carefully observed the surrounding situation through the sniper scope, looked for sniper spots, and searched for possible snipers.

The top of the water tower is undoubtedly the best sniping point, but Lu Li's position makes it impossible to observe the top of the water tower.

Hit the gas station and water tower from the ground, and you will definitely be attacked by snipers. No way. Lu Li observed the surrounding floors and found another way.

"Tina, go upstairs."

Lu Li waved at Tina, turned and rushed into a building next to him, ready to attack from the rooftop.

Not one can be spared! Lu Xin's head was already turning with murderous aura.

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