My Life Simulator

Chapter 159 Liu Qin is here

The written test and interview are passed, and the qualification certificate of psychological counselor is about to be obtained.

By convention, after passing the exam, the qualification certificate will generally be issued within three working days.

But... Lu Li is not an ordinary person.

Under the enthusiasm and initiative of the staff girl, Lu Li's "Second-level Psychological Counselor Qualification Certificate" was processed on the spot and handed over to Lu Li.

"This is your qualification certificate."

The staff girl handed a dark green bronzing certificate to Lu Li.

When Lu Li took the certificate, the girl scratched Lu Li's palm with her fingers, and the smile on her face was a little flattering.

"Scratching the palm" is a very ambiguous action, and the subtext is... "Ask for one".

However, a "pure" person like Lu Li, of course, can't understand this kind of body language, and the expression on his face is very calm.


Lu Li took the certificate, thanked the girl, and left.

After going out, Lu Li opened the qualification certificate, and as expected, he saw a small note inside the qualification certificate.

There was a WeChat ID on the note.

Lu Li smiled and shook his head, crumpled the note into a ball, and threw it into the trash can next to it.

It's a pity... It's also a hassle to have a good memory. At a glance, Lu Li already remembered this WeChat ID.

WeChat is impossible to add. This girl is obviously a bit feminine, and she is definitely not single. Scratching his palm to send WeChat, his movements are so skilled... I really worry about his boyfriend or husband.

Lu Li smiled, turned and walked out of the skill appraisal center.

The qualification certificate has been obtained, and the next step is to sign up for the recruitment of Fudan University.

Back at home, Lu Li turned on his computer and signed up in the recruitment section of Fudan's website. Enter the information, upload the documents, and the online registration will be completed soon, just waiting for the approval, and entering the next interview.

In a few days, it will be the weekend.

On this day, Lu Li specially went for a haircut, put on a "moire" Tang suit shirt, bought a bunch of flowers, and drove to Pudong Airport.

Because... Liu Qin is here.

Lu Li was born handsome and handsome, and "face value is justice" made Lu Li a little more attractive. Now that she has specially dressed up, she looks even more handsome.

When Lu Li walked out of the sports car holding a bunch of flowers, the people coming and going in the airport couldn't help but turn their heads to look over.

The first impression is handsome! And then there's... the money!

He's handsome and rich, which makes the girls in the vicinity shine, and some people's hearts are already ready to move.

You said he was holding a bunch of flowers, obviously to pick up his girlfriend? Ha ha! What is a girlfriend? Even if you are married, you can leave!

So, when Lu Li was standing at the airport pick-up port holding a bunch of flowers, every now and then, some pretty girls would come up to talk to him.

Facing these people who approached, Lu Li just smiled politely and didn't answer at all.

When you see a rich and handsome guy, you come up to talk to each other. You don't have to think about it, these women are definitely not good families.

Not only is Lu Li not interested in second-hand cars, he is even less interested in buses.

Some women saw that Lu Li didn't pay attention, and left angrily. There are some unwilling, but still lingering nearby.

At this time, Liu Qin came out!

At this moment, Liu Qin seemed to be in sympathy with Lu Li, and also put on that cheongsam. Gentle and moving, charming and bright, Liu Qin came in every style, with a graceful demeanor, as if she was a lady from a historical picture.

When Liu Qin came out, there were some wild bees and butterflies trying to strike up a conversation. It's a pity... Liu Qin didn't make any excuses and didn't even glance at him.

"Liu Qin, this way!"

Lu Li held a bunch of flowers and waved to Liu Qin.

Hearing Lu Li's greeting, Liu Qin raised his eyes and looked over, with a beautiful smile on his face.

At this moment, whether it was the roadside wildflowers who tried to strike up a conversation with Lu Li, or the wild bees and butterflies trying to strike up a conversation with Liu Qin, they all lowered their heads silently when they saw this pair of beautiful people.

The gap is too big, even trying to pry the corner is not enough, let's find another target!

The roadside wildflowers and the wild bees and butterflies turned around and left angrily.

"Liu Qin, you're finally here! I've been waiting so hard!"

Lu Li walked up holding the flowers, slowly opened his arms, and made a hug.

"Bastard! So many people are watching!"

Liu Qin's face flushed, and he glared at Lu Li.

However, if he refused at this time, it would hurt Lu Li's face too much. What's more... Liu Qin didn't want to refuse.

Leaning forward slightly, leaning against Lu Li's arms, feeling Lu Li's breath, Liu Qin's face was a little hot, but he looked even more shy and moving.

"Come on! Are you still embarrassed here?"

Liu Qin reached out and grabbed Lu Li's waist, and said shyly.

"Follow your orders! Madam wife!"

Lu Li grinned, handed the flowers to Liu Qin, pulled Liu Qin up, turned around and walked out of the airport.

This wave of dog food made the corners of the mouths of several airport staff twitch right next to them.

The young men and women at the ground security check looked at each other and suddenly's time to fall in love?

Lu Li and Liu Qin walked out of the pick-up hall together and got into the car.

"Are you tired after a few hours of flight?"

Lu Li started the car, drove out of the airport, and headed towards the Riverside Garden.

"It's alright! Compared to the more than ten-hour flight to the United States, it's relatively close from Rongcheng to Shanghai."

Liu Qin sat in the co-pilot seat, reached out and took out a beautifully packaged small box from the shoulder bag and handed it to Lu Li, "I bought it for you."

"Are there any gifts?"

Lu Li smiled, "What is it? Help me open it, I'm driving!"

"A watch!"

Liu Qin picked up the box and opened it, showing a watch in the box in front of Lu Li.

This is a silver-gray matt watch without any radiant jewels. It looks simple and unpretentious, but it looks very delicate.

"Good! I love it!"

Lu Li smiled, holding the steering wheel with one hand, and extending his left hand to Liu Qin, "Put it on for me!"

This is a piece of Vacheron Constantin, the market price is 180,000. And... Lu Li remembered that this watch should be a couple's watch, and there was another women's watch that matched it.

Liu Qin gave this watch as a token of affection.

"Here's the chain, hold you down!"

Liu Qin smiled sweetly, took off Lu Li's original watch, and replaced it with the newly bought one.

Lu Li raised his hand to look in front of him, and smiled happily: "This watch is very good, it suits my temperament very well."

After speaking, Lu Li turned his head to look at Liu Qin again, "Did you say chains just now? If the chains... definitely tie the two of us together!"

"Who's going to be tied to you?"

Liu Qin lowered his head slightly, with a bit of shyness on his face.

The car drove into the city, and Lu Li changed direction, drove the car to Nanjing Road, and stopped in front of Vacheron Constantin's flagship store.

"Why are you...stopping here?"

Liu Qin's heart beat a little faster. Lu Li really understood, he had been wearing a Vacheron Constantin watch, and he really knew that this watch was a couple's model.

"Of course... I'll put a chain on you!"

Lu Li opened the door and got out of the car, beckoning to Liu Qin, "Come on! Use a chain to tie us together tightly."

With a bit of blush on Liu Qin's face, he got up and got out of the car, and walked into the store with Lu Li.


As soon as he entered the door, the clerk greeted her with a smile.

"Bring me the women's watch that corresponds to this men's watch."

Lu Li stretched out his hand, displayed the watch Liu Qin had just bought, and explained his intention to the clerk directly.


The clerk quickly took out the corresponding women's watch from the counter.

"Try it!"

Lu Li took the watch and pulled up Liu Qin's hand, as if it was some kind of ceremony, and put the watch on Liu Qin's wrist savagely.

"From now on, we're... tethered together."

The five fingers are interlaced, the palms are interlocked, the two hands are connected together, and the two watches are also side by side.

The men's watch is calm and atmospheric, and the women's watch is delicate and soft, complementing each other and making a perfect match.


Liu Qin replied in a low voice and held Lu Li's hand tightly.

The clerk next to her was helpless. Ah hey, just think about it! It's been slimy for so long...are you here to buy a watch? Or to sprinkle dog food?

Luckily, Lu Li paid by card right away.

Women's watches are more expensive, costing Lu Li 240,000.

In the past few months, Lu Li has received hundreds of thousands of shop rents every month, and he still has almost a million in his hand, so he is not short of this money.

It's just... Couple watches, women's models are more expensive, this sales strategy is OK!

After this seemingly "ceremony" exchange of watches, it was equivalent to a vow of eachother, and Liu Qin was obviously closer to Lu Li.

"We go home!"

Getting in the car, Lu Li turned his head and smiled at Liu Qin, started the car, and drove to the Riverside Garden.

Hearing "go home", Liu Qin's heart skipped a beat, and he became inexplicably nervous.

This bad guy...has been plotting bad things. Go back with him...will he...if he does...I...

Liu Qin's heart beat faster and faster, and his face became more and more red.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Qin decided to change the subject and distract his attention, "Lu Li, you...Fudan is it?"

"What about entering Fudan as a teacher?"

Lu Li's face was full of pride, "Is there any need to say that? To me, it's just a trivial matter."

"You blow it!"

Distracted, Liu Qin felt that the tension in his heart had dissipated a lot.

"Do not believe?"

Lu Li took out his phone and handed it to Liu Qin, "See for yourself, I've already signed up at Fudan, and I passed the first round of pre-selection. I'm just waiting for an interview."

"Yeah? So powerful?"

Liu Qin felt a little incredible, and quickly turned on his mobile phone and saw Lu Li's registration information.

"Psychological counselor? National second-level psychological counselor?"

Seeing Lu Li's registration information, Liu Qin's eyes widened and his heart was shocked.

Silently, Lu Li has the ability of a psychologist again?

Since interacting with Lu Li, Liu Qin has found that Lu Li is very capable and knows a lot of things. However, this psychologist was indeed beyond Liu Qin's expectations.

Lu Li is like a pearl buried under the beach, it will always bring you unexpected surprises inadvertently.

"If you don't have enough education, let your IQ come together!"

Lu Li smiled, "There's no way! I can't get into Fudan with a bachelor's degree, so I can only find another way to become a psychological counselor in Fudan."

"You've never touched this piece before, have you?"

Since dating Lu Li, Liu Qin has also learned a lot about Lu Li. She knew very well that Lu Li had never been exposed to psychology.

Now... three weeks later, he has changed from a layman to a second-level psychological counselor? This learning ability is astoundingly strong!

"I really haven't touched this piece before."

Lu Li smiled and nodded, "Fortunately, my brain is enough, I will learn it soon."

Is it just brains enough?

This is already outrageously strong, right?

I think I have a high IQ, and I also found that Lu Li has a high IQ. Now I know that Lu Li's IQ is far higher than I thought.

My mother's wish for a grandson with a high IQ can come true. did I come up here? Must have been infected by my mother!

Liu Qin's face turned red, and his expression became a little coy.

Lu Li was taken aback. what's going on? Why are you so embarrassed? Are you fascinated by your brother's demeanor?

The car quickly pulled into the Riverside Garden.

Parking the car in the underground parking lot, Lu Li waved to Liu Qin, "Come on, let's go up!"

Liu Qin got out of the car, followed behind Lu Li, and took the elevator upstairs.

The number of floors in the elevator was beating. The closer to the 28th floor where Lu Li lived, the faster Liu Qin's heart beat.


When the elevator stopped, Liu Qin's heart sank.


Lu Li stretched out his hand to pull Liu Qin up and walked out of the elevator.

When he came to the door of the room, Lu Li clearly felt Liu Qin's hand trembling slightly.

Is this... nervous?

Lu Li instantly understood what Liu Qin was thinking.

Taking out the key to open the door, Lu Li walked into the house with Liu Qin.

The moment he stepped into the door, Liu Qin felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart. This was the first time Liu Qin walked into Lu Li's home in Shanghai.

Raising his eyes and looking around, looking at this delicate and elegant room with a Chinese style, but not old-fashioned, Liu Qin inexplicably flashed a thought in his heart: In the future... is this my home?

The "click" sound of Lu Li closing the door, made Liu Qin's heart tremble again, and inexplicably became a little nervous.

"Sit down on the sofa first."

Lu Li put down Liu Qin's suitcase, took Liu Qin into the living room, and sat down on the sofa.

Seeing that Liu Qin was obviously nervous, Lu Li reached out and picked up a pear from the fruit bowl, peeled it, and cut the pear into pieces.

"Come, eat some fruit."

He pricked a piece with a toothpick, reached out and handed it to Liu Qin, with a gentle smile on Lu Li's face.

Liu Qin reached out to pick it up, but Lu Li pushed her hand away, "I'll feed you!"

Liu Qin rolled his eyes and had to open his mouth.

Slowly, Liu Qin also adapted to this unfamiliar environment, and the tension in his heart gradually dissipated.

The two are getting closer and closer, the voices are getting smaller and smaller, and the heat in the air seems to be increasing...

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