My Haughty Adorable Wife Has Arrived

Chapter 3 A painful farce

Su Xiaowan saw the shock in his eyes, but she couldn't care less, shouting at the top of her voice, "Brother soldier, hurry up, help me, I was sold here by human traffickers, and they also physically attacked me. Beat me up, please save me, save me."

Tears were streaming down her cheeks. Although her arms were shaking and her body was shaking, she still hugged his legs tightly and didn't let go. At this time, everyone else was also shocked by her crying. Everyone was shocked, and they all looked over in unison.

Su Xiaowan saw it on their faces, surprised and surprised, but she didn't know what was going on, she just shed tears silently and cried softly.

It was very quiet, no one around him made any sound, it was quiet.

I only heard a very deep, powerful, and magnetic voice saying, "Mom, what's going on?"

The voice was pleasant and sounded very safe. Su Xiaowan was still addicted to the voice. I just feel like this voice is so close to me, so close...

Su Xiaowan suddenly raised her head to look at him, and he looked at Su Xiaowan. In the end, Su Xiaowan only remembered those bright black eyes, which seemed to be able to see through everything. After that, she fainted gorgeously. .

Su Xiaowan was very uneasy in her sleep and frowned from time to time. There was a little girl in the dream. The two people had very similar experiences. Even their names were the same. They were also called Su Xiaowan, but she lived in the 1980s. early.

This is also a poor child. Her parents have passed away. She was brought back by her brother-in-law’s family. Before she graduated from high school, she was ordered to drop out of school and work at home. The little girl used to live in the city. Although her parents fell ill one after another, the family Even though the conditions were bad, I didn’t suffer much.

But when I arrived at my uncle's house in the countryside, I not only had to cook, do housework, wash clothes, and feed pigs, but I also had to work in the fields in the sun, sweat, and wind.

I was busy from morning to night every day, wearing my sister's leftovers, eating the worst food in the family, and doing the most work in the family, but I endured all this.

They sold their house and the money was divided between their grandmother and aunt, but they endured this.

The younger sister took over all her things and teased her from time to time. The younger brother came over to make trouble when nothing happened and tolerated it.

Grandma and aunt would scold her as a freeloader and a white-eyed wolf when nothing happened. Even though what they said was wrong, they had argued with them. In the end, they got a severe beating and the matter was settled. She was still young and had to contend with them. No, I can only endure it.

But she never expected that before she turned 18, they found her an in-law, who was seven or eight years older than her and a soldier, and accepted all the bride price.

Although it is honorable to marry a soldier in this era, Su Xiaowan, who has suffered so much, wants to have a warm family. What she likes is a gentle and elegant man like the brother next door, who is a little girl. I have been quietly liking it for a long time.

She was talking about a soldier who was uneducated, vulgar, and away from home all year round. If he went to war, he might even lose his life. How could she bear this?

She went to her grandma and the others to argue and plead, and told them that she was already engaged and that the man was in college and she could not marry anyone else.

But in exchange for a beating and scolding, she was locked up and deprived of food for two days, and then she became ill.

On the eve of her wedding, her good cousin Su Yunfang came over and congratulated her in a sarcastic tone on marrying a soldier. He also told her gloatingly: "The man you like is back. He is so gentle and polite." I also like this man who is polite and has extraordinary bearing."

Then he lowered his head and said fiercely: "But you, the broom star, actually have a good mother who is from the city, and you, a little bitch, are childhood sweethearts and engaged to him, and you are responsible for all the good things. , How can I be willing to do that? Huh, you are the elder sister, so let the younger sister do it. Don’t block my way. And after I marry you, I can still get a dowry of 500 yuan. Isn’t it great for me to marry you? ah!"

Su Xiaowan was shocked after hearing this and said angrily: "Don't even think about it, Brother Jianbin will not marry you."

Cousin Su Yunfang said with a half-smile: "Hey, look at how little news you have. Brother Jianbin is a college student and will work in the city in the future. He is not comparable to the small county where you live. Just now! Haha, God help me, his mother is sick and needs money. Haha, Su Xiaowan, you are really my lucky star! In the future, I will live in the city, and you will be here forever. Let’s dig in and eat!”

After speaking, he ignored Su Xiaowan's dazed expression and continued: "Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. The mother of the old man you are going to marry is famous for being fierce and shrewd in the neighboring village. I heard that she was beaten. People are very clever. Her eldest daughter-in-law is often beaten and scolded at home. Hey, you should taste it slowly!" After saying this, she walked away laughing.

Su Xiaowan was left alone in a daze. Her relatives actually harmed her like this. Not only did they rob her of everything in her family, but now they even wanted to rob her of her fiancé.

She was also sold for 500 yuan. When someone gets married, the betrothal gift is only one or two hundred yuan at most, but her good aunt and grandma asked for as much as 500 yuan. This is not a marriage, but a feud.

Will she have a good life when she gets married? In this era when fifty cents can buy a lot of candy and feed a grown man a full meal, it is really a lot.

What's more, she used the money she earned from selling her body to rob her fiancé. Su Xiaowan was so angry that her whole body trembled.

Then I thought about why the man would rather spend so much money to marry her. Is it because he used to be from the city and still read a book? However, at this time, there were very few rural girls who had read books, but not none.

Or do you mean that because you can work, you are a good hand at home and outside? Although people in the village praise her for her beauty and being a well-known beauty in the village, such a daughter-in-law would not spend so much money besides having a long face. Could it be that she has a hidden disease?

The more she thought about it, the more she felt it was right. The moment she knew the truth, she became disheartened. She had not suffered enough from the suffering here, and she was still going to suffer for the rest of her life and be used as a horse for others?

The person she wanted to marry is no longer available, and her dream has been shattered. Now the person she wants to marry is always away from home, and there is a hidden illness. What hope does she have in this day and age?

She also resented and hated them. She hated why these vampires didn't die, why God didn't kill them, but she had no choice or ability to resist.

On the day she got married, she didn't even bother to look at the old man who married her. However, she could feel the strength, coldness, and sternness in him. His eyes were like knives. She was afraid just thinking about it. How could she have Jianbin? Brother is gentle and kind to her.

How could she resist such a vicious person? She had seen a newly married daughter-in-law in the village, and she didn't know why she was beaten so badly. The aura of the man who beat his wife was also cold, and his eyes were like knives. The same thing made everyone tremble at the sight of him.

She had no choice but to cry silently. Was she going to live like this for the rest of her life? What's the point?

Just like that, on the night of the wedding, I don't know if I fainted from hunger or something else, but I never woke up again and passed away without any chance of living. This was how Su Xiaowan benefited now.

The past events are like playing a movie, turning over them one by one. Su Xiaowan couldn't help but smile bitterly. No matter in the past or present life, the relationship between family members was always so shallow.

Yesterday, just after the banquet was held, Uncle Wang from the village drank a little too much and didn't pay attention when walking. He tripped and fell. His head, which was still alive, was smashed by a stone, and blood flowed all over the floor.

Everyone rushed to Luo to the hospital. The village was ten miles away from the town, so we had to hurry up, otherwise our lives would be at risk.

You also need a reliable person to follow you. Who in the whole village doesn’t know that Han Dongchen, the second youngest son of the old Han family, is the most reliable person. He is educated and a soldier. I heard that he is also a deputy lieutenant. I don’t know how big an official he is. .

Anyway, it was finally decided that Han Dongchen would follow, and he couldn't enter the bridal chamber. When they arrived in the town, they simply bandaged the wound. They said the wound was too big to be sutured here, so they transferred it to the county hospital.

In the end, his life was saved, but he lost too much blood and was still unconscious. Just like this, I didn't come back until about nine o'clock the next day, which happened to be the scene that happened.

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