Su Xiaowan probably guessed who this was. From Zheng Haimei's description, he looked very much like Zhou Pingyuan who had dinner at her house last time, and Zhou Shenli's lover Dong Yujiao.

The two of them were about to get together, and thinking that Zhou Shenli was a nice person, he took the initiative to say hello to her with a smile and said, "Hello, Sister-in-law Dong, I'm off work now."

Dong Yujiao was still thinking at first, who was this person? Why didn't she remember him? Could he be a relative?

She didn't expect that he was the person she hated so much, because Su Xiaowan felt so peaceful and approachable.

The Su Xiaowan she imagined was not like this. She was sinister, cunning and charming. This was the image in her heart.

When she saw this person greeting her, she thought for a moment without remembering who it was, so she said, "Well, I just got off work. Whose family do you belong to? Why don't I remember it?"

Su Xiaowan smiled and said, "I'm from Han Dongchen's family. I've only been here a few days. I don't go out all the time, so we haven't met yet. My name is Su Xiaowan."

After listening to Su Xiaowan's self-introduction, Dong Yujiao felt bad. She was extremely jealous when meeting her enemies, not to mention that she was a love rival. But why was the person in front of her so different from what she imagined? Okay, You have a face that deceives the world. I will not be deceived by you, and moreover, I will expose your true face.

Su Xiaowan saw that the other party didn't reply for a while, and her face was ugly and ferocious. Could it be that she was not feeling well? So she quickly went up to hold her arm and said anxiously: "Sister-in-law, what's wrong with you? Let me see your face." No, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? Just tell me and I’ll take you to the infirmary.”

At this time, several people in the courtyard looked over, thinking that she was sick because Su Xiaowan spoke anxiously and her voice was a bit loud.

Dong Yujiao was awakened from her thoughts by Su Xiaowan's voice. She thought about Han Dongchen, who was possessed by her, and her husband Zhou Pingyuan, who was seduced by her. They hadn't talked to her for two days, and they didn't even cook for her. She felt sad. So angry.

Suddenly, he angrily raised his right arm that was being held by Su Xiaowan, shook her off hard, and said loudly: "I don't need you to pretend to be kind. What are you, a country bumpkin who just crawled out of the countryside? You are a person now, you better put away your charming look, it makes people sick." After saying that, he didn't even look at Su Xiaowan, and walked away.

Su Xiaowan was a little confused. What was going on? She was caring about someone with good intentions, but she was pushed down by someone. This small figure was too disappointing, and Dong Yujiao was just a little fatter than her.

But now my arm hurts, and I don’t know what I touched on my forehead, and it seems to be bleeding.

Damn, I want to disfigure my sister. I am so vicious. Looking at Dong Yujiao’s retreating back, I thought that I had nothing to do and could get up. However, when I thought of the crowd watching the fun around me, I thought of the unreasonable anger I had suffered just now. , everyone felt unhappy, and the most depressing thing was that I didn’t even know why.

Besides, it would be so embarrassing to get up at this time. It was better to just faint on the spot. So, Su Xiaowan slowly and softly fell down...

When she fell down, although she was not in big trouble, it frightened the people in the compound.

The official sisters-in-law were still very enthusiastic. Immediately, some ran and shouted to find Han Dongchen. Others directly surrounded Su Xiaowan and did not dare to touch her. They talked around her and said, "What are you talking about?" They all said that Dong Yujiao was domineering and hurt others, and that Su Xiaowan was in poor health and would fall down when the wind blew and would not live long.

Others said that they had fainted and their heads were still bleeding. Could they survive? Some wanted to press their hands to wake them up, but they were stopped and persuaded, "Don't do anything." What if things go wrong and I stick to you? There are many things to say.

It was almost dinner time at this time. The person who went to report the news was also scared and anxious. He looked like he was running with his life, shouting hysterically: "Captain Han, hurry, hurry, my sister-in-law is going to die, hurry up." Ah." He shouted after running a few steps.

Han Dongchen and Zhou Pingyuan, who were walking home at this time, saw the official sister-in-law running and shouting from a distance, but they didn't hear what she was saying clearly, but they also quickened their pace and waited until they got closer. What was it? Han Dongchen reacted the fastest. This was something serious. He started running and ran back crazily. The others were half a beat slower than him. After hearing clearly, they also started running crazily.

The little soldiers looked at the captain taking the lead, the deputy captain, the counselor, and the counselor all running away desperately. Something big must have happened, and it couldn't be an enemy attack. So they started to mend their brains, and they also ran away. A group of soldiers After running away, another batch of discoveries also ran away, and the scene looked spectacular.

Su Xiaowan didn't know that things would develop like this. She had never encountered such a thing in all her years. Who are these people? They must be sick. They didn't provoke anyone. It was an unreasonable disaster.

However, I still acted to protect myself immediately. At least I couldn't lose face. If I got up and argued with her at that time, but they were already far away, and if I chased after her, I would lose my status. Besides, with this small body In a fight, you can be tough enough to beat others, and when the time comes, what makes sense becomes unreasonable.

I originally thought that when I fainted, all the people's hearts would turn to my side. People sympathized with the weak. With so many people watching, someone had to come to rescue me. As long as someone touched me or shook me, Just take the opportunity to wake up and be done with it.

She is pretending to be wronged and shedding a few tears. Dong Yujiao just waits to be educated. If she makes a fuss, she will not be able to stay in the family home any longer. She will be criticized every day, and his man will also be punished by her. She will bear the burden when the time comes. I pushed my sister and left like this just because I wanted to ruin her appearance. How could anything be so cheap?

But okay, these people did come to rescue. The person who ran out to report the news could feel her hoarse voice even when she was lying down, but no one touched her. They were all watching, and they didn't forget to comment. , no matter how she woke up, it was almost causing internal injuries.

Han Dongchen ran over as fast as he could in his life, pushed away the crowd, and saw his little wife lying on the ground, her palms broken, her arms bruised, bleeding, and her forehead bleeding. He was bleeding, his complexion was very bad, and his body was thin and weak.

His heart felt a dull pain. This little person that he didn't even dare to touch because he was afraid that it would break if he touched him, was actually lying here with scars all over his body. This made him very angry and his chest was about to explode. , but also very scared, mainly because this was not the first time Su Xiaowan fainted. The last time she fainted, she lay down for almost ten hours before waking up, so when she saw that she fainted, she was even more scared.

However, no matter how angry or angry he was, he immediately picked him up and ran to the infirmary. As he ran, he said, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. I'm here. I'm by your side. We'll be at the infirmary in a moment." I'm in bed now, I'm just being patient, I'll be fine in a while, I'll be fine in a minute."

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