Han Dongchen breathed a sigh of relief. The sandwich biscuits between his wife and mother were really not made by humans. He never thought that one day he would be able to have both sides. Such things are the job of a counselor. However, It happened once and that was enough.

It's enough to think that I am a selfless, upright and upright captain, and that the most thorny soldiers under me have been trained to be obedient, but here I am hanging around with two women. It's enough to think about it. This thief The smiling little girl is really capable of causing trouble.

Su Xiaowan didn't know what he was thinking. While talking to her mother-in-law, there were two more people in the restaurant. A woman in her twenties and sixties, with two big braids, she looked a bit strong. With a big face and big eyes, he looks pretty good.

Before she could finish looking at her, she spoke in a very exaggerated way: "These are my siblings, look, she's so pretty, she's such a beauty, look at her big eyes, her little nose and her little mouth. Yes, Mom, you are really good at choosing people." Then he continued: "Second brother, Mom has chosen such a young wife for you, but you are an old cow eating young grass."

Without reaching out to hit the smiling person, Su Xiaowan called out in a good-natured manner: "Hello, sister-in-law. You are good-looking, and your two little nephews are also handsome. Sister-in-law, you are so lucky."

Han Dongchen here only glanced at his sister-in-law and ignored her.

As soon as the words fell, someone from the other side answered: "Hey, what a blessing! I have a hard life. I get up early in the morning and have to feed chickens and ducks, cook, and feed pigs. How could you be here? You are lucky enough to be able to sleep until midnight and then be able to eat when you wake up. This is your fate, young lady."

After she said this, Su Xiaowan almost laughed out loud. When you talk about feeding the pigs, you can't say that you are cooking and feeding the pigs before cooking. Everyone is waiting for the meal. When she looked up, Han Dongchen's face turned dark and he turned around. Seeing that the faces of my father-in-law and eldest brother were also darkened, my mother-in-law started scolding her: "You dog can't spit out ivory things from your mouth, but you are still working hard. You cooked the rice and fed the pigs." Okay, the food for chickens and ducks is also mixed with early summer and summer flowers, you can feed it, what do you have to show off, it’s so delicious and lazy to make.”

As soon as the mother-in-law finished scolding her, the eldest brother immediately shouted: "If you can't speak, don't speak. Go to the kitchen and help Xia Hua bring the rice. It's already what time and you still haven't eaten."

The sister-in-law was not angry even after being scolded, and happily went to the kitchen and served the meal (she was used to being scolded).

Su Xiaowan wiped the non-existent cold sweat on her forehead and thought, this is enough. The big family talked like they were fighting, calm, calm.

Su Xiaowan was still in a daze, when the little boy she saw yesterday came over and said arrogantly: "Hello, second sister-in-law, I am third brother Han Chuxia."

Su Xiaowan looked at him. He looked a little like Han Dongchen, but Han Chuxia had double eyelids, while Han Dongchen had red and phoenix eyes, but his body was a bit thinner. Although he was a bit arrogant, he still said hello politely. Han Dongchen said that he The third brother Han Chuxia and the second sister Han Xiahua are twins.

Su Xiaowan nodded to Han Chuxia and said, "Hello, third brother, my name is Su Xiaowan." After saying hello, he took his seat, and then Han Dongchen and I took our seats together, waiting for the meal.

The two little ones competed with each other by knocking on the dishes and chopsticks to see who could knock the loudest, with their mother-in-law laughing and scolding.

This third brother looks quite quiet. According to the local language, he looks like a cultured person. But his arrogance makes Su Xiaowan dislike him no matter what. Even if he just met this big family, he might be the same as yesterday. It must have something to do with these people watching Su Xiaowan being beaten but not one of them taking action to start a fight. Seeing their indifference and habit, they really couldn't accept this kind of living habit.

After Han Dongchen took his seat, he also told her that there was another eldest sister in the family, Han Chunhua, who was not here. She was married and he would introduce her to her when she had the opportunity in the future.

It is worth mentioning that the names of this family are really interesting. It is not what I thought (smirking). I must ask Han Dongchen when I have time.

After a while, Sister-in-law Han and a little girl brought the food together. When everyone was seated, the little girl brought over the porridge one by one. These should be the summer flowers that the mother-in-law just mentioned.

The little girl is 1.6 meters tall and has two braids on her chest (this seems to be a trend here. Regardless of whether it is a big girl or a daughter-in-law, two braids must be placed on her chest. Only the older ones Only old ladies would have a pimple on the back of their head), very thin, not much better than Su Xiaowan, very upright and delicate, similar to the third brother Han Chuxia, with big eyes and double eyelids. , very attractive. When she arrived in front of Su Xiaowan, she said sweetly: "Hello, second sister-in-law, I am second sister Han Xiahua."

Su Xiaowan also replied smoothly: "Hello, second sister, my name is Su Xiaowan." She took the porridge with both hands and thanked her. She still admired this person in her heart. She was a diligent girl and also very gentle.

Breakfast consisted of large ballast porridge, cornmeal pancakes, pickles, and pickles. Everyone ate very delicious food. Su Xiaowan ate less than half a bowl of porridge and half a cornmeal pancake. To be honest, Su Xiaowan was very hungry, but... I couldn't eat it. I had been eating fine grains for so many years, and now I was forced to eat such a coarse cornmeal pancake. It hurt my throat after chewing and swallowing. I still had to swallow this half bowl of porridge and half a piece of cake.

Su Xiaowan had just finished eating, and while the others were still happily fighting against their breakfast, Han Dongchen said to Su Xiaowan with a cold face: "Hurry up and clean up, we will go to the town to take pictures later. I also want to accompany you back to my parents’ home. If we leave early, we can come back early.”

After Su Xiaowan glanced at Han Dongchen, she agreed and went back to the room. Su Xiaowan was also quite puzzled. When she returned home in three days, she knew what the meaning of taking pictures was. Wedding photos? That's pretty good too.

I'm very happy. I don't know where I found the small mirror. I'm taking pictures there. I don't know what's going on. I'll say hello to him when he comes back later. But he has to go to town. This is a good thing. Eighty I am looking forward to seeing what the small towns were like in the 1960s.

About ten minutes later, Han Dongchen came to call Su Xiaowan. Su Xiaowan went out happily. She originally thought she might walk there (the traffic here is really backward), but Han Dongchen didn't know where she got a bicycle. .

Su Xiaowan laughed as soon as she saw it, and a gentle and petite beauty (Su Xiaowan) sitting in the back seat flashed in her mind, holding a handsome man in military uniform (Han Dongchen) in her arms, riding a bicycle in the countryside. On the road, there were green grass with dewdrops on both sides of the road, birds singing in the forest, and the morning light shining on them. It was such a romantic thing. I had never experienced this kind of romance of being close to nature in my whole life, and bubbles of happiness bubbled up in my heart. Bubble.

While Su Xiaowan was still in a daze with a happy smile, Han Dongchen's eyebrows were almost knotted next to her.

At this time, Sister-in-law Han came over and said loudly: "Hey, second brother and sister, I heard that you used to be from the city. I have seen this bicycle. Why are you so rare? Tsk, tsk, that's it. , I’m not as knowledgeable as I am!” After saying that, he curled his lips and walked away.

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