My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 93: To set a monument for civilization

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The vast figure appeared at the huge gate of the royal capital.

Countless shadows shrouded and swept across, stretching out countless circular tentacles, carrying a mysterious and horrible, cold breath like the eternal silence of the universe, a cold machine without emotions.

Grace, the lord of the devil world, suddenly raised her head. This man behind the scenes who dominated the era suddenly changed her expression and felt that thought was like a mother's warm embrace, the end of all life.

"No wonder..."

She suddenly had a thorough understanding.

This is the matrix, transcending blood, race, form, and boundaries,

The mother of all living things, the representative of the supreme motherhood——

The most important thing is that it is the real ruler, the incarnation of the creator of all things——


But the Lord of the Demon Realm of Grace, with his pupils slightly enlarged, shouted: "It turned out to be the **** of all things recorded in the ancient slate! It's so beautiful! Invisible beauty! It is the most beautiful existence in the world!"

Professor Nasika, who followed secretly, had a dark face.

"Different races have different aesthetics."

After all, in the eyes of other species, in the eyes of monkeys, tigers, and eagles, the human being is a gorilla without fur, plucked out and bald, extremely ugly...

"However, Amiro, who created everything and life in the world, descended upon the Mayan civilization that was about to be destroyed hundreds of thousands of years ago. What will it do in the final moment?" Professor Nasica crawled on the ground and observed in secret.


Fu Qingjun did not speak.

He immediately got the business done, the whirlpool swept, and vomited everything that was killed in this land, this piece of kings gathered the strongest strength, here to fight to the death...

He directly sucked in here.

The soul was recovered instantly, without any accidents.

At this time, Fu Qingjun's thinking grew more and more, his soul was completing some transformations, his consciousness was completely clear, and his observation of the whole world was unimaginable.

If the previous world was a black and white photo, then it has become extremely colorful and vivid at this time.

The blue bars of his soul are constantly being emptied, restored, and emptied. This cycle turns into countless soul seeds to nurture the life he found in the sand table. Now the one-time harvest is undoubtedly huge.

He felt that his soul had entered another dimension, and it was already different.

Observing the soul groups that I merged, they turned out to be extremely delicate before my eyes, as if they were composed of countless procedural coding chains.

A more microscopic soul world?

Can I see the detailed sequence of the real soul DNA?

Fu Qingjun was surprised and ecstatic.

The perception of his soul has improved significantly.

It's like looking at it with a magnifying glass, but now it's holding a microscope!

"This is like entering the programmer's backstage of life programming! I saw the life code!" Fu Qingjun, a programmer for seventeen years, suddenly reacted.

Now you can do more precise operations.

It used to be a fusion soul group, now it can merge soul chains...

"I am already a true wizard of soul and life! I can continuously gather life, transform life... and create various deformed creatures, extraordinary species." Fu Qingjun was still immersed in immense joy, but knew that it was not the time to study.

But at this time, something changed.

Just as Fu Qingjun was absorbing and thinking on the spot, some spiritually wounded witches, all covered in blood, unexpectedly followed their own thinking, spiritual fluctuations, and a very strange scene appeared.

"Ah! He is so beautiful!"

A witch enthusiastically looked at Amiro in the vast sky and shouted:

"First born from his body, then swallowed by him, and then reborn. That is the glory and joy rooted in the blood and bones."

She became more and more mad, staring at herself intently, her pupils covered with bloodshot veins.

That is the most beautiful thing in the world.

It seems that the ultimate dream truth that I have been pursuing in my life cannot be taken away.

Once the eyes are fixed, they cannot be removed.

It was such a soft voice deep in my heart that charmed myself.

The witch next to her also seemed to be infected by her, and she yelled incomparably devilishly, staring at the sky frantically, "Ah! The endless cylindrical tentacles were waving, as if they were welcoming us!"

"Use that soft, hydrated and **** cylinder to protect us in our arms, pouring into our chest, from walking and sucking everything we have, and returning to the source along the passage."

She showed the look of a fanatic, suddenly took a weapon and wiped her neck.


She committed suicide on the ground, blood splattered,

"Come on! Enjoy the supreme happiness and the joy of death!"

However, these successive suicides still couldn't stop the joy of the partner next to him. Another witch shouted, with a sickly and weird look, tearing her armor, "Everyone, we are filled with moved tears together! Let's take everything off together." Hug with everyone and accept the final baptism of the great mother!"

She raised her scepter high, and then committed suicide, with morbid happiness on her face.

This? ?

This weird picture blanked everyone's minds!

The whole surviving witch was shocked!

Suddenly someone shouted,

"Don't look directly at Him! God must not look directly at him!!"

With the roaring shouts, many survivor witches were shocked, and they quickly looked away with difficulty, looking for shelter, hiding in the scarlet building.

"Those witches, looking directly at this ancient existence, constantly listening to the unknown evil babble deep in his soul, and finally going crazy!" Grace groaned in her heart, she felt the ultimate madness as soon as she tried to touch it. But they didn't remind these subordinates that they wanted to experiment deliberately.

Sure enough, God can't look directly, can't listen to his voice.

Professor Nasika secretly observed, "Here again, what the **** is this? Stressful collapse?"

"Is it encountering an incomprehensible huge soul celestial body? It is an evil creature that transcends the limit. Just a small thought, a soul language, makes the human brain unable to bear the load, the brain collapses and goes crazy!

How can you commit suicide...?

Fu Qingjun lowered his head, also slightly surprised.

His own soul is huge, and it is indeed normal for other lives to be affected, but it is unexpected that his own soul has no resistance to his family members at all.

It may be of the same origin.

It’s easier to come back if you don’t have a firewall at all...

They were strong, but now they are mentally wounded and seriously injured after the war, and they cannot resist at all. They are being interfered with, assimilated, collapsed, and lost their minds...

Fu Qingjun guessed the possibility in his heart, but knew that he couldn't stay longer. An ancient cold voice came from the sky:

"All souls and everything has a future."

All the creatures on the ground heard a deep voice.

Profound, ancient and majestic, this voice is not their language, but at this moment it is transformed into an extremely original meaning, reaching the depths of the soul, so that all creatures can instantly understand the meaning.

boom! ! ! !

The majestic sound seemed to come from the depths of the blood, forming an invisible roar of boiling blood, but it also gave people an extremely cold cosmic will:

"You have reached the limit of life, and the next shackle should be opened."

When Grace and Udula heard this voice, they were a little dumbfounded.

Open the shackles?

They suddenly remembered the soul record of the ancient Jiaxia period, the reincarnation of species.

At that time, it seemed that civilization had reached a certain limit, and there would be some kind of unknowable level of horror, opening up a kind of cosmic species ladder.

Is it possible that our civilization has reached the limit of the species' potential?

Indescribable language continued to be heard in the as a routine, the voice hung forever, without joy or sorrow:

"Ride to the origin of everything and choose the future of civilization."

In the next moment, a huge force turned into a huge wind pressure, which rolled up an invisible gust of wind, blowing all the creatures on the earth so that they couldn't open their eyes, standing on the ground with difficulty.

"Pole of Light..."

Facing the strong wind, Grace and Yudura touched a black cylinder in the Black Forest.

With a flash of energy, they came to a space, surrounded by countless primitive chains of life and ancient precision gears, whirling everywhere, beautifully.

Grace instantly understood that this place could reshape the blood to perfection, and correct the incompleteness of the body.

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