Text Chapter 549 Seeing off


Immortal World Honored One was suddenly out of breath, this weak soul baby struggled several times and turned into a sigh,

"I lost, and the loss was not wronged. I have fought you thousands of times in the future, and knowing that you can't win head-on, I chose to voluntarily surrender and try to escape by feigning death."

He paused, somewhat unwilling,

"My name is dead. I used those thousands of memory transmissions before to let you relax your vigilance, then admit defeat, and then struggled under your threat, and voluntarily gave up the indestructible rule to survive."

"If you keep your promise, you will live. If you don't keep your promise and kill me, I will scold you, angry, excited, and curse you, and let you relax your vigilance again."

"And I have already tampered with the depths of my soul energy in advance."

"Because I know in my heart that my soul is also one of the greatest treasures. Under the blessing of the indestructible rule, it has grown to an unprecedented level. After you kill me, it is impossible to completely destroy my soul. It must be absorbed, or For others, I will hide in it, take the opportunity to seize the house, and even escape in secret in some way."

Fu Qingjun looked indifferently, watching the narration of this down-and-out old man.

He really had no choice, the future he had calculated could not beat him at all, so he could only use this way of avoiding the battle to try to escape by feigning death.

"Come out and talk."

Fu Qingjun grabbed lightly on his body and peeled off the opponent.

He has mastered the opponent's indestructible rules, he can do what he has done before, and he can naturally see the opponent's hidden backhand.


The baby was pulled away and turned into his phantom again, a tall and mighty middle-aged man.

He first glanced blankly at Fu Qingjun, then smiled wryly:

"I lost, but in the future, with an enemy like you fighting a hearty battle, it can be regarded as willing to admit defeat. Come and sit down with me for a drink, and it can be regarded as the last period of my life. "

Sitting in front of the tombs in the ruined universe, his phantom appeared a little free and easy.

After all, the time of death is inevitable.

His last resort has also been exhausted.

Fu Qingjun took a serious look at the other party, chose to sit down and took out the table and tea set, drank tea with the other party, toasted him, and said: "If it is not for the different positions, your Excellency will definitely die, and I will not shoot you."

Fu Qingjun stood up and bowed down earnestly, "Your Excellency is the first hero who created the universe after all, and wrote a rich and colorful stroke in history. Even the universe cicada was born because of you, and the ultimate universe stepped on because of you." On track."

"Because of your tombstone, the common people in the past and the future will be resurrected in the old days and be reborn. You are their reborn parents."

Fu Qingjun sat down again, made a toast and said, "Your achievements are known to the world, and your achievements are shared by all the gods in the universe."

"You don't need to compliment me, I know I'm a reckless man with limited intelligence."

The Immortal World Honored One said in a low voice, and suddenly laughed, "I am just an inevitable product of history. My astounding wisdom comes from the Immortal Rule. My appearance, the Immortal World Honored One, is destined to open up the general trend of the universe. When the universe was born, set the tone for the growth of the universe."

He showed a gentle smile, "Even if I don't have Shisheng, there will be Shiming, all kinds of geniuses in the century, to execute my authority, and to eat all over the world with the terrifying wisdom of the immortal dynasty era of the indestructible Tianzun." Common people, deduce the future of the entire universe, lay the foundation for future generations, and open up all things for future generations."

"This is the general trend." Fu Qingjun said in a low voice: "In the current situation, no matter who has mastered the rules of immortality, cannibalism improves wisdom, and deducing the future is inevitable."

"Yes, the general trend, everything in the world, you and I live in the general trend, there is a definite destiny, we cannot escape."

He smiled, showing a sense of ease, "This may be fate. I, a creature of the old age, have fulfilled my mission.

Even if I smuggle into the future, there is no place for me in the universe. I just woke up and was wiped out. "

"Yeah, maybe the general will kill you, not me. When I think of this, I also have fear in my heart. I am just a butcher knife, only killing what he wants to kill, and I can't kill what he doesn't want me to kill. "

Fu Qingjun sat in front of a general's black tomb, his expression was only calm, "The weak and strong, all sentient beings are shouting that my fate is up to me, only us, the more powerful beings, the more reserved we are for the universe and nature. Great awe."

"Hahahaha, but that's the case!! I didn't lose to you, but to the general trend." He suddenly laughed, then clinked the glass with Fu Qingjun fiercely, and said: "So I am very free and easy. Be mentally prepared, I will face that dead creature in the universe, and there will be a day when I lose... Once I reach the future, He will not tolerate me."

Fu Qingjun was silent for a while.

"The me of today, the you of the future."

He suddenly laughed again, looked at Fu Qingjun with burning eyes, and said frankly: "Actually, I lost to Dashi, it seems that I lost to you, what about you?"

"I won't lose." Fu Qingjun replied seriously.


He suddenly laughed, with great bitterness and bitterness, "I can be replaced, but you can't be replaced? You are the Heavenly God, but if you don't appear, there will be countless other people who will become the Heavenly God. With your The rules make a similar history, and you are not unique, I was overthrown today, and in the future, you will also escape the general trend."


Fu Qingjun nodded, "When I still have enemies, I don't feel that the situation is terrible. When I have dominated the invincible universe for these years, it is even more powerful and frightening. My fate of being overthrown is even close at hand. .”

The two were still shouting and shouting, but now they suddenly calmed down.

Because they all have the same enemy.

They began to chat easily, chatting about some dispensable things, talking about some inevitable and historical views of the general trend, and they were more and more amazed at the hidden laws of the universe, covering them.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

If it weren't for their different positions, they would not have chosen to fight each other and come to this day.


Both of them knew that one of them must die,

had to die.

If there is no room for another person to live, that is a variable.

"Before you die, do you have anything else to say?" Fu Qingjun was silent for a while.

"The great ancestors of the four great life dynasties, apart from the completely young grand ancestor Qianxiu who can't remember the past, the remaining three of us, although each ruled a cosmic era, we have the same feeling."

He suddenly grinned, but it gave people an inexplicable sadness, "I don't need to say much about Wen Ce Tianzun's loneliness, it is as lonely as mine through the ages, and your loneliness should be like this... The four of us want to resist He, He obviously has no self-awareness, but unfortunately no one can defeat this dead thing."

"After careful calculation..." He suddenly laughed, "Only Taizu Qianxiu, who has completely recovered his youth, is the one who has the most relaxed life among the four of us?"

Fu Qingjun nodded, and said honestly: "I'm like you, I'm tired of it a lot of times, I want to live an ordinary life, full of children and grandchildren, and have the dream of an ordinary person, but unfortunately, things always backfire."

Shisheng Tianzun was slightly startled, his whole body gradually disappeared, and he said undeniably: "We walked the same road, and we both fell on the scenery along the way."

"To fight with you today, I admit that I am old, and I have already surrendered."

"I have completely surrendered, I am old."

"Our emperors of all ages are pioneers, opening the way for you, the fourth latecomer."

"The Creation World Honored One."

"Whether you can defeat him with your good fortune dynasty era, I will wait and see."

A gust of wind blew by, and there was an eternal loneliness in the breeze. His last figure rose up on the wind and dissipated in the sky and the earth, "I didn't lose to you..."

"I lost from the very beginning..."

This first generation of Heavenly Venerate who awakened in the ancient universe chose to self-dissipate.

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