My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 485 History is impermanent

The Yuan Dynasty in the thirteenth century.

Once caught in the eye, this terrible number.

Compared with Wen Ce Tianzun who ruled the four cosmic eras with full water content, it is a world of difference.

Chen Weizhu read that period of history,

"In the early Yuan era, Taizu was born"

It records a monster-like strong man who ruled that barbarous universe period.

He has mastered the Yuanshou rule, which is the number one life rule in the universe. Its power is mysterious and unimaginable. It only took him 400 million years to rule the entire cosmic era and open up a prosperous age!

Afterwards, he came to the next era and continued to dominate. He lived for a total of seven cosmic eras, and finally died of old age.

He constantly changed the rules of the universe, changed the world, changed the order of the universe, and perfected the environment of the universe. The entire dynasty has been at the forefront of the civilization of the people.

"Seven Universes, Seven Worlds, this man is so ruthless!"

Wen Ce Tianzun was startled,

Secretly thought that after living four lifetimes, he was lonely and boring, but the other party lived for so long.

He couldn't help being amazed by the vast history and the prehistoric history unfolding in front of his eyes.

However, he also calculated the age of the other party, and the death of the seventh generation is also the number of times he died. He will not live longer than the other party, and may even be shorter.

Because the other party studied various ways to prolong life, decayed, and eventually died of old age.

"The first year of the Seventh Era, known in history as the Former Yuan Dynasty."

With the sunlight outside the window, Chen Weizhu kept reciting, with a clear and pleasant voice, "Taizu, he pursued a higher realm of the eighth stage of the dark all his life, and tried in vain to transcend the dead things in the universe, but finally fell in his old age. The era after that is the era of the post-Yuan Dynasty , the descendants of Taizu began to rule the world, but the dynasty began to decline continuously."

"During six epochs, generations of cosmic emperors have been extremely stupid and perverse, and the tyranny of ruling the world has caused dissatisfaction."

"Until today, the Hou Yuan Dynasty survived in name only, and the princes and kingdoms came together. The current emperor, Emperor Hongyuan, denounced his predecessors, wrote down their crimes in detail in the history books, and issued an edict of guilt, announcing to the world that they have reformed themselves. Determined, he is a man of great talent and great strategy, trying to change the mess, but the result is more than enough energy."

"Today, there are thirty-seven countries. Although the Houyuan Dynasty is the most among them, it no longer has the power to dominate the world and unify the universe.\

,""When the world was created, the universe forest was in chaos. It was because the princes and kingdoms were difficult to coordinate. They each patched up a section of the sky, and the world was chaotic. Only the major dynasties could not grasp the fundamental logical order of the new era. They did not know the new era. Only now did they explore separately."

No wonder it's cold!

Shocked by the opponent's strength at first,

But as I read it, I found that the other party was already dusk.

It's just a vast old man who is dying.

"It's outrageous."

"They created the world, and they don't even know what universe they created!" "Everyone fills in the rules of the universe that are beneficial to me and only I know."

"It can be seen that there are too many warlords at this time, the chaos has reached the extreme, and the internal fighting has reached the limit."

"It's no wonder that in future generations, there will be no splashes."

Fu Qingjun looked at the history and said to himself, "In today's dynasty, it is rare for a wise monarch to appear. He wants to change everything, but he has already rotted to the bone. I am afraid that he will be unable to recover. Otherwise, future generations will not be silent."

And looking at this portrait of Ming Jun, Wen Ce Tianzun felt familiar,

"I was in the ruins of a huge ruins in the Forest of Truth, and I saw the skeleton of this person, hanged on a tree of truth, and there were tribal remnants everywhere, full of sadness. With astonishing aptitude and talent, it will be difficult to stop the general trend of decline in the end, and the 300 billion-year history of the dynasty will come to an end."

"No wonder, future generations won't even be able to see it!"

Fu Qingjun and Wen Ce Tianzun felt similar emotions in their hearts at the same time.

Is this the history of the previous dynasty?

I was curious about the mysterious prehistoric ruins before, but looking at it now, there is nothing too unexpected.

This development is within reason.

The two people who were in awe of the unknown prehistoric times felt that it was no big deal at this time.

There are always periods of prosperity and decline in Jiangshan dynasties,

Nothing can exist forever and be immortal, this is a destiny that no one can change,

"If this dynasty does not fall, I will not be born."

Wen Ce Tianzun held the history, as if he saw the obscure history of the year, "I was the protagonist of the world at that time, the trend of the times, the man of destiny, the dynasty's own internal turmoil, and no one can even become the Tianzun, so I was born , swept away the natives of the Forest of Truth, and rebuilt the world system."

This is momentum.

The general trend of the universe is called the destiny.

The universe is vast and boundless, and there are generations of arrogance and evildoers.

But no matter how talented you are, if you are the best in the universe, if you don't have a big trend, you were born in the wrong era, and you were born in the era of peace, you will be nothing but a dead bone in the end.

Only times create heroes, and chaos creates destiny.

"The right time, the right place, and the harmony of people, all of which have solved the mystery of the universe, a dead thing."

"Sad, deplorable."

Wen Ce Tianzun sighed, looked at the history books, put down the cheap master newly recognized in this era, and the woman he once admired, and looked out the distant window, feeling cold in his heart,

"Although I am intimidating the current century Yuan, I have defeated the God of Good Fortune, including Yuanshou, Immortality, etc. All the Heavenly Gods have signed an oath alliance with me, and I have mastered 90% of the rules of the universe. In heaven and earth, I am the only God, the true ruler of the universe, It is middle-aged, seeing this dusk scene, it is hard to avoid feeling sad for the death of the rabbit."

He couldn't help touching the scenery, hurting spring and autumn.

Fu Qingjun also lowered his head, savored the food, drank tea indifferently, looked at the two well-behaved disciples, and said with emotion in his heart: "Although I have sneaked into 70% of the rules of the entire cosmic era, the world is full of my family members. Wen Ce Tianzun has almost been made by me, I am the real ruler of the universe, I am in my prime, and my age is only ten thousand years old, and I feel that this twilight doomsday is my future."

Even if Fu Qingjun and Wen Ce Tianzun both think that they are still in their "mature age" and truly dominate, they are still afraid that they will be left behind by the times because of their loss of power. One day, they will be overthrown by the heroes of later generations .


"Very uncomfortable."

The No. 1 and No. 2 chaebols in the universe didn't know each other's true identity, but they also sighed in the room, and a similar idea was born.

"Although I am comparable to the great ancestor of their dynasty, who opened up a prosperous dynasty, I also feel that my future is doomed. If I can meet this great ancestor, I can sit down and have a good conversation with my peers."

Among the three, only Chen Weizhu, who was really young and innocent, looked at the two people in the room who suddenly looked dull in the heart, and scratched his head, not knowing what happened.

She had no idea that before her eyes were two of the most decadent plutocrats in the universe, who had hidden their identities and appeared here.

"Well, it is a great dynasty, and I also feel very sad."

Chen Weizhu murmured, imitating the gestures of the two, lamenting the impermanence of history.

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