My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 284: Front and rear feet

Changi Airport is in the east of Lion City, and Lion City National University is in the southwest. Fortunately, the Lion City is not a big country, and it will not be long.

In the past, the scenery has not been said, and health is not to mention. After all, this is a country that littered garbage, smoked in public places, squandered a few dollars in public places, and even prosecuted. What public space graffiti is directly whipping.

"It’s estimated that it will take a while. Let’s go to the hotel first, then go to the restaurant and wait for her.”

When I arrived near the National University, the thunderstorms had already heard, the air was very humid and fresh. Lin Xiaoxiao took Meng Fan to the hotel to check in, then walked to a nearby restaurant.

Everything that happened so far was basically the same as before the rebirth. Even a person who was walking in a corner almost hit Lin Xiaoxiao, exactly as if he had returned to the original track until he was seated in the restaurant. The exotic Indian beauty came over and let Meng Fan make sure that he was alive again.

"Your charm is not small, even Aishwarya took the initiative to pick you up." Lin Xiaoxiao saw the Indian beauty disappointed to leave, smiled and said, "She is also a student of our school, and is a school-level beauty. Oh, you are not tempted to go abroad to play, and add a glimpse of the affair, perfect."

Meng Fan said with a smile: "I have a girlfriend."

Lin Xiaoxiao said a thumbs up: "You don't have a girlfriend, but you are willing to put your girlfriend on your mouth. It is a good man."

Meng Fan waved his hand: "If this is a good man, the standard of a good man is too low?"

Lin Xiaoxiao is very serious this time: "This is really not a low standard, especially for people who have a flowering condition and are not at ease. It is natural to put it on girls." Then they are very curious. Asked, "Is your girlfriend your classmate? It is said that the girls in the Academy are very beautiful. Presumably, it must be better than the Indian beauty just now."

Meng Fan couldn't help but raise his mouth: "That is really much better."

"Who is your girlfriend? Your girlfriend? Brother, do you have a girlfriend?"

Just saying, Meng Cai came, and the wind and fire went straight to Meng Fan, and then he stunned. He reached out and licked Meng Fan’s face. He touched his chin and didn’t find his double chin. He was very upset: “Brother, you are really thin. Ah! It’s even thinner than watching the videos in the photos! The flesh that we managed to raise is gone!”

Meng Fan habitually spoiled and slightly savagely used his arm to sandwich Ms. Meng's neck and let her sit down. He said with a smile: "Why, I am not happy when I lost weight?"

"Hate, let me go. I am now the goddess of this area, you are like this, my people will collapse." Meng Cai looked at Meng Fan, but did not struggle, I enjoyed this clip neck, two people aged It is the closest, from a small age, wearing a diaper to hit a big one.

"Don't, our goddess is enough, the female nerve can be one of you." Meng Fan let go, carefully looked at it, nodded, "Don't say it is a little goddess."

"Don't open the subject, hurry to say, who is the girlfriend? Is it the beautiful girl who won the Chinese painting? Is Wu Tong?" Meng Cai asked.

Meng Fan was very embarrassed to say: "Nod."

It’s just that he’s so embarrassed that in Meng Cai’s place, it’s the original shape of the dew, and screamed: “What do you want, this Wu Tong, I look at the appearance is also okay, just, you said it yourself, the goddess at home is not lacking, you Don't just find a vase."

Meng Fan squinted at Meng Cai's eyes: "The vase, she belongs to the vase of the blue and blue flower level, good-looking, and connotation!"

"Well, you are so good! Baby, don't laugh, we both get used to it."

Meng Cai vomited and spit out his tongue, then asked Lin Xiaoxiao what he had ordered, and added two more dishes.

After dinner, Lin Xiaoxiao left, and the brothers and sisters visited the National University.

Last year, NUS ranked first in Asia in the world's best university rankings. No matter it is teaching research results or faculty strength, it is nothing to say, not to mention the campus environment. The environment of Lion City itself is too good. The environment of the National University is too nitpicking.

Just like when he was born again, Ms. Meng is the campus that is holding Meng Fan’s arms all the way. It’s nothing else, just to declare that he has a boyfriend, so that those who chase her can save their minds, but this arm has changed. The owner of the arm has also changed, at least it has become more convincing.

Although Meng Cai’s face value is very mediocre in the Mengjia seven thousand gold, it is still very difficult to get outside, especially after the long opening in recent years, not to mention the campus, even in the beauty. In Yun’s entertainment circle, he can debut with his face. In addition, he is crowned with the aura of “study god” and chasing her.

Anyway, this way down, Meng Fan heard a lot of heartbreaking voices, hehe, like a symphony.

Before the rebirth, Meng Fan encountered a lot of suspicion, anger and even provocative eyes. This time, there was anger, and doubts and provocations were gone. After all, Meng Fan’s head and practice fighting, especially with Wu Ji, played so much. The gas field raised after the field was placed there.

After a round of laps, the time was not early. Meng Caiyi also thought that Meng Fan might be a little tired. He sent him to the hotel, let him go to bed early, and take him out to play tomorrow.

Shortly after returning to the hotel, Meng Fan went out again and stopped a taxi as a taxi to Changi Airport.

Anyway, this big night is all right, Meng Fan can't wait, think about it, or come to the airport is better. Even if there is no gain, at least familiar with the terrain.

After arriving at the airport, Meng Fan took out the hat that made the sense of existence disappear. Although wearing a hat, Meng Fan did not let himself behave too I was afraid that if I was monitored, I found something different. , causing trouble.

I found a place to rest, took out my mobile phone, opened the live aid page, and made a quick replay. Meng Fan's observation power +4 can also come in handy here. The playback speed *16 is not a big problem.

After reading it, there was no gain, and then I went up and went shopping. Similarly, there was no gain in strolling around. Oh, no, at least it was a 1 night tour experience. This Changi Airport is obviously an attraction.

After twelve o'clock, Meng Fan did what he wanted to do, pretending that he didn't receive any frustration from the people, and called him. At least, it wouldn't look strange to see the watched replay.

I don't know if Meng Fan is lucky or not. He just left the airport with his forefoot. At the back of the foot, there was a group of people who laughed and pulled the suitcase and walked past the position where Meng Fan had just stood. One of them was Meng Fan’s memory. Robber.

If Meng Fan is standing here, he may recognize it, but it is not necessarily.

Of course, this position went over and went into the shooting range of the live aids that remained at the airport. Please read the latest domain name when reading this site.

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