My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 258: Steel turret


"Can't get up? What's wrong?"

When she was worried, she knew that this paragraph was really difficult to match. The amount of time in the long period of time can be said to be the highest of the two seasons. Needless to say, the physical demand is definitely the emotion, she also listens. It is said that some voice actors have not been able to come out after a long time with some essays.

Just, take a closer look, Bai Hao can not be himself, smirked out, could not help but hit Meng Fan, what is this and what, this guy is so annoying!

Although this set of clothes is temporarily found, but the size is appropriate, the mango TV side of the costumes said that the quality is not found where to go, how can it collapse!

"That, don't look at it!"

Meng Fan really wants to cry. On some shows, he also saw the picture of the trousers collapsed. It is funny to see others, but it falls on himself, hey, uncomfortable!

I tied the coat to the waist and circled it. This was covered, indicating that the staff helped find the pants.

What happened on the upstairs was still curious. Although I couldn't see it, some of the voices were still heard. The host on the main stage laughed and asked: "What happened upstairs? Is something interesting happening?"

There is also a voice assistant in the upstairs dubbing room. It is also a deputy moderator. I have already laughed and opened the flowers. I wanted to tell everyone about such interesting things, and even if I didn’t say, the upstairs seats were also photographed. Listening to the supporter’s question, he immediately smiled and said: “Meng Fan sat down and broke his pants.”

In this sentence, the laughter has become a piece downstairs, and the stars who can see the situation in the dubbing room have long laughed.

This is crying, and this guy is teased.

Meng Fan is helpless, is he really not funny?

Originally, I still wanted to hide a possession. Now I can't hide it. Of course, I don't know how to blame the voice assistant. However, the next voice of the voice assistant makes Meng Fan feel really awkward.

The voice assistant then smiled and said: "It doesn't matter if the line is broken. We don't have white moonlight. White Moonlight is best at stitching."

This sentence is stalked. There is a lot of news about the Queen's Empress White Moonlight on the Internet. The news of quilting clothes is that Bai Yueguang thinks that the dresses and costumes are too exposed, especially low V, and they take needlework. I just sewed it. There are pictures and evidence. Many people think it is very interesting. It is called the first person in the entertainment industry. It can be said that it is very powdery.

The voice assistant obviously felt that this was very sloppy, and the brain responded quickly. Zhang mouth said it, but it also exposed the emotional intelligence problem and the excessive force that she had been criticized all the time.

Is it that they sew themselves to themselves, and they are sewing clothes? You let a woman sew pants for such a big man, Meng Fan, and it’s on the butt... Meng Fan doesn’t know what others think, anyway, I feel very embarrassed. .

The voice assistant obviously felt that this was very stalking. He still asked Meng Fan in that enthusiasm: "Or, let Bai Yueguang sew it for you?"

Meng Fan is speechless, how do you let me answer, no answer is not, and I am afraid that she will continue to ask, and then quickly waved and said: "White Moonlight is specially for the Tianxian himself to sew clothes, my name Meng Fan is a mortal, How can we make Tian Xian an exception?"

Signal the staff to hurry to find pants.

The stars in the outfield, including the wait-and-see waiting for Bai Hao to perform the "Director's Test" PK's Bai Yueguang also laughed, the atmosphere is not so embarrassing.

At this time, Bai Hao is a faint glance at the voice assistant. She can play no matter whether you play or not, whether you are good or not, whether it is for the variety effect, it is just a smile: "You can't because Han Fan played Han Xing. Blackmail on the communion's private enmity!"

This time, the atmosphere is really embarrassing!

Of course, the scope of this embarrassment is small, and several faces including the sound assistant are black.

There are also some who understand the meaning of this, they feel that this white is really dare to say, but also feels happy.

"Uncle Kay, wait a minute, we will change the costumes here."

Bai Hao didn't care about it. When she said this, she knew that the program group would definitely be cut off at the time, and Meng Fan followed the staff to change clothes.

In exchange for a trousers, Bai Hao insisted that Meng Fan wears a good dress, and Meng Fan slammed a few times and tried to be a solid one. The staff here is already urging.

Going back to the dubbing room, everyone is quite tacit, just when the scene did not happen, this scene refers to what the white singer said, in front of it, according to the number of roads that Mango TV is good at making variety effects, when The possibility of broadcasting is very large.

In this regard, Meng Fan does not feel that there is anything. Since this program has been recorded, in some respects, you must accept it.

After such an episode, Meng Fan is really slow.

Re-recorded, the two hands hand in the elevator downstairs to the main stage, began to record the cooperation show.

The first stage of the cooperation show is "The Secret History of Xiaozhuang". This drama is very classic. The two actors in this episode are also very good. In the serenity of the big Yuer, whether it is acting or dressing up, it is indeed worthy of the saying that there is no big jade after the silence. Some people also laughed and said that serenity is the only actor who can tame the horse master to obey, but in this scene, the horse teacher did not dare to roar in front of the silence.

"what happened?"

"It has been gone for a long time."

"What happened to the Empress Dowager so urgently summoned me."

"How courageous I am, dare to summon the Regent King. Get a bad one, two white flags and Zhenghuangqi killed in Beijing..."

In the opening moment, a few words went back and forth, and Meng Fan and Bai Yu painted the characters of the two characters and the psychology of the plot.

Then there are two people who love each other to "kill each other". You come to me and show the contradictions and choices and determinations of the two.

Meng Fan has tears in his eyes, with whimpers and grievances in his voice: "Short and die! Yuer, you curse me, we are such a sentiment, you curse me! For you, I give up the throne that is at your fingertips, I can't wait to Your heart is dug to you, but you curse me."

The white eyes are like broken pearls, biting their teeth, and their lips are shaking: "Not that I curse you, Dolce, it is yourself!"

Next, there was still a cry and laugh after Dolce went back.

Because there is no white drama, Meng Fan asked to cut it, so far.

This section of dubbing, Meng Fan's performance naturally needless to say, but the white 芷 is more outstanding, the sound line is very similar to the quiet, the expression of emotion is also very good, can be described as a three-pointed, very irritating, crying people.

Of course, there are also a few people including the voice-directing teacher Di, and this important reason why Bai Hao’s performance is so good is the reason why Meng Fan took it. This band is not Meng Fan’s deliberate release of water to set off the day. It is entirely because of the power of emotion that brings out the emotions of the day, which is hard to come by.

These teachers are also more interested in Meng Fan, especially Teacher Di. Last night, she knew that Meng Fan is now a member of the chocolate factory. She has also called Charlie and asked some questions, even I also talked about the "borrowing" of Meng Fan, and now I am more certain about this idea.

Meng Fan can not only play well with himself, but also drive his opponent's emotions. The latter is very attractive to Di, a teacher who often makes voice-over instructions and dubbing directors for TV dramas and movies.

After the distribution of Xiaozhuang Mystery, Bai Hao adjusted his emotions and began the second episode of "I\'m-Sherlocked".

This period of white drama is less, she chose this paragraph to make Meng Fan shine.

A low, magnetic sound appears: "NO!"

Irene in the picture: "Sorry?"

At this time, the picture was transferred to the roll: "I-said-no. Very, very-close, but-no."

Not everyone has seen "Sherlock", but basically everyone knows that this character in the picture is Sherlock? Holmes, which is the blessing played by Cumberbatch.

Of course, this story, if it is not a fan, is basically difficult to understand through this dubbing. Even the emotional confrontation between Fu Fu and Irene will be inexplicable. I don’t know. I'm-Sherlocked" stands for, for most people, the point of view is undoubtedly the English dubbing of Meng Fan and Bai Yu, and even most of them can't hear the pronunciation of Meng Fan. Whether it is American or English, but everyone can hear that Meng Fan’s pronunciation is not a joke, very good and very elegant. At the same time, Meng Fan’s voice is very close to the volume, especially charming, the special subwoofer People, Su to the explosion!

Of course, there are still a few sentences that are faster, and people are listening to it.

"Great, really amazing!"

Kay uncle praised the invitation to complete the two-part dubbing of Bai Yu and Meng Fan to the middle of the main stage. They had an interview and interaction. They mainly interviewed Bai Yu and asked about the feelings of the previous paragraphs.

The white pheasant is a strong move to Meng Fan, but it seems that she has become a guest performer. When Kai uncle sees this, he has already said that he has already spoken on the platform. He said: "Meng Fan, you just said that. A Sherlock, if I didn't get it wrong, should I use English pronunciation?"

Meng Fan is very modest and honestly said: "This paragraph I imitated the original sound."

"Listen to a few of them, your speaking speed is very fast." Uncle Kai continued to follow Taiben, and he also wanted to know. "Which, Sherlock's ultra-fast speech-speed reasoning, can you come?" ?"

"You can try it."

Meng Fan nodded and played the "Hound Dog" clip.

In less than a minute, Meng Fan’s mouth was stopped with the machine gun that had been opened, and everyone in the whole place was beaten.


Uncle Kai is very addicted: "Meng Fan, you are not a tower man, you are a steel turret! Your mouth is too powerful, just like hanging! Everyone says?"


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