My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 160: 1 person sings K

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People have dreams, and everyone has a lot of dreams.

However, some people have worked hard for their dreams, some have not, and many more have been abandoned.

Of course, dreaming of such a thing has never meant that hard work can be done. Even if we work hard, it is also based on our own conditions. Otherwise, dreams will always be dreams.

As far as Meng Fan is concerned, he has had many dreams. Among these dreams, becoming a cartoonist is undoubtedly the most suitable for his own conditions. This is what he has always worked hard, and the dream has been upgraded so far. A well-known cartoonist.

In addition to cartoonists, Meng Fan also has a dream, that is to become a seiyuu, and worked hard for it.

If you want to be a seiyuu or a voice actor, you need a lot of conditions, such as the ability to express, understand, coherent and perform. After the analysis, the performance includes different voices, different voices, Voice control, such as voice, intonation, and rhythm, as well as sound skills, basic sounds, and so on, and how sounds express emotions.

To this end, Meng Fan has specially learned to train, and has also practiced pronunciation for it. Mandarin is still very standard.

As for the gun brother, it is too sensitive. It is really not the reason for Meng Fan’s Mandarin.

To be honest, if Meng Fan wants to be a seiyuu, the difficulty is really not great. As long as he still has a good time, there is Meng Jiewei, the sister, who is hard to find a job.

However, in the process of learning slowly, Meng Fan also really knows that he is not strong in this aspect.

First, the sound texture is very general, slightly better than ordinary, not difficult to listen but not too good to listen to; second, the expression of sound and emotion is very general, although it can be improved through training, but it can not improve much; third is the sound field and sound control It is very general, even in this life, it has become a seiyuu, and the types of roles that can be matched are also very limited.

It can be determined that it is not difficult to become a seiyuu, and there will be opportunities to participate in dubbing. However, if you want to be a good seiyuu, the possibility is extremely low.

Of course, after the self-recognition, Meng Fan did not give up. It was just a change from a dream to an interest. In the past, the dubbing video of some characters suitable for his own voice was also played at the 8-station main station.

As for the previous dream of being able to dub the animation of a famous cartoonist and what film is dubbed, it is basically a dusty heart.

Now that there is a task with 3 points of voice appeal, Meng Fan suddenly has some temptations!

What is the sound appeal?

Reflected in seiyuu, it is undoubtedly the ability to express emotions.

If a seiyuu can express the emotions of the task in the drama through the sound, it is a great seiyuu.

What pitch, tone, sound quality, range, comprehension, coherence, expressiveness, etc., are ultimately for emotional expression!

If you are a seiyuu, what is the strongest talent, then it is undoubtedly the sound of appeal!

Of course, if Meng Fan knows how to sing and knows that singing includes basic functions such as pitch, timbre, sound quality, and sound range, it also means that the increase in singing attributes also means that these basic skills increase, and it can also be applied to the dubbing.

On the other hand, the power of sound is undoubtedly the talent that a singer wants most!

"Iron brother, what are you doing? I have done it."

When the red-headed little brother saw Meng Fan without a microphone, he had been worried about his feelings, and he was afraid of Meng Fan’s continued singing.

And the truth, what is afraid, what really happens.

"Oh awesome."

I saw Meng Fan should have a sentence, and then put down the glass, not too flexible to move the **** in the past sitting on the side of a player singing with a microphone, smiled, grabbed the hand and grabbed the microphone.

"Who took my microphone?"

The player who was singing my microphone sang a sentence and found that the microphone in his hand was gone.

Meng Fan grabs the microphone's hand speed is terrible!

After grabbing the microphone, Meng Fan quickly exchanged the black technology microphone directly into the real microphone in his hand, and then sang away with the scorpion: "It doesn't matter, I have my throat, yeah, Yay."


Many people in the box stunned. Looking up, Meng Fan was singing and stunned. How did you sing a lot?

Listening to a few more sentences, I found that the pitch is better than before. The biggest change is that the voice is quite infectious, because this is a song with a relatively light style, so the body seems to be unconsciously following a little rhythm.

Of course, this is a lot better than before Meng Fan. In fact, how good it is, it is impossible.

The black technology microphone comes with attribute singer +1 and sound appeal +1. The improvement of vocal +1 is not big. In comparison, the improvement of sound appeal is much larger.

After all, the former belongs to the attribute with scientific data, while the latter is metaphysical.

"I have just deliberately disgusted us!"

A group of people laughing and joking, seeing Meng Fan singing is no longer a singer of death, no matter who he is, only when the background music, it is time to drink the game to play games.

Seeing that no one pulled himself to drink, nor did he come to grab the microphone, Meng Fan sang high in his own pleasure. Qu Jingjing and others are also willing to sing along with Meng Fan, although several of the later Meng Fan are still not singing very hard.

Not to mention, quite enjoyable, after all, there are not many singers before, and when singing k, it is mostly a player who hides in the corner and eats fruit platters.

Of course, the most important thing is that experience is going up.

Mai Pa was triggered after Meng Fan continued to occupy the microphone and sang ten songs. The ten songs that were sung before were also accumulated directly into the experience.

Before everyone sang almost to be ready to leave, Meng Fan’s experience has been brushed to 35/1000, a song for about three or four minutes, and it’s not too slow to brush, one can brush a dozen or two in an hour. Ten.

This is why Meng Fan thinks the task is not difficult.

He tried to sing the last sentence and cut the song to increase the experience. It is not to wait until the songs are all played. It takes almost three minutes to count a song and 20 shots an hour.

If you spend 10 hours a day in KTV, it will be 5 Of course, this is just what Meng Fan thinks. Really, how easy it is!

Do not say anything else, singing ten hours is really not something that ordinary people can do.

Moreover, Meng Fan has a very important premise to ignore.

Everyone has a ktv, more than half of them are ready to go before the school closes, so they are scattered, and there is no next one.

After Meng Fan went to the school gate, he found an excuse to open the sneak, then went to the nearest ktv from the school, opened a box and continued to brush the experience.

However, after he sang a song that did not believe in evil and sang a few times in a row, he found that the experience could not be brushed.

Why can't I brush?

Basically, there is a premise that you want to increase your experience, that is, you must have someone else present.

Also, a person who sings ktv is what is the tyrant, this is the late stage of autism!

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