My Entire Family’s Gone Haywire!

Chapter 502: Lu Zheng's Number One Love Rival

It only took Gu Nian the whole morning to get along with the soldiers who were on the martial arts field in the morning, and by the way, he learned a lot about Yan Mo's habits.

At noon, a few of them also had a big pot meal with everyone.

This is the garrison of Qingzhou Prefecture. In Dazhou, every state capital has a garrison. When there is no war, there are usually 20,000 troops in the garrison.

In the afternoon, Yan Mo came to the martial arts arena.

Every afternoon he would come to a game with the lieutenant generals.

On this first day, Gu Nian didn't do anything special, as if she really just came to practice her skills.

Seeing this, Yan Mo left her alone.


The next day, Gu Nian didn't do anything, and she left a little early at night, because it was the end of the first exam and Gu Shouxin was going home, so they went back earlier.

Seeing that the sweat on the children's hair was still dry, Gu Shouxin was puzzled.

"Father, we didn't fail in our martial arts training, and we even went to the garrison camp!" Gu Nian told Gu Shouxin what happened in the past two days.

Gu Shouxin: You really deserve to be my daughter, dare to think and do it!

He didn't say anything, but he even told them to practice hard. It's hard to find so many practicers!

The Gu family asked Gu Shouxin how the exam was, and Gu Shouxin was naturally very relaxed.

"I heard that this time, there is a candidate who is a 12-year-old candidate. He is from Nan County. The child prodigy over there is called Huo Junhao. Have you ever heard of it?" During the meal, Gu Shouxin suddenly mentioned a candidate.

Gu Nian was taken aback when he heard the name, feeling very familiar.

"Why haven't I heard of it? Laohua mentioned it! It is said that the gambling shop will be opened during the next court exam, because of this Huo Junhao." Grandpa Gu laughed.

"You can take the government exam at the age of twelve! If he passes the exam smoothly, he will only be thirteen next year. Could he still be an official?" Gu Xin asked in surprise.

Gu Nian turned her head and glanced at Gu Xin, yes, she said why she was so familiar.

In the original book, the hero's number one rival in love is Huo Junhao.

After listening to her parents' words recently, she seldom thinks about the plot of the original book, so when Gu Shouxin suddenly mentioned it, she really didn't realize it.

This Huo Junhao appeared on the stage with the heroine, and it was the first time that the brothel sold the heroine back then, and it was this Huo Junhao who fought the most fiercely with Lu Zheng.

He is also capable of fighting for strength. His family background is quite good. His grandfather is a grand tutor who retired from old age and returned to his hometown. He taught the former emperor and the current emperor's emperor's tutor. All uncles in the family are officials in the court.

At that time, Huo Junhao seemed to have been working in the Hanlin Academy for less than a year after high school, and then he went out to roam around alone, wandering wildly.

He was sixteen years old in high school, not this class, but the next class.

At that time, he was not afraid of Lu Zheng's power, and he kept asking for the price with Lu Zheng. In the end, he guessed that he didn't have so much money with him, so he didn't win against Lu Zheng.

He competed with Lu Zheng. When Gu Xin was still in the south of the Yangtze River, whenever he went out, he would definitely meet by chance, regardless of whether Lu Zheng was there or not.

Later, when he arrived in the capital, he was still like this.

In order to fight with Lu Zheng to the end, he asked his family to clear up the relationship, and went to the yamen where Lu Zheng was, and annoyed him all day long, and even had the cheek to go home with him to see Gu Xin. Lu Zheng, if you don't treat her well, I will marry her and go home right away.

However, his family knew that he and Lu Zheng were robbing a woman with the status of the heroine, and the female family members in his family often competed with and threatened the heroine when the heroine was out.

It's just that the heroine was stupid at that time, and didn't know the reason why these people fought against her. She just thought that it was because she was born in a brothel that they looked down upon her. For this, the heroine felt inferior.

Thank you [Old Demon of Dongshan] for your reward!

good night~

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