My Entire Family’s Gone Haywire!

Chapter 2732: Clear Gratitude and Grudges

He felt that Gu Xin did the right thing. His Yanyan was originally a delicate and sensitive little girl. She was protected too well by her husband and wife when she was a child. She might not be able to accept such a thing for a while.

However, ten years have passed, and the little girl has grown up. Some things have to be faced, but how can we minimize the impact on her?

"Third girl, have you told Yanyan about her mother?" Mr. Shu asked.

"I told you." Gu Xin said.

"Then she..." Mr. Shu became nervous.

"She went to bed yesterday when she was tired from crying. Everyone has to go through life, old age, illness and death, and no matter their age, they have to learn to accept it. If she hadn't injured her head, I might have told her yesterday about the Zhang family's mother and son. "Gu Xin said.

She has also experienced loss, and she understands the heartache and discomfort.

"Third Miss is right." Mr. Shu nodded, then sighed, "Will the Zhang family's mother and son be executed after they go to the capital?"

"Maybe at the end of September. It may also have to wait until the beginning of October. After the examination, there will be a palace examination. I don't know how it is arranged yet." Gu Xin didn't care about this.

But every year, the prisoners who are beheaded are basically at the end of September, but if it is an imperial examination year, it might be different.

"I understand. After all, I have raised Yanyan for ten years. Before they are executed, I will take Yanyan over to express my gratitude in person. They killed Yanyan's aunt and uncle's family, and saved Yanyan and took care of them for ten years. What happened in the past year cannot be erased because they killed someone. At least, they should let Yanyan know how to be grateful if he had been picked up by someone with bad intentions. I don’t even dare to think about the consequences." Mr. Shu made a decision in his mind.

Gu Xin raised his eyebrows but said nothing.

The words "clear distinction between grudges and grudges" came to her mind.

To be honest, she felt that if Zhang Liu was not so extreme and did not influence Zhang Huzi to be so extreme, the future of mother and son might be very good.

But, what if?

Therefore, when people are doing things, it is best to calm down and think about the consequences. Sometimes, something does not have to be done. Sometimes, it is better not to do something casually before finding out the truth. good.

Read more, listen more, analyze more, verify more, you will avoid many tragedies of others, and you can also avoid your own tragedies.

Mr. Shu calmed down and asked Gu Xin to take him into the inn.

Shu Yan had fallen asleep at this moment, and Dong Xue opened the door softly.

Seeing Gu Xin and Mr. Shu, Dong Xue whispered: "Third Miss, Miss Shu just had a headache. I fed her the water you left. She is fast asleep now."

Gu Xin nodded.

The two of them followed Dong Xue into the house. Mr. Shu couldn't wait to come to the back room. When he saw the person lying on the bed, his eyes suddenly turned red.

Even if the person in front of him fell asleep, even if she had changed slightly after ten years, Master Shu could still recognize her as his daughter at a glance.

She really looked like his wife when she was young. I wouldn't say they were carved from the same mold, but they were 80% similar.

The eyebrows, face shape, and the slight frown after sleeping were very similar to his wife's sleeping appearance.

"Yanyan..." Mr. Shu couldn't help shouting, and tears fell.

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