My Entire Family’s Gone Haywire!

Chapter 271 Crouching Dead

The two brothers Zhang Dahu and Xiaohu are cowards. They apologized seriously after a while. They really apologized seriously, with a very sincere attitude. They specifically said sorry to Gu Xin alone, and said that they would never bully her again.

The main reason is that they can't win if they want to bully.

As for Gao Erzhuang, he also promised that after returning home, he would ask his family to marry him immediately, and he would not bother Gu Hui anymore.

If you are tall and strong, you will have more backbone. If you are determined not to speak, it will be useless to fight.

The siblings were tired, so they sat on the ground and moved a large space out. Gu Nian asked the younger ones to collect firewood, and she and Gu Hui set up a fight, waiting for Lu Zheng's prey to come.

Lu Zheng didn't keep them waiting, and even packed up the prey and brought it here. He was splashed with blood and water, but he didn't look embarrassed at all.

Walking from the sun, the slightly raised lips looked so sunny.

Gu Nian looked at Gu Xin's smirk, and sighed, to be honest, the hero's appearance is indeed impeccable.

Thinking that she and Cai Xiaolian have met many beautiful men, after time travel, without knowing Lu Zheng's identity, they think he is very good-looking.

I have met many young men in the past three months, and only Lu Zheng can make their mother and daughter say something nice.

Even the eldest son of the county magistrate's family, they just think it's okay!

"Wow! Brother Yuanyuan, you are so powerful. In just a short while, you have killed two pheasants and rabbits! You have cleaned up! Brother Yuanyuan, were you a hunter before?" Gu Xin ran forward and recognized Seeing Orion who had been cleaned up, he said in surprise.

"It's not that I'm good, it's that these guys are stupid, let me catch them! I guess I'll be lucky this year!" Lu Zheng said with a smile.

He really wasn't lying, wasn't that pair of rabbits just waiting for him to catch them?

He was the one who caught the chicken.

"Mother often said that luck is also a kind of strength." Gu Xin said proudly, because her luck is very good, as long as she leaves the Gu family and the old house, she can often pick up copper coins.

"Zhou Yuan, let me take a look at your seasoning." Gu Nian stepped forward and said.

It was inconvenient for Lu Zheng to carry the prey, so Gu En stepped forward to help him carry it.

Lu Zheng took out the salt, chili powder, and some spices that Gu Nian had given to Grandma Xiao before.

Lu Zheng had a dagger in his hand, which was quite sharp. After sharpening the fork, Gu Nian had already seasoned the prey.

The fork made of a tree trunk is inserted into the prey, placed on the shelf, the fire is lit, and soon, the fragrance is wafting out.

The twelve people who were hanging upside down, the other eleven people were fine, but they were attracted by greedy insects, and the tall and strong people were miserable. His heart ached, he was hungry, and he was drooling.

The siblings and Lu Zheng ignored the twelve people and chatted while looking at their prey.

Lu Zheng talked about how he caught the stupid rabbit that didn't run away, which made the little ones laugh out loud.

"Brother Yuanyuan, are rabbits really so stupid? My grandma said that rabbits can run fast, even faster than chickens." Gu Xin asked.

"It's like this under normal circumstances, but today these two silly rabbits don't know what happened, they really just squatted there, I stretched out my hands, they didn't move, if they didn't move a little after I caught them Now, I suspect that the rabbit died squatting when it died of old age!" Lu Zheng said solemnly.

"Zhou Yuan, are you developing towards my uncle?" Gu Nian, who hadn't smiled all this time, couldn't help but asked with a smile.

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