My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 89 Muscular Man, Zhong Guo

At the entrance of the coffee shop, Zhang Chenchen's father held Zhang Ping'an's hand and thanked him non-stop: "I really don't know how to thank you, and I don't know what to say if I am grateful. When you return to Huaxia, please come to me when you are free." As a guest at home, I will treat you well then."

Originally, Zhang Chenchen and his daughter wanted to invite Zhang Pingan to dinner, but Zhang Pingan said that he had another appointment tonight, so he declined their invitation.

In fact, Zhang Ping'an didn't have a date at night, and he was really evading it this time. Earlier, Kim Taeyeon was also guessing whether he was deliberately evading? But for Kim Taeyeon, Zhang Pingan didn't mean to shirk it. After all, he is a star he likes. If he has the opportunity to get in touch, of course he has to get in touch. It's just that he has a lot of his own affairs today, and he doesn't think sitting down and chatting with Kim Taeyeon will be more important than his own affairs.

Besides, about Kim Taeyeon's love affair, it is already very good for him to remind him. She can pay more attention under her own reminder, and there will be no risk of being discovered for the time being. Her affairs can wait, but her own affairs cannot wait. The establishment of Huaxia's platform is improving day by day, and the speed on his side has to be accelerated. Because he has to introduce Korean anchors to China before the platform is established!

After bidding farewell to Zhang Chenchen's father and daughter, Zhang Ping'an returned to the coffee shop and said to the lawyer, "I also leave her contract to you. We will sign the contract together around ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Okay, I will finalize the contract after I go back. Tomorrow we have to go to the bank to process the check. After the other party signs it, you have to give him the check. At the same time, you have to deposit the company's capital into the company account before it can be counted." Complete the contract!"

Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "Okay, then we will meet tomorrow."

After bidding farewell to the lawyer, Zhang Pingan went home and changed into sportswear before heading to the gym. During this period of time, his life became like that of a salaried worker, and he even spent less time in exercising.

When Zhang Pingan arrived at the gym, Kim Jong Kook was there. As HAHA said in many programs, as long as Kim Jong Kook is not filming, he is definitely in the gym, even if he is not, he is still on his way to the gym.

Kim Jong Kook laughed when he saw Zhang Pingan: "Oh, Ping An is here, I haven't seen you come to exercise for a long time."

"Well, I went back to Huaxia some time ago." Zhang Pingan responded to Kim Jong Kook and started jogging on the treadmill. After his jogging warm-up was over, Kim Jong Kook came to work as a fitness coach for Zhang Pingan again.

After the two-hour workout, Kim Jong Kook brought Zhang Pingan a bottle of chocolate milk as usual, and the two sat on a chair and chatted.

Jin Zhongguo asked Zhang Pingan with a smile: "By the way, I have known you for more than two years, and I don't even know what you do."

Zhang Pingan took a sip of his drink and said with a smile, "I'm doing a live broadcast."

Kim Jong Kook mistakenly thought that Zhang Ping'an's "live broadcasting" was his own broadcasting on the Internet, so he smiled and said, "Are you talking about the anchor? What kind of anchor are you, eating and broadcasting?"

Zhang Pingan stopped and said, "No, no, I'm running a live broadcast platform."

Hearing that Zhang Pingan was running a live broadcast platform, Kim Jong Kook was still shocked. Today's live broadcast platform is indeed slowly being loved by young people. The main reason is that the live broadcast format is very novel, and the content played by amateurs in the live broadcast is not supervised by the broadcasting committee, so the content of the live broadcast can be described as strange. To sum it up in one sentence: "Follow what you like."

The content of the live broadcast is rich and exciting, and there is no management supervision, so the anchor appears to be closer to everyone's life level. Unlike celebrities and idols, which are out of reach, this is why live broadcasts are so popular among young people.

When Kim Jong Kook was surprised,

He widened his not-so-big eyes, and his small eyes instantly widened...but they were still small! He asked Zhang Ping'an in surprise: "You don't run 'Afika', do you?" (Korean live streaming website.)

"No, it's Huaxia's live broadcast website." Zhang Pingan said with a smile and shook his head.

Hearing that it was 'Huaxia' made Kim Jong-kook even more surprised. Kim Jong-kook understood the effect of the different population bases of the two countries. If it is said that South Korea's live broadcast may have been watched by 100,000 people recently, but in China, the number is at least It has to be multiplied by more than ten. Attracting so much traffic at the same time, and the benefits that can be created, was something that surprised Kim Jong Kook: "Oh? You are running a live broadcast website in China."

Zhang Pingan smiled and nodded and said: "Well, China's live broadcasting website. However, live broadcasting has just started in China. South Korea has already been loved by the current generation, but now the popular 'eating and broadcasting' in South Korea is popular in China. But it’s not that popular. It’s strange that in South Korea, “eating and broadcasting” is regarded as a kind of proxy satisfaction, but in China, eating and broadcasting is a “crime”. Because seeing you eat, I want to eat too. In order to avoid In such a situation, few people will watch food and broadcast, because they are afraid that they will not be able to control it."

Kim Jong Kook laughed loudly: "Hahaha.. Lose weight, you need a strong willpower to persevere. If you let people who lose weight watch 'Eat Broadcasting', the hunger will explode very violently, and there is no possibility of any proxy Satisfied. If people who are losing weight see Chibo at this time, they have ramen noodles at home, at least two packs."

Zhang Pingan also laughed, and he very much agreed with this statement: "So, you must not store any ramen or other food at home."

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you have ramen at home or not. People with weak willpower can still order takeaway." Kim Jong Kook said with a smile.

"Yeah, the temptation of food is too strong in this day and age, and it really takes a lot of willpower to lose weight."

Hearing that Zhang Ping'an has his own business, and he is such a person who loves fitness, Kim Jong Kook's favorability for him has also increased a lot.

He smiled and said to Zhang Pingan: "By the way, do you have a girlfriend?"

Zhang Pingan looked at Jin Zhongguo with a smile and said, "Brother Zhongguo, you don't mean to introduce a girlfriend to me, do you?"

Kim Jong Kook's connections in the circle are indeed very good. Because he debuted for so many years, his personal reputation in the circle has always maintained a very good state. In addition, he has been with Liu Zaishi for so many years, and he has indeed met many good friends in the circle. It's just that he doesn't seem to be that keen on personal feelings, so he is still single so far.

When Zhang Pingan heard Kim Jong Kook asking if he had a girlfriend, he actually thought it was quite funny, because he really wanted to say to him, 'You are not too old, you should take care of yourself first. '

Listening to Zhang Ping'an's words, Jin Zhongguo nodded with a smile and said, "Well, I do know some nice people. How is it? Shall I introduce you to each other?"

Zhang Pingan gave up and said, "Thanks, I have a girlfriend."

Jin Zhongguo nodded and said: "Yes, your conditions are good in all aspects. You must have a girlfriend. I won't do anything unnecessary."

"That's not true. Brother Zhong Guo is also concerned about my personal problems." After Zhang Ping'an said this, he drank the milk in his hand in one breath. After dinner, I will introduce some friends to you."

Most of Kim Jong Kook's friends are insiders. If it was Zhang Ping'an in the past, he might not have much interest in getting to know people in the entertainment industry, but now he has already bought a brokerage company, so shouldn't he contact some insiders?

And he wanted to make good use of the influence of the Hallyu to promote the charming 'Huaxia Mountains and Rivers'. So sooner or later, he will integrate into that circle.

Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "Okay, Brother Zhong Guo, let's exchange numbers."

"Okay." After speaking, both of them got up and went to the locker room to take out their mobile phones. After Zhang Pingan unlocked the mobile phone, he handed it to Kim Jong Kook.

Kim Jong Kook took his 'Apple' and clicked on 'Dial', but what was displayed after clicking was not the number dial of the dial, but the recent 'Call History' Kim Jong Kook looked at the broadcast number displayed on the top was 'Kim Taeyeon' At that time, he looked at Zhang Pingan suspiciously: "Huh, Kim Taeyeon? It can't be the Kim Taeyeon I know, right?"

Zhang Pingan nodded with a smile and said, "Well, it's the Kim Taeyeon you were thinking of, Girls' Generation."

"Oh~~ I didn't expect you to know Kim Taeyeon."

The sudden appearance of Zhang Pingan's connections made Jin Zhongguo tilt his head. After being surprised, he opened the digital pad, entered his number, and pressed dial. After his phone rang, Jin Zhongguo said with a smile: "Okay, I'll call you when I'm free, and we'll go out for dinner together."

"Okay, I'll go back today first."

Sitting in the taxi home, Zhang Pingan laughed unconsciously, because he felt that Zhang Pingan had done a good job in the past. He has been insisting on exercising for a long time. So easily damaged by alcohol.

Who knew that he unintentionally opened up a shortcut for Zhang Pingan in the Korean entertainment industry, Kim Jong Kook, also known as 'Liu Line' that everyone often talks about.

This will be of great help to Zhang Pingan's future career in the entertainment industry, and Kim Jong Kook's popularity in Asia is not low!

Just when Zhang Pingan was smirking to himself, a text message sounded on his mobile phone. He took out two phones and saw that it was a text message from Huaxia's mobile phone. I have already washed your clothes, when will you come to get them?"

Thinking of her big eyes, Zhang Ping'an laughed naturally, and he jokingly replied to Di Li: "The clothes are temporarily put in your place, I am in Seoul now, and I am watching beautiful ladies and sisters in fashion week. .”

Seoul Fashion Week is actually the fashion week of the Koreans themselves. They are held after the world's major fashion weeks. This 'fashion week' has a bit of self-entertainment in it.

All the participants were Hallyu stars. Perhaps the Korean fashion industry just wanted to use the power of Hallyu to push their fashion ideas to the world.

However, in the eyes of star fans, Seoul Fashion Week is a very good place to chase stars!

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