My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 73 IU Concert

Li Zhien's first show in China, the indoor arena, because it is not an open environment, coupled with the top-notch audio layout, in terms of auditory effect, the indoor arena is indeed much more perfect than the outdoor arena. In fact, a small indoor concert is more suitable for a singer like her, because it allows fans to listen carefully to her perfect interpretation of the song.

This is the first time for Zhang Pingan to sit in the first row of seats and listen to Li Zhien's singing. The first row of the indoor arena is very close to the stage, and the eyes of Li Zhien on the stage can be seen clearly. This is much more comfortable than standing next to the stage at outdoor concerts.

Li Zhien's singing... It is no exaggeration to say that she belongs to the kind of singer who wants to listen to her live. Because only when you listen to it live, you will find how touching her singing voice is, even if it is the same song, it has a completely different emotional interpretation from the sound source.

Li Zhien started to greet and interact with fans after singing three songs in one breath after the opening: "Hey~~ I'm a little nervous, this is the first time I come to Huaxia for a concert." Immediately after she finished speaking, There are translations to express to the audience in Chinese.

It can be seen that Li Zhien's nervousness at this time is real, because the audience in the audience are all Chinese, and she doesn't even know if they can understand the Korean songs she sang? I don't know if they can know what the song expresses?

Although everyone often says "music has no borders", but if you can understand the meaning expressed in the lyrics, the feeling is different. Those who don't understand the lyrics can only listen to the melody and her singing skills, and the song itself will lack a lot of emotion.

After she sent her first greeting, hundreds of fans in the audience shouted in unison: "IU..IU.." This is the first time that the audience at the scene entered the support mode. Just got used to it in Korea.

After all, singers need to rest for a while and drink two sips of water after singing a few songs.

Facing the support from the fans in the audience, Li Zhien bowed to the fans with a smile and said: "Hello, Huaxia fans. Seeing your enthusiasm, I feel that the tension has disappeared. This is the first time I have come to Huaxia, it’s a pity that I’m going back to Korea after the concert, next time I’ll make time to come here and have a meal here, okay, let’s listen to the next song together.”

After a simple chat, Li Zhien started to sing again. Every time she sang three songs, she stopped to interact with the fans in the audience.

During the two and a half hour concert, without any guests, Li Zhien filled the entire concert time with chatting and singing alone. But every fan who came to the scene felt that it was worth the ticket price, because her live performance was really good.

There are not only her songs in the concert, but also some classic songs of her idols.

As the concert slowly came to an end, during Li Zhien's last break, she smiled and waved in the direction of Zhang Ping'an and said, "I didn't expect to meet a very familiar fan at the scene, the one in the first row A fan dressed in black, I often see you at fansigns in Korea. Every time I ask for your name at the autograph, you didn’t tell me, can you tell me your name today?”

Because the indoor arena is not very large, there are no display screens on site. Therefore, Zhang Ping'an's black attire had no chance to appear on the big screen of the concert, but after being called by Li Zhien on the spot, many people turned their attention to his position.

Just when the staff at the scene were about to pass the microphone to Zhang Ping'an, he stopped at the staff, and Li Zhien on the stage laughed when he saw this scene: "I still don't want to reveal my name, if the next autograph meeting When I have a chance to see you again, I can only write 'Uncle Hei', but I know that many people call you by that, Uncle Hei!"

This is the first time Zhang Pingan heard of his nickname,

And it's his exclusive nickname circulated among idols. He only knew that the fans called him a 'wall fan'.

The reason why Li Zhien named Zhang Ping'an at the concert was because the agent who followed her to Huaxia learned that the Korean official coffee said that Uncle Hei spent 1.7 million to buy tickets for the Huaxia concert. matter! The manager also conveyed the news to Li Zhien before the concert, so in order to express her support for Zhang Pingan coming from South Korea, she named Zhang Ping An.

However, the well-known "Uncle Black" in the idol circle still maintains a low-key and mysterious image. So far no one knows what his name is, and no one knows what he looks like. In everyone's impression, he only has a figure and a black body that will never change.


Lee Ji-eun's concert went perfectly, and Zhang Pingan felt satisfied as the audience passed her singing. The performance on the track is over, but the fans will not let Li Zhien leave so easily, the fans in the audience kept shouting "encore, encore" for a short two and a half hours of singing, I don't know if they haven't Too addicted, or reluctant to part?

But when everyone called Encore, Zhang Pingan got up from his chair.

There are two singers in Korea who take good care of their fans. The first one is Hong Jin Young, a trot singer, and the other is Lee Ji Eun, who is on stage. Of course, the two take care of their fans in different ways.

Lee Ji Eun once secretly said when he was going through the unknown period, 'I must become a singer who can cover my fans. '

Now she has done it, she has become the top solo singer in Korea, and she is also the national sister in everyone's hearts, so after becoming famous, she began to take care of her fans in turn. Her annual donations and donations are not used for this charity activity in her own name, but in the name of her own fan club. And every time she goes overseas for a performance, she will definitely bring some local special snacks back to Korea to distribute to her fans.

Including when Li Zhien met fans at the airport and was asked to take a group photo, generally speaking, idols rarely take photos with fans when they don’t have makeup, because they are afraid of leaving a dark history. But Li Zhien has never been able to, no matter whether she wears makeup or not, as long as fans ask for a group photo, as long as time conditions allow, she will agree, unless it is too late to catch the plane.

Everyday, after she briefly meets fans at the airport, she will also chat with fans about some household topics. So there is a program in South Korea that made it public, and the number one favorite fan among Korean stars is Lee Ji-eun!

And Hong Zhenying's taking care of fans is another form. In general commercial performances, two or three songs are ordered to complete one’s own commercial performance contract. But her live performance is very good at interacting with the audience, and every time the scene is lit by her after she takes the stage. So every time she gets off the stage and there is an 'encore', she will go on stage again. In most cases, her commercial performances are three songs, and she will basically perform five songs under the encore sound!

It doesn’t matter if it’s an occasional two-time commercial performance event ‘Encore’ singing two more songs, but Hong Zhenying does this every time, and this is also a kind of feedback for taking care of fans. Similarly, she is also deeply loved by the majority of businesses. After all, for the price of three songs, you can sing five songs if you invite her to come. In this way, she became the queen of commercial performances in Korea! Now she has been singing "Love Battery" for five years, and everyone still loves it very much.

Li Zhien on the stage faced the "encore" sound of Huaxia fans, and she returned to the stage again. This is an inevitable step of the concert.

And Zhang Pingan had already got up from his seat and left, he was not interested in participating in the fight between the fans and Li Zhien. Anyway, Li Zhien is coming back soon, if there is a signing event at that time, just go to it by yourself.

Moreover, he personally likes Li Zhien's next cover album "Flower Bookmark", but he just needs to wait for a while.

After coming out of the concert room, the street lights have turned on the bustling night. Sitting in the car, Zhang Ping'an was thinking about Li Zhien's performance. Before starting the car, he sighed to himself: "The concert scene and the singing scene are really two different things. Why is it the sound effect?" ?"

In fact, there is no problem with the sound effect. For live performances, the songs are in the sound source mode, and some songs at the concert are re-adapted, and the concert allows the singers to play freely, but the live performance cannot!

People spend money to watch concerts, so you always want to give others a new experience, right? If it is exactly the same sound source mode, people might as well just listen to the sound source directly.

Zhang Pingan sat in the car and opened the playlist in his hand. He found the three high-pitched songs by Li Zhien, and played them on the car's "Sound of Berlin" in 3D.

Driving the car, listening to Li Zhien's songs, slowly driving on the streets of Shanghai. The speed of the vehicle was not fast, and he seemed to be enjoying a leisurely time. But his leisure was quickly protested by his stomach, it was past seven o'clock, and he still hasn't had dinner yet.

Driving Zhang Ping'an was full of thoughts: "What should I eat?"

What to eat is the biggest problem in the world at present. Zhang Ping'an is not the only one who is concerned about this issue. There are also countless families in the world who are troubled by 'what to eat'.

At this time, Zhang Ping'an didn't call the three of them. Maybe they ate, or maybe they didn't. After all, they need to think about the signing of the contract. Maybe they will ask the Korean translator while they are playing today.

Maybe what Zhang Pingan heard was not so comprehensive. After all, he is from China, and there are Chinese restaurants in most places in the world. So he should not know what life will be like after arriving in Shanghai as a foreigner? Today, this interpreter is a very good target for them to inquire about.

After pondering for a long time, Zhang Pingan really didn't know what to eat alone, so he parked the car on the side of the road and began to look through the phone book. All right?

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