My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 69 The Romance of the Night

There are really many gourmet shops on the Bund, but because of the location, the shops here are quite expensive. Also because of the high consumption here, there are many beauties here. why would you said this? Because dining in such an emotional restaurant, most of the cases are men invite women. If a woman is not three-point pretty, how many men are willing to invite her to such a high-consumption place for dinner?

Of course, the people who come here to dine are some of their anniversaries, or business banquets. But apart from these aspects, the people who come here to eat are all people with a certain economic foundation. And when men have a financial foundation, the women they can look at must be of the beauty level, right? This is why there are many beauties in the Bund restaurant.

It's just that Zhang Pingan doesn't envy the beautiful female companions around others tonight, because he has three beauties beside him, and the three of them have different personalities. The mature and enchanting Xu Yunmei, the intellectual and gentle Han Jiaen, and the playful and cute Cui Seulqi, although they are three people with three colors, they all exude a common characteristic, that is, sexy! !

Zhang Pingan brought the three of them to the terrace restaurant on the Bund. As he said, it was really beautiful to eat and drink while admiring the newly lit Oriental Pearl Tower.

The atmosphere of the restaurant made the three of them unable to describe the environment of the store in words, because after the night fell, the lights on the other side of the Huangpu River put on a super show for them, and they could enjoy everything while sitting here. All the US dollars are collected in my own eyes. In Seoul, maybe only the restaurants in Seoul Tower and 63 Building are comparable to this place, right?

Sitting at the terrace restaurant and looking at such a beautiful Shanghai, the three of them were really moved. At the same time, Zhang Ping'an gave them a chance to work here for three years! Maybe they got tired of Shanghai in three years, but they can wait for their contracts to end and go back to Seoul.

While cutting the steak, Zhang Pingan said, "Shanghai, isn't it really beautiful?"

Cui Seulqi was intoxicated by the changing color of the Oriental Pearl. She sighed and responded to Zhang Pingan: "Yes, sitting in such a place and eating Western food, the atmosphere is really invincible. I personally think that Seoul can't find such a refreshing place. Dining room."

Zhang Pingan nodded and said: "There is a restaurant tower over there, which only accepts one table a day. It is called the most romantic place in Shanghai to propose marriage. If I propose marriage, I will definitely sit there and eat while Jiang The LEDs on the tall buildings across the street play 'xxx, marry me.' Then let the surrounding LEDs combine to form lights and fireworks."

While talking, Zhang Pingan laughed himself: "Hehehe... In the eyes of you women, is such a thing romantic or a burden?"

Xu Yunmei answered this question to Zhang Ping'an from a female perspective: "How can romance be a burden? If you are a woman who truly loves you, the romantic ceremony you make will definitely not be a burden, but sweetness and happiness. As for the 'burden' It may be that the woman still has concerns about getting married, or she may not like you that much."

"Yes, women are eager to be proposed for the first time in their lives. It is the most romantic. And most women have had countless romantic fantasies, so women will not feel that excessive romance is a burden. Especially if you have Say there is only one table in the restaurant, that is, the two of you, then a woman will only feel joy and happiness. Burden is an emotion that is completely impossible to appear, unless... like Yunmei said, she doesn't love you that much .Or trying to use 'burden' as an excuse to escape."

After listening to the women's analysis, Zhang Ping'an felt that it was really convincing. It turns out that 'burden' is just an excuse! The love you gave me is too burdensome, in fact, it can be explained in one sentence, that is 'no more love'!

Zhang Pingan kept nodding his head and said: "Wow, after listening to your women's analysis, I realized that men are really cute and silly sometimes.

In fact, I sometimes feel the same way myself. For example, when a few men get together, everyone is almost thirty years old, but some chat content, or behaviors to attract women, are not too different from those of junior high school students. Big difference. In terms of emotions, I really feel that women are much more mature than us men. "

Han Jiaen shook her head and said, "It depends on what to say? If a woman loves a man very much, then her IQ is almost zero."

Choi Seul Gi continued Han Ga Eun's words and said, "Maybe both men and women are equally stupid when it comes to 'true love'?"

Xu Yunmei smiled and said: "The topic of love is too heavy to talk about. Especially at our age, we really hope to find a good home, but what is a good home? Is it good for yourself, or the other party's conditions are good But every woman in the world is looking forward to finding a man who is good to herself and has good conditions. The problem is that there is such a good man who happens to be met by me? The man who thought he was good before has opened our eyes After that, I felt that he was very ordinary. What is good? Now we are gradually entering a period of confusion."

Han Jiaen also laughed and said: "I heard some seniors say that they used to like to pick and choose when they were young and beautiful, but in the end they found someone who was too ordinary to be ordinary. He obviously thought that his boyfriend There are good ones, but at some point I feel that they are not good enough, and I always want to find a better one. But the "better" in the world can never be exhausted, and the "better" is not good enough. It's never ours. So it's best to choose the right people at the right time."

The three of them were expressing their opinions on the topic of love earlier, and Zhang Pingan was sitting next to him drinking soda water, and now he finally found a chance to speak: "Then what do you think is the right time and what is the right time?" People? First of all, a woman must hope that her significant other has good financial conditions, right? But what is the benchmark for that financial condition? There is a suite by the Han River in Seoul, and then the personal savings reach 100 million, and then they have a fixed income or Personal business?"

Zhang Ping'an's words made the three of them laugh: "What you said is basically impossible. Men with such excellent conditions will basically choose celebrities to marry in Korea. And men with such economic conditions, do you think Will they be honest? So women are still quite entangled in choosing a man. It should be said that women will find a man with comparable economic conditions to themselves. "

Zhang Pingan tilted his head and said, "You mean to choose the right one?"

Zhang Pingan's doubts were once again answered by the woman herself, and it was Xu Yunmei who answered him on behalf of him: "Marriage and love are different. Of course, I hope that my boyfriend's conditions are very good when I am in love, but in marriage In the later family, the economy determines the person in the family. If the economic gap between the man and the woman is too large. For example, if the woman is economically weak, then the woman will make a lot of concessions and sacrifices, knowing that her husband went out to find her Women, but she has to pretend not to know. If a man is in a weak position, then the man's self-esteem will slowly disappear, he will slowly start to fear inwardness, and lose the fighting spirit to compete. This kind of marriage, in today's world, everyone has a distinctive personality How far can we go in this era?"

Xu Yunmei's answer...doesn't say the complete standard, but it tells the basic truth. Especially in this era, everyone has their own personality. How husband and wife should work together to live together has become the common wisdom of the two.

Today's marriage is no longer simply a party who chooses to endure, because no one will endure for too long.

Hearing the woman's answer, Zhang Pingan said with deep emotion: "Love doesn't depend on the conditions, but marriage has to be related to being well-matched."

"Basically. Love is a matter for two people. You can 'love' whatever you want. But marriage involves more.. We have never been married, so we don't know exactly what the 'siege' looks like. After all, the family environment is different, and the model of marriage and getting along must be different, who can really tell?"

Yes, love is hard to tell, and marriage is even more hard to tell.

Zhang Ping'an is about the same age as the three of them, and they are all on the way to their thirties. So falling in love and marriage have also become things that they need to spend time thinking about during this period of time.

Sitting together, taking advantage of the romance of the night, they naturally chatted about their relationship. The relationship they are talking about does not involve their personal relationship issues, of course there is no problem. Moreover, they are not very familiar with each other, and there is no need to inquire about other people's emotional privacy.

What they were talking about was the macroscopic meaning of love or marriage itself, because love viewed by men and love viewed by women have different interpretations. Knowing more about it may be helpful for future love, right? After all, he is now in love.

After the meal, Zhang Pingan came with them to the observation deck of the skyscraper on the Lujiazui side. He originally wanted to come with Yin Suwan two days ago, but she didn't come because she was extremely afraid of heights.

Although the three of them stood at such a height, it was inevitable that they would feel a little scared in their hearts, but the reinforced glass around them prevented them from daring to approach at all.

Today's weather is very good, so they stood at a height of several hundred meters overlooking the lights of thousands of houses in Shanghai, feeling an indescribable shock in their hearts.

The shock brought by the overlooking angle is really indescribable. The three of them kept sighing 'Wow..Wow..', and the rest is only 'too beautiful' to describe the city lights in front of them at this time .

It was the feeling of being shocked to the point of lack of words, including Zhang Ping'an, who was also on the highest viewing platform in Shanghai for the first time to feel the true charm of the city.

Yes, it's so beautiful, but one word too beautiful can't describe the real China. After all, the beauty presented by Shanghai only represents a city in China, which is a very small part.

And China's magnificent thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, maybe you, me, and I can't see it all in our whole life!

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