My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 48 Brokerage Contract

After the meal, Zhang Ping'an and his party came to the coffee shop of the Peninsula Hotel for afternoon tea. After he came to the hotel, he asked the hotel to help print out the contract. Of course, he also gave the contract to Miss and No. 7, and they both emailed it.

The lobby teahouse of the Peninsula Hotel has live orchestral performances and melodious music, which not only soothes the body and mind, but also a taste of traditional British elegance. So there are many people who like to post pictures on the Internet here to enjoy the leisure time in the afternoon, and most of them are girlfriends. There are some beautiful young women on the left and right of Zhang Pingan and others.

At this time, neither the exquisite refreshments in front of him nor the beautiful women around them attracted the attention of Xiaoxiao and his wife. Because they took the contract and looked at the terms above carefully.

For the brokerage contract, Zhang Pingan, as Party A, provided them with, packaged, marketed, and contacted all business activities and work arrangements. They are not allowed to engage in any business activities without permission, and are not allowed to engage in any personal business operations, including their family members, who are not allowed to use any of their names to open stores and engage in commercial activities (including opening Taotao stores)

Divide into: Business activities are divided into five pairs. For live broadcast revenue, the company takes one-fifth of their personal income (because the live broadcast platform has to take half of the profits, the company takes another one-fifth.)

Contract fee, five million soft girls, including the signing fee for the first time to settle on the live broadcast platform. The contract is valid for five years, from March 19, 2014 to March 18, 2019.

Because the company has invested huge resources in all-round packaging and all-round marketing promotion, it is a breach of contract if it changes jobs to other companies or platforms after becoming famous, or terminates the contract without permission to establish an independent studio. Before signing the contract, the two parties negotiated the payment of 'liquidated damages', and both parties agreed to pay according to the 'agreed liquidated damages of 100 million Huaxia coins'!

Agreed liquidated damages, such liquidated damages have no upper limit in law, as long as the two parties sign after negotiation, they are protected by law. Then if you breach the contract, then you have to pay compensation according to the agreed liquidated damages!

The establishment of this breach of contract is also to prevent future poaching. It’s okay if you want to poach corners. First of all, they definitely can’t afford the liquidated damages. It depends on whether your poaching company is willing to bear the liquidated damages. 100 million, to pay 100 million liquidated damages for an anchor? Unless it's crazy!

Xiaoxiao was stunned when he saw the liquidated damages. He pointed to this and said, "That...Mr. Zhang, liquidated damages, 100 million?"

"This is the guarantee of our company. After signing the contract with the company, we will promote the two of you in all aspects. We promise to push you to the commentary seat of the LOL World Finals. After expanding your popularity, what if other companies come to poach you? Do? The five million signing bonus is three times the normal compensation price, which means that the other party can buy out your contract with only 15 million. But who would have thought that our company will spend on promoting you? The company signed you, not to make wedding dresses for other companies. If you were the boss, and someone who recruited and trained you would only pay three times the signing bonus, would you be willing?"

Zhang Pingan began to give examples: "Suju's Han Moumou, you all should know, right? At the beginning, the Korean brokerage company trained him, hired professional dance teachers, professional vocal music teachers, for his food, housing, training, How much did the various expenses in the early stage cost? And the marketing promotion in the later stage, etc., these are all the company's burning money. The result? He ran away immediately after becoming famous, and the liquidated damages were three But the company never thought of him running away when signing the contract, and he was not well-known at the time of signing the contract. Of course, the signing bonus will not be given a lot, which is normal. But no one thought that he would become famous, Just pay a few million and run away? Who do you think the company will cry to? I say this, do you understand?"

Both Xiaoxiao and Xika can understand what Zhang Pingan said as a preventive measure, but the liquidated damages of 100 million is too scary.

They were so scared that they didn't dare to sign.

He smiled and said with embarrassment: "Mr. Zhang, we can understand what you said, but... this..."

Zhang Pingan added a cup of black tea to the two of them, and said when he put down the teapot: "In five years, this liquidated damages is just a means of protection for the company. If you don't change jobs after becoming famous or come out on your own Why should you care about the breach of contract? It’s not that I don’t believe you, but that market competition is like this. If you get along well in the circle under our operation and start to make money, other companies will start to I contacted you and said that I will give you a signing bonus of 10 million yuan, and they are also responsible for the termination of the contract, how do you ask me to ensure that you will not change jobs?..."

After taking a sip of tea, Zhang Pingan continued, "Don't swear by 'we will never change jobs'. Since you dare to swear, why can't you sign this 'guarantee'? This contract allows us to The peace of mind of the company also eliminates the possibility of outside companies wanting to poach corners. Which company dares to say that the 100 million liquidated damages will be paid for you? As long as you have no intention of quitting, whether this contract is a sharing agreement or other conditions, we will The company is not strict, right?.."

"Besides, the contract is only for five years. When the time comes, if you are willing to renew your contract with us, or if you are willing to go to an outside company to develop, you can make your own decision at that time. Five years, we are not talking about the live broadcast in the future. The share that appears, if you look at the annual salary in exchange for the signing bonus alone, both of you get 500,000 annual salary, do you know the annual salary of the CEO of our platform? Yes. You know that the company is still responsible for promoting you. Do you think it doesn’t cost money to promote? Especially the company’s goal this year is to push you to the commentary booth of this year’s "World Finals"! Just like artists, packaging and so on Not a few dollars, the most expensive thing is to promote!!"

The two were silent after hearing Zhang Ping'an's words. Five years, based on the annual salary of 500,000 yuan, is the salary of many senior white-collar workers. However, this is the most basic guaranteed salary for them. In five years, whether their personal live broadcast is done well or not, they will have an income of 2.5 million, and it will be paid in one lump sum. Can they receive such treatment if they change themselves or choose other companies?

If there are other companies offering such a price, they will not wait until now after retiring and have not stabilized.

Zhang Ping'an's words made them feel more and more reasonable after listening to them. If they didn't want to change jobs, they wouldn't care about the issue of liquidated damages. Maybe in the future I have the heart to change jobs, at most five years later. The company trains them for five years, allowing them to accumulate popularity, and the renewal price after five years will definitely be evaluated according to the popularity..

Xiaoxiao hesitated for a few seconds and then said to Zhang Pingan: "Mr. Zhang, Xika and I went out to smoke a cigarette."

"Go ahead, smoke a cigarette and discuss it. The company offered you this price, we must have shown the greatest sincerity. I also hope that your thinking will not get into a dead end, and don't just think about what you want to get The basis of cooperation is a win-win situation for both parties. You also need to think differently when you get it. What can you bring to the company? And how can the company ensure its own interests?"

The two nodded and went out of the hotel entrance to smoke. Just as Yin Suwan was about to speak, Zhang Ping'an's phone rang. It was the manager, Wang Feng, and the others. They told Zhang Ping'an that the rent price had been negotiated. The renter promised that if they signed the contract for two years, they would reduce the rent. .

The chief financial officer asked Zhang Ping'an to transfer more. After signing the contract here, they went to the office furniture company to buy office supplies and so on in the afternoon. Zhang Pingan paid 2 million at one time, and the house rent for two years was close to 400,000. The remaining 1.6 million needs to purchase all office supplies, rent servers, as well as office decoration and some rest area equipment and other things.

The office location has finally been settled today, and the construction of the website is also very fast, because only the cloud server is needed, and the rest of the website construction, the technical staff will design everything within half a month.

The most basic thing about the company is done, and the rest is staffing. They need to set up an office and a live broadcast website, and start recruiting people at the same time.

As for the recruitment of anchors, which is more difficult for them, Zhang Pingan said that this part will be discussed tomorrow afternoon. In fact, he already had an idea in his mind.

Just when he hung up the general manager's call, the two smoking came back. Xiaoxiao said to Zhang Ping'an: "Mr. Zhang, we are willing to sign a contract. You are right. The company has trained us, so we must guarantee it. We never thought about changing jobs, so this liquidated damages is just a guarantee for the company to feel at ease."

"The market is highly competitive, and the company definitely needs such psychological protection after devoting itself to cultivating talents. And it only takes five years. After five years, if you think our company is not good, we can get together and leave."

When signing the contract, Zhang Pingan asked Yin Suwan to start video recording with his mobile phone. He narrated the signing: because the company has not yet completed the registration, they signed the brokerage contract in their own name, and their brokerage contract will be transferred to the company after the company is established. After negotiation between the two parties when signing the contract, a liquidated damages of 100 million Huaxia coins was agreed. In the event of breach of contract in the later period, liquidated damages shall be paid in accordance with the agreement.

They also repeated what Zhang Pingan said. They agreed to the contract first in their own names, signed the brokerage contract and then transferred to the company. They agreed to pay liquidated damages of 100 million Huaxia coins according to the 'agreed liquidated damages. '

With videos, contracts, and double insurance, this completely eliminates the possibility of poaching corners from other platforms. If you want to poach someone, that's fine. You should think about it carefully for 100 million liquidated damages.

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