My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 87: mission completed

The chief was destroyed all the way, and there were many places where electric sparks splashed, walking along the passage, and from time to time, there were crackling electric sparks in the damaged place nearby.

"Boom!" There was an explosion in front of him, Bai Yu leaned over, with his right hand in front of his face, a large heat wave rushed toward him.

"Pump...chch..." The sprinkler on the top of the aisle started to work, spraying water, but it was blocked from the white feather three or four centimeters away, like a transparent shell.

Bai Yu ignored the flames that erupted from time to time and stepped directly into the flames.

The Fire Heart Sutra is about to be completed, and the power of the flame is a resource for him to enhance his strength.

He was like a human-shaped black hole, wherever he passed, the flames seemed to be sucked in by a wind tunnel and did not enter his body.

Bai Yu walked along the trail of destruction.

This is a large room of more than two hundred square meters. There are a lot of tables, chairs, computers, and various equipment. But it is a mess. The water splashed on the top diluted the blood on the ground and poured it all over. Bai Yu frowned, and by the electric spark that burst out, he could see that there were more than a dozen dead bodies lying on the ground, and the deformed and damaged guns and parts were flying around.

"Just let me look for medicine? I always feel...this thing is like a joke?"

Bai Yu frowned. Since Baiying State spent so much energy entering the country to **** the medicine, it must have been allocated the quantity and destination after arriving, but Long Wei asked himself to come to this laboratory to get it? What a joke, the people of White Eagle Country would be so stupid to gather all the medicines together and wait for them to take them back?

This matter... has an inside story.

Bai Yu shook his head and walked to the observation room window.

The window of the observation room was smashed. Bai Yu squatted, and some blood dripped on the ground, but it did not dissolve in the water stored on the ground. Bai Yu stretched out a finger to wipe a drop and put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it.

"Yin qi is very heavy... If it is an ordinary person, yin qi has already entered the brain and half-dead, but this yin qi is a little...

"It's the source of the Yin Qi that I feel, the Bai Ying guy actually did this kind of thing?" Bai Yu was a little surprised.

He stood up, looked around, an aluminum alloy suitcase fell in the stagnant water.

Bai Yu walked over and lifted the box.

"Have a password?"

He drew out the long sword, and when the sword was spitting, it was like a hot red knife cut into the butter, and the lock was cut silently.

Open the lid of the box, and there are 4 porcelain bottles neatly placed inside.

"Snap..." Bai Yu shook these bottles, one of them was empty.

"Did you use two?" Bai Yu pulled out the cork, and sure enough, one of them was empty, and there were two in each of the other three bottles.

"There are 14 bottles, 28 capsules. It doesn't matter how hard it is. 28 capsules can't make a superman." Bai Yu took the bottle into his arms and walked towards the exit.


At the gate of the laboratory, ordinary guns were almost ineffective against the chief. General Stanney, who escaped among the researcher crowd, had a bloodstained face, and looked much calmer than the others.

Five or six soldiers fell to the ground, and the other soldiers, relying on the vehicles at the entrance of the laboratory in horror, hid behind and attacked the chief.

The general bowed and walked behind a car: "Soldier, where is your chief?"

When the soldier saw his general's shoulder flower, a jealous spirit, he hurriedly saluted.

"Continue to attack." Stanney stopped him.

Soldier: "Second Lieutenant... where is he?"

Stanney followed his gaze: It seemed that after being hit hard by something, the ensign, who was covered with blood, was lying on the ground who knew nothing about him.

"Who is the highest officer here now?" Stanney frowned.


Behind the other car, a soldier yelled as a reminder, and everyone retracted behind the car.

The chief was hit by successive attacks, although he could only cause some skin injuries, but the impact made him unable to move forward.

At this moment, he vaguely saw a small black dot flying in the air. He pumped it easily. The grenade was shot back and rolled to a car.

The explosion under the "Boom" car overturned the vehicle, and the soldiers hiding behind the vehicle only felt a loud bang. They were dizzy, their ears roared, and the window glass turned into finger-sized pieces and fell.

Stanney is also in this shock range.

I saw the soldier talking anxiously, but couldn't hear any sound in his ears.

He shook his head vigorously, and finally, the sound flooded into his ears, but it seemed very blocked and distorted.

"General! You are the supreme officer here!"

"I can't do that! I have to use heavy firepower!"

"Sir, use heavy firepower in the city?"

"Yes? RPG?"

"Yes, but at the back, I didn't bring it here!"

"Call someone smart, get them right away and tell them we need help!"


Wu Zhu and Zhang walked to the computer room.

"How much time is needed?"

"About three minutes!"

Wu Zhu retreated to the corner.

The expansion placed plastic bombs in several places on the door of the engine room and retreated.

"Tsk, it would be nice if that kid was here." Swelling thought of Bai Yu's ability to open walls with three swords, envied it.

"We can do it without him." Wu Zhu said calmly.

"Be careful." Inflated and looked at his watch, said, covering his ears and opening his mouth wide.


A strong light flashed on the passage, and dust was densely covered.

"Speed! Speed ​​speed!"

The two rushed towards the computer room. Wu Zhu leaned at the door for two seconds, swelled and rushed in, and took a glance at several important directions.


The power supply in the computer room is independent, so the server does not stop running.

Wu Zhu walked around the server, found the access port, and inserted the small device in his hand on it.

"Connected to the server." Wu Zhu said to Tentacle in the communication channel.

"Okay, the hardware to be connected has been found, you can withdraw it now."

"Retreat here?"

"Of course, it doesn't make much sense to stay there. The **** will automatically implant a backdoor and use the **** to log on to the Internet, and then we can download the data in the service."

"No need to recycle?"

"No, it will be destroyed automatically after I complete the task."


Stanney took over the command.

"Everyone, echelon attack! Don't create gaps in firepower!"

Stanney sneered, what if it was strengthened? The chief’s intelligence is now estimated to be at most the state of a four or five-year-old child. He doesn't know how to use his physical advantage. He just knows that he blindly rushes up and gets close to the attack. Even an iron man, under the attack of the bullet tide, he can only be beaten up!

"General! RPG!" The soldier who obtained the RPG brought more soldiers to help.

"Join the attack sequence!" Stanney raised his hand and stroked the cut on his face, where the skin was turned up, and it was already a little crusted, and it felt stubble.

"RPG!" The launched soldier roared wildly, and the armor-piercing projectile flew towards the chief with a long tail flame.

The chief seemed to know in the broken memory that this was a very powerful weapon, and he roared again.


The phantom of Kirchner, who was thinner than before, appeared again behind the chief.

The chief turned around and ran. The phantom of Kirchner slapped it and hit the armor-piercing bullet. It flew out obliquely and hit a building next to the laboratory. With a bang, the fire blazed into the sky, and the glass of a large number of buildings around was shattered. , The glass dross fell all over the ground.

Stanney straightened up with a black face: "Rush in, life and death! Don't let him run away!"

The chief's weak wisdom knew that if he didn't leave, there would be no chance. He ran wildly all the way and didn't know how many objects he smashed and how many walls he smashed through.

"Keep up! Keep up! Don't let him run away!"

"Has communication resumed? Apply for a helicopter!"

"No! Communication is still blocked!"

Bai Yu, Wu Zhu, and Swelling had already converged, and they were about to leave from the opened doorway, and there was a thunderous footstep.

Bai Yu's face was solemn, and he looked in the direction of the voice.

"You go first."

"what's the situation?"

Just after Wu Zhu asked, a huge figure appeared in the eyes of the three of them.

Seeing three people in front of him blocking the way, the chief roared and was about to rush up.

Bai Yu pulled out the long sword with his backhand and pointed diagonally to the ground. The light on the sword was shining, and the sword beam was full, ready to go.

The chief seemed to feel something, slowed down, and finally turned a corner and fled to the side.

"Get in the car!" Seeing that the danger was lifted, Bai Yu shouted in a deep voice, and he swung out his sword. The sword flew out and slashed on the laboratory building, and a deep cut appeared on the wall.

Wu Zhu's pupils shrank, and his face expanded with worship.

The three of them pierced the doorway, and the car parked not far rushed over with a beautiful flick.

"Come up!"

When the window rolls down, it is the turbine waiting for the response.

"Boom!" A huge explosion sounded.

"Pretty!" Inflated triumphantly and gave turbo high-five.

It turned out that after Wu Zhu entered the computer room, he placed explosives in several key positions. He left at this time and just detonated. It was easy for him to avoid the destructive power of the explosion, but the white eagles wanted to enter the computer room. It takes a lot of time to clean up the construction waste caused by the explosion, so that the tentacle can have more time to obtain precious information.

Transportation, network, and communication were all chaotic to the extreme due to the intervention of the tentacles. However, the country is also one of the major powers in the world. In addition, the relationship with the white eagle is close to the master and servant, so the technology has not been less than the white eagle. Support. After a stalemate for some time, finally, with the assistance of a white eagle network security consultant, traffic, network, and communication finally returned to normal.

But within this time, Bai Yu and others had already returned to the second point.

"Everyone has worked so hard. The task was completed beautifully. I was waiting for an opportunity to create chaos before acting. But I didn't expect such a big accident in the laboratory, which brought us great convenience!"

Everyone except Bai Yu was very happy, even Wu Zhu had a faint smile.

"You can't stay in this place. Move to point 4 immediately." Wu Zhu said.

"Boss, don't worry, they can't catch my tail." Tentacle reminded.

"A few of us are new faces. Next, they will definitely investigate the strangers here. We will leave here immediately. Their attention should be on the monster. Let's contact the submarine as soon as possible." Wu Zhu shook his head and vetoed, being careful. Be careful and be careful, this is a principle that must be adhered to, and there must be no fluke.

"Well, you have the final say." The tentacle shrugged angrily. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 87 Mission Complete) and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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