My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 75: Is there really an elixir?

After simply eating something outside the hospital, the three returned to the ward. In the ward, Li Yueqin was still in a coma. Du Shao moved away from her house. He just held Li Yueqin's hand in a daze. Du Ziqiang shouted several times before reacting.

Du Ziqiang brought him the packed meal. He took a few bites with a dull expression and put it back. Du Ziqiang said, "Dad, you can eat more."

Du Shaoqian choked up and said, "Yueqin is so sick that I can't eat it."

Du Ziqiang wanted to get angry, and blamed him for acting absurdly. Bai Yu pulled down his sleeves and shook his head slightly. In Bai Yu's view, Du Shaoqian had already reformed, and he devoted himself to managing business and treating his mother and son. The two are also considered as devoted, and at this time, it is even more obvious that he has a deep affection for Du's mother. As a son of man, he shouldn't slander an adult anymore.

Du Ziqiang sighed: "Dad, if you have something to eat, go and arrange things in the store first. It's a mess, and there are so many people down there pointing to our restaurant to live. You are now watching your mom. It's useless."

"Just you guarding? Are you okay?" Du Shaoqian hesitated.

"I'll guard Mom, Dad, don't worry, I won't let Mom be in trouble."

When Du Shaoqian left, Du Ziqiang looked at his sallow, frowning mother in a coma, and his eyes were a little red: "Brother Yu, what should I do?"

Bai Yu said, "You have been cultivating for some time, so why are you so uncomfortable? I said there is a way but there is a way! Can you not trust me?"

Du Ziqiang said, "I can trust you, Brother Yu, but I just feel sorry for my mother too much."

Bai Yu walked to the bed, Du Ziqiang quickly raised the chair, looked at Bai Yu anxiously, Bai Yu shook his head helplessly, and sat down.

Bai Yu stretched out **** and put them on Li Yueqin's veins.

At present, in the realm of the real world, he has connected the three channels, and the five channels are complete. Only when he has cultivated the Five Aggregate Jue, he is also considered to have successfully built the foundation. But in the middle stage of the Qi refining, he has the ability to separate the true qi from the body. Qi is even easier, and the true Qi carries the power of his own spiritual consciousness, and has the ability to explore and look at it.

Bai Yu closed his eyes, and a puff of true energy penetrated through the veins.

When Bai Yu practiced the Five Aggregate Jue, he chose the spleen meridian of the earth genus. What he thought was that it would be more than enough for himself to practice the Five Aggregate Jue with the earth’s earth veins. I have completed the cultivation a few days ago, but I used gold to produce water, and practicing water belongs to the kidney meridian. The five-aggregate formula has a great feature that it can show one's own true qi to specific attributes, although water belongs to the kidney meridian. Not fully completed, but at this time, there is no problem with simulating the soft and clean power of water.

At this time, Li Yueqin was in a coma. The acquired anger in her body was chaotic, and she had no divine consciousness to lead her. It was just a bunch of here and there that could sustain Li Yueqin’s survival. However, the acquired anger gradually weakened due to major internal organs. The exhaustion of these acquired angers is the consequence of the lamps running out of oil and people die and the lamps extinguished; "Lü’s Spring and Autumn: Exhaustion": The flowing water does not rot, and the household hinges are not worms. This static acquired anger has its own ownership and needs to flow in the body In order to produce a series of changes to maintain the normal functioning of the body, as soon as Bai Yu's zhenqi entered Li Yueqin's narrow meridians, he felt that a large amount of turbid existence was diluted by his own watery zhenqi.

Bai Yu gently pushes these inactive acquired anger forward. This is different from the so-called "opening meridians" and has similarities. The martial arts master's principle of opening meridians, Bai Yu also knows, that is while rebuilding the meridians. On the one hand, it makes the meridians more smooth, so the masters in martial arts novels who open the meridians to the protagonist are mostly the same as losing half their lives. Without it, it consumes too much. But what Bai Yu is doing now is just to make these angry activities. Up, the consumption is not that big.

The only problem is that after Bai Yu’s zhenqi penetrates, when promoting these angers, the high-quality zhenqi and ordinary people’s anger will have a replacement effect, that is to say, the impurities in these anger will be affected by Baiyu. True Qi is brought into the body, but for Bai Yu, it just takes some time to get rid of these impurities--that is, bad things such as poison, disease, dryness, and cold.

Visible to the naked eye, Li Yueqin’s face has improved slightly. Bai Yu ran to the river every night to absorb the essence of the water and refine it for his own use. For the pain caused by Li Yueqin’s physical illness, this water is really innocent. It is as effective as a panacea.

Seeing his mother's face began to improve, and even the frowning eyebrows seemed to open, Du Ziqiang thanked Bai Yu hundreds of times in his heart, while Hua Wu next to him had a ghostly expression on his face.

This Bai Yu is very good at fighting, knows some pharmaceutical methods, and she is very old-fashioned, but in her heart she only thinks that he just doesn't know where to find or pass on some prescriptions. When it comes to curing diseases, Hua Wu is not unheard of. I have never seen the sages of traditional Chinese medicine in the health care group, but this kind of pulse-taking can instantly change the patient.

"Huh..." Bai Yu let out a long breath, and a strange smell came from the room. Hua Wu frowned. It wasn't a smell, but it was full of decay and...death?

"Brother Qiang, open the window to breathe." Bai Yu's face was a bit ugly.

This was not caused by exhaustion, but he roughly replaced Li Yueqin’s anger. Those unhealthy impurities entered his body. Only in this way could Li Yueqin’s body change in a good direction as soon as possible. Director Cui was right. The decline or even loss of kidney function will cause the patient’s health index to deteriorate rapidly and cause systemic organ failure. What Bai Yu is doing now is to make other organs healthy. The environment, his replacement, the effect far exceeds that of dialysis, in fact, dialysis does this thing.

Footsteps came from the door, and four or five doctors came in.

"Are you the patient's family?" One of the doctors frowned as he looked at the three of them.

"Who opened the window? Don't you know that the patient is weak and can't stand the wind?"

Hua Wu greeted one of the elders:

"Dean Kang, hello! I am the fifth child of the Hua family."

"I know, the emperor Vatican from the Taiyi Temple greeted me just now. This arrangement...Is Ms Hua still satisfied?" Dean Nakang's beard and eyebrows were white, and he looked like a well-known doctor. .

"Thank you very much, Dean Kang has bothered." Hua Wu said sincerely. Although she is a big brother in Kyoto, she still maintains enough respect in the face of such countless old doctors.

Dean Kang looked at Li Yueqin on the bed, but felt that the patient's complexion was very good, not as he had previously heard, because of a series of changes in the body caused by renal failure, the appearance of coma and dying? Is it possible that it is deliberately exaggerating the condition, isn't this occupying medical resources? He felt a little unhappy in his heart.

He picked up the condition card on the foot of the bed, took a look, then looked at Li Yueqin's face.

"Medical records, medical certificates."

Director Cui was already behind, and then quickly handed over the relevant information.

Dean Kang looked at the data, his face darkened: "Bullshit, how did these data come from?"

Director Cui was startled: "Dean, is there any problem?"

Dean Kang ignored him and put his finger on Li Yueqin's pulse, but he felt that the pulse was calm and strong... Damn it.

Although Dean Kang was the first group of western doctors to return home after the dynasty, he still had the ability to listen to the pulse, and their group of western doctors was not like the later doctors who conducted a comprehensive review of traditional Chinese medicine. Negative, even many of them are people who combine the Chinese with the West.

"What's the problem? When diagnosing the patient's condition, you should be as cautious as possible! Late uremia... the vital signs are not like this." Dean Kang has a good attitude. Although he is very dissatisfied, he is not angry. Look like.

"Huh? This kid, do you have any discomfort?" Dean Kang suddenly saw Bai Yu's face.

Dean Kang is also good at traditional Chinese medicine. Although he is not up to the level of a national level, he has many years of medical experience and it has become instinct to watch, hear and ask. Dean Kang can see from Bai Yu's face that this person is clearly diseased, and he will die soon. Look like.

Bai Yu smiled and said: "Dean Kang, I have nothing uncomfortable, very good."

Medicine doctors don’t die, people who are destined for Buddhism, Kangyuan has a long history of life, and naturally will not force the patient to say, how dangerous you are, a simple reminder, if the patient does not listen, it can only be said that the two have no relationship.

While talking, Li Yueqin coughed and woke up leisurely.

"This...Where is this place?" Li Yueqin looked around in confusion, the instruments next to him, the clothes of these people...Is in the hospital?

"Mom! Are you awake?" Du Ziqiang said with joy.

"Xiaoqiang, what's the matter? I went to the hospital?" Li Yueqin felt a tingling pain in her hand and lowered her head to see that she was undergoing an infusion.

"Mom, what do you think?" Du Ziqiang said with concern.

"How is it? Very good?" Li Yueqin felt baffled. Everything is comfortable now, but there is nothing uncomfortable.

Dean Kang turned his head and said to Hua Wudao: "Little girl from the Hua family, it seems that the patient is in good condition. Can you take a step to speak?"

Several people filed out.

Li Yueqin whispered: "Son, what happened to this...? Why am I in the hospital? This hospitalization costs a lot of money, right? Let's...or else? Go back now?"

Du Ziqiang vaguely said: "Mom, you are overworked..." Hearing his mother said that he was discharged from the hospital, he immediately said vigilantly: "It doesn't cost much, even if it's nothing, isn't it good to cultivate?"

Li Yueqin smiled and scolded: "Why did anyone go to the hospital to recuperate? Son, you can tell me honestly,'s not that...cancer?"

Du Ziqiang was taken aback: "How could it be cancer!"

"what is that?"

Du Ziqiang said: "It is overwork, which leads to acute visceral failure, and we must take a good rest."


Du Ziqiang fooled Li Yueqin in the ward without mentioning it, and Dean Kang, Hua Wu and Bai Yu went to a small reception room.

"Director Cui, what's the situation with the patient? Did you misdiagnose it?" Dean Kang pinched his eyebrows and asked Director Cui solemnly.

Director Cui smiled bitterly: "Dean Kang, I am also an veteran doctor for more than 20 years. I am not the kind of person who makes fun of patients. Please believe in my professional ethics, and if it is true that we have misdiagnosed, then It’s not a person’s problem, but a problem in our hospital's entire system: heart and lung, blood, urinary, endocrine... all have problems, leading to misdiagnosis. This possibility is almost non-existent."

Dean Kang sighed: "But the patient's current condition...I don't know what to say. I want to ask, what kind of elixir did she eat? Is there really an elixir?"My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Is there really an elixir in Chapter 75?) Reading record, next time you open the bookshelf see! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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