My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 73: get away

The illusion disappeared, and the bustling guests in the happy hall disappeared and became deserted.

Xin Youqian's mouth returned to its original state, and he touched his mouth in shock: "Junior Brother Bai, you, how did you do it?"

In the original illusion, they had all been blocked from spiritual power, and Bai Yu could actually use Thunder Magic, which really made him puzzled.

Bai Yu said vaguely: "I don't know why..."

With rushing footsteps, Fan Yingjun, Sun Qiaoyin, and Huayuenu rushed in. Huayuenu was murderous and said: "Youkai, you are going to hurt my young master!"

When I came in, I found that the Xitang was empty, with only Bai Yu and Xin Youqian, and said strangely: "Young Master, where is that monster?"

Bai Yuzui snapped and said, "Isn't this here?"

Sun Qiaoyin patted her chest: "I'm still saying..." Seeing Xitang's arrangement, her cheeks were dizzy, and she said in her heart: "Bai Xiaoyu almost got married with someone else! I was shocked!"

Fan Yingjun’s “false injury” has disappeared, and his spiritual power is fully restored. He nodded and said: "Brother, your hands and feet are still fast. This mirage is lucky, and you have taken care of it first. Otherwise, it will be called it. The death was terrible."

Several people gathered around the mirage body and were amazed.

Xin You submerged: "How to deal with this thing?"

The mirage spread divine thoughts: "I am not malicious, don't hurt me."

Sun Qiaoyin asked: "How about ordinary people in this city?"

Xin Youqian said: "Presumably it has been turned into a fake, where can I survive?"

Bai Yu said sensibly, "These many lives are in its hands, so what do we keep it for?"

Fan Yingjun said: "This is its instinct, like a beast and cannibalism, and there are only mundane people on the left and right, but this mirage, bring it back to the sect. The mirage **** heaven and earth aura and all creatures and spirits. Good material."

Bai Yu has a different way of thinking from these monks, unable to agree with this mentality of treating ordinary people improperly, but just now all his spiritual powers were outputted in one breath. At this time, he was almost exhausted, and talking to everyone was nothing but support. He wanted to kill this mirage in his heart, but he couldn't help it for a while.

Suddenly a voice sounded: "You guys, it's not bad work. I thought you couldn't break the mirage. Unexpectedly, you directly captured the mirage's body."

Several people looked up and saw a tall man with messy hair and straight nose and mouth. If he tidied it up a little, he would be a good-looking guy, but at this time it looked like he was dressed in rags, with a rusty broken sword halfway around his waist. He didn't even have a scabbard, and he carried a wine gourd in his hand, which looked very sloppy.

Xin Youqian hurriedly said: "Uncle Wu!"

The man said heyly: "You kid, you mixed up with soy sauce, but you got a share of credit."

He waved the sleeves of his robe, and the white jade shells on the ground were already rolled up in the sleeves: "I will bring this thing back to the sect to deal with it. You can follow it."

"Uncle Wu!" Bai Yu said loudly.

The man stopped: "What's the matter?"

"How to deal with this mirage?"

"I just take it back. I can't control how to deal with it in the door, but this thing, a few hospital masters should have some usefulness, maybe it can be made into some kind of medicine, or some kind of creation. I don't understand, but this mirage body should be a very good thing."

Hearing everyone talking about how to deal with it, the mirage demon shivered, but the human sword made me a fish. It is now extremely injured by the spiritual power of Bai Yu with a trace of the purple night catastrophe. There is no resistance at all, so I want to ask for it. Around, but Wu Luqi was not interested in grinding with this little demon, so he blocked its spirit.

Bai Yu wanted to say something but stopped, just wanting to say that this thing was too evil and could it be killed directly, but after all, the people facing him and the director Nagatori waited for generations, and it was really hard to question his method of handling.

Several people stopped in the city, Bai Yu adjusted his breath and recovered, Huayue Slave stayed for him, and the others waited to check in this city, but their faces didn't look good when they came back.

"Sure enough, it's all dead."

"The mirage demon unknowingly confined the souls of these people into its mirage, allowing these people to be true to false, not knowing that they are dead, and their bodies are dead without the souls."

"So many corpses, if they rot, I'm afraid they will form a plague, and these corpses have to be buried or destroyed."

Then notify the government of the towns near Yuhu City to deal with the funeral.

The group went back to the sect in surprise to hand over the task without mentioning it.


In Taixu, Ouyang Sanjian stood proudly on the empty boat, looking at the huge planet in front of him.

"Fortunately, I found it early. If I wait until it is near, I am afraid that I will not be caught off guard, the disaster will be serious."

Ouyang Sanjian suddenly drew out his long sword and waved it. A huge sword light flashed and fell on the huge planet, cutting the planet out of a huge abyss. For a while, the earth's crust shook, and a mountain peak was split into two by the sword light. The fracture is as smooth as a mirror.

Ouyang Sanjian shook his head. Although his attack fell on the planet, it seemed astonishing. If this planet is a life planet and there are people living on it, the attack is naturally at the level of natural disasters, but this is a lifeless death planet. The attack is just not painful or itchy. Perhaps I am here to madly attack with sword energy. There is a month to destroy the planet, but at this time, how can there be a slow attack that takes a month to spare? It seems that only by gathering high-end combat power to attack together can the planet be destroyed.

"Return!" Ouyang Sanjian yelled. Naturally, a boat-driving disciple controlled Xuzhou to return, but in his mind he was in total to notify which sect's high-end combat power came.

The planet was discovered early, and Ouyang Sanjian was not worried about being unable to deal with it. He would break the planet by dropping some pieces at most. Each faction has its own defensive formations, and there is no fear of this kind of meteorite falling from the sky, but only part of it. The secular countries and cities that have been hit directly will have to suffer some losses.

Three days later.

Assembled several monks at the top of the big sects, and all the methods were used. Finally, the huge planet in Taixu was broken into several fragments, and a catastrophe was wiped out invisible. Only the line of fire in the sky was implicated and a large number of planets entered the atmosphere. The fragments burned and rubbed and formed a dense meteor shower. This was also a feast for all factions. Most of the meteorites remaining after friction and high temperature are good materials. Most of these materials are meteorite iron. Tiangongmen Although iron-based heaven and earth treasures are not rare, it is also a good thing for disciples with a lower cultivation level to get some resources for cultivation.

Bai Yu, Sun Qiaoyin, and Huayuenu sat side by side on a small lonely mountain looking at the rotten falling star in the sky. The two women chatted without a word, but Bai Yu was worried, would the mirage say something right? What's unfavorable for yourself? It was a pity that the spiritual power was exhausted that day, and there was really no way to take that mirage.

Sun Qiaoyin was absent-minded. His mind was full of the empty Xitang in Yuhu City, and the little bridegroom in the wedding gown next to him, thinking that the mirage turned into his own appearance, and almost bowed to the little bridegroom three times and nine times. Become a marriage, somehow, I was a little jealous of the mirage.

A huge fireball, carrying the mighty power from the sky, slammed towards the small solitary peak, and an arc-shaped light flashed. That is the protective formation that every suspended peak has. The fireball fell on it with a huge impact. The arc light smashed into waves of ripples, and finally stopped its impact. The dark red meteorite fell. After a few breaths, there was a loud noise, and a cloud of dust aroused, followed by Xiaogufeng. There was a big fire in the lower forest, but after a short while, the patrol disciples from Tiangongmen rushed in to extinguish the flame by heavy rain.

On this day, the meteor shower has fallen for more than an hour. On the entire planet, a large number of meteorites have caused wildfires, earthquakes, tsunamis, and climate change, bringing huge disasters to the dunya.

More than 300 miles outside the western border of the Great Qin Empire, there was a valley, and a meteorite fell nearby.

Here is a small sect called Ten Thousand Flower Valley with only three to four hundred people. If the sects on this planet are ranked, this sect is probably the bottom.

The strength of Wanhuagu is not very high, but its status in the spiritual world is not too bad. It is only because this sect includes disciples that look first, that is, only the introduction of beautiful women. After these female disciples have practiced, they have their own cultivators. With their elegant and refined temperament, they often become in-laws with disciples in various sects, and some of them become in-laws with empires and forces in the secular world. Therefore, their huge network of relationships allows them to live a good life in the spiritual world. It is moisturizing.

The biggest characteristic of Wanhuagu cultivation practice is that it uses flowers as a medium and flowers as its companion. It is a mess when it comes to the ability to attack, but when it comes to beauty and health, it is extremely good. The characteristic of Wanhuagu's exercises is: The essence of plants and trees feeds back on itself. Once the foundation is built, it will keep its face unchanged until death, so this technique is still loved by many ordinary Qualified Kun Xiu.

The head of Ten Thousand Flower Valley was communicating with the companion spirit flower, and suddenly a confidant female disciple hurriedly came.

"Master, a meteorite fell two miles to the south."

"Just find some handymen to bring the meteorite back, wait! If there are other disciples to fight for, don't argue with them, let them be." Qin Yunman indifferently ordered, and the whole family is very inconvenient. Fighting bravely, if there is any dispute, let them go all the way, this is also the way to survive in Wanhuagu.

"Master, that meteorite caused an earthquake... We discovered that several cells had cracked a big hole..." the disciple hesitated.

"How is that person Bing Yiqi!?" Qin Yun suddenly raised her head.

"Bing Yiqi...empty." The disciple whispered.

"Then what are you doing while standing here? Don't hurry up and get her back to me! Don't hurt her life!" Qin Yun said sharply.

"Follow the command of the head!" The disciple ran out in a panic expression, wiped away his cold sweat while running. Fortunately, the head didn't hold him accountable. No, it's not my responsibility either!

The scope of the search is getting bigger and bigger.

Outside the valley, two miles to the west, the swamp.

She folded a reed and held it in her mouth, slowly sinking into the water. There are many dead leaves and duckweed on the water, which are extremely difficult to find. As for the investigation of the gods... Can there be an overhaul that can control the level of spiritual consciousness?

For fifteen years, her spiritual power was sealed and her physical body was extremely weak. She had no strength to run farther, so she could only take risks and hide in this mud. These vases Kun Xiu probably never dreamed that she was hiding under their noses. .

She sneered, listening to them Yingyingyanyan was afraid of this dirt and steepness, and would not step on this mud pond with their fragrant jade feet.

"You must survive! Only if you survive can you get justice back! You must give me justice!" she snarled in her heart.

There was a slight itching faintly coming from several places on her body. She knew that it was the locust in the swamp who had attached and was swallowing her own blood. She was indifferent. This was compared to the physical and psychological torture that she had suffered over the past fifteen years. Not worth mentioning at all.


In the Foreign Affairs Hall of the Liuqi Yuanyuan, Elder Yu received a messenger from the Qiqiao Hall.

The messenger delivered the letter, and Elder Yu took a look, and his heart was stunned, and the wax seal was stamped with the stamp of the Hallmaster of Kit Kat, which was beyond his ability to handle it.

He didn't dare to open it without authorization, so that someone would give the letter to the head of the hospital.

"Does the messenger know what's the matter?" Elder Yu asked casually.

"This junior doesn't know anymore. I only know that after the star fell, the hall master went out and lost his temper about the second lady's betroth to the young hall master, and then wrote this messenger to the younger generation." The messenger replied respectfully.

Not long after, a disciple sent an oral message: "The master said that it is the nature of the father and daughter to lick the love. The master misses his daughter. How can the Tiangongmen stop arbitrarily? Your door will come to meet the young master. Will cooperate."

So everyone in the Kit Kat Hall drove the flying boat to Xiaogufeng to pick Sun Qiaoyin home.

Although Sun Qiaoyin has privately promised Bai Yu, how can this kind of thing be promoted everywhere? Now that the messenger from the Kit Kat Hall took her father's letter, it was naturally impossible for Sun Qiaoyin to stay at Tiangong Gate. Although she still wanted to get tired of Bai Yu in her heart, she could only put her red eyes on the flying boat returning to Kit Kat Hall; after these times After the day's cultivation, Bi Yuan was also injured very well, so he went back to the Kiki Hall together. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 73 Escape) reading record, and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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