My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 61: See you again (two more)

Naturally, these mortals cannot tell that these two people are actually monks. They only say that these two girls are in the cardamom years. Even if they have some skills, they have limited ability. How can such a man with multiple capabilities and strength work together to make a mistake? ?

However, although Sun Qiaoyin and Bi Yuan didn’t learn much mortal martial arts, the sharp weapon in their hands is a magic weapon for ordinary people. Bi Yuan swings out a sword, and when it encounters a knife, it breaks with a knife and a stick. Ding rushed a little bit faster, and the Bi Yuan couldn’t collect it. He cut off half of his shoulder with a sword. The fresh splash and the twitching fingers on the ground made the two little girls numb. Claws, Bi Yuan, who was splashed with blood on his face, was extremely upset in his heart, and wanted to vomit.

But as a result, these brawny guys who were already aggressive were frightened and fled with a shout. That Zhou Yingsheng was squeezed to the ground and stepped heavily on his feet, crying in pain.

Seeing that Biyuan finally frightened these people, Sun Qiaoyin didn't want to kill them all. The two helped each other and walked outside the house. Although the house was built with nine twists and eight turns, fortunately, both of them were monks, although they did not deliberately remember them. , But still knew how to leave, and hurried towards the gate. From time to time, I met servants on the road. I saw the blue mandarin splashed with blood. Both of them had swords in their hands. How dare they dare to stop them, they were walked out of Zhou. House.

Bi Yuan only reacted at this time, and he quickly threw away the soft sword in his hand, only to feel disgusted.

The two hurried to the outside of the city, and before they reached the gate of the city, a team of hunters quickly chased them.

"The two women in front, stop for me!"

Sun Qiaoyin looked wary: "What are you doing?"

"You two wounded people with weapons, and you just left? Do you think there is no king's law?" The head-catcher looked human.

"Obviously that person lied to me and the young lady, don't you want to take us without asking?" Bi Yuan said angrily.

"If it's right and wrong, I always have to make it clear in the classroom! I can't say, the two girls will go with someone!" The head catcher slowly pulled out the knife.

The rest of the hunters and government officials also pulled out knives, iron rulers, and iron chains.

"Who dares to stop me and my lady, I will not show any mercy!" Bi Yuan said sharply, touching his waist, only to realize that it seemed that he was holding the soft sword slippery and **** and threw it away...

Without a word, Sun Qiaoyin handed the sword in her hand to Bi Yuan, but she didn't know what to do, but she had another long sword in her hand.

All this is only in a trance, the messengers only feel that the sword is divided into two, if it is a practitioner, I am afraid that it would have been a storage ring or something.

Although space items such as storage rings and bracelets are rare, Sun Qiaoyin, as the young master of the Kit Kat Hall, has such a storage ring.

There is no doubt that the two magic weapons destroyed the weapons in the hands of these messengers. After learning from the previous experience, both of them kept their hands. They didn't cause any injuries to the messengers, but they scared them so hard that they didn't dare to worry. Forced, it's just two people from far away.

The city gate was already closed tightly at this time to prevent the two from escaping, but Sun Qiaoyin cut off the latch with a few swords and opened the door to leave.

However, things got worse and worse. The two people were also inexperienced. To these mortals, the practitioners are no different from the immortals. They only need to show their identities, let alone hurt one of Zhou's servants. It was Zhou Mansion that had been slaughtered, and when the two of them were about to leave, these messengers would kneel on the ground and shout respectfully, "Master, go!"

But Sun Qiaoyin only said that she had escaped from marriage and didn't want to miss her whereabouts. She also didn't know where the monks were in the mortal world. These mortals regarded them as just martial arts and powerful women holding magic weapons.

However, the soft sword left by Bi Yuan was obtained by the people of Jianghu and was shocked as a magic weapon. The Zhou family did not get a good end. In order to get news of the weapon of the magic weapon, these people of Jianghu were lawless and tortured to confess the Zhou family, and obtained the master Sun Qiaoyin After the news of the servants, the Zhou family was completely destroyed.

In addition to these people from the rivers and lakes, because the two broke out of the city with their weapons, the surrounding garrison also joined the round up of the two, and later they even alarmed the monks who were stationed in the mortal world...

It is an iron law that monks are not allowed to take casual actions against mortals. Apart from evil cultivation, who would easily kill mortals? So the second daughter was finally characterized as a murderous female demon.

The two of them fled all the way, and the monks who chased the two of them also grew higher. Fortunately, when Sun Qiaoyin escaped from marriage, she brought all kinds of weird creations, magic weapons, runes and the like, although more and more monks were gradually participating. In the siege, but there was no way to take these two little girls for a while.

You beat me to escape, I flee you to chase, Sun Qiaoyin finally fled to the Tiangongmen realm with the seriously injured Bi Yuan.

The next thing is simple. Chen Qiaoyin reported the name of the Xunshan disciple. The Xunshan disciple felt weird: Will the young master of Mao Qiqiao Palace be chased and killed to escape to Tiangongmen? Although Tiangongmen and Qiqiaodian Red Flower and White Lotus Root belong to one family, it is also a fact that the two are targeting each other. We went to Tiangongmen to avoid disaster? This is too strange, right?

But weird to weird, the mountain patrol disciple saw Sun Qiaoyin's card and didn't dare to be expert, so he reported up.

Finally, Liu Feng met the two of them.

Sun Qiaoyin's eyes were full of tears: "Brother Liu, save Biyuan!"

Liu Feng feels a headache, what is this little girl doing at Tiangongmen? Still so embarrassed.

Under Liu Feng's arrangement, someone sent Bi Yuan to be treated without mentioning it.

"Girl Qiaoyin is this?" Liu Feng asked.

"This...then, what..." Sun Qiaoyin stammered and couldn't say: I ran away to find Bai Yu!

Seeing her seemingly unspeakable, Liu Feng tentatively asked: "But come to find my Bai Yu disciple?"

Sun Qiaoyin lowered her head, and even her neck turned pink. No matter how cute she was, she knew that it would be shameful for a little girl to run out and name a man to see a man.

Liu Feng was amused and teased her: "My Baiyu disciple, it has only been a few days since he built his foundation, and he is consolidating his realm. It's not very convenient to meet Miss Qiaoyin."

Sun Qiaoyin was anxious and felt extremely wronged. She only forced her to marry her. She wanted to come to see Bai Yu. She encountered so many messy things on the road and finally got to the ground, but she couldn't meet him. It was really tender. A big tear fell on the ground.

Liu Feng's eyesight is so sharp. Naturally, seeing that he actually told the little girl to cry, he was a little embarrassed, and quickly changed his words: "But since it's girl Qiaoyin, he is not in retreat, so I sent Ms. Qiaoyin to it. How about that little lonely mountain?"

"Thank you Brother Liu..." When Sun Qiaoyin heard this, she raised her head, tears still hung on her cheeks as good as mutton white jade, her nose was red, but her eyes narrowed like a crescent moon.

"If Ms. Qiaoyin wants to talk about generations with me, my apprentice will be with you..." Liu Feng secretly praised that Lao'er grandson had given birth to a beautiful daughter, and my apprentice would be blessed.

Hearing Liu Feng's meaningful words, Sun Qiaoyin's face was flushed again, and Ai Ai said, "Then...what's the name?"

"How do you call Baiyu Disciple, you can call it!" But I was overjoyed. Whenever you meet my Tiangongmen, you will talk about it for the generations. This is good. It's better than the previous generation, mine. Bai Yu's apprentice is really a blessing from heaven.

"My father will... will be unhappy." Sun Qiaoyin wanted to blurt out Master, but suddenly remembered that she didn't marry Bai Yu, so why did she call Master? My father knew about this, I was afraid he was going to kill me!

"Never mind, can call again in the future." Liu Feng nodded and stopped deliberately running on words.

"Come on, I will send you to Xiaogufeng...Today, today, it is Ouyang that old man is on the peak." Liu Feng summoned the giant tortoise of the creation and took Sun Qiaoyin to the Xiaogufeng.

When I came back to Tiangongmen, I didn't see any creation of Tiangongmen. At this moment, I saw that the giant tortoise was like a living creature, and I couldn't help comparing it with the creation of Qiqiao Temple.

"But you think it's different from your Kiki's creation?" Liu Feng asked when she saw her staring at the giant tortoise.

"Yeah, it seems... My Kit Kat Palace pursues power, but it's not as good as heavenly creations in the way of simulation." Sun Qiaoyin meditated.

"Haha, girl Qiaoyin is on the point. Kit Kat makes ruthless things and Tiangongmen makes sentimental things. Each shows one branch, and each is good at it." Liu Feng nodded.

"Is there any difference?" Sun Qiaoyin's realm is still shallow, so naturally I can't hear these things in the Qiqiao Palace.

"KitKat creates dead things, and Tiangong creates creatures. KitKat pursues the ultimate in death and kills life with death. Therefore, KitKat's creations are often murderous and powerful; Tiangong creates life and seeks to turn death into life, so creation is like In life, although the power is not as powerful as the creation of the Kit Kat Hall, it is flexible and flexible, but it is not within the reach of the Kit Kat Hall." Liu Feng explained.

"Which is better?" Sun Qiaoyin asked, tilting her head.

"KitKat has QiKao's way, Tiangong has Tiangong's way, Dao has no distinction between good and bad, and skill can know the superior or inferior."

"What does that mean?"

"Compared with the strongest creations of Tiangong and KitKat, even though KitKat is powerful, it can't kill Tiangong's creation, because KitKat's power is great, but it has no mechanism. KitKat's creation can heal itself? Is it possible to repair itself?"

Sun Qiaoyin nodded slowly.

"Although the Tiangongmen's strongest creation machine has changed enough, its power cannot cause repressive damage to Kit Kat's strongest creation. Therefore, it depends on the ability of the person who uses the creation. In the end, it returns to the competition of personal cultivation. Isn't your personal cultivation base just the application of Taoism? Your realm is still low, and you have to listen to these things. Don't think too much about it because it interferes with your own path." Liu Feng told her after explaining.

"Thank you Liu... Senior Brother for your advice." Sun Qiaoyin took a blessing to show his gratitude.

"It's okay, you'll realize these things after you arrive at the Golden Core. I just explained to you in advance, and I shouldn't thank you." Liu Feng twisted his beard, but he laughed wildly in his heart: Sun Laoer, listen to your daughter. With my natural way, I am afraid that I will try my best to neutralize the two ways in the future, right? It's up to you if you still say sternly that Tiangong has entered the crooked door!

In fact, Tiangongmen has been committed to the reintegration of Tiangong and Kitkat, but this kind of thing involves rights, regions, and people's hearts. On the other hand, if Kit Kat is dominant in this matter, Kit Kat will absolutely have no objection.

About half an hour after touching the giant tortoise, Liu Feng came to the top of the small solitary peak, and saw the sword awe-inspiring above the small solitary peak, but it was Ouyang Sanjian who was tempering Bai Yu's will with his sword intent. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Collection\" below to record this time (see Chapter 61 again (two more)) reading Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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