My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 42: I let you sleep well

"I... I don't know how to speak."

"No hurry, no hurry, when is the right time to say, I am not in a hurry."

"Hey, it's coming, in front of Bai Yu, I can't tell you this thing."

"Dad, why are you so troublesome? What's hard to say?"

"You just need to study hard, and you don't care about your adults."

"Look, you adults are like this, you always use these words to prevaricate people! I really despise you!"

"Hey, Wu Zhiqing, come back to me! Where are you going!"


"Zhiqing was angry and ran out. I have to find her. You can talk about it if you find a chance. Don't worry."

"I'm in a hurry? Why am I in a hurry?"

"Bah baah baah, look at my broken mouth, you are not in a hurry, you are not in a hurry, I am in a hurry!"

"It's almost the same, go find your girl!"

"Isn't my daughter your daughter?"

"Why are you poor? Shameless!"


Wu Chao chased out of the house. Wu Zhiqing was nowhere to be seen. Wu Chao was impatient and had to take out the phone and call her daughter. Only then did she discover that she had been blackmailed by her daughter.

Wu Chao's face was black: "They all say that my daughter is a little padded jacket. Why do I think my family is a little padded jacket this summer, and it is indeed cold in winter?"


Mu Xiaolei and Bai Yu walked to the house, and just opened the door of the community, a figure rushed over with Xiangfeng:

"Thank you, in a hurry, let me go in first!"

"Huh? Is it you?" Bai Yu exclaimed.

The girl raised her head and her eyes lit up: "I'm looking for you! Great, come, follow me!"

Wu Zhiqing took Bai Yu's hand and was about to leave. Bai Yu was surprised: "What's the matter? Hey, what's the matter with my friend!"

"I'll talk about your friend's affairs later, I'm looking for you in a hurry!"

"My friend's business is also very urgent. It will be over in a few minutes. He will go to me to get something."

"Okay, then I won't go in, I'll wait for you here."

"Well, you wait here for a while, I'll get down right away."

Bai Yu and Mu Xiaolei walked inside, and Mu Xiaolei took a deep look at Wu Zhiqing.

"I said, you can, this little girl is not bad!"

"It's not bad, what does it matter to me?"

"Don't you just be stiff? What about the squad leader?"

"What about the monitor? Inexplicable"

"You're just for this girl, don't you want to care about the monitor?" Mu Xiaolei overturned the previous speculation the moment he saw Wu Zhiqing, and the new speculation took shape in his mind:

Bai Yu empathizes with each other and prepares to give up the monitor for this girl.

Alas, no matter how deep the affection is, it can't match the ravages of reality! After all, Bai Yu’s conditions, and Lu Qiu Hanyan are indeed not enough to match each other. In addition, the monitor...the scale of development seems to be inferior to this girl. The appearance level of the two can be said to be not much different. In this case, which one to choose seems to be logical. Up.

Back home, Bai Yu hurriedly took out two Zhengyang Luhua pills and a box of Liuli Jade Skin Cream, and handed them to Mu Xiaolei.

"What are these things?" Mu Xiaolei looked at the Vitamin C bottle and the Lark Ling box with a black line.

"Middle-aged people's medicine to replenish the body, that cream is for skin care." Bai Yu explained.

"Auntie used... this is it?" Mu Xiaolei asked in a low exclamation.

"This is it."

"Awesome! I think Auntie is at least ten years younger! I can't see a wrinkle on her face!"

"Of course, or how could I bite to death, I didn't let your dad at all! You don't mind, do you?"

"What do I mind? I don't care about business matters."

"Oh, you, you can only become a dude from now on!"

"Me? My dude? I didn't eat the pot and thought about the bowl!"

"Hey! You have to make it clear, when did I eat the bowl and think of misfortune?"

"You just pretend! You also pretend to have amnesia! The monitor and your junior high school are in the same class, so you were transferred away for you. Do you still pretend to remember?"

"..." Bai Yu was taken aback, what happened to Xiaopang? Why do you always mention... what monitor?

He sat on the public chair at the gate of the community and hugged his head, dripping sweat from his forehead.

Mu Xiaolei sneered: "This pretends to be really like!"

"What's wrong with him?" A crisp voice came from behind.

Mu Xiaolei turned his head and saw Wu Zhiqing, frowning:

"I don't know, he has a headache because of you."

"I'm just going to buy some water, what does he have a headache?" Wu Zhiqing rolled her eyes.

"Then I don't know!" Mu Xiaolei said angrily.

"Hey, Lao Bai, this girl is here, I'll leave first!"

Going farther, Mu Xiaolei sneered and said: "When I see a difference, I want to change! A scumbag!"

A familiar shadow flickered in the peripheral light of his eyes.


Bai Yu gradually calmed down.

"Are you okay?" Wu Zhiqing asked, biting her lip. Against the background of her pink lips, the enamel of a little rabbit's teeth showed the color of white jade.

Hearing someone talking to him, Bai Yu let out a long breath and raised his head.

"Are you here? Are you... what can you do with me?"

Bai Yu's expression was a little dazed.


Wu Zhiqing opened her mouth, and suddenly felt that, as expected, Aunt Han was right, it was so difficult to speak!

"If it's okay, I'll go back."

"Wait, I want to ask, why don't you agree?" Wu Zhiqing was anxious when he saw that he was leaving.

"What do I disagree with? I don't know what it is?"

"My dad and Aunt Han..."

"Your dad!? My mother!? What's up with them?"

"What are you pretending to be confused? My dad is chasing Auntie! Why don't you agree!?"

"Is it impossible? How can I never know?"

"Don't you know? Didn't you meet my dad that day?"

"That day? What day? You said... that day in the hospital? What happened? I just watch your dad sleep there. Where do I know what's the matter?"

"Do you disagree?"

"I don't know your dad, why do you agree or disagree?"

"It's fine for them to like each other. Do you agree that it's important?"

"What a joke, that's my mother!"

"My dad likes Auntie, and I like it too!"

"It's important whether you like it or not? Have you considered how my Xiao Ling feels?"

"What's the big deal? Isn't it that my dad wants to sleep with you & Mom? The big deal, I let you sleep well!"

Cold field.

"Bai Yu, what do you mean?" Suddenly a voice came in.

"I, Lu Qiu Hanyan, is such a shameless person? Let you make such excuses and avoid me for so long!?"

A beautiful girl stood in front of the two, her face full of pain and loss.

" are..." Bai Yu looked at this familiar and unfamiliar face, but couldn't remember where this feeling came from.

"Lao Bai, you're not being authentic!" Mu Xiaolei said in a weird manner beside him.

The familiar figure Mu Xiaolei saw earlier was Lu Qiu Hanyan! Taking advantage of the weekend, she finally couldn't help but arrived at Bai Yu's home complex, thinking about calling him out and asking what was going on. Who knew that she and Mu Xiaolei were quietly approaching them when she saw Bai Yu standing with a girl , Heard the last sentence: "I let you sleep well!"

Like a bolt from the blue, the girl's heart was extremely painful.

"Are you for her? Yes, she is so beautiful..." Lu Qiu Hanyan's mood gradually calmed down, looking disappointed at the petite and exquisite girl in front of her. Although she is not as tall as her, the proportions of her body are extremely well-proportioned, especially the proud one. Surrounding.

"It turns out that he likes this kind of girl. Usually, I'm too strong!" Lu Qiu Hanyan shook her head and slowly turned away.

"Wait! Squad leader, let him make it clear, let's not learn TV dramas, just a few words of special, but not clear for more than ten episodes! You can give up if you say it clearly!" Mu Xiaolei He grabbed Lu Qiu Hanyan's arm and said angrily.

"Lvqiu...Lvqiu! It's Luqiu..." A large drop of sweat slipped off Bai Yu's forehead, muttering in his mouth.

"Lao Bai! Luqiu came to our school from junior high school. With her grades and resources, which key middle school can't you go to? She has to come over? Isn't it just to guard you? For so many years, you have to be an iron man? You? How dare you hurt her like this?"

"Little fat, don't talk about it, it's boring!"

"Wait...wait!" Wu Zhiqing exclaimed lightly.

"Who are you?" Mu Xiaolei pulled Lu Qiu Hanyan behind him.

"Wait, you are afraid that you have misunderstood?" Wu Zhiqing's black line, **** it! I spoke too bluntly just now, this is embarrassing! Her face flushed suddenly.

"What's the misunderstanding?" Mu Xiaolei looked up and down Wu Zhiqing unscrupulously, huh, Lao Bai, this pig, is a pretty blessing, she is actually a young beauty!

"My dad is having a relationship with Aunt Han, and now the relationship is very good and smooth. I want to know Bai Yu and Bai Ling's opinion. Auntie didn't understand, so I came over and asked him. Just... just now it was angry!" Wu Zhiqing stomped lightly. His face was red.

"Huh!?" X2.

" didn't lie to us?" Mu Xiaolei asked in surprise.

"It's a puppy to lie to you!" Wu Zhiqing said anxiously.

Luqiu Hanyan also turned red, and Ai Ai said, "Then, what, I, there is something in my family, I, I will go back first."

"Hey! Squad leader, come here, make it clear! I won't be so sticky all the time, if you don't bother me, I will be annoyed!" Mu Xiaolei pulled her to not let her go.

"You let me go, I... let go, don't let me call someone!" Lu Qiu Hanyan desperately slapped Mu Xiaolei on the back of his hand.

"Goose, don't scratch! I let it go, I let it go!" Mu Xiaolei was scratched a few red marks on the back of his hand by Lu Qiu Hanyan, and had to let it go.

"I, I'm leaving now!" Lu Qiu Hanyan fled.

Mu Xiaolei Xuexue cried out in pain and looked at Lu Qiu Hanyan's brisk back: "Obviously she is a female man, so she can't pretend to be shy! I can't stand it!"

"That... is his girlfriend?" Wu Zhiqing asked curiously.

"I don't know if I can walk together!" Mu Xiaolei flattened his mouth.

"Hey! Why do you girls like to move their paws?" Mu Xiaolei said bitterly, pressing on the red marks that were almost bleeding.

"Who told you to hold the girl's hand? I've called it indecent a long time ago!" Wu Zhiqing said fiercely.

"Who is she? I'll get her back!" Wu Zhiqing was eager to try.

"She grew up with Lao Bai's childhood sweetheart. I don't know what's going on recently. Lao Bai can't remember her coming. No, she came to him when she was in a hurry."

"Wow! So romantic!" Wu Zhiqing had stars in her eyes.

"But, why don't I have any impression?" Bai Yu's tired voice came from the side.

"Where do I know? I thought you were acting!"

"Why does she have to be with me since the first grade of junior high school?"

"I don't know what happened before the first day of the junior high school. You go ask her? Or think of it yourself!" Mu Xiaolei said depressed. He, known as the little prince of gossip, actually didn't know. Good friends, there is such a big gossip, and the victim does not seem to know at all! No, only he does not know, Lu Qiu Hanyan knows! The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 42 I let you sleep well), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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