My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 35: The catastrophe is coming

The three people in the hall looked pale.

Kwong Ling's lantern was even more faltering. During the renewal of Baiyu's bones, in order to ensure that his energy was sufficient, he took four times of Ben Shen Dan to stimulate his energy. At this time, it was the end of the force, and Situ Jinsong and Zeng Yumu also changed hands several times. The three of them could hardly support it, but their belief in completing another change of flesh, blood, and bones for thousands of years for Tiangongmen supported them to finally hold on to the end.

"Haha...ha!" Kuang Lingzao laughed wildly.

"It's done! We are done!" Situ Jinsong sat on the ground, how could he have the demeanor of a dignified head.

Zeng Yumu's hands trembled, holding on to the medicine trough, and muttered in his mouth: "It turns out that it can be changed three times! The record is true!"

Kwong Lingdeng laughed wildly, tears in his eyes, waved his hands, and the protective formation dissipated.

Ouyang Sanjian, Zou Zhifeng, and Liu Feng snatched in.

"How's it going?"

"How is Xiao Yu'er?"

"It's all done or not?"

The three asked questions at the same time.

Kuang Lingdeng's body shook slightly and crashed to the ground.

"Old Kuang!"

Situ Jinsong waved his hand: "It's okay, this old man, I don't want to die. I ate Ben Shen Dan four times. It is estimated that I have been recuperating for more than half a year. It may be a matter. We can't die. We are done! We are finally done! Patriarch's blessing, we It's finally done! Uuuuu..."

As he said, Situ Jinsong actually sobbed, and the other three people were also full of tears.

The sky outside the hall gradually dimmed, and the four people who felt the light change looked up in the direction of the hall door.

Zeng Yumu turned around: "What's the matter?"

With a rush of water, Bai Yu stood up from the sink, his eyes full of confusion, succeeded?

He only remembered that under the protection of several teachers, although his head and face were extremely painful, he insisted on not passing out until the pain slowly receded like a tide.

"I'll take a look!" Liu Feng vaguely thought, and flew out of the hall.

"Xiao Yu'er, how's it going?" Situ Jinsong reluctantly stood up and turned to ask Bai Yu.

"Master, I... feel good." Bai Yu made a fist, and a loud noise came from his palm.

"Hahaha... Jade bone and golden marrow, really extraordinary!" Situ Jinsong couldn't stop laughing when she saw Bai Yu grabbing the air at will.

"Heavenly Tribulation!" Liu Feng swept in like another gust of wind, but his face was a little nervous.

"Heavenly Tribulation!?"

"How come there is a catastrophe!?" Several people exclaimed at the same time.

Everyone turned their eyes to Bai Yu.

"Yes, Xiao Yuer is now physically perfect, but through what I waited for, I invite heaven's jealousy! I know it's not so easy!"

Bai Yu asked nervously, "Master, do I still have to experience thunder catastrophe?"

Liu Feng said: "I took a look. There are about two minutes left before the cloud of robbery is gathered and completed. No one can survive this day of robbery... not all thunder robbery, maybe wind robbery, maybe fire robbery... "

"It's all here, I'm afraid it's a small catastrophe!?" Ouyang Sanjian said angrily.

"Ouyang, Xiao Yuer is not in the Qi refining period..." Zeng Yumu sighed.

"I have a suit of battle clothes here, so I think it won't be a big problem to support it for a period of time." Liu Feng said.

"Well, I have a shield here, a top-grade magic weapon. I said I had a chance to receive it from a personal disciple. Xiao Yuer should use it first!" Zeng Yumu took out a small shield and placed it on the ground with pain.

"I have never defended in my life, there is only a soul-protecting puppet, which can protect the soul without hurting it." Ouyang Sanjian said.

"The substitute puppet can withstand a mortal attack. If you can't withstand the catastrophe, you can urge it to block the next time." Zou Zhifeng said.

"I... I have a life-replacement pill here, which can be exchanged for another life, plus a heart-protection pill. As long as the heart pulse is not extinguished, there will be a way to heal it back." Suddenly Kuang Ling's hoarse voice was heard.

It turned out that Kwong Lingdeng was in a coma for a moment before he woke up. At this time, he heard that the catastrophe was approaching, and after a little calculation, he knew that the catastrophe came for Baiyu, so he took out the things to save his life.

Situ Jinsong said: "Why are you crying and crying before the catastrophe comes? Xiaoyuer has to be suppressed by my Tiangongmen luck, don't worry! However, more precautions are better! Take this bead, Xiaoyuer!"

"Du Leizhu!" Ouyang Sanjian exclaimed.

Situ Jinsong glanced at him obliquely: "You old man's eyesight is not bad."

"Nonsense! The treasure of the thunder-passing catastrophe actually fell in your hands? That...the good mountain man..."

"Naturally, he died! He is not dead, can I capture this Thunder Bead?" Situ Jinsong sneered.

The people on Shanshan suddenly disappeared more than 300 years ago, and disappeared. There are rumors that he is dead, but no one admits to killing him. Most of them think he explored some secrets and got trapped in it. It turned out to be dead. Situ Jinsong was in his hands.

"That year I went to the Starfall Demon Realm to collect purple stars. I happened to encounter him being taken away by the Heavenly Demon, so I slaughtered him easily. The treasures on his body belonged to the old man." Situ Jinsong said proudly.

"Satisfaction? Good breath, more than three hundred years ago...I remember you came back with a serious injury, and asked who hurt you, do you think it was injured by a mechanism in the secret realm?" Ouyang Sanjian recalled.

Situ Jinsong's face turned red, and he was a little bit angry.

"Also knocked a pill of Zifu Yupodan from me...cough cough..." Kuang Lingdeng made a knife smoothly.

"Remember, there seems to be such a thing, remember that it is, the boss of the boss has a blister on his forehead, and it took half a year to disperse, it really looks like the handprints of the gods on the mountain who specially hurt the soul... No wonder Zifu Yupodan nourishes the soul..." Liu Feng nodded.

"You old folks! Is it important for Xiao Yuer to gossip or gossip?" Situ Jinsong's expression calmed down.

I was told by a few black-hearted people that Chen Guzi Rotten Zhima, who was three hundred years ago, said it clearly, but people who are familiar with Situ Jinsong knew that he was about to break out when he calmed down at this time, so several people lived. Speak up.

"Xiao Yu'er, you should prepare for it. It's a blessing or a curse, and you have to bear it yourself." Situ Jinsong turned to Bai Yu and said.

"The apprentice saves it!" Bai Yu took the clothes he had prepared and put it on, touched Guangguang's head, and smiled bitterly: "It's gone again!"

He packed up the protective gear and medicine that everyone on the ground left for him to help him get through the robbery, and walked outside the hall.

Lichen Temple is located on the Mingji Peak between Ruijun Peak and Cuiqing Peak. Mingji Peak is one of the Seven Peaks of the Outer Gate. It is dedicated to the disciples of the Outer Sect to clean the dust and explore the roots and bones. There is an open area in the mountain, and the white feather is a defense against the sky. Jie implicated the buildings in the clan, speeding up and rushing to the farther mountain peaks.

After the successful bone replacement, Bai Yu ran, only feeling that the strength increased greatly, the toes exerted force, and gently touched the ground. Even if the rock that had been nourished by spiritual energy for thousands of years and became extremely hard, it was stepped on one by one, it seems Even the earth was almost unable to restrain him, so he had to rush into the sky diagonally.


An old pine tree with a crooked neck leaned out of the cliff, and beneath it was a deep valley.

The sky was densely covered with dark clouds, the clouds were rolling, and there seemed to be some ferocious beasts rushing in it, and the dark clouds covered the sky, and the whole world was darkened.

Seven or eight miles away, on a mountain peak, the head of Tiangongmen and the head of the fifth courtyard stand on the mountain. One or two miles is the limit of mortal eyesight, but these people are great monks of distraction. Not too far away, Bai Yu still had clear hair in their eyes, as if standing in front of them.

"It's a big momentum, I'm afraid it's the Age of Transcending the Tribulation Nascent Soul, but that's it, right?"

"It's not as good as the Nascent Soul Stage, but... can Xiao Baiyu survive it?"

"The fate is like this, it's better to carry it over, but not to carry it..."

The dark clouds gradually subsided.

A faint light flashed behind the clouds, and a few seconds later, a dull thunder sound came.

"The eyes are in front, you can see the light first, and the ears are behind, you can hear the thunder...The ancients really didn't lie to me." Bai Yu said smoothly to ease his tension.

"Ma Dan! Die! Who is afraid!" Bai Yu gritted his teeth fiercely and took out a small shield. A strong wind gradually rose on the top of the peak, causing the silk ribbon on his armor to slap on top of the armor. .

"The sea is boundless and the sky is the shore, and the mountain is extremely high and I am the peak!" Bai Yu suddenly moaned out loud. The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 35 The Tribulation Is Coming), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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