My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 29: Casting knife (on)

The girl in the Kit Kat Palace was shy by nature. When Liu Feng said this, she was flushed and she didn't even dare to lift her head, she just wanted to find a seam to get in.

"Palace Master Liu! Are you humiliating Kun Xiu the world?" Bai Lixian said viciously, but he was obviously a little bit fierce.

People in Tiangongmen rarely saw Baili Xian's mouth suffer, and at this time they almost didn't laugh.

"Slow down, slow down, I don’t mean to humiliate Kun Xiu in the world at all. A male and a female are married. How many of Kun Xiu in the world are married out? So, I’m God. Kit Kat is like a family, the young master must be the most talented disciple of your Kit Kat Hall? If you reluctantly betrothed to your door, wouldn’t it be a pity, a pity! Why don’t you look at me? Of the two disciples, Fan Youcai is the one who is suitable. Although he lost half of the chips, his entry time is still short. He is naturally not as good as the daughter of the Lord Kit Kat. He is firm in Taoism and naturally will not waste his talent. He may not be better than Shaodian in the future. The main difference."

"I, I, I don't want to, don't marry, marry him! He, he is not as good as me!" Suddenly a soft voice sounded, but this voice was shy and angry, and a little stuttered.

It turned out that the girl who was competing with Fan Youcai heard Liu Feng's words getting more and more outrageous, and finally couldn't help it, not being shy, and arguing.

This girl turned out to be the daughter of Sun Haoyue, the lord of the Kit Kat Palace, Sun Qiaoyin, who has an outstanding appearance. She was already working hard before the foundation was built, but Sun Qiaoyin was fragile by nature, and Bai Lixian gave Sun Haoyue an idea. In the name of Tiangongmen, stepping on Tiangongmen, let Sun Qiaoyin build the foundation with the momentum of great victory, and she will definitely adjust her cute temperament; who knows that the old stuff in Tiangongmen is also a shameless stuff. Just a few words almost made Sun Qiaoyin cry and forced her to argue, but this little girl didn't grasp the point at all! Hearing Bai Yu shook his head, looking at her tearful eyes, he felt that the court masters at the door were a bit...a bit too much.

"Sister-in-law, don’t panic. You, Uncle Liu, have nothing to stop you from speaking, but what he said is not unreasonable. You see, my Tiangongmen has only accepted Bai Yu and Fan Youcai in the past four years. Door, you can choose one of them, I am Tiangong a family..." He said that, mobilizing spiritual power to suppress the internal organs, lamenting that it is indeed inferior to Liu Feng, and it is also a kind of without a bottom line. Strength, and then said: "As close as a family, if you can form in-laws, it will be a good talk!"

"If he is not my opponent, I...I will never marry him!" Sun Qiaoyin was confused by the world, and was confused by these old people. He spit out these words in a muddle, Baili Xian heard. There was a bad cry in my heart, and he said: "My little aunt, grandma, didn't your old man tell everything to listen to me before leaving? Why are you negotiating? Can you say this casually? "

All the people who came to the Hall of Kit Kat had their faces sullen, and they looked at Situ Jinsong angrily.

"Hehe, it's just the words of the game. Since the Kiki Hall is the strongest disciple of this generation to confirm, then I can only let the chief of this generation and the young master of Tiangongmen cut it."

"Bai Yu!"

"The disciple is here." Bai Yu walked out of the last class, came to the front of the hall, and respectfully saluted Situ Jinsong.

"I've come to meet all the seniors in the Kiki Hall."

"I've seen all the seniors in the Qiqiao Hall." Bai Yu saluted.

"Next, it's up to Bai Yu to compete with the Young Hallmaster."

Bai Lixian suppressed his anger and said: "Heavenly craftsmanship and ingenious art, if we talk about the art of combining creation, my family has already won one, and there is no need to do it again, but the art of creation is our most important way of survival... …Refining, forging, forging, or pill, just choose one to compare!"

"Qiaoyin, what do you think?" Bai Lixian turned his head and looked at Sun Qiaoyin lovingly.

"It's all arranged by the master." Sun Qiaoyin finally calmed down and replied softly.

"My young palace master has won a match, let the noble disciple choose one to compare!" Bailixian said proudly, forgiving the kid for wearing the name of Tianjiao, but after four years of entry, he can learn something. ?

"The disciple is willing to choose the meaning of casting, but the disciple can only make sword weapons. I don't know if the Young Master can compare with me?" Bai Yu said respectfully.

"Forge a knife, then a knife!" Sun Qiaoyin pursed her mouth, and Bai Yu wanted to twist it when she saw her beautiful little face with a little fat and fleshy baby.

"The disciple still has another idea. For this casting, we will choose the most basic materials instead of using the heavenly materials and earth treasures. It is a craft to make a good knife with ordinary iron. I don't know what the young master's idea is?" Bai Yu asked. .

"How can Fantie become a treasured sword? Are you a lie?" Sun Qiaoyin shook his head in disbelief.

"My art of creation is only the appearance of flowers at the door, and I did not have to see the beautiful scenery. Even if the master of Bi Shao's art of creation is stronger than me, it is limited. Therefore, if the two of me use the treasures of heaven, material and earth, wouldn’t it be a change? Can Tiantiangongqiqiao compete for financial resources? Then I lost the meaning of comparison. I thought: Only by using the most basic materials to turn decay into magic, can we test the aptitude and understanding of you and me, the young master thinks how is it?"

"Well, there is some truth in what you said, then... let's use van iron to cast knives!" Sun Qiaoyin nodded after thinking for a moment.

Bai Yu was originally a body reorganized after having changed his muscles and muscles, and he could build a foundation again when he got it again. He could truly be called a monk. Therefore, although only 12 years old, with a strange power, but a martial artist far beyond the ordinary, Sun Qiaoyin is also about to build a foundation. The two danced with hammers, just waiting for leisure.

In a moment, many tools and objects used to smelt and forge metal were placed in the hall.

A disciple of Tiangongmen will bring out the fire.

Bai Yu said: "When smelting ordinary iron, I use earth fire. When forging, I use ordinary fire."

Bai Lixian said with a strange yin and yang aura next to him: "As long as the materials are refined and pure, what kind of good stuff can the ordinary fire produce?"

Bai Yu ignored him, smashed the iron ore piled on the ground with a sledgehammer, and threw it into the ground stove. After a while, the iron in the ore turned into red iron juice and flowed out and was picked up by Bai Yu. In the mold, several iron blocks were condensed, leaving only a layer of **** in the furnace.

Over there, Sun Qiaoyin guarded the fire, carefully calculated and observed the temperature of the ground fire, and tried to remove the impurities in the molten iron.

Bai Yu picked up an iron ingot with tongs and put it into the carbon fire to burn it red. When it was placed on the anvil, it was a violent beating. Sparks splashed everywhere, and some **** shells were hammered out of the skin from time to time.

Bai Lixian sneered again: "Although hammering can squeeze out impurities, how can it be comparable to ground fire refinement? Want to come to this chief, the internal cultivation is not enough, the spiritual power is not enough to control the fire, right?"

The senior members of the Tiangongmen were unhappy after hearing this, but knew that he was right. Only Liu Feng often heard Bai Yu come up with some weird ideas. After careful consideration, he felt that it made sense. Knowing that at this time, He must have an idea, and he may not lose to Sun Qiaoyin, so he said: "At this time, the two disciples are better at it, and the Hallmaster Baili is a little calm and restless."

"Humph!" Baili snorted coldly, but didn't really speak anymore.

At this time, Bai Yu had doubled the length of the iron ingot. He used a chisel in the middle to punch in half, and then folded the iron bar back. This is the folding and forging in the real world!

Iron will absorb carbon in a carbon furnace and slowly become steel. Steel is not as ductile as iron, but its hardness and elasticity are far stronger than iron. When iron is folded to about 100 degrees, it is already deformed and bent. For steel, this angle has no effect on its shape.

After folding 20 times in this way, this iron ingot has reached more than 1 million layers. Bai Yu beats it into a long thin slice and roughly polishes it and put it aside for later use. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 29 Casting Knife (Part 1)). You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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