My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 18: provocative

"What the **** are you...seeing?" Bai Yu asked with a look of surprise.

"Wow... I'm scared to death!" The girls who can be anchors are somewhat attractive. The two girls wear uniform styles and colors in short skirts and half-V-neck T-shirts, showing long legs and small bodies. The T-shirt perfectly showed the curves of the body, and there were indescribable hooks. At this time, one of the girls cried with pear blossoms and rain, which was quite affectionate.

"Black mist! Dark mist! Woo~ getting bigger! There are villages, villages! Lots of people, no! Lots of ghosts, walking around, we... "Kacha" taking pictures, so bright! Wow! They chase us, we run away, Ghost hits the wall! Ghost hits the wall!” The other girl was better, crying less miserably. At this time, she began to introduce her painful experience with paintings, various onomatopoeias, various actions, and incoherent words.

The two boys in the same group covered their foreheads.

These two girls are usually cute and cute. At this time, one is crying like a two-hundred-jin fat man, and the other is completely like a crazy woman.

"Ah, it's not safe here, why don't we go further?" A boy turned his head and looked at their path, with a look of dread.

"This...I, I still have something to do. Just leave." Bai Yu became curious about the place they described, and he was hesitant to check it out. When he heard him say this, he refused.

"Little brother, do you want to go? I advise you not to go, there... I suspect there is really a ghost."

"You don't have to worry about me, I won't go there... You guys who are scared, go back soon, I will live nearby." Bai Yu lied.

"Are you sure you don't go with us?" The boy looked up and down Bai Yu suspiciously, and saw that he was delicate and delicate, a little thin, but his eyes were clear and bright.

"Yes, I'm going home now, not to meet you, I'm home long ago." Bai Yu nodded.

"Okay, then you pay attention to safety..." The boy saw him insist. Although he felt that this boy like a high school student seemed a bit shinto, but he had no right to interfere with others. He sighed, took out his mobile phone and opened it. After using the taxi-hailing software, when I looked up again, I saw Bai Yu slowly riding his bicycle into the dark.

"Little brother, what's your name?" He couldn't help but yelled, his voice spreading far and wide in the dilapidated street.

"Bai Yu! Go back soon!" The little boy's answer came from a distance.

"Go, stay away from here, I don't want to stay here for a minute!" The two boys lifted up a girl and left in the opposite direction.

Bai Yu slowly moved forward along the road, the colored steel walls did not know when they were gone, and there were no more buildings on both sides, only low shrubs and small trees.

"Are you here?" Bai Yu looked around.

The Qi of the Earth Vein arrived in this place, very messy, and the Yin force in it was even more mixed with Yin and cold.

The earth essence overflowing from the veins is yin, but it is very different from the yin power here. One is pure nutrients that can be absorbed, and the other is poison. This is the gap between them.

"Is this the evil spirit of resentment?" Bai Yu stretched out his fingers and reached into the air, as if he wanted to touch the omnipresent evil of resentment in the air.

When he looked forward again, in the darkness, under the moonlight, many buildings in front could be vaguely seen, it seemed like a beast crouched there, waiting for the opportunity to jump out.

Bai Yu looked up at the location of the stars, then took out his phone to locate it.

The phone has no signal.

Bai Yu shook his head, here...

He is not suitable for entering now.

He turned the head of the bicycle and drove back.

In the village.

A pair of blood-red eyes watched Bai Yu's figure disappear into the darkness.

"Qin Shu, that boy, is weird, I don't want to mess with him."

The blood in his eyes gradually faded, and under the flickering green lights, she turned out to be a beautiful young woman.

She stretched out her hand and slowly stroked the face of the person she called Qin Shu. It was a burnt face, and the black charred shell could vaguely see the scarlet underneath through the cracked opening. muscle.

The burning face man made a weird cry in his throat, looking very angry.

"My son is out looking for food, don't worry, he will be back soon."

A few chuckling and crisp infant laughter came, and the young woman turned her head.

A fat white baby crawled in from outside the door.

"You kid, crawling around, don't think it's dirty outside!" The young woman picked up the nanny and slapped him on the **** cautiously.

"What's the matter?" The young woman took up her sleeve and wiped the black blood from the nipple's mouth.

"Huh...ah! Uh!" Said the milk baby.

"Have you eaten Wang's mother-in-law? It's okay, you eat as soon as you eat, they owe us!" The young woman's originally light expression became more and more stern.

"Empty, don't think that trapping me here, I can't help it! Alright! Coming soon! Haha! I will surely make you utterly dead, and let your descendants die without a burial place! "

The black mist gradually dissipated, and the entire village lived in the bag, hiding in the darkness.


"It's a pity, there will be infiltrated by the evil spirit of resentment, and there will definitely be some negative heaven and earth treasures. My cultivation level is too low. I just go in to deliver vegetables. After a while, the spiritual power in the spleen meridian of the soil will not be hindered. Now, we must get some talisman paper out, and then come and break into this ghost den!"

After calming his mind, Bai Yu led a bicycle, jumped over the colored steel wall, landed in the planned area, looked for a shade, and sat cross-legged.

What is the biggest motivation for people when they seek to make progress? It's not fake Dakong's encouragement and imaginary and distant goals, but real progress.

This place is already very close to the earth veins. For the current Baiyu, the essence of the earth is large enough, and the purity is very good. This practice has advanced the progress by one-seventh, which is better. Based on the previous progress, Bai Yu estimated it, and in another two or three days, the spleen meridian of the soil genus is basically an entry point, and if one line is entry point, you can consider mutual growth and foundation.

At this time, Bai Yu had some doubts about the earth: "Isn't it the world of the end of the world? This place does not feel a trace of spiritual power, but why is it so fast? Even if I was in the dream world, I was cultivating Tiangongmen. The basic mental method is not so fast? Get started in two weeks? What's a joke?"

"One month and four weeks, two meridians a month? Two and a half months, you can find the opportunity to build a foundation? It takes less than three months from the whiteboard to the foundation? What international jokes are you making?"

"It seems that there is still no waves. There is such a fierce land so close to the city. It can be seen that the earth is not as peaceful and peaceful as ordinary people think."

Bai Yu stopped work and got up, only to find that the sky was already dark. This screamed bitterly. He didn't think that the small pass just now, he was so greedy for his power, and unknowingly spent so much time. Taking advantage of the sky is not completely clear, he said Jumping out of the colored steel wall with a bicycle and a car, there is a middle-aged man carrying a vegetable burden into the city not far away. Suddenly there is a man in front of him, and he quickly disappears in his own car. He knows that there are some strange stories about the middle-aged man nearby. She was so scared that she almost ran away without throwing the burden.

In the early morning, the air temperature in the city is low, and there is still a moist breath, which is inhaled into the lungs, which gives people a cool feeling. The number of vehicles on the road has gradually increased. Occasionally, you can see some people who have to go out early because the school is too far away. Students, riding bicycles, and when there are few people, they make a big throwing action.

Bai Yu Wuxin looked at the beautiful morning in this city, the sky was already faintly red, that was the sun was about to rise, and finally, before 7 o'clock, Bai Yu's buttocks were on fire and rushed home.

He stabbed the door open with the key.

"Hey, Xiaoyu, when did you go out?" Han Lin heard the door ring, put down the kitchen, hurriedly probed out, and saw that it was her son, asking with a strange expression on her face.

"Oh, my homework is too heavy. If I don't exercise, I'm going to be a nerd. I have been out for exercise these days." Bai Yu said.

"Take good exercise, you should also be careful, don't get hurt, look at the mud on your body." Han Lin suddenly realized, seeing the many dirt marks behind her son, frowned, and then turned back to the kitchen and continued to make breakfast.

"Hurry up and wash, and when you're done, call your sister up."

"Okay!" Bai Yu entered the room and quickly changed his dirty coat and changed into a school uniform.

After washing, he knocked on Bai Ling's door, and when he was about to knock for the third time, the door opened with a creak.

Bai Ling opened the door, Bai Yu was about to speak, but Bai Ling took a step forward, bent down, sniffed him, and looked up with doubts on his face.

"What's the matter, little sister?" Bai Yu touched her head. The sister, who was usually extremely meek, showed a wary expression at this time.

"Dirty!" Bai Ling spit out a word and brushed past Bai Yu.

"Xiao Ling, does it smell that I did not take a shower after going out all night?" Bai Yu's face was all inexplicable, and he pulled up his sleeves and smelled it. No problem, it smells nice of washing powder and sunshine. what.

"It's impossible for Xiaoqiang's fart to make me smell, don't I know?" Shrugging, Bai Yu turned to the kitchen to serve breakfast.


"I said, Bai Yu, you can do it? Lu Qiu would rather transfer schools to protect you, but I'm surprised, what does she want you to do? Good work?" Tong Ya blocked Bai Yu in school again At the door, several attendants chuckled awkwardly when they heard his foul language.

"You spread the rumors in the school?" Bai Yu asked coldly.

"Huh? I said, if there is no evidence, don't you talk nonsense? Did you see me saying this with your own eyes?" Tong Ya poked Bai Yu's chest with his fingers.

"Yes, if there is no evidence, be careful to sue you for defamation!"

"Boy, speak through your head!"

Several attendants followed up and shouted.

"I'm telling you, in this school, no one dared to confront me, so you cleaned up Du Ziqiang's rubbish, and he had to study hard every day, hey...what's the situation with him? Is it possible? You guys. Hahaha..." Tong Ya's hand was slapped away by Bai Yu, and there was no angry expression on his face, but he looked at him sideways, with a disgusting smile on his face.

Bai Yu’s toes hung the bicycle holder on his toes, took a step forward, pinched Tong Ya’s neck, stretched out his right foot to the back of Tong Ya’s leg, and held Tong Ya’s arm with his left hand. With a strong right hand, Tong Ya’s focus was not Steady, Bai Yu was heavily pressed to the ground, this time Tong Ya's back hit the ground, almost knocking him shut.

Bai Yu released the hand holding his neck and patted his face a few times: "Do you think that if you bully the students in the school, you are a strong one? It's so pitiful. For me, you are just ...Scum."

These few movements were so fast that everyone didn't react, and the attendants were dumbfounded. Bai Yu stood up, looked around at these guys, pushed the bicycle, and walked away.

The followers who were scanned by his Leng Che gaze only felt that the white feathers standing in front of him were not too tall. They were like top predators. The kind of vision that treated them as dead people made them feel that as long as they were slightly changed. , Bai Yu would violently give them the most fierce attack. Under this kind of deterrence, no one dared to make any moves.

It wasn't until Bai Yu pushed the bicycle into the school gate and disappeared around the corner that these followers seemed to have recovered, and they all rushed forward to help Tong Ya.

"I don't know how to praise him, boy, today we must clean up him!"

"Tong brother, this kid is so shameless to attack!"

"What do you guys do? Why didn't you just do it?" Tong Ya became angry and patted the hand of the class Jia, struggling to stand up, but felt that his chest was stuffy, itchy and painful, and walked to the side of the road. The root of the wall, propped up on his knees, coughing almost expelled his lungs.

The other students who entered the school gate one after another moved away and accelerated past their group, while carefully looking at Tong Ya with curiosity. This guy is usually fierce and vicious. This time... Did he kick it on the iron plate? What a happy man!

"Look! Look at the chicken neck! Do you believe it or not?" Tong Ya raised his head, with fierce eyes, staring at the passing students.

The student didn't dare to reply, speeded up and entered the school gate.

"Call a few more people. After class exercises, after school, afternoon school, and after school, labor and management want him to know who he has provoked!" The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: The full text of my dreams can come true Reading address: dreams can come true txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below "Record this (Chapter 18 Provocation) reading record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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