My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 13: Reagent

"You let Xiaoqi in."

Du Ziqiang opened the door of the private room: "Brother Seven, Brother Chengyuan let you in."

Feng Xiaoqi followed into the private room.

"How many years have Xiaoqi been with me?" He Chengyuan poured a glass of wine and pushed it in front of Feng Xiaoqi.

"I'm Brother Yuan I followed in March 18," Feng Xiaoqi replied.

"You kid, listen to the brothers, you...don't you have a good kidney?"

"When I was young, my health was bad, alas."


"No...Last year, I was executed. I disliked me, disliked me, whatever..." Feng Xiaoqi said embarrassingly.

"Where is your medicine? Take it out." He Chengyuan nodded and turned to Du Ziqiang.

Du Ziqiang was overjoyed: It's done!

Take out the small medicine bottle.

He Chengyuan received his hand and frowned: "Victoria C?"

"I said you..., you just take this pretend? I really hit the evil today, why did you say I believed your words a little bit?"

He Chengyuan unscrewed the lid, and a faint sweet fragrance came out.

"Drink! It really smells like Chinese medicine, there is honey?" He Chengyuan poured out the pills.

"Xiao Qi, take this medicine." With the light in the private room, He Chengyuan looked at the pills carefully, but didn't see any clues.

Feng Xiaoqi took the pill and put it in his mouth without hesitation.

But in a blink of an eye, his face became extremely weird.

"What's the matter?" He Chengyuan asked, staring at his face closely.

"It melted, it melted too fast, as soon as I entered my mouth, I drilled down my throat, almost didn't choke me." Feng Xiaoqi answered honestly.

"Taste, how does it taste?"

"I can't tell, it's ice...and hot, let's say it is bitter, sweet, and it's not unpalatable anyway." Feng Xiaoqi thought hard.

"Is there any reaction?"

"No, it just feels warm in the stomach, very comfortable, hey, the waist is also warm." Feng Xiaoqi said strangely.

"Didn't you say that this medicine has a miraculous effect? ​​Why doesn't it move?" He Chengyuan glanced at Du Ziqiang sideways.

"Brother Chengyuan, this is the nature of warming and tonic, not that kind of medicine, the effect...the effect has to be found by an opponent, then you can see it!" Du Ziqiang smiled bitterly.

"Listen to you! Go to the next hotel to get a room." He Chengyuan clapped his hands, and all the attendants outside entered the room.

"Arrange a girl for Xiaoqi. You, you, you, the three of you will follow. Let me see what's going on?"

"Brother Yuan? It's Xiaoqi? What's the point of Xiaoqi, Xiaoxuanfeng." One of the attendants smiled.

"If I ask you to go, what nonsense." He Chengyuan said sternly.

"Okay, let's arrange it, Xiao Qi, you kid can do it, and Brother Yuan will arrange it for you personally! Don't forget the riches!"


When Bai Yu returned home, he gently unlocked the door. The room was dark. Bai Yu walked to the door of his sister's room. He could hear Bai Ling's breath evenly, and he nodded comfortably.

Seizing the time to wash, Bai Yu sat in front of the small desk, but did not dare to turn on the light, thinking in his heart what qigong method he should practice in the real world.

"The Star Rhyme Qi Jue... It's good, but it has nothing to do with the stars of that world. To practice, you must first calculate the attributes and relationships of the stars here. This takes a long time and can only be discarded."

"The Sun Taiyin Qi Method, this, can't be done in full-time cultivation, when the yin and yang imbalance is not good..."

"Five Aggregate Jue...Hey, this is a bit interesting. You only need to adopt the Five Elements Qi, and it doesn't consume too much resources. It's just that the various advanced Five Elements Heaven and Earth treasures are difficult to get... to be selected!"

"The Sun's True Fire Art, too much absorption of various fire essences will cause the color of hair and pupils to change, and the personality will be irritable... alas."

"Nether...Forget it, this looks like a wicked thing, and Yue Nu is really true. Why do you collect these techniques?"

"Binghuo Joyful Gift...Uh, forget it, you will be killed."

"The geomagnetism mysterious light, using the magnetic field to change the practice, has a great erosive effect on other be selected."

"Gourmet Saint Martial?" Bai Yu raised his head, stood up, and walked to the window.

"Do you use martial arts to enter the Tao? Keep purifying the true energy, even at the end, it is still purification and then purification?"

"Just keep eating..." Bai Yu stroked his forehead, thinking of transforming himself into a super foodie. He ate fifteen tons of rice, but didn't convert a trace of spiritual power... This is really a headache.

No wonder the martial artist in the Republic of China ate a whole corbel, and the ancient fierce general ate two sheep for a meal... Bai Yu shuddered.

"Forget it, just use the Five Aggregate Formula. It's quick to get started. The five elements are self-contained, and the internal organs are strong and have miraculous effects. Even if you want to advance later, you need a higher five element spirit, but that is after the Yuan Ying. Now, Yuan Yingqi claims to be able to roam around in the flesh. The world is so big, but I met... Bah, the world is so big, so that even the five-element treasures can't be found in space, right?"

The more Bai Yu thought about it, the more he felt that the Five Aggregate Formula was too suitable for him. The essence of the five elements could be extracted by thinking of a method, and the price would not be too great. It was easier to improve himself than eating a pig.

When the Nascent Soul is successful, then I will find a way to search for all kinds of heavenly materials and earth treasures in space. It is really impossible. At that time, it is not impossible to change the cultivation method. Besides, in the end of the world, there is no way to practice. In the Yuan Ying period, there are still two talks! Maybe it's going to be spinning under the golden core for a lifetime.


In the private room.

He Chengyuan checked the time, took out the phone, and sent a voice message.

"What's the matter now, why are you quiet?"

"Brother Yuan, Xiao Qi is crazy."

"What's crazy? Tell me more clearly!"

"Hehe, Xiaoqi broke the record. It's been half an hour, and I'm still tossing about it."

"Okay, what's going on? Give me a reply right away."

He Chengyuan put down the phone.

"Come on, Xiaoqiang, have a drink." He Chengyuan personally poured Du Ziqiang a glass.

"Brother Chengyuan, I'm still young and don't know how to drink." Du Ziqiang said flattered.

"Okay, don't drink, then you can eat some fruit! Are you hungry? Ask the chef to arrange something for you when you are hungry." He Chengyuan said with Yan Yue.

"Hey, I'm really hungry." Du Ziqiang said shyly.

"Okay, then, let the back chef bring some food over, pick the expensive ones, don't save me money."

"Call some little girls to accompany my little brother, don't look for that old oil, look for pure ones!"

"Brother Chengyuan, me, me, I don't need it."

"I've come here, what you need or don't need, and I didn't ask you to do anything, you little kid, what else do you want to do? Just sing a song and chat all the time, what are you doing, my boss I'll give you ears!" He Chengyuan laughed and gave Du Ziqiang a brainstorm.

He Chengyuan looked at his watch and picked up the phone.

"How's it going?"

"Brother Yuan, the girl said she would quit, she couldn't stand it anymore, she said she would refund her money and leave."

"Fuck! Find two more for Xiao Qi, and the one in front will give her money to let her go!"

Du Ziqiang stayed in the private room until he was sleepy and nodded like a chicken pecking at the rice. He only vaguely heard a message from He Chengyuan for a while. Feng Xiaoqi did not return to the private room until after two o'clock in the middle of the night.

Du Ziqiang cheered up, now it's the meat of the show.

"How is it?" He Chengyuan asked with concern.

"Very good, that is, the price is too high to play." Feng Xiaoqi pinched.

"Who asked you about this? Is your back sore? Does your leg hurt?"

"Don't think? I feel very energetic! Hey, Brother Yuan, what did you let me eat? God!" Feng Xiaoqi also stood up and jumped twice.

"Aren't the feet soft?" He Chengyuan asked.

"Not soft, I feel more energetic than usual." Feng Xiaoqi shook his head.

"Then what, Brother Chengyuan, let Xiaoqi brother go to the hospital for a full-body check tomorrow. The indicators are definitely better than before. I really don't lie to you."

"Okay, okay, okay! I'll arrange it tomorrow. How about the amount of your medicine?" He Chengyuan regretted a little bit, Ma Dan, I knew I had taken it, so why give Xiaoqi it!

"You can produce about ten in a month."

"You only found me?"

"Brother Chengyuan has always taken good care of me, and I will definitely only look for Brother Chengyuan." The big deal was set, and Du Ziqiang took a series of unpaid rainbow farts.

"Okay! Very good, if there is no problem, you will bring me the medicine tomorrow, and I will ask for as much as you want!" He Chengyuan smiled while touching his fat belly.

"Okay, the price..." Du Ziqiang Ai said in shame.

"You say a price?"

"Brother Chengyuan, this medicine... is not the kind of tiger wolf medicine that consumes potential. You can say that it is a tonic. It consumes a lot of precious medicinal materials, and it is troublesome to refine. If you take it for a long time, your body will become stronger and stronger... "

"Oh, I say you stinky boy, talking so much is all nonsense! Talking about money!"

"...This number?" Du Ziqiang hesitated, stretched out his palm, and Bai Yu confessed to him that two to eight thousand each should be able to strike out his fame first. He said in his heart that two thousand is too low.

"Fifty thousand one? OK! You will return this private room tomorrow, and you will get the medicine!" Obviously, he underestimated the middle-aged and elderly's desire for a resurgence.

Du Ziqiang's heart was pounding and his mouth was dry. He almost blurted out. I was trying to say 5,000.

"This money will be counted together tomorrow!" He Chengyuan waved his hand proudly.

"This one is for trial use, so I can give it to Brother Chengyuan." Du Ziqiang said honestly.

"You boy, Brother Chengyuan still missed you? Besides, I didn't eat it either! Haha..." He Chengyuan became happier as he thought about it. This kind of medicine, if there is no problem in checking Feng Xiaoqi tomorrow, it is a magic medicine! How many rich people need such medicine? With this medicine, one's own business territory is bound to be able to make great achievements!

"I will give Brother Chengyuan another one tomorrow!" Du Ziqiang followed with a smile.

"Good boy, come here, delicious and delicious, little girl, let my little brother have fun, he wants to tell me today that he is not happy, I will complain to my mother!" He Chengyuan said with a face. The girl next to Du Ziqiang said.

"Brother Chengyuan, it's late, I have to go to school tomorrow, I have to go back now."

"Hehe, I forgot that you are still a student, OK, OK, you go back first, remember to come tomorrow." He Chengyuan nodded cheerfully.

Du Ziqiang respectfully withdrew from the private room, walked out of the night market, and made a fist: "Yes!"

In the private room, class Jia said, "Brother Yuan, do you want to check where this medicine comes from?"

He Chengyuan lit a cigarette, did not speak, leaning on the back of the sofa.

In the fog, the whole face was hidden.

"Tomorrow, Xiao Qi will go to the hospital for a full physical examination." My dream can come true The latest chapter address: https:/ / dream can come true Full text reading address: https://www. dream can come true. txt download link: down/162987.htmlMy dream can come true Mobile reading: In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 13 Test Drug) reading record, You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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