My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 11: Du Ziqiang

There was a strong sense of exhaustion.

Bai Yu knows that this is about to return to the real world. There are some subtle differences in the feeling of being tired and sleepy. Bai Yu doesn't know how to describe these subtle feelings, but in short, he knows that at this time, he should be leaving. .

Coming from the dream, and leaving in the dream.

Slowly, with the sound of music in the community, the sound of TV in the living room, and the noise of traffic outside the community, the waves grew louder and louder, and Bai Yu opened his eyes.

He pulled down the head of the bed to pull the cord.


The light was dim, and the sky outside the window was not released, Bai Yu sat up, staring at his hands in a daze, as if a world away.

"It's not the same as my own hand in the dream, it's back."

He lifted his feet to get out of bed.

"It's too heavy. This mortal fetus is jerky and stagnant, just like a load." He sighed. In the dream world for four years, he not only used Tiangong marrow lotion to exchange flesh and blood, every day. What you eat is also the food that is made by all kinds of heaven, material and earth treasures. The body strength has reached the limit of the Qi refining period. In addition, the cultivation is extremely fast. After another bone change, you can consider building a foundation. Ten Building a foundation within two years old, I am afraid that other schools will only laugh at Tiangongmen Kyogen, right?

Bai Yu sat on the edge of the bed, thinking carefully about the harvest of this dream world.

The first time I used the jade slip, it made a big joke.

Later, after entering the Qi refining period, I wrote down a large number of Qi training methods, various alchemy prescriptions, medicinal materials, and pharmacological books.

"Xiao Ling, look at your brother, why hasn't he gotten up yet." A mother's voice came from outside the room, awakening Bai Yu from his contemplation.


"Wake up, wake up!" Bai Yu promised hurriedly.

It seems that this period of time should reduce the time to enter the dream state. After all, this is the foundation of his own, Bai Yu thought with a frown, but did not stop, put on his clothes and walked out of the room.

The TV shopping was being broadcast on TV, and Bai Ling watched it with gusto.

"It's not 998, yes, you didn't hear it wrong..." Bai Yu wanted to laugh after listening to the frantic clamor of shopping guides on TV. He rubbed Bai Ling's head easily, and Bai Ling rolled his eyes.

Bai Yu was secretly happy, her younger sister's expression became more and more agile, and she interacted more and more with herself. It seemed that she was recovering really well. What could be more happier than this? After experiencing so many dreams, I finally got a huge harvest, and the family will definitely get better and better!

As usual, Bai Yu quickly finished breakfast, picked up his car in the carport of the community, and rode towards the school.

"Where can I get some money? Without the start-up capital, it's hard to do anything!" Bai Yu thought while pedaling.

After entering the classroom and sitting down for a while, Mu Xiaolei hurried in.

"Why haven't you reacted at all?" In the dream, after four years, Bai Yu looked at Mu Xiaolei's fat face and felt very strange, but full of kindness.

Bai Yu hit his fat chest with a fist, hey! This feels.

Mu Xiaolei suffered a bit inexplicably, and rubbed in confusion: "What are you doing?"

"You see, your **** are bigger than many girls in your class, don't you plan to lose weight?"

"I want to reduce it too! The problem is that the pressure of studying is so heavy now, how can I have time to exercise! I have a fat physique when I drink water, and my baby feels bitter!" Mu Xiaolei lay weakly on the desk.

"Huh? What reaction did you just say?" Bai Yu suddenly remembered what Mu Xiaolei had said, and asked.

"Have you forgotten? The squad leader has transferred to another school, and she hasn't come, haven't you noticed?" Mu Xiaolei snorted, the direction is exactly the direction of Lu Qiu Hanyan's seat.

Bai Yu fell into silence, and Lu Qiu Hanyan was chattering every day, always feeling that something was missing in his heart.

Tong Ya.

The first class is over.

Bai Yu went to the third grade (7) of high school.

"Hello, senior sister, can you call Du Ziqiang for me?" Bai Yu pulled a girl into the door.

The girl looked at him up and down, seeming to be timid and disgusted. Bai Yu touched her nose. It seems that Du Ziqiang is also an abomination and annoyance in the third grade. It is difficult not to be disgusted by others when she comes to him.

Du Ziqiang was arguing with a few boys in his class in the back row, and his saliva was splashing. Bai Yu vaguely heard something like a horse but no horse fighting to gasify a horse, and smiled. Most of the teenagers nowadays focus their curiosity on this.

The girl walked behind Du Ziqiang and said something to him.

Du Ziqiang turned his head, his gaze fell on Bai Yu, his expression stunned, Bai Yu vaguely saw some uneasiness and fear on his face.

Du Ziqiang came over slowly.

"Senior Du, I have something to ask you about." Bai Yu and Yan Yue said.

Du Ziqiang was taken aback: "You, didn't you come..."

Bai Yu shook his head: "Senior, you think too much, and we have no conflicts. I just want to ask you something."

Du Ziqiang's expression relaxed, "You can ask, I won't hide what I know."

Bai Yu looked around. The students who were going to and from each other, the third grade (7) student, looked at them curiously.

"Let's go, rooftop." Du Ziqiang smiled awkwardly.

I've been to Tiantai three times, Bai Yu thought melancholy, did he have an indissoluble bond with Tiantai?

The two stood on the rooftop, and Du Ziqiang took out a pack of cigarettes.

"Come on one?"

"I don't smoke."

"Oh, good student."

"I'm a good student, and you can spin around the pass. Don't smoke. It really has a great impact on your body." Bai Yu said.

"Okay, listen to you!" Du Ziqiang was silent for a while, pinched the whole box of cigarettes to the ground, and crushed them with his toes.

"Lvqiu Hanyan's transfer, do you know?"

"I know, Tong Ya's rumors in school." Du Ziqiang looked depressed.

"Does he have any hatred with me? Why is he staring at me?" Bai Yu asked when he looked at the students on the playground.

"Hehe, he's used to bullying people, you don't give him face, he thinks that it has affected his...notoriousness in school, so he must **** you."

"I really didn't expect this to be the case, and only you will understand yourself."

"I never thought about this before." Du Ziqiang smiled bitterly.

"It was only after being cleaned up by you last time."

Seeing that Bai Yu didn't say anything, he continued: "We are just ignorant students. After successfully bullying a few good babies, we feel that we are stronger. If we gather a few flatterers, the world will be in control. Actually? It’s still a student who doesn’t understand anything, and a student who doesn’t take his own future seriously."

Bai Yu looked at this great enlightened fellow in surprise, wondering if this fellow really wanted to be famous.

"Don't look at me with such a look. Learning is the relatively low cost and relatively fair channel for success. Think about it later, when my parents are old, I'm still wandering in society. I haven't had a meal, and I haven't done it yet. Something, I have to face death one by one to find our elders... I was scared, but I couldn’t find a shortcut to success, and I couldn’t read books. Only then did I regret it. In the earlier years, what I did was A pig.” Du Ziqiang was full of pain, and took out his pockets, only to remember that the cigarette had been thrown on the ground by himself, and the body had been destroyed.

"Does Tong Ya have any background?"

"Background?" Du Ziqiang said with a smile.

"What background can he have? At best, he knows a few gangsters who dare to fight cruelly on the street. He feels that he has already met a very good person. Hehe, I was like that before."

"Understood, thank you." Bai Yu patted Du Ziqiang on the shoulder, nodded, turned and walked towards the exit.

"Bai Yu!" Seeing him walking away, Du Ziqiang gritted his teeth and finally shouted.

Bai Yu stopped and looked back at him.

Du Ziqiang took a few steps and yelled hopefully: "You, you, are you trying to fix him?"

"What do you want to say?"

"He's just a sticky nose, it can't get rid of it, and it's disgusting. It's not worth it for you to deal with him."

Bai Yu said with great interest: "Oh?"

"I know he has some handles. It stands to reason that I should be of the same kind as him, but I just want to find some vanity, so I always like to bully people, but I don't want to do bad things, but he..."

"Can it be useful?"

"There is no direct evidence, but our circle knows that he did it. If it can be verified, it will be no problem to send it in."

"Do you have any idea?"

"I want to talk to you."

"Follow me!? Did you take the wrong medicine?" Bai Yu laughed.

"I know, you must have a secret, you, you, do you know martial arts?" Du Ziqiang gritted his teeth and finally asked.

"Strictly speaking..., it should be counted, but I don't have the resources now, and I can't even count as a beginner." Bai Yu said vaguely.

"What resources do you want? Let's find a way together! I, I, I can worship you as a teacher!" Du Ziqiang knelt on the ground with a thud, but Bai Yu was taken aback and hurriedly avoided.

"Please accept me as a disciple, I must be loyal to you!" Du Ziqiang unexpectedly kowtow.

Bai Yu said angrily: "Get up, what are you like this?"

"If you don't accept me, I won't get up!"

"It's so easy to accept disciples? Are you afraid that you are not dreaming? If you want to kneel, kneel and die here." Bai Yu waved his hand and went to the exit.

"Wait, I won't kneel anymore, I have something to say! I have something to say!" Du Ziqiang scrambled to his feet and touched his forehead. It hurts!

"Can I do it with you? You have to have someone of your own to handle things, right?" Du Ziqiang quickened his pace, fearing that Bai Yu would leave.

Hearing Du Ziqiang's words, Bai Yu paused: "I can teach you something, and just accept it."

Du Ziqiangxi: "Boss!"

The black line on Bai Yu's end: "I'm not a fool, you're the boss of a fart."

"What's that called? Shao Yu?" Du Ziqiang asked.

"You're afraid it's not that the city **** has read too much, what's less?"

"How do you call it, you and I can't call your name directly? Or, call you Brother Yu?"

"Forget it, you just call me that in private, but you still call me Bai Yu in school."

"Okay, Brother Yu!"

"About Tong Ya, you can sort out the information for me, and then, do you know where to get money? Cultivation requires a lot of resources. If you don't have money, you can't do it."

"Information matters are easy to say, money is more difficult to handle. We used to squeeze good students from time to time, but we didn't dare to go too far, and we couldn't keep the money when we got the money. We all used it for eating and drinking..." Du Ziqiang said ashamed.

"If there is not much...I can think of a solution within 10,000." Du Ziqiang thought.

"Ten thousand? Almost enough..." Bai Yu replied, pondering.


"Within 10,000...When doing exercises between classes, I will give you a list, and you can buy it." Bai Yu patted Du Ziqiang on the shoulder and took the lead downstairs. The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 11 Dache Dawu Du Ziqiang), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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