My Divine Diary

Seven hundred and ninety-two wake up, really powerful body

Time flies.

The endless universe seems to have never changed, and it still looks like the stars.

But there are drastic changes happening all the time in the subtleties.

Countless civilizations have risen and fallen, and countless wisdoms have burst into brilliant light, which can even illuminate a universe.

But in the end, it is still inevitable to go out, and then forever dark.

Almost all intelligent life is exploring a question: what kind of life can be eternal?

Perhaps in the depths of the universe, there is already an answer.

In the haze, Su Hao's consciousness gradually recovered.

He sensed his body first, and a warm current rushed to his brain from all over his body, making him feel warm and comfortable.

The power of the body is also under his control.

It didn't take long for Su Hao's consciousness to become enlightened: "I have successfully reincarnated again, and I am gradually taking control of this body. Sure enough, I was not disappointed, Su Hao was successfully reincarnated again. This is luck and inevitable.

I can feel that this body is extremely powerful! Now, just wait patiently for a moment, wait for the full adaptation, wait for my thinking power to fully return. "

The time when he was just reincarnated was Su Hao's most vulnerable time. If he was not careful, his consciousness might fall into a deep sleep.

"You must live."

Su Haoan stayed silent and kept his original posture until he was fully conscious.

He felt something different.

"My current physical state... It doesn't feel right! My current posture should be curled up, curled up in a narrow space, and imprisoned all over the body, why is this?"

"Could it be... I'm a prisoner?"

He thought for a while, his eyes quietly opened a gap, and he looked at the surrounding environment.

However, nothing could be seen, and the eyes were dim, only a faint dim yellow light reflected in the eyes.

Su Hao: "???"

He couldn't help opening his eyes completely, constantly adjusting the focus, and trying to turn his head to get more information.

Sphere space? No, it should be an ellipsoid...

After tossing for a while, he had enlightenment.

"I seem to... stay in an egg. I reincarnated into an egg-laying animal... Sure enough, the automatic matching technology of my consciousness took effect!"

Although, Su Hao was still very surprised. He didn't expect to be reincarnated into a non-human creature.

As for what kind of creature is reincarnated, as long as you enter the pinball space to check, you can see it clearly.

After realizing that he was in the eggshell, Su Hao temporarily felt relieved. For him, this is good news, at least he doesn't need to worry about his life in the near future.

Is there any danger, there is always a mother to protect it?

Even without the protection of my mother, I was dragged to bake eggs...

He tried the strength of his current physical body, and secretly said: "The strength of the body is very strong, I can break out of the shell at any time, and then kill all the egg bakers."


Su Hao waited quietly, his consciousness turned to the pinball space.

It is still the appearance of human 'Su Hao', it has not changed.

As soon as he appeared, Xiaoguang's voice immediately remembered: "Welcome back, respected Mr. Su Hao"

Su Hao then checked in the pinball space and found that apart from the constant updating of the log, it was no different from before he fell into silence.

He looked up and looked up, where are several time calendars, showing the time of more than 103.56 million years.

Subtract the time when the last life ended, and the number of years obtained is more than six million years.

In other words, Su Hao died in the last life, and now he has successfully reincarnated, there is a gap of more than 6 million years.

"I have slept for more than six million years. Compared with the tens of millions of years of sleep before, the distance between reincarnations has been greatly shortened. This can also be seen as the probability of reincarnation has increased."

However, he still felt unsatisfied: "The interval is still too long. If it is only a million years, it is acceptable."

For Su Hao, the longer he sleeps, the more accidents he will encounter.


Let me see what I have reincarnated into in this life. "

To be honest, he was very curious himself.

With a wave of his hand, Xiaoguang immediately simulated his current physical appearance in front of him.

A red-gold creature curled up in the shape of an egg.

Su Hao said: "It really is in the eggshell."

The exposed skin has a large number of dense small scales, which are reddish-gold, and there are some crooked bone spurs on the back, which are squeezed to one side by the eggshell.

"Is this a wing?"

Around the bone spur, two small membranous wings were born and wrapped forward.

At this time, Su Hao already had a hunch...

However, the whole body curled up into a ball and could not see the exact appearance, so Su Hao ordered: "Xiaoguang, stretch it out."

Xiaoguang: "Okay Mr. Su Hao"

Then the egg-shaped creature in front of Su Hao stretched out.

First, a long tail is stretched back, the body is straight, then the two wings are fully opened, the four small claws are spread left and right, and finally the long and strong neck is supported by a pink dragon head, high-spirited get up...

There are two small horns on the head, with a raised white spot, it seems that two ferocious sharp horns will break out from it.

Su Hao said in astonishment, "Isn't this the mythical creature giant dragon? I've become a giant dragon?"

Thinking about it, it is really possible, because when he was exploring the starry sky in his last life, he encountered a dragon-like intelligent creature, and he also harvested a 'spiritual grid' on that planet and later transformed into a 'spiritual body', which was quite rewarding. rich.

And before he fell into silence in the last life, he included dragon-shaped creatures into the scope of reincarnation.

I just didn't expect that he would actually be reincarnated into this special mythical ancient dragon.

Su Hao then showed a smile: "I didn't expect to be reincarnated into this kind of giant dragon, but I like this powerful body very much, just a young dragon that hasn't broken its shell has something that ordinary humans can't match. Strength, its growth upper limit, must be extremely high.

Besides, is my body really that kind of giant dragon in myth? Will it be born with the so-called 'breath magic'? And what is this world like? "

Then Su Hao thought of another question: "Since I can be reincarnated into this kind of giant dragon, it means that this kind of giant dragon must have a very developed brain and is a race with wisdom, then, will the young dragon have the so-called 'memory inheritance'? '?"

Thinking of this, he immediately gave Xiaoguang an instruction: "Xiaoguang, distinguish the last consciousness from the current consciousness in the Blu-ray world, separate the consciousness fragments, add the task of decoding the information of the consciousness fragments, and try to unlock the 'language' comparison table."

"Xiaoguang received, the task was established successfully, the estimated time, one hour"

After assigning the task, he began to conduct research on the current body of the young dragon, analyzing the current physical state, including brain structure, body structure, physical development, natural content of blood energy in the body, analysis of xenogeneic energy, analysis and comparison of genetic structure...

It wasn't until an hour later that Xiaoguang's voice remembered: "Dear Mr. Su Hao, the decoding task has been completed, and the result is as follows...

No language information yet

Instinct behavior is as follows..."

Su Hao secretly said, "There is really no such thing as 'memory inheritance' in the world. Normally, a complete language cannot be engraved into genetic information at all. What can be inherited is the ability to learn language. In the final analysis, You have to start from scratch.”

However, he is not worried about language learning. Many reincarnation experiences have long allowed him to master a set of methods to master language as quickly as possible.

"Let's first see what the instinctive behavior of the young dragon is. After the shell is broken, don't reveal the contents, and the mother dragon will swallow it as an alien snack."

Everything is unknown, this situation has to be prevented...

Time passed quietly.

Su Hao's body stayed in the eggshell quietly, his consciousness was analyzing the baby dragon's body structure in the pinball space, and the analysis was basically completed in just a few days.

The conclusion was: "The current physical body has at least the strength of an elite warrior."

He couldn't help but exclaim: "What a powerful body."

It didn't take long for him to feel a sense of restlessness from his body, and his whole body became ready to move.

Su Hao realized something: It's time to break out of the shell.


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