My Divine Diary

Six hundred and sixteenth doom system

After relaxing for a few days, Su Hao couldn't rest anymore and started to make the next plan.

As always, he consciously entered the pinball space, sat on the familiar desk, held a pen, and wrote down future plans in a notebook:

"First, the principles and methods of converting materials into sources have been mastered, but the consumption of spiritual power is too high and needs to be optimized;

Since this world can naturally produce 'source', it means that if I want to obtain the source, I don't necessarily need to use spiritual power to build an elliptical system. I can use the power of nature to help me achieve my goal.

Isn't this the way of thinking of 'formation'? Completely achievable.

Second, continue to study the law of using the source to transform into a specific substance, and master the method of the source creation!

Matter can be transformed into a source, and vice versa, but we don’t know much about the mechanism by which source is transformed into matter, and it will be a long time in the future, so the corresponding laws must be summed up.

As long as I completely grasp the source, then I will become the creator of myths and legends! Although it is just a fake, for me, it is indeed a qualitative change.

Even... researching to a very deep level, I can directly use the source to create an eternal body! In this way, the eternal life I seek is no longer an extravagant hope.

Third, find a way to destroy the planet with one punch. I have a hunch that in a hundred years, three hundred years later, the disaster that should come will still come.

But this time, I will definitely not be helpless with it!

Not only that, but I have to find out what caused this inexplicable disaster.

Maybe its answer is as simple as the elliptical system..."

When writing this, Su Hao's pen stopped, his brain seemed to be hit by a ray of light, illuminating the whole world.

He suddenly stood up, his eyes suddenly opened, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"Could it be... Could it be that the so-called disaster that is inseparable is the effect of the elliptical system?"

With such a comparison, the more Su Hao thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was very high.

If the surrounding star field is regarded as a sphere, Su Hao will become the center of the sphere at the moment of his reincarnation. As an outsider, after his activities, it will cause disorder and fluctuation of the surrounding cosmic energy. It spreads out, bounces back after encountering the sphere, and converges on him...

As the time goes,

The scattered energy becomes more and more concentrated, and the impact he receives will become stronger and stronger, and the more terrifying the disaster will be.

In theory, the more intense his activity, the stronger the energy fluctuations, and the stronger the final feedback.

Su Hao silently recalled what happened along the way, and compared with this point of view, he found that it fits very well.

Although it is not necessarily accurate, and I don't know what it is about his 'sphere system', it is probably the case.

Su Hao's eyes gradually showed excitement: "That is to say, as long as I find the 'system' that takes me as the focal point or the center of the circle, I can destroy it, and then dissolve this inexplicable disaster into nothingness. In this way, maybe I can control this magical power, gain the ability to inflict 'bad luck' on people, and become a 'god of bad luck'!"

When you think about it, it's really touching.

A 'sphere system' is placed on the person at will, turning the enemy into the center of the sphere. As long as the opponent cannot understand this operating mechanism, no matter where the opponent runs, they cannot escape the impact of 'doom' until they are defeated by 'doom' !

Although Su Hao wanted to solve an enemy that didn't need such a troublesome skill, he could just raise the knife and slash faster, but he didn't overwhelm him with too many skills, so he might be able to use it in special occasions.

Isn't it the same as Feng Cheng's reason not to seal "ability"? Whether it is used or not is one thing, and whether it is available or not is another.

Su Hao closed his eyes and entered the pinball space again. After erasing the third line, he decided to change the name of the 'elliptical system', called it 'focus system', and then continued to write the plan:

"The third item is to confirm whether the disaster targeting me is the 'Focus System', then find it and control it.

If it can't be done in a hundred years, then it will be a thousand years. If it can't be in one life, then it will be ten lives. One day, it will be able to learn its secrets.

The fourth item is to study the spiritual power system of this world, including the source abilities of individual departments, including various sources. Trying to increase my current mental strength.

The 200,000-meter Divine Sense perception range seems extremely huge, but I clearly feel that it is not enough now.

If my spiritual sense has the ability to cover the entire planet, then maybe it doesn't take so long to find the mystery of the source.

Moreover, the universe is so vast, since I decided to explore the universe, I have a spiritual sense that can sweep the entire galaxy... Cough! Off topic! Such an ability can only be imagined for the time being.

The fifth item is to pick up the 'Xiu Xian' again and continue the research tasks that were not completed in the previous life, at least to study the realm above the 'Spiritual Transformation Realm'.

My hunch is that the road to immortality has more potential than that, and there may be a long way to go.

However, cultivating immortals has extremely high requirements for spiritual power, and finding a way above the realm of spiritual transformation is essentially to find a way to improve spiritual power.

Article 6: Transform the small world of the base into a spaceship..."

Su Hao listed many more projects that need to be completed in the future.

If he can successfully follow his vision and complete the set goals one by one, one can imagine the extent of Su Hao's ability.

A 'God' walking in the universe?

Su Hao shook his head with a laugh, "Compared to the vast universe, if I have mastered a little ability, what's the point? As long as I keep learning new knowledge, keep discovering the mysteries of the universe, broaden my horizons, and master the vast knowledge of the universe. , to the level of omnipotence! At that time, if God is not God, does it still matter?"

He stretched out his hand and only clenched his fist, feeling a powerful force.

These powers are all accumulated by his experience in various worlds and hard study.

He believes that in the future, he will also be able to find other worlds, learn the unique knowledge of other worlds, enrich his own cognition, and build a stronger power system.

The universe is so vast, and there must be all kinds of strange knowledge.

Even the special thing 'source' was encountered by him by chance, so what is impossible in the future?

Everything is possible.

Coincidence and inevitable.


Two years later, Su Hao was twenty-six years old.

A young man with short hair and white clothes showed his figure on a plain, it was Su Hao.

He doesn't appear to have changed from two years ago.

Su Hao squinted his eyes and looked around and muttered, "Just here!"

After two years of research, Su Hao has mastered the method of building a 'focus system' and obtaining Origin Orbs by changing the operation of the surrounding energy.

At this time, if you want to obtain the Origin Orb, you can already build a 'focus system' without relying on spiritual power.

As long as he can perceive the energy movement around him, and then place objects to change the way the energy works, and activate the manually built 'focus system' with a little blood, he can obtain a small amount of Origin Orbs.

It looks similar to the Feng Shui master's feng shui formation...

But the principle is very different.

He came here today, treating himself as an elite martial artist who had just been reincarnated and trying to obtain the Origin Orb!

If it is successful, it will represent the next life, his starting point will be higher than any other world, and it will be difficult to die at that time.

Su Hao first walked around and carefully sensed the flow of energy in this area. He frowned and said, "This is a big difference. It is not easy to complete the construction of the 'focus system'."

Then I thought: "After reincarnation in the next life, I don't know what the situation will be, and there may not be such good energy conditions as now. If we can successfully build a 'focus system' now, then there will be more guarantees in the future."

No hesitation, just do it!

Su Hao stretched out his hand and grabbed it. There was an extra diamond armor hoe in his hand. After trying it, it was quite smooth.

When he came to a half-exposed stone, he waved his hoe and dug hard: "The first step is to collect the stones, and use the stones to build a stone wall to deflect the trajectory of the energy."

Ten minutes later, Su Hao threw the hoe and exclaimed, "Damn it! This hoe is too difficult to use. When will it be dug up? Let's do this kind of life in the next life! Why don't you use spiritual power now?"

Then stretch out the spell, and go down a little.


The soil flew, and the huge stone also flew out, lying quietly beside it.

Su Hao was very satisfied with the fruits of his labors, and pointed out again and again that he turned over one stone after another from the ground and piled it together.


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