My Divine Diary

Five hundred and sixty-three let the light shine on the earth

When Zhipeng was very early, his parents both died. It is said that he died unfortunately in the disaster of the primordial beast.

Losing his parents since childhood, he has always been very inferior, but he always believes in the justice and light of the world. Once he saw a child fall from a height and vomited blood from his mouth. Without a word, he rushed up to carry the person on his back, and rushed to the hospital in the town, successfully saving the child's life.

However, after the child's parents came, they slapped him without saying a word, slapped his face high, and accused him of pushing his child from a height and demanding his life.

A child without a parent is so mean, even if his parents died protecting people.

He doesn't remember how to get through that long time. But he himself knew that even if he understood that the result of saving people would be misunderstood, he would rush to save people without hesitation!

But, over time, he became a cowardly and withdrawn person. Although I desperately longed to have friends to play with, I was afraid of being looked down upon and rejected.

Until one day, he suddenly awakened to become a source mage, or a very rare fantasy-type magic source mage. After the evaluation by the association, he was named 'we are friends'.

There is no attack power, and the combat power is not as good as that of a junior source mage who has just started. But he found that everyone looked at him with a very frightened look after learning about his abilities.

After the town's president reported his ability, he was transferred to a higher-level city, where he was imprisoned for eight years. It wasn't until the entire prison estate became his friend that he escaped and gained the freedom he had always dreamed of.

During his dark captivity, there was a gloom in his bright heart. During the days when he fled, he urged him to kill all those who bullied him every day, but he was suppressed by his sense of justice.

Later, he met the kind woman in Chaonan City, and he decided to marry that woman and live an ordinary life.

The good times didn't last long, his wife was kidnapped, he foolishly waited at home, searched everywhere, begged for help, but to no avail, two days later, his wife came back, told him what happened, and then committed suicide .

He wanted to die, and suddenly he hated the world that his parents used their lives to protect.

Then he spent half a year wandering around and made many powerful close friends. After hearing his story, these friends all expressed their willingness to avenge him.

Finally, he took his revenge and slaughtered the entire dynasty palace.

But the hatred in his heart did not decrease by a single point, and because of the death of the king, the hatred was passed on to all the royal families.

At this time in the abandoned pavilion in the wild, he thought a lot and made a crazy decision.

Zhipeng said: "Friends, we have killed an unforgivable wicked man like the king, and my revenge has been avenged. But there are still many scum like the king in the world, and I can't imagine how many are there every day. People are mutilated by these scumbags. My own liberation is not liberation. I also want to save those who are persecuted. Therefore, I will kill all the royal families in all cities and let the sun shine on every land. Come on, will you help me?"

After hearing what Zhi Peng said, all of Zhi Peng's friends were stunned by this crazy idea.

Kill all the royal families? It can't be done! The power that the royal family has accumulated over the years is beyond imagination, only under the Yuan Mage Association.

The various sources collected in a single royal family are not something they can resist, let alone a large number of powerful source mages recruited by the royal family.

It is easy to slaughter the royal family in a small city, but in their eyes, it is impossible to fight against the whole world.

The girl with a high ponytail doesn't want to make Peng sad,

He quickly said: "Brother Zhipeng, we will definitely help you, but to kill all the royal families, it is simply not feasible for us alone, and the Mage Association will not allow us to act recklessly."

Others also echoed: "Yeah! Although we are strong, we are also limited. The mutual restraint between mages is extremely serious. If we are not careful, our little lives will get involved."

Zhipeng said firmly: "However, if we don't do it, no one else will do it. Then the same misfortunes as me will happen every day. It's up to us to help others, I don't want more people to do it. Bearing my pain, I want to end all of this. And, you believe in me, I can do it. In the future, there will be more people who are willing to join us, who are willing to work with us to clear the world of debris..."

Infected by Zhi Peng, the people around came forward and expressed their willingness to accompany Zhi Peng to clear the royal family.

Although I still feel that this matter is still impossible to achieve, but when friends get along, isn't it just a word of "righteousness"? We'll talk about it later, but now we can't let our good friends down.

Zhipeng took a deep breath and stretched out his fist: "From today onwards, we will be called the Guangyao Society, let the light shine on the whole earth and dispel all darkness."

Everyone's blood was surging, and they stretched out their fists to press together, and said in unison: "Let the light shine on the earth!"

Just when they were full of passion for the loyalty in their hearts, a clear voice sounded from the side: "Guang Yaohui, maybe I can give you some help."


This unfamiliar voice shocked everyone. The passion in their chests was like a basin of cold water pouring down on their heads and instantly extinguished. They turned their heads and looked at them, and they saw a tall figure standing beside them. The crystal armor is handsome and mighty.

Their first reaction was that the people from the Mage Association caught up, and they subconsciously moved their feet to block Zhi Peng in the middle. The ponytail girl was the closest and protected Zhi Peng.

'Air Glue Confinement' 'Iron Coffin'!

A Qi Yuan Mage and a Jin Zhi Yuan Mage cooperated, and suddenly activated their abilities. The air at Su Hao's location solidified almost instantly, and then two huge iron coffins bounced off the ground on the left and right sides, closing them in the middle, trying to pin him down. In the middle, hold back the action.


The two iron plates merged together fiercely, making a huge roar.

'Flash Thunder'!


A blue-purple electric light shot out from the hands of a Leizhiyuan Mage and connected to the heavy iron coffin.

Master Jin Zhiyuan reached out and grabbed it.

"Puff puff!"

A large number of spikes were ejected from the ground and plunged into the iron coffin. If there are people in the iron coffin, I am afraid that it will not be tied into a hedgehog at this moment.

The ponytail girl asked, "Is it resolved?"

That Mage Jin Zhiyuan was a burly man, he laughed and said: "Under normal circumstances, it is solved, and not many people can escape our joint raid. This armored man is also very powerful, and he can appear silently by our side. , so many people didn't even find it, it's terrifying."

When Zhipeng heard the words, the heart in his throat finally fell back.

At this time, someone suddenly wondered: "He seemed to say to help us just now?"

"Hey! Sneaky, suddenly appeared scary, deserves to be killed."

"Why is this armor a little familiar? It seems like I've seen it somewhere."

"That's true... Shouldn't it be the 'Kai Scraping the Ground' hanging on the hall of the association?"


When they were discussing vigorously, a voice sounded from the iron coffin: "Don't be so angry! Be calm, I heard you say you want to kill the royal family, and I am very interested in your proposal! Maybe I can help some busy."

Then, in the eyes of the public, the 'Kai Scraping the Floor' actually regarded the iron coffin as air and walked out step by step, feeling extremely oppressive.

Everyone was startled, and the Master of Qi Yuan and Jin Zhiyuan attacked again. A large number of Qi blades and steel needles were shot out, but they did not see the 'Scraper Kai' dodge. All the attacks were hit, but they could not bring any damage to the opponent. As if hitting the air, it penetrated through him without hindrance, breaking a big hole in the wall behind him.

Master Jin Zhiyuan's complexion changed: "This 'Kai of Scraping the Ground' is just like the legend. It is a space-based magician, and ordinary attacks cannot work. Xiaohui, A Ming!"

The tall ponytail girl and the long-haired man who had been beside Zhipeng immediately activated their abilities.

Xiaohui, a girl with a high ponytail, covered her face with her hands, "crying loudly"!

The long-haired man, A Ming, had a small wooden hammer in his hand and smashed his forehead hard, 'eyes pierced with gold stars'!


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