My Divine Diary

Three hundred and twelve follow-up

Su Hao and Yashan once again came to the underground space where a large number of young children were hanging. The power of the 'Double Inhibition Field' was fully activated, cutting off the escape route for the people in the underground space, and then swaggeringly opened a big hole to let the sunlight outside. He went underground and shot on the peaceful faces of countless young children.

Su Hao and Yashan jumped down with the piercing alarm bell. Su Hao held a long knife, and immediately slashed and slashed when he saw the staff, and soon the underground was cleared out. Yashan carried a video recorder on his shoulder, recording the crimes of the rebels.

Su Hao's blood gushed out as he recorded information about children one after another.

After careful observation, Su Hao found that the thin nets surrounding the young children had a tube extending from each node to connect with the young child's body. Half of them were injected with some kind of liquid, while the other half was outputted with some kind of liquid. a cycle.

Su Hao followed the pipe to find out the whereabouts of the liquid, while recording and analyzing.

An hour later, Su Hao found a large amount of 'balancer' in an isolation room, and finally figured out the function of this underground assembly line.

This is where the 'balancer' is produced.

The raw materials for production were the young children hanging in the air as Su Hao saw.

Between the ages of three and six, the human body is in a special production stage. The body in this growth stage, under the radiation of a special force field, will secrete a large amount of a hormone, which stimulates the body to adjust to adapt to the environment. .

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And this hormone is the key to the rebels being able to travel back and forth between the local star and the secondary star.

Su Hao thought wrong again. The resisters are not the kind of super geniuses who research and create a 'balancer' by themselves. Some are just lucky people. Fortunately, they walked through this place when they were young. Under the radiation of the force field, The balancer was secreted and could be sent to the secondary star, but he did not die. Finally, the secret of the 'balancer' was discovered, and the rebels were born.

"Many technological advances or human disasters are often accompanied by 'accidental'!"

But many things that seem accidental are actually inevitable.

Seeing that Yashan had finished recording, Su Hao said, "Let's go! This is the end of this matter. Even if the rebels are not completely destroyed, they should be completely eliminated in recent years."

Yashan nodded, jumped out of the underground space, the steel armor surged under his feet, and quickly buried everything underground.

Immediately afterwards, they flew high into the sky and flew back to the Huaiyuan Town base with Su Hao one after the other.

As for the rest of the finishing work, there is no need for Su Hao to worry about it, because what happened today has spread all over the world just after it happened. Many people like this finishing work, just to promote a positive image.

This incident was called the "Bloody Incident in Paradise Town", and the two murderers of this incident were called "Paradise Butchers".

The killing scene was watched by tens of thousands of people, and I don’t know how many people videotaped and took pictures. They posted it on various platforms as soon as possible. Most of them took a video of their last words to commemorate their short life: “When you saw this video, I Maybe dead, I'm going through unimaginable hell right now...".

There are also people who don't think it's a big deal. They laughed in the video: "It's so interesting, the trip to Paradise Town is worth it, at least I saw the scenery I've never seen before..."

This kind of video has been repeatedly banned on the Internet, and the Internet Department of the World Federation simply can't help it. If you want to watch it, just watch it, it's no big deal!

What really caused the world's high-level discussions was not the killing itself, but the power of the two armored people, how many people died, and what subsequent effects were basically not considered. These are all established facts. A truly mature person is always based on the present and facing the future.

What they considered more was whether the armored man who mastered this powerful power would swing the knife in his hand towards himself in the future.

However, it did not cause any impact. Most netizens on the Internet are watching the fun and don't think it's a big deal.

All kinds of cynicism and schadenfreude soon turned into a pot of porridge.


Chen Chufeng and Chen Qingsheng sat opposite each other in an office.

Chen Chufeng slowly flipped through the printed booklet in his hand. This booklet was a small part of Su Hao's "The Road to the Martial Artist".

Chen Chufeng said gloomily: "We are already old! This kind of "The Road of the Martial Artist" can't be practiced anymore! It's too late!"

Chen Qingsheng also regretted: "Yeah! The extraordinary power is so close to us, and so far away. It would have been 40 years earlier!"

Chen Chufeng quickly recovered from his loss and said with a smile, "If it had been forty years earlier, we probably wouldn't be able to read this booklet."

Chen Qingsheng nodded and said, "That's right. Patriarch, do you think those two butchers are Bai Jingzhong and Bai Jingyi?"

Chen Chufeng shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter whether it is true or not, as long as you have a good relationship with Bai Jingzhong, don't think too much about the rest, at least before we get to the bottom of them, don't think too much, this is the way to die."

Chen Chufeng silently calculated an account. According to the abilities shown by the two armored men, their escrow office was able to take down the two armored men, but the price they paid was unbearable, and maybe they would. Therefore, it has completely declined. As long as it shows a little bit of decline, many people in the world are eager to step on it.

It is not for him to take it lightly. Moreover, the escrow office has just completed the test of the 'mental suppression force field', and I didn't expect that someone would be able to use this technology on a large scale.

Chen Chufeng thought silently: "Does this world still hide secrets that we don't know? Is there some hidden organization hidden on the other side of the world?"

He glanced at his watch, stood up and walked out: "It's time to get ready, I'll have a meeting first! If there is news about Bai Jingzhong, come to me as soon as possible."

Chen Qingsheng said: "Okay!"

Nine of the ten councillors of the Summoner Association gathered together and held an emergency meeting.

Someone looked around and wondered, "Where's Miss Jiang? Why don't you see anyone?"

Someone replied: "It is said that she is giving birth to her fourth child and is still in the confinement center!"

As soon as these words were finished, everyone laughed: "This big girl can really give birth."

Immediately after entering the theme, discuss the Paradise Town event.

In the middle of the discussion, Congressman Cao suddenly said: "You said, are these dead people all rebels? I have specially investigated the identity of the deceased, and almost all of the rebels on record in our association died in this bloody incident. already."

Everyone was shocked and suddenly thought of this possibility.

They looked at each other for a while, and then a man in a black hooded horror mask suddenly appeared in his mind - the rebel butcher?

Congressman Wang said: "I am more concerned about the black crystal armor. Could it be the high-tech armor developed by the escrow? Humans can never possess such a powerful power!"

The escrow agency said that they do not carry this pot!


In just three days, Yashan used his skillful skills to edit the recorded video and send it to his account "Rebel Butcher".

This time he did not wear black clothes and a hood, but left the country as Sombra armor: "Dear, hateful, kind from all over the world... Hello everyone! I'm the 'Rebel Butcher' No. 000!"

Yashan stretched out his hand and clenched his fist: "As you guessed, the bloody incident in Paradise Town was led by our 'Rebel Butchers' organization... And those who were slaughtered by us were the rebels who gathered in Paradise Town!"

Then Yashan became an anchor, introducing the crimes of the rebels, playing live videos, and making the records of those young children public!

At the end of the video: "We found this underground factory, but I believe that there must be more than this location all over the world, and I, Rebel Butcher No. 000, will find them all one by one and destroy them. Drop! All the rebels who have escaped from all over the world, tremble! Jie Jie Jie!"

As soon as the video came out, people all over the world were in an uproar. They had thought about the sins of the rebels, but they didn't expect the sins to end here! All of a sudden, public opinion turned to the side of the "Rebel Butcher", all of them scolding the rebels for their crimes and applauding the rebel butcher's actions.

As for those remarks still spraying "rebel butcher", they were quickly drowned in saliva. In the end, the angry people were still not relieved, and they pulled the World Federation out to accuse them, saying that they did nothing, let the rebels do whatever they wanted, and even organized a group of indignant people to smash the signboard of the World Federation!

The World Federation said that there was nothing they could do. Why did they only smash their signboard and not the Summoner's Association's signboard? unfair!

Since then, the 'Rebel Butcher' has become a just organization that saves the world! Many people call themselves the 'Rebel Butcher' XXX.

Later, because the serial number was repeated, it caused many brawls.

That is to say, as long as Yashan nods, people with justice in the world can immediately join the 'Rebel Butcher' organization and become the butcher number xxx.

After this incident, Su Hao and Yashan, who were in charge of the incident, were completely immersed, and they hid in Huaiyuan Town, silently doing their own research and study.

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