My Clone Empire

Chapter 345: The People's Republic of Lijian

The news of the surrender of all fleets and overseas bases of country M to the Titan Group and the Republic of Mali was transmitted to the ears of country M's army, which was marching towards the west coast, by radio.

For a while, the army of country M didn't know what to do.

Now the country M's air force is gone, and the overseas fleet has also surrendered to the Republic of Mali. They don't know if their persistence is meaningful.

Losing the threat of the US air force and navy, the Republic of Mali can transport troops to the American continent arbitrarily.

Moreover, they have now lost contact with high-level politicians in the government and the rear, and it seems that the situation is more or less ominous.

In order to destroy the will of these soldiers to resist, Tang Shizhe dispatched fighter planes to drop 10,000 Titan Books that can be connected to the external network to these troops.

When they saw the video of the original bustling New York City being completely destroyed by satellite weapons, the will of these soldiers completely collapsed.

The east and west coasts of the country have all fallen into the hands of the enemy, all satellites in space have been destroyed, the government has been completely paralyzed, and all overseas fleets and bases have surrendered, etc. These realities have dealt a heavy blow to these soldiers.

The once seemingly invincible army of country M is like a paper tiger, which can be broken in one stab!

The destruction of New York City has also become the last straw that crushes them.

All soldiers do not want to go back, their relatives and friends have been buried under the attack of orbital weapons.

They don't know what's the point of continuing to resist!

A soldier suddenly took off the rifle he was carrying and threw it on the ground, then took off his bulletproof vest and helmet, turned around and walked towards the direction he came from.

Someone took the lead, and the wave of leaving the team after taking off their military uniforms could no longer be stopped. More and more people dropped their weapons, took off their military uniforms and turned to leave.

The officers of the army didn't stop them, because they didn't want to continue fighting any more. It was completely meaningless. Their relatives and children had all fallen into the hands of the Titan Group.

Just as the troops began to disintegrate, a whole row of silver figures suddenly flew towards these troops in the sky not far away.

A large amount of flying sand also appeared on the plain on the ground, obviously a large army was approaching here.

The soldiers of Country M who were leaving on foot slowed down one after another. They don't have any weapons in their hands now. If these approaching people have malicious intentions, they will die.

"Listen, all soldiers of country M, you have been locked by our space-based weapons, please put down your weapons and surrender immediately! Please put down your weapons and surrender immediately!" The Mogasha-class airship that had already flown over the army of country M opened towards the open space A few shots blasted up a cloud of dust while shouting on the radio.

A troop of battle robots also appeared in the yellow sand in the sky. These battle robots lined up to form a steel fence, and electromagnetic guns and missile launchers aimed at the soldiers of country M. them.

"We surrender!" The soldiers looked at each other and knelt down on the ground with their hands raised high.

A few minutes later, there was no longer a standing M country soldier on the entire plain.

After all, even if they were not afraid of the attack of orbital weapons, facing the howitzers on the airship hovering in the sky and the rows of war robots, they would not have the guts to continue fighting.

The soldiers of country M are an army without faith after all, they don't have the determination and courage to fight until the last one is left!

"Cuff them and take them away!" An officer shouted as he opened the hatch on the battle robot and stood up.

A soldier of the Titan Group began to roll over from the top of their respective battle robots and fell to the ground, and then ran towards the soldiers who were kneeling on the ground with neat steps.

Such a scene appeared in all the states throughout the central part of the country M, and the army of the country M who gathered together and marched towards the west coast surrendered within a day.

Individual troops who were unwilling to surrender were completely wiped from the Blue Star by the Titan Group using rail guns.

The Titan Group, eager to take over country M, has no time to talk to these soldiers.


So far, the 11-day Malay-American War has come to an end.

In this battle, the Titan Group dispatched 220,000 soldiers, 450,000 combat robots, 3,600 sixth-generation fighters, 100 Mogaza-class airships, and 5 stratospheric drone motherships. Ten ships, using more than 30 million hummingbird drones! There are countless ground-effect transport planes, supercavitation submarines, transport airships, and subsonic transport planes for transportation.

Among them, the Titan Group had 591 casualties, annihilated 60,000 soldiers from country M, captured 1.31 million people, and nearly 60,000 people were missing.

The number of electromagnetic railgun shells launched by the Titan Group alone has reached more than 13,000, and the number of orbital missiles is 120,000. The orbital light railgun was used once.

3,212 military airports and military bases were destroyed, and countless small bases were destroyed.

New York City completely disappeared from the world...

The flagpole of the Republic of Mali was raised on the flagpole in front of the Presidential Palace in Dunshin, and on both sides were the flags of the Titan Group and the Black Mask International!

The Republic of Mali announced on the same day that the new People's Republic of Lijian was formally established.

The first president of the People's Republic of Lee will be elected from a new political party in the country, the People's Republican Party.


All the assets of the Titan Group in country M were returned to the Titan Group.

Because of the losses caused by the confiscation of assets, the new Lijian People's Republic needs to pay a total of more than 1.3 trillion US dollars in compensation. These compensations will be gradually repaid by means of open resource development and industry qualifications.

Titan Groups in all industries have the qualifications to enter, and at the same time, the Titan Group is exempted from taxation for three years.

And all goods in the Republic of Mali will also enjoy the lowest tariff policy in the world! That is to say, the tariff of the Republic of Mali for similar goods must be the lowest in the world.

In addition, the new parliament of the People's Republic of Korea voted to outsource all the law enforcement and national defense of the People's Republic of Korea to reduce government spending.

This resolution was passed with forty-nine votes and one vote against it, and it was passed and implemented immediately! (There are only fifty members of the new parliament, one for each state)

The 200,000 soldiers of the Titan Group who were still staying in the People's Republic of Lijian directly changed their identities on the spot and became members of the new People's Republic of Lijian army.

The police department of the People's Republic of Lijian will also be temporarily held by these soldiers, and the handover will take place after the Republic of Mali deploys police officers to the People's Republic of Lijian. During this period, the People's Republic of Lijian will be under military control!

The existence of country M has completely become a thing of the past, and only one People's Republic of Lijian exists in this world!

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