My cemetery is connected to the game world

Chapter 173 A winner should look like a winner

Master Laem first drew a sketch on paper, and the mechanical undead that was still under design was named "Spirit Machine".

The spirit machine is composed of two sets of modules, the inner layer is the mechanical torso, and the outer layer is the additional alchemical armor.

After hearing Master Laem's design concept for the "Spirit Machine", Helot took the initiative to take over the design of the mechanical torso. The role of the mechanical torso is similar to that of mechanically transforming the human body, integrating power engines, kinetic energy modules and perception systems. These functions are what Master Laem is not good at, and the industrial system of Helot's world has mature technology to realize these functions one by one.

Master Laem is mainly responsible for the design of alchemical armor and the creation of the "spiritual machine" offensive and defensive system. High-level alchemical materials and the use of high-level alchemical materials are not available in Helot's world.

In this way, the two began to work selflessly in the prison. The advantages of the two worlds' technologies were gradually embedded and integrated in their constant exchanges and changes.

When the two sets of general design drawings were put together, Helot couldn't help but be attracted by the domineering and majestic appearance of the spiritual machine.

The torso of the spirit machine is wrapped in alchemical armor designed by Master Raem.

Since Laem is a gray elf, the armor he designed is full of undead characteristics and also has an elf style. The ferocious horror and delicate elegance should be in conflict with each other, but they are well blended together in this set of designs. One has to admit the racial superiority of elves in art.

The armor is overall black and divided into three layers: inner, outer and inner. The key parts and attack parts are covered with hardened armor. The main function of the outer layer of armor is defense, so it is necessary to use alchemy to set up a large number of defensive magic arrays; the main function of the middle layer is to deploy auxiliary magic arrays and offensive magic arrays; the function of the inner layer is to repair damaged armor components, through The repair formation technique reconnects the interrupted magic circuit and restores a certain degree of magic attack and defense capabilities.

Helot was very satisfied with the functionality and style of this set of armor.

A master is a master after all.


Helot pointed to his head: "Why didn't you design a helmet?"

This set of alchemical armor does not have a helmet, and the skull-shaped head of the spiritual machine is exposed.

Regarding Helot's question, Master Laem replied: "Most of the spirit body is attached to the head. If the helmet is not designed appropriately, it will affect the spirit body's perception of the outside world.

And I don’t recommend using natural spirits for initial testing of spirit machinery, as they have no way to provide feedback on design flaws.

Will you divide your soul and control your spirit body? "

Helot replied: "Yes!"

On the train to Covenant City, he once controlled the spirit body to go to the murder scene. He felt that controlling the spirit body was quite easy.

"That's good! Since you can control the spirit body, you can let the spirit body you summon possess the spirit body machine. You control the spirit body as the real driver to find out the problems and solve them."

Helot thought... I control the spirit body and control the spirit machine.

Does it mean I have a second body?

This spiritual machine is even more interesting.

Recently, Helot felt that his time was becoming increasingly scarce.

During the day, he has to go to work to learn the technology of mechanically transforming humans, and he also takes time to go to Laboratory 014 on the sixth underground floor to research the development of chaos crystals.

After get off work, I have to enter the game world to learn magic from Master Laem, and at the same time improve my level and strength.

This had already made his time very tight, and as a result, something happened in the deep prison again. In the past, I could ignore it if I couldn't see it, but after seeing what Deep Prison did in Tieshi Community, I really couldn't turn a blind eye. Stealing the energy of death from living beings is a blasphemy against death. The more you understand death, the less you can stand the existence of this heresy.

Eradicate, must eradicate the deep prison!

The workload has increased again...

Buy Luna and teach yourself the technology of mechanical transformation.

Invest in Weasel Machinery Factory and do some mechanical experiments that you like.

Time is really not enough.

There were only a few pages of the books brought from Claulund Manor, which was really uncomfortable for Herot, who was a top student at school.

If I could have one more body, wouldn't it mean one more day?

Helot asked Master Laem: "Can I use this spiritual machine to do things independent of myself without affecting myself?"

Master Laem replied: "Of course! But this is not what I am good at, it is what Frank is good at. You have seen that he can divide himself into many clones, and those clones can be independent of the main body without backlash.

You can learn the soul-slicing technique from him. "

Yes, go find Frank.

Not only do you need to learn body skills, but you also need to seek his opinion on the design of spiritual machinery.

Helot organized Master Laem's manuscripts and left the prison with the design drawings of the spiritual machine.

After leaving the dungeon, he was stopped by a vampire guard.

"The Lord of the City is convening a meeting of lords. Please invite Lord Shattered Bones to attend the meeting."

Turn the corner and follow the vampire escort to the conference room.

At this time, the conference room was already noisy.

"Lord of Dorothea! Lord Boneshatter's invasion of Broken Woodland has given all of us lords a deep sense of crisis. Was Hansal killed like this because he intended to snatch Lord Boneshatter's stone?

No! This was a premeditated murder! He used this reason to kill Lord Hansal today, and tomorrow he will find any reason to break into our territory! "

"Yes, this is a premeditated murder!" A ghost lord shouted in his sharp voice: "Lord Dorothea, you must give an explanation to all our lords today, otherwise..."

Dorotea looked at the Ghost Lord: "Otherwise? Are you threatening me? Delirul!"

Ghost Lord Delirul shrank under Dorothea's gaze, his eyes constantly looking towards Ultado.

Urtado sat at the end of the long conference table this time.

The last seat was originally reserved for the lord with the lowest status, but Ultado came in and sat here, giving this position another layer of meaning.

Ultado said to Dorotea in a very calm tone: "Dorotea! There is a fact that none of the lords dare to say, so let me tell you. We all know that Broken Bones is a close confidant of You. His occupation of Broken Woodland must have been approved by you.

The last time you attacked Mudstone Basin, we lords felt the oppression from Scorched Earth City, but we all chose to endure in order to maintain your majesty. It's just that our patience seems to have been mistaken by you for cowardice, and as a result, the Broken Woodland suffered your vicious hands again.

I wonder who is next? We lords are all worried that we will be the next victims. Uncertainty about our future destiny will bring us together to fight unknown dangers, which is not conducive to the stability of Scorched Earth City. "

Dorotea looked at Ultado on the other side: "Urtado, you are the factor that makes Scorched Earth City unstable. I want to strengthen the military power of Scorched Earth City and concentrate the power of all the lords to Face the impending war in the decaying wasteland.

And you...have repeatedly challenged my authority! Do you want to sit in my position? "

Urtado said tit for tat: "Dorotea! If I were sitting in your position, maybe I could do better than you?"

Dorotea said angrily: "Wultado, you don't want to leave Scorched Earth City!"

Ultado: "We dare to come because we have already designated a successor. Dorothea, do you really want to be an enemy of all our lords?"

All the lords looked at Dorothea together.

Dorotea's momentum was suppressed.

At this time, a vampire shouted outside the conference room door: "Lord Bonebreaker is here!"

Dorotea's tense body immediately relaxed.

The door to the conference room was pushed open, and Helot strode in. Behind him were Bresini and Firollo. Firollo's dead fish eyes swept across the undead lords present, making them all feel the pressure from the ultimate undead creature.

Helot walked to sit next to Dorothea and said with a smile: "Sorry, I came late because I was busy receiving the surrendered souls from the Broken Woodland. I probably didn't miss the important part of the meeting."

Helot arrived as a victor in the war, suppressing the momentum of the lords.

The war in the Broken Woodland was a war they could not imagine. They could conquer the Broken Wood Fortress in one day and the entire Broken Woodland in seven days. The defense that Hansal was proud of was in vain, and millions of undead became decorations.

I heard that Lord Boneshatter only used less than 10,000 troops to attack Broken Woodland.

is it possible?

The undead lords scratched their heads and couldn't imagine how this war was fought, but it was a fact that the Broken Woodland was captured by the Bonecrusher Lord.

These lords are not afraid of Dorothea's typical sea-level push of skeletons in the Mud and Stone Basin, but they are deeply afraid of Lord Bonebreaker's battle to capture the Broken Woodland. None of their territories have natural defensive terrain like the Broken Woodland. Hansal was attacked by the Rottenwood Fortress in one day. Can his own fortress survive the attack of Lord Bonebreaker?

The lords are all afraid of being targeted by Lord Boneshatter and becoming the next Broken Woodland.

The confident Dorotea Helot said: "You are the most important lord in this meeting of lords. They want me to explain your capture of the Broken Woodland... Since you are here, it is up to you to explain. .”

Herot looked at Dorothea: What do I need from you?

Dorotea looked at Herot: You take care of it!

After eye contact, Helot said to many lords: "I think the Lord of Dorothea has told you the reason why I attacked Broken Woodland. So many stones were placed in front of Lord Hansal, and he didn't look for me. They didn't make a deal, but sent troops to rob me. Obviously, they didn't take me seriously.

I felt uneasy about having such a hostile neighbor, so I killed Hansal. If any of you think what I did is wrong, you can stand up and let me see it; if you want to avenge Hansal, you can declare a challenge to me now.

How many...I'll take them all! "

Dorotea looked at Herot again: Are you okay with being so provocative?

Helot: Isn’t there you too?

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