My Cell Prison

Chapter 751: black

"Is this ... slate?"

Dozens of weird humanoids connected to the center of the room through dozens of weird stone pillars, no matter how difficult it is, it is difficult to associate with the word 'slate' ...

However, one thing is certain.

The "pollution degree" of the slate reached the second highest level in Han Dong's mind, second only to the old King incident.

Of course, for Han Dong, there is no impact at all.

Even if Han Dong were to taste these, the black pollution liquid dripping from the slate toes would only taste the taste given by Ollie, and there would be no physical degradation.

"Is this ... can slate be personified?"

The slate hanging in the air is not only similar to humans, but also has obvious feminine characteristics.

The leader Hugo explained briefly: "After all, the slate carries the information of the old king's information ... it is normal for distortion to occur, but the distortion rate of this slab is much higher than other slabs.

Its current appearance is based in part on the "old king" corresponding to its written records.

Can you see anything? "

Hugo did not give too many hints, intending to let Han Dong 'scrutinize' the slate.

However, one thing Han Dong was very concerned about was that Hugo mentioned-"the image of the old king". The figure in front of him was really good.

Compared with the sacrifice of the Stuart ghoul in Han Dong's head, each step will bring the old king of endless plague. It is totally two concepts.

The old king who might face the Great Expedition may be a 'sister-in-law', and his sense of disobedience overflowed his body.

Shaking his head to dispel such ridiculous ideas, Han Dongli focused on understanding slate.

[Magic Eye]

"This is! Captain Hugo ... all the words are randomly shuffled and distributed on the derived stone pillars, and the missing rate is also high.

Moreover, the originally important pattern part of the slate seems to be preserved in the body.

The most important thing is that the ancient characters on these stone pillars will undergo random evolution of their position and character structure. Without the 'reference system', it is difficult to sort them correctly, let alone to decipher their hidden content. "

Listening to Han Dong's understanding, the head of Hugo smiled comfortably.

"It is indeed a copy of a high imitation, and the magic eyes you cultivate can see the problem clearly.

Yes, the difficulty is here.

Such random evolution will intensify with the contact of foreign objects ... and the "node patterns" that some deciphers must rely on are also seriously missing.

After our analysis, it is precisely the problem caused by the activation of the slate.

The important pattern originally printed on the slate has been transformed into a neural map and stored in the semi-finished slate brain (formed conscious body).

If you want to decipher, you must overcome three problems.

1. "How to make contact without irritating the slate and ensuring that it is not contaminated?"

2. "How can the pattern and combination of randomly changing characters on a stone pillar be perfectly printed?"

3. "How do I get a node pattern that has been transformed into a neural graph?"

"Head Hugo, maybe I can find a pattern."

"Oh? Come and listen."

"Dream ... I should be able to connect in a dream, letting me and the slate consciousness enter the same dream scene.

In the dream, through negotiation, grabbing, or trading, the "node pattern" hidden between the nervous systems is obtained.

Once successful, I will bring out the pattern and correctly arranged text as much as possible.

Since I have not participated in the deciphering work of the main slate, I would like to decipher the information on other slate, and I will leave it to the leader Hugo. "

"Well, the deciphering is naturally done by us ... It's just your way, dream? Is it difficult for you to go to the deep sea?" Chief Hugo said the key.

"Well ... unfortunately, we just came into contact with the deep sea through an investigation mission."

Han Dong took a few perfect conch from his pocket. He originally planned to take it back for research, but he didn't expect to be able to use it here.

"If you want to dive into the level of dreams, you will be in contact with the consciousness of this" affiliated slate "... As I said earlier, because of the semi-living effect, the slate is engraved with information about the old king, and it is inside The consciousness must be formed with reference to the old king.

You know what I mean? "

"Understand ... if I show anything unusual, please Captain Hugo interrupt the dream."

"Okay, you try it."

Head Hugo made an indifferent look.

Han Dong leaned down first, reaching out and contaminating the black slime on the ground.


Although Han Dong did not choose the "master of imitation" on the talent tree, the upgrade of the faceless person's head has taken imitation to the next level. Currently, he directly imitates the breath of slate and approaches slowly.

The text on the stone pillar did not change rapidly due to Han Dong's approach, indicating that there was no rejection.

Find the "respiratory system" on the anthropomorphic slate, and wear snails for the slate and yourself ... at the same time, use the "sea" intermediary to access the ocean dream.

When Han Dong's consciousness woke up in a dream, he was lying on a raft, drifting in the boundless sea.

A raft floated about a hundred meters away.

Looking from a distance, there is a black woman sitting on a raft ... where the raft is floating, the sea will be quickly blackened, and even the blackened sea surface has black tentacles floating.

Even knowing it is quite dangerous.

Han Dong still slid on the raft and passed the test towards the 'woman in the dark'.


Secret House.

Between the passages in the black zone, several senior archeologists are discussing the optimal deciphering method. They do not believe that Han Dong can do it all at once, at most it only gives them some dispensable information.

The other end.

Mr. Black and White are in a separate conversation with Charlie Knight.

After all, Charlie also graduated from the Department of Mystery. Although the mentor is not Mr. Black and White, he has also met the inscrutable department chair in several activities and meetings.

"Convergent, calm and calm ... Head Hugo really taught you two extremely important things."

"It used to be young and energetic, and it bothered the gentleman."

"You don't have to say much about the past. I hope you can perform better in the expedition."

"for sure!"

"Say, Charlie ... what do you think of Nicholas?"

"Very good schoolboy, more like humans than humans."

A simple evaluation made Mr. Black and White reveal a rare "mask smile."

at this time.

Charlie's face changed, and he stepped in front of Mr. Black and White.

Between his hands, the thin line was implicated, and three puppets, who were good at seals, appeared immediately, assisting Charlie's side, looking directly into the depths of the passage.


A burst of explosion came to ~ ~ a secret room was blown open.

Immediately afterwards, dark seawater like a flood poured from the inside.

Just as Charlie was preparing to apply a seal to the puppet, several other senior archeologists also planned to implement corresponding blockade measures.

Mr. Black and White's mask, I do not know when to switch from [Black] to [White].

When a finger was pointed out, a ray of star light shone in the current channel ... all the dark sea water was cleared instantly, leaving only a few black fish, shrimps and crabs completely blackened.

At this time.

There were sounds of footsteps deep in the passage.

If they fell into the ink tank and blackened the heads of Han Dong and Hugo, the seaweed and shells on their heads slowly appeared in front of everyone.

In Han Dong's hand, he also held a sheepskin roll ... on the black ink, all the node patterns hidden on the subsidiary slate were drawn, and the higher-order text was correctly sorted.

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