My Cell Game

Chapter 406 Magic Resistance

In fact, the process of finding the mutated Enterococcus was much simpler than Jiang Zuo imagined.

Jiang Zuoyuan thought that the mutated enterococcus was very small like the mutated cancer cells.

Unexpectedly, on this map where few players set foot, the scale of Enterococcus mutans has grown quite large.

Enterococci are conditional pathogenic bacteria, but these mutated enterococci seem to have little interest in endangering Jiang Zuo's health, and all their attention is placed on the source cells.

As soon as the active cells appear, they will pounce fiercely as if they have seen a long-lost prey.

Even if the number of source cells is too large for them to defeat, they will pounce on them like moths to a flame without hesitation, as if attacking source cells is their only mission.

Attacking the source cells is one of the characteristics of the blood death virus, which also made Jiang Zuo somewhat certain that the unknown mutation of these enterococci is probably related to the blood death virus.

This behavior of attacking the source cells is eliminating the natural enemy of the blood death virus. From a long-term perspective, it is actually threatening Jiang Zuo's health.

Not long after this undead warrior team arrived, they encountered two wandering Enterococcus mutants.

The levels of these two mutant enterococci are around level 50. The undead warrior team has a total of twenty undead fighters. When divided, it is equivalent to ten undead fighters dealing with one mutant enterococcus.

One fight to ten, if it is more than level 60, it may be possible, but for the Mutant Enterococcus around level 50, it is not the opponent of this elite undead warrior team at all.

The process of catching these two mutated enterococci is very simple. The undead warriors don't need to contain the mutated enterococcus, because the two mutated enterococci have no intention of escaping at all. They just turned around and rushed towards the undead warrior team.

The battle between the two sides was fierce. After losing two undead warriors, this undead warrior team killed one Mutant Enterococcus and successfully captured the other.

After catching the target, the team didn't stop, and immediately returned the way they came from with the mutated enterococcus.

When the mutated Enterococcus was brought back to the gathering place of professional NPCs, Jiang Zuo and Shu Ran had already been waiting there for a long time.

Shu Ran couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw the mutated enterococcus in front of him.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Zuo asked.

Shu Ran said: "As far as I know, most enterococci have no flagella and no obvious capsule.

But look at this Enterococcus mutans, it has too many flagella, there are hundreds of them, and the outer capsule is also obvious, and its capsule is very thick. "

Jiang Zuo didn't feel any surprise, "It's not strange, after all, it is a mutated enterococcus, and it must be different from ordinary enterococci."

"No, no, you don't understand me.

I mean, if this is a mutation caused by the blood-killing virus, under the control of the blood-killing virus, the characteristics of the mutated Enterococcus should tend to kill the source cells. "Shu Ran explained:

"That is to say, the flagella and capsule of this mutated Enterococcus should make it easier to kill the source cells and pose a greater threat to the source cells.

I can understand the hundreds of flagella. After all, the movement speed of the mutant Enterococcus is accelerated, which is more conducive to fighting the source cells.

But I can't understand this very thick capsule. What's the use of this extra capsule? The capsule seems to have little effect on the source cell. "

"Why didn't it work? I think it's very useful!" Jiang Zuo said:

"Look at this layer of capsule covering the surface of the bacteria, isn't it a natural 'armor'? It's equivalent to an extra layer of 'armor' protection, and the capsule is so thick. Is this obviously a protection against the attack of the source cells?

The sprayed protein from the source cell was blocked by the capsule. "

Shu Ran disagreed with Jiang Zuo's explanation, "But can this layer of capsule really play a protective role? You see, this layer of capsule is basically a layer of loose mucus-like substance, which cannot protect at all." The role of jet protein.

Didn't you see just now that undead fighters of level 30 can easily penetrate the capsule.

Don't forget, these mutant enterococci are about 50 levels, more than ten levels higher than the undead warriors.

This is as ridiculous as a level 20 source cell carefully buying a full body armor, only to be easily penetrated by a level 2 ball virus.

When the source cell reaches level 50, no, when it reaches level 40, the protective effect of this layer of capsule against Enterococcus mutans is basically 0, and it can't stop the spray protein of the source cell of that level at all. "

After listening to Shu Ran's explanation, Jiang Zuo pondered for a moment, "You mean, this layer of capsule is not to protect the source cells from attacking?"

"It should be like this, but what is the specific use, I don't know yet. The cause of these enterococcus mutations may not be the blood death virus, but some other reasons that we don't know."

"Isn't it caused by the blood death virus? Can you find out the specific reason?" Jiang Zuo asked.

"I can determine whether it is caused by the blood death virus. The process is very simple, as long as the enterococcus is killed and the material inside it spreads out, I can know whether it is the cause of the blood death virus."

"No problem." Jiang Zuo said, signaling the undead warrior team to come over and kill the mutant enterococcus on the spot.

After the mutant Enterococcus was killed, the internal material gradually spread to the surroundings.

Due to the small size of the Enhancer and the Corrosion Poison King, the source cells cannot be observed, so Jiang Zuo can only wait aside, waiting for Shu Ran to give the result.

After a while, Shu Ran said: "It is indeed a mutation caused by the blood death virus.

This blood death virus is an enhancer, and it is the same blood death virus that causes cancer cells to mutate.

The enhancer parasitizes the Enterococcus, causing the Enterococcus to mutate and strengthen to become a mutant Enterococcus that specializes in dealing with the source cells.

Those flagella and capsules should also be mutated products, specially made to deal with the source cells. "

"Wait, the capsule is specially designed to deal with the source cells? Didn't you say that the capsule has no protective effect? ​​The mutated capsule is the product of failure?" Jiang Zuo asked with some doubts.

"Let me think about it, it must be useful, but we haven't discovered the function of the capsule yet. If we don't find out as soon as possible, maybe players will suffer a lot in the battle against mutant enterococcus in the future." Shu Ran said .

After contemplating for a while, Shu Ran suddenly asked, "Jiang Zuo, have you ever played online games?"

"Online games? Of course I've played online games before!" Jiang Zuo was a little puzzled by this question. He must have been in contact with online games, and he has been in contact with quite a lot.

When he was in college, Jiang Zuo would often play online games in his spare time, and he was quite familiar with the popular online games in the Empire market.

"Then have you heard of this term?" Shu Ran asked.



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