My Cell Can Infinitely Evolve

Chapter 90: power enhanced

Luo Fan ate a crocodile, seven deformed creatures, more than 80 ordinary large creatures, and some small creatures that were excavated along the way.

As for other buried creatures, Luo Fan didn't waste his energy digging, after all, he couldn't provide him with much nutrients.

After absorbing all that can be absorbed here, he observed his body.

Name: Rowan

Wisdom Level: Ordinary Human+

Body mass: 243.28kg

Morphological structure: eyeball, intestine (six), energy storage tumor, tail spine, claws (four), claw of the beast (four), feeling, predator scale (covering the whole body), pearl (intestine), spore (intestine), the heart of the beast...

Morphological distribution:  …

Special Effects: Hardness +2 (coverage area: all structures except scales, claws, and claws), Toughness +1 (coverage area: all structures except scales, claws, and claws)

After absorbing all the corpses in this place, his body became even bigger.

"The bioenergy content in the body has also reached 18kg. The predator alone provided me with more than two kilograms of bioenergy. Almost every one of those deformed creatures contains nearly 1kg of bioenergy."

Luo Fan distributes these biological energy evenly throughout his body, nourishing every tissue and organ.

Compared to the total number of cells in his body, the number of these level 3 cells is still very rare.

But overall, these Level 3 cells still provided Luo Fan with powerful abilities.

These grade 3 cells are not evenly distributed in his body. The density of some tissues and organs has reached 1/3000, while in some places it is only 1/3000.

"Level 3 cells can directly drive the surrounding level 2 cells, and now my overall life is very powerful."

After seeing his own situation, Luo Fan began to prepare to leave here.

This time, he absorbed almost all the high-end combat power in the entire sewer.

The biological energy stored in the body is also very terrifying, equivalent to the biological energy stored in the body of the nine predators.

However, the biological energy of the predators is almost evenly distributed to every cell, and Luo Fan's biological energy is concentrated in a certain cell.

"You can leave here."

Luo Fan had already sensed the exit, and then he went towards the exit.

As for the fungus nest behind him, Luo Fan didn't want to explore it.

He doesn't want to know what secrets are in it, and now he just wants to get out of here as soon as possible.

He was fed up with the darkness in the sewer.

No sunshine, no supplies. It was full of darkness, filth, and filth, almost the darkest years of his life.

And what plan Wang Xianfeng has, Luo Fan doesn't want to go into it, he doesn't want to participate in things that have nothing to do with him.


When Luo Fan left, his "spore" intestine was faintly touched.

Unconsciously, he lifted it slightly, and eagerly reached in the direction of the fungus.

Luo Fan stopped and looked back, he could feel the spore's desire.

Countless spores are parasitized on the intestinal tract of this fungus.

Its parasitic numbers are very large.

In order to increase the quality of the original Luo Fan, he ate a lot of fungi, so that the dense parasite on the intestinal tract was full of spores.

Later, as the size of his body increased, the length of his intestines increased.

However, he killed too many sewer creatures, and also absorbed a lot of spores from those creatures and parasitic on himself.

It can be said that all the spores in the organisms in the entire sewer add up to as much as him.

However, these spores have been completely subdued by Luo Fan, quietly parasitic on his intestines, without any change.

At this time, when he was about to leave here, the gut actually had a thirst for bacteria.

Luo Fan glanced behind him complicatedly, thought for a moment, then turned and left.

If he goes back, there is a high probability that he will die inside.

He finally escaped, and it is impossible for him to go back.

"If you desire, and come back later when you are stronger, I have a feeling that this place will exist for a while."

Luo Fan silently said a word to his own spore, and then left here without any hesitation.

If he goes back again, he will either be swallowed up by these spores, or he will be killed by Wang Xianfeng with a bomb.

Luo Fan believed that since Wang Xianfeng stayed inside, he must have prepared his back.


Luo Fan came to the exit.

Because of the violent explosion, this exit has been blown open.

The huge and heavy round valve had been shaken by the explosion and fell down.

Looking inside, it was also a circular pipe, pitch black, leading into the distance.

Luo Fan calmed down and walked in.

He didn't know what was ahead, but he could only keep moving forward in order to survive in this cruel world.

He got into the dark hole and explored forward.

The hole is very long, and Luo Fan walked forward, thinking about the months in the sewers.

He had seen too many lowly, lingering living creatures.

Those human beings who were struggling to survive may now be dead here, just like other creatures.

They must be desperate.

And it is very likely that just a few hundred kilometers away from this sewer, there is a group of high-rise buildings, and the human beings inside are singing and dancing.

One world, two destinies.

And for the creatures that survived, the sewers are even crueler than the natural world.

To live in this place, be it herbivores or carnivores, you have to learn - "eat meat".

Luo Fan was quite touched and walked quietly in this sewer.

It was the serene sewer of the mouth he walked through.

After walking for a long time, a different voice finally appeared.

"There is the sound of water!"

Luo Fan's feeling received this shock and transmitted it to his consciousness.

He seemed to be reaching the end of the passage.

After hearing this voice, Luo Fan couldn't help speeding up his pace.

He quickly ran towards the direction where the sound came from, passing quickly from this place.

After a while, Luo Fan saw the exit.

"finally reached!"

His senses have already sensed the existence of the exit, right in front of him.

"Everything ahead is unknown, I hope to leave the city smoothly."

Luo Fan is just trying his best to survive, and while surviving, he also has a pursuit, that is, to strengthen himself.

He took this step and entered this exit.

After this, he will leave this sewer completely.

"Many corpses!"

This is a large space, the space is full of skeletons, and there are still water streams that flow from not far away and accumulate here.

It's all bones, not a little bit of flesh and blood.

Their flesh and blood seemed to flow into water and piled up underneath, forming a silt-like thing.


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